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Hahaha Legacy Storage only has 5 tabs for 50 million credits


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But the guild ship discussion is somewhat different since there seems to be alot of people there talking about how THEY can't afford a guild ship, not how THEIR GUILD can't.

Most of the discussions there isn't about if 50 million is too much for a guild or not, but about the fact that some seem to think they will have to pay it themselves.

Or that they don't trust their guild, and that's a whole different discussion.

Alot of the people who thought 50 mil was too much for guild ships actually seem to have changed their opinion after people break it down for them that it isn't really that hard for a guild to get that kind of money.

So, whole different discussion.




You are aware that there is an edit button right?

But you just said:

It's always easier to speak up and be vocal when you are upset about something. Very few actually speak up and say that stuff is fine.


You can't say "that's different because a lot of people said that it's OK" and then say that no one bothers to comment unless it's negative.

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And your "vast majority" consists of maby 20-30 people saying the same thing over and over in different threads.

The actual majority of the forums seem to not care either way.


It's always easier to speak up and be vocal when you are upset about something. Very few actually speak up and say that stuff is fine.


forums are not a majority, period. actualy majority may not even have any idea that they are planning prices that high. more over - your insistence that quality of life feature is a luxury is... fascinating. but no matter. I'm pretty damn sure that people who can afford this feature and/or would be willing to pay to expand it beyond first free bay at its current prices - are in a minority.


if that's bioware' intent - to make this feature even more limited than we thought it would be, by pricing it so high... then what can I say.... I guess its a good thing I enjoy a variety of games, so relegating TOR to my occasional raiding/soloing fix with guildies via ops passes bought of GTN and focusing on other games instead won't be all that much of a stretch.

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But you just said:



You can't say "that's different because a lot of people said that it's OK" and then say that no one bothers to comment unless it's negative.


They weren't saying "it's ok", they were saying "you're looking at this wrong. you are misenterpreting it".


People often speak up when they see that someone else is upset about something they have a misconception about.

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forums are not a majority, period. actualy majority may not even have any idea that they are planning prices that high. more over - your insistence that quality of life feature is a luxury is... fascinating. but no matter. I'm pretty damn sure that people who can afford this feature and/or would be willing to pay to expand it beyond first free bay at its current prices - are in a minority.


if that's bioware' intent - to make this feature even more limited than we thought it would be, by pricing it so high... then what can I say.... I guess its a good thing I enjoy a variety of games, so relegating TOR to my occasional raiding/soloing fix with guildies via ops passes bought of GTN and focusing on other games instead won't be all that much of a stretch.


So in other words:

This is priced too high, so I'm gonna quit playing.

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So in other words:

This is priced too high, so I'm gonna quit playing.


way to put words in my mouth there, buddy.


more like - its priced to high, meaning yet another content update I have no interest in, meaning there's not much for me to do in a game outside of my regularly scheduled guild activities and that can be done with preferred account, meaning - what's the point of subscribing, when I could spend that $15 a month on something I will actualy use.


see, I'm a very pragmatic person with great appreciation for math and limited time to spend on leisure activities. no more, no less.

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way to put words in my mouth there, buddy.


more like - its priced to high, meaning yet another content update I have no interest in, meaning there's not much for me to do in a game outside of my regularly scheduled guild activities and that can be done with preferred account, meaning - what's the point of subscribing, when I could spend that $15 a month on something I will actualy use.


see, I'm a very pragmatic person with great appreciation for math and limited time to spend on leisure activities. no more, no less.


And all those words still come down to "this feature is priced too high so I'm not going to play any more"


Seriously, if they gave away the entire thing for free, would that really be enough for you to consider it worth staying to play? (or if it cost 20 mil, 10 mil or 5 mil, doesn't matter since that's not the point I'm making here)

If all that tips the scale is the pricing of the legacy bank, then you were more than halfway out the door anyway.


And that's ok. You should play what makes you happy.

But don't try and sugarcoat it with a tirade of words.

What you said boils down to exactly what I said.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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This forum seriously needs a consolidated info thread on the three upcoming QOL additions.




But just to add: 5 tabs at 80 slots each PLUS your regular storage... what the hell do you guys need? Lol! I for one doubt I will use 5 tabs. Since bound gear will remain bound, I'm not going to be using Legacy storage to dump everything in there. I fail to see what the big deal is.


I get one tab, 80 slots, for free, that will be fine to start with. If I need more I will get more, but at this point I doubt I will spend 50 mill on storage when there are other things much more worthy.

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Comparing to other games is a slippery slope.


GW2 for example required real money to unlock the tabs... would that be ok with you? If bioware deleted the credit option entirely and made it all cost CC to unlock?

Because "other games" did that so then it's ok.


So what is GW2 monthly sub?

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They not only know how many credits you have, they know how many you make in a day, how many you spend in a day, how often you spend, what you spend it on...everything.


And they know that about all the players. I trust their numbers. Sure, you might not fit in the largest chunk of players that these prices are designed around...but most people will end up buying the stuff at this cost. Numbers just don't lie.


and their "vision" led to a mass exodus of accounts after launch. they are not infallible. they do make mistakes even if they stretch the truth afterwards and claim it is working as intended and just an experiment. I feel they have made a mistake here. you disagree. only time will tell.

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And all those words still come down to "this feature is priced too high so I'm not going to play any more"


Seriously, if they gave away the entire thing for free, would that really be enough for you to consider it worth staying to play? (or if it cost 20 mil, 10 mil or 5 mil, doesn't matter since that's not the point I'm making here)

If all that tips the scale is the pricing of the legacy bank, then you were more than halfway out the door anyway.


And that's ok. You should play what makes you happy.

But don't try and sugarcoat it with a tirade of words.

What you said boils down to exactly what I said.


lol. you just hear what you want to hear don't you. not that I'm surprised.


and while i never said I wanted it for free, just more reasonably priced - yes I would actualy use it. and play around with it. as its not something that I would ever consider as a goal given its current pricing - I won't be utilizing it, meaning I'll not be spending sufficient enough time in game to require subscription to continue to play the parts of the game I'm still utilizing. after all.. i don't need to subscribe to level yet another alt. or run an op with my guild (I just need ops pass for that and I have plenty of those.


it may come as a surprise to you, but how much things cost? it DOES matter. I know it all too well, becasue my real life living depends on selling things and that depends on how I price things. and it does make a difference between a sale and no sale - how you price something, how well perceived value matches up with a price. you have to either raise perceived value, or lower the cost. do neither and you lose a sale. simple.


/shrug. whatever bioware decides is honestly no skin of my back. would I have liked to have acess to all 5 tabs? yes. will it be the end of the world if i don't? not even remotely.

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All I am saying is that when you have a reason to believe something is priced higher than its value, you will want the price to come down.

Things other than monetary equivalents do not have "a value," not in the real world and not in a game. They have a bunch of values determined by both buyers and sellers.


When a seller assigns a value to an object that is higher than the value assigned to it by customer A, no sale takes place. But customer B may vlaue it more than the seller does, and therefore may consider it a bargain.


This is a law of economics, and intrinsic: if everyone valued everything the same, why would anyone ever sell or trade? And values change over time, to both buyers and sellers.

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What I find odd (no pun intended) is that not even two months ago, Oddball was one of the people who was up in arms because they jacked up the rarity and CC costs for casino pack. I could give two ***** about what Bioware does for CC costs and rarity. I could have said same thing he's telling us now. Armor shells, emotes, mounts and gun shells are a luxury no? Far more frivilous than a QoL features. But I said very little because I could see it actually bothered many people this happened. I wasn't going to tell them "Well it doesn't matter, Bioware is always right, just sit down and shut up".


Why contuinal tell us as if you are going to be change our minds about it? Bioware is not infallible and not unprone to greed, you should know better from your own complaint. And you should know that if outrage is big enough they can change their habits. You and others complaints showed that.

Edited by Nickious
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Things other than monetary equivalents do not have "a value," not in the real world and not in a game. They have a bunch of values determined by both buyers and sellers.


When a seller assigns a value to an object that is higher than the value assigned to it by customer A, no sale takes place. But customer B may vlaue it more than the seller does, and therefore may consider it a bargain.


This is a law of economics, and intrinsic: if everyone valued everything the same, why would anyone ever sell or trade? And values change over time, to both buyers and sellers.


There are more values than economical ones....but I don't think that topic is for a forum like this.


What you explain is in fact what I've been explaining, but just with other words. I've stated in various places that the value assigned is personal and that there is room for negotiation.


The only things I have combatted here on these topics is people's condescension towards people with other values and their incessant attempts to counter bargaining even though they were not concerned.


It's been like going to the store and getting something for a lower price and another customer getting angry that I am trying to get it for less, even though he could then get it for less as well.


I don't get that attitude. That's all.

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lol. you just hear what you want to hear don't you. not that I'm surprised.


and while i never said I wanted it for free, just more reasonably priced - yes I would actualy use it. and play around with it. as its not something that I would ever consider as a goal given its current pricing - I won't be utilizing it, meaning I'll not be spending sufficient enough time in game to require subscription to continue to play the parts of the game I'm still utilizing. after all.. i don't need to subscribe to level yet another alt. or run an op with my guild (I just need ops pass for that and I have plenty of those.


it may come as a surprise to you, but how much things cost? it DOES matter. I know it all too well, becasue my real life living depends on selling things and that depends on how I price things. and it does make a difference between a sale and no sale - how you price something, how well perceived value matches up with a price. you have to either raise perceived value, or lower the cost. do neither and you lose a sale. simple.


/shrug. whatever bioware decides is honestly no skin of my back. would I have liked to have acess to all 5 tabs? yes. will it be the end of the world if i don't? not even remotely.


You don't need to subscribe to use the legacy bank either.

Let me ask you this then. If there was no legacy bank in this update and if they never even announced it.

Would you be unsubscribing by now?

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What I find odd (no pun intended) is that not even two months ago, Oddball was one of the people who was up in arms because they jacked up the rarity and CC costs for casino pack. I could give two ***** about what Bioware does for CC costs and rarity. I could have said same thing he's telling us now. Armor shells, emotes, mounts and gun shells are a luxury no? Far more frivilous than a QoL features. But I said very little because I could see it actually bothered many people this happened. I wasn't going to tell them "Well it doesn't matter, Bioware is always right, just sit down and shut up".


Why contuinal tell us as if you are going to be change our minds about it? Bioware is not infallible and not unprone to greed, you should know better from your own complaint. And you should know that if outrage is big enough they can change their habits. You and others complaints showed that.


The big difference here being that we paid real money for that stuff.

This is about in-game virtual cash.

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You don't need to subscribe to use the legacy bank either.

Let me ask you this then. If there was no legacy bank in this update and if they never even announced it.

Would you be unsubscribing by now?


no, but you do need to subscribe to get early acess to it.


so my answer to your last question is:



doesn't mean i wouldn't be playing, mind you. just not paying subscription.


there are very few reasons I still subscribe. one of them is getting early acess to features I may potentially like.

second is not needing to worry about escrow unlocks in case I want to buy something that costs more than 350k credits.

third and that reason is situation and mostly an addendum - ability to queue item crafting instead of doing it one at a time


I do dislike quest reward restrictions for f2p/preferred immensely, but they don't affect me personally. I'm at the point in a game, where not getting those quest rewards doesn't even make a dent. I gear outside of them, I have a enough of a cash reserve to never worry about lost credits for cash box rewards. when I rail against it its not becasue it affects me - its becasue on newer players, the ones we may want to bring into the fold instead of push away, it has much greater negative effect.


I don't even need subscription to get cartel coins as I have found that 95% of the time, I'm better off just buying coins directly with money I would have spent on subscription, whenever I feel like unlocking some piece of gear or other in collections, from a more recent pack. get to unlock more sets that way for sure.


legacy storage, such as it is was the one strongholds feature I was genuinely looking forward to. personally. and yes I'm aware of the 80 I get for free. that's nice. barely useful, but nice. just nothing to get excited about.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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