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SW:TOR 4th biggest Sub MMO in the world


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And yet, here we are, somehow managing to get stuff done on a regular basis. It's almost as if the described situation either has no impact on content release or it simply doesn't exist in reality.


lol bottleneck.


Yea I wonder how long it really takes under the new ownership, not to mention pretty much none of what goes on now being considered canon (turning the EU into "legends").

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I won't believe any of their rubbish anymore about technical issues, class stories being too expensive, "(insert popular community request) would take too much resources".
You do realize there are other resources than just money right? Some things are primitive to create {CM armors) while others are massively complicated (new features).

However, EA should redirect more of that money back to the game, instead of cloning FIFA all over again, but this time adding a brand new color of goal. That game makes most of its production costs immediately from ads placed all over it.

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So ESO has like 800k subs that is better than I thought.


IMO lot of them are still people who bought 6 month sub when the game launched. Just like here, "the numbers" were good, but the reality on the servers did not reflect that (and the old team was mostly blind to reality)

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You do realize there are other resources than just money right? Some things are primitive to create {CM armors) while others are massively complicated (new features).

However, EA should redirect more of that money back to the game, instead of cloning FIFA all over again, but this time adding a brand new color of goal. That game makes most of its production costs immediately from ads placed all over it.


You're looking at it wrong. Some cloning is going around, namely in the CM... Not as bad as some people say but there is.


Also, LOL at the people who claim that ESO was to be a massive failure it would seem.

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I have doubts about that, it would seem to me that BW have some of autonomy within EA. I don't think it is that simple.



edit: Not to mention 165 million is the revenue, profit is more likely to be much much less than that.


From my understanding the ideal profit( comming from a business major friend of mine) is to make at least 2x what ever you pay otherwise it is not good profit.

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I'm happy to see that SWTOR is healthy and doing well for itself. For a PvE-centric casual, BW's target audience, this game has a lot to offer and is well worth the sub. It will only be moreso after Galactic Strongholds, which is just a month away.


With the incoming slate of new Star Wars movies, BW could really make out big if they play their cards right.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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With it doing so well why does it seem like the only new content is CC market stuff.


Seems GSH is being hyped for months and in reality will bring 4 new areas for us to move furniture round in. Now for people that don't own their own place this might be hours of fun but sadly not much in the way of new content outside of dropping some furniture and moving it around then realising it doesn't do anything and back to waiting for more story.

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With it doing so well why does it seem like the only new content is CC market stuff.


Seems GSH is being hyped for months and in reality will bring 4 new areas for us to move furniture round in. Now for people that don't own their own place this might be hours of fun but sadly not much in the way of new content outside of dropping some furniture and moving it around then realising it doesn't do anything and back to waiting for more story.


Do you people just ignore the fact that the CM items are made by a completely DIFFERENT team from the one that does the normal content like GSF, GSH, and 3.0?

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FFXIV isn't doing as well as you seem to think.... Losing players because of lack of good guilds on some servers, and because of pure gameplay on others.


Guys, FFXIV is not listed because it was released om August, 2013...According to search queries, FFXIV is more popular than SWTOR and TERA : https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%2Fm%2F064ln09%2C%20%2Fm%2F04q3kvg%2C%20%2Fm%2F07s8gkl&date=today%2012-m&cmpt=q

Edited by Arturioss
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Guys, FFXIV is not listed because it was released om August, 2013...According to search queries, FFXIV is more popular than SWTOR and TERA : https://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%2Fm%2F064ln09%2C%20%2Fm%2F04q3kvg%2C%20%2Fm%2F07s8gkl&date=today%2012-m&cmpt=q


uhh, you realize that is just a chart of how much people are googling it, not how many are playing, or how much income it is making.


Also look at the regional interests in that search. Nearly all of FFXIV interest is coming out of japan.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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Do you people just ignore the fact that the CM items are made by a completely DIFFERENT team from the one that does the normal content like GSF, GSH, and 3.0?


actually it's quite the opposite. Because the CM crew is separate, we're all wondering what on earth the regular content team has been doing so far this year.


Don't get me wrong, I like this game a lot but truth be told, proper new content has been waiting for quite a while now. When GSF started coming out last year I was hopeful that content releases would get more regular and I did say on various occasions that this year was the year SWTOR could solidify itself and prove it was there to stay.


It's been a long time though since proper PvE content has been brought out and as much as I like this game I can't be blinded to that fact. Personally I am looking forward to strongholds but I also have friends who won't even log into SWTOR again till 3.0 proves to be worthwhile. All in all the content release schedule is the weakest part of the game atm in my view. It's specifically a weakness because it makes people look elsewhere and not just the really hardcore players.

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(...) Personally I am looking forward to strongholds but I also have friends who won't even log into SWTOR again till 3.0 proves to even exist. (...)


Partly an exaggeration but given what we know, which is close to ZILCH, probably not so much.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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You're looking at it wrong. Some cloning is going around, namely in the CM... Not as bad as some people say but there is.


Also, LOL at the people who claim that ESO was to be a massive failure it would seem.


I was talking about EA in general, FIFA, as in the football "simulator", nothing related to SWTOR. And that FIFA is basically the same game each year, just with new face models to reflect current team rosters.


And ESO, I say let us wait for a while, because they are IMO suffering from the exactly the same thing SWTOR did, and that is seemingly great numbers from people with 6 month sub, but who are actually not playing anymore. Not to mention, a lot of their "profit" is generated by the fact that most people were forced to buy more expensive edition to actually be able to play the game properly (unlocking races, mounts, etc, all locked out by higher editions).

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I was talking about EA in general, FIFA, as in the football "simulator", nothing related to SWTOR. And that FIFA is basically the same game each year, just with new face models to reflect current team rosters.


Not so different from this game then.


And ESO, I say let us wait for a while, because they are IMO suffering from the exactly the same thing SWTOR did, and that is seemingly great numbers from people with 6 month sub, but who are actually not playing anymore. Not to mention, a lot of their "profit" is generated by the fact that most people were forced to buy more expensive edition to actually be able to play the game properly (unlocking races, mounts, etc, all locked out by higher editions).


That's the thing really: I haven't been waiting but I haven't exactly heralded the game as the greatest failure in the history of Modern MMO's, while simultaneously praising one other game that - supposedly - holds the world record for the biggest loss in subs, after its initial launch.


Again, the double standards around this place are simply mind boggling. You can't praise anything at all without grinding to dust the competition.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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They really need to hit the console market to find out their true potential with that game.


I'm pleasantly surprised at ESO's numbers, as it's another game that I hope will do well.

In part to see all the "Story doesn't belong in an MMORPG!" crowd simmer and stew as these two heavily story-focused MMO's do well.

Yes, I'm petty. :cool:

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