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How much do you trust you Guild/Guild-leader = 50 million Credits?


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Price a feature so far out?


First of all the true value of the Guild Flagship will only be known when more is disclosed about the Guild conquest system.


Second, how much does it cost to unlock all the Guild bank tabs these days? Last time I checked it was 60 million.


Third, it's amazingly easy to earn credits in SWTOR these days, loads of dailies with a weekly bonus, crafting mats that can be purchased with redundant basic coms (isotope-5 vials) not to mention the cash alternative of buying Cartel Market packs/unlocks and selling them on the GTN.


Fourth, it's not 50 million per character, it's 50 million all in, and at least 3 weeks to earn it in if you want the Flagship on day one of release.


Lastly, if you are in a small guild and don't trust the Guild leader enough to contribute your fair share are you sure you're in the right guild for you?


Sad to see so many people think with their own pockets and their own time.

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Honestly I've NEVER been in a guild where I wouldn't trust the GM. In any game I've every played.


I don't join a guild unless I've researched it for a bit.


If you don't trust them then why would you spend hours a week taking on tough content with them?

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If you don't trust them then why would you spend hours a week taking on tough content with them?


I've spent hours taking on tough content in PUGs, why not a guild? My first HM run ever was in a PUG, only one wipe to boot :)

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If people don't trust their GM, they're in the wrong place I reckon. It's not the game or the developers' fault.


Yeah, I've never joined a Guild where I didn't trust the GM and Officers.


I've never even applied to a Guild where I didn't trust the higher-ups.


In any game.


That's because if you don't trust them you won't enjoy yourself as much. And why would I join a guild that hurt my fun?

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Oh who cares? It's just monopoly money anyway. Just don't donate more than you can afford to, just like in real life.


In our guild, the leadership is the source of most of the funds anyway. Yes, I trust them with their own credits. I also email one of our leaders mats for 180 hilts and barrels, with complete faith I will get them. YMMV. :)


(BTW, if you do not trust your guild leadership, *** and FTW are recruiting. :D)

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Yes, I do trust my Guild Leader with 50 mil and I think it is perfectly appropriate cost for an awesome guild ship providing many bonuses.


Of course we don't know what the 50 million gets you yet. Some of the bonuses the ship might have may have separate unlock costs.


In other games I played a guild location had to be purchased and then if you wanted to have things like a merchant, storage etc, you'd have to pay to add those in the location. Might be the same here. So depending on what BW decided 50 million creds might just be the start of it.

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Let preface by saying that 50M credits is not a lot on a personal ground, But do I/You trust your guild leadership. After talking with a few people on the forums and seeing the current fleet chat. I do believe that 50M credits is a bit much. Yes, Guild Ships should have to be earned.

How much do I trust my Guild Leader? Hmmmm...


If I asked him "My subscription is running out and I'm going to take a break from the game. Can I dump my credits to the Guild Bank for safe keeping?" - I don't doubt he'd say "Sure, np". He would then write it down in one of the many lists he keeps and we'd probably create a thread on guild forums confirming the credits were deposited. They would still be there several months later.


I could also give my credits to some guildies too. Just as I did last year. :eek:

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Usually I roll an alt, see a "join our big social guild 10xp/10rep, we have cookies!" post in general on Tython or Ord Mantell, think "sure, why not?", whisper and get an invite. Sometimes I participate in the chat, sometimes I would go and help with a quest, but that's all. I don't use guild bank or guild repair funds in any way. With my main guild, I raided a few times, but basically, we're just random people thrown together and hardly know each other well. So, no, I don't have any grounds to trust anyone - if do I make any donations, it's only to make myself feel better.
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My guild gave me two free speeders, one of them a rare and expensive Cartel Market job. And I'm just a fringe member, a casual player who isn't really all that in with the core crowd.


I trust them completely.

Edited by PLynkes
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How much do I trust my Guild Leader? Hmmmm...


If I asked him "My subscription is running out and I'm going to take a break from the game. Can I dump my credits to the Guild Bank for safe keeping?" - I don't doubt he'd say "Sure, np". He would then write it down in one of the many lists he keeps and we'd probably create a thread on guild forums confirming the credits were deposited. They would still be there several months later.


I could also give my credits to some guildies too. Just as I did last year. :eek:




My GM lent pretty much every poor player in our guild (+50 people) 10 million credits for the "wealthy" title. He's given people crit-crafted Operations gear and an Officer gave me a Skiff for my birthday.

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Usually I roll an alt, see a "join our big social guild 10xp/10rep, we have cookies!" post in general on Tython or Ord Mantell, think "sure, why not?", whisper and get an invite. Sometimes I participate in the chat, sometimes I would go and help with a quest, but that's all. I don't use guild bank or guild repair funds in any way. With my main guild, I raided a few times, but basically, we're just random people thrown together and hardly know each other well. So, no, I don't have any grounds to trust anyone - if do I make any donations, it's only to make myself feel better.

Trust comes with time spent together. There's enough group content in SWTOR to get you to group wth your guildies, do the content and chat each other up. There's the guild chat too. Spending time with guildies is the only way you'll get to know them. Over time, the guild will be formed by like-minded people who don't steal, cheat and scam anyone - not just their guildies.


My first guild here was a small guild formed by a group of WoW players that have been playing for a few years. I was recruited by them spamming /1 looking for members. Let me tell you that those people had it all wrong. The Guild Bank was set up in such a way that members could deposit anything but could not withdraw a single item or credit. The policy was you had to ask a "council" member to retrieve the item for you. This meant you would sometimes wait for a few days. It was paranoid and offputting. I have spent way too much time as a member there but now I know what to avoid next time.


My current guild is a smoothly-run organsation. The leader puts time and effort into making sure everything runs smoothly and that no one is being or feeling left out. You haven't been on our Tuesday 16M farm raid? No problem, you'll be there on Saturday. You have four outstanding "free crafting" tickets? That's great, but can you skip rolling on RE tokens and focus on armor pieces so that everyone else is properly geared? You can? That's great. Have a cookie. And if you kill both end bosses in DF and DP HM you get a higher rank which gives you 250k in guild repairs every week. It's a rich guild, but it's rich only because the leader and the players worked to make it that way.

Edited by slafko
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The best way to know each other better is to use VoIP software like TeamSpeak. Guilds that solely rely on the chat won't make far.

Have not read the whole thread, but if you cannot trust you leadership, then one of this is true:

a) you dont trust anyone

b) you in the wrong guild

c) he doesn't take part in a guild activity so why would he need a guildship in the first place if he doesn't do things together with his guild (either ops or dailies)?

Edited by PavSalco
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I absolutely trust my guild leader. After working with him over the past two years I can say my trust is as solid as it can get! Not only that, I also trust each of my guild members as we take a "quality over quantity" approach. On top of that, I'm positive that each of my platoon members within the company have that same trust with me and the other officers. It's a shame some in other guilds don't seem to have this relationship. I consider trust to be one the corner stones of what a guild is, if you don't have that... Then I'd suggest a change in scenery.
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On a PvP server (namely ToFN) there are VERY few guilds I can think of that are still around and active since the launch of the game. In fact, I can think of about 4. Guilds come and go like day and night, and I know a lot of people would have serious hesitations dropping millions of credits on a guild flagship when there's no guarantee it's going to be around next week.
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Do I trust GM and Officer in guilds in general? No, I find most of them to be crooks

Do I trust my current GM and Officers in my current guild? Yes


My guild doesn't have 50 million for guild ship. When I logged and told them the price, the officers start talking about how to raise funds. Most likely a couple times a week we'll get together as a guild and knock of dailies fast and donate those credits to guild ship.

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Wait for the 99 vs 1% threads to start popping up.


Heh, I don't get the people who don't have millions of credits but have played the game since launch.


I can understand it if you just recently got your first 55 because you started playing this year or something, but honestly, how can anyone who plays the game regularly with at least one 55 not have millions of credits?


I personally don't do end-game content (HM FP's, Ops or Ranked PvP) and I don't like dailies so I do them only enough to get the rep I need to buy whatever I like at the rep vendor.

And I only have 3 lvl 55's (two of which I got this year), but I still have around 10-12 million across all my toons.

And I'm what they'd call "a spender" and an altaholic.


So I just don't understand why people consider 50 million credits "alot" for a guild to pool together.

Well, I do get that people are cheap and don't want to pay for anything, but that's not the point here.

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