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61 People In Instance 1


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while i argee with the OP HOWEVER we all have to understand that there isnt a STORMWIND or IRONFORGE place in SWTOR for people to mob around in.


You know, I am going to assume that these are WoW terms, but there are many of us who have never played that game.


Please don't talk in secret languages :)

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Just posted this in another thread....


Disclaimer: Will not be cancelling my account.



I don't mind multiple instances. However, last night I arrived on Nar Shadaa after leaving Taris (finally!) and noticed there were 33 of us on the planet. That's understandable, since it was 3am CST. I did a /who for everyone on Nar Shadaa, and got a list of 41 people. Where were these 8 people hiding? On instance 2.


Is it really necessary to have TWO instances on a planet who's total player population (at that time) is barely over 40?? :eek:

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You're forgetting there are people of the opposite faction in that shard aswell that you can't see. Last I checked each shard handled up to like 140 people, if there's more than 1 shard and you only see 40 people in the full one the other faction has 100 in that same shard.


If the "Shards" can only handle 140 people per zone then that is absolutely the saddest and most craziest thing I have ever heard.


EQ1 in 1999 could handle more people in a zone than SWTOR can...


Oh but here ya come gonna blame it on the extra bandwidth needed for the voice acting...ugh, Id rather not have voice acting and have a game that feels like other people are playing on it.


No, the servers are freaking dead and feel dead (except a few select sup population servers).


My server frequently reads FULL and most nights has a short 10 min queue and the most populated zone is Coruscant with about 70 people total ....Only once have I ever seen 2 instances of a zone and that was Coruscant on Tuesday (and then there were still only 91 people in Coruscant).


Bioware really screwed this launch up big time. Everything about it has reeked incompetence if you ask me.

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At 3 am server time i saw 5 people on hoth!


most people playing SWTOR aren't gaming till 3 am. Many have families or other reasons they need to be in bed at a normal time, you know responsibilities?

Edited by Liberate
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Hey OP I wasn't taking a shot, by any means. It was just that this was the first time I had seen that there were folks having problems with low population. I want to admit to you that I primarily run solo w/companion 90% of the time and at present, PUG once in a while (not much social points for me). I will up my gropuping and start PVP when I decide to ask in to a guild. I really like groups with guildmates more than PUG.


What this means is that not having a lot of others (players) around doesn't mean a whole lot so I am no fair judge of other playstyles. Even in hubs I am usually trying to tend to my own business and don't like to interact with others trying to take care of their business. Too much of a solo attitude for some I guess - sorry about that.


Anyway, I have what seems a lot of players around on my server including out in the city on quests (Coruscant). Thats why I was surprised about the instancing complaint. Would it be too presumptious to suggest you might look for a guild, ask about what server they are on and try that? Guildmates make the best grouping and the only way I will PVP. My post was simply a bit of surprise at a problem I wasn't aware existed. I THINK that they may be going all out to try and stabilize server population and reduce queing etc..as a sort of pre-emptive effort. They have been hit with a million plus subs and still going, pretty heavy dose of reality for a company producing its first MMO.

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Hey OP I wasn't taking a shot, by any means. It was just that this was the first time I had seen that there were folks having problems with low population. I want to admit to you that I primarily run solo w/companion 90% of the time and at present, PUG once in a while (not much social points for me). I will up my gropuping and start PVP when I decide to ask in to a guild. I really like groups with guildmates more than PUG.


What this means is that not having a lot of others (players) around doesn't mean a whole lot so I am no fair judge of other playstyles. Even in hubs I am usually trying to tend to my own business and don't like to interact with others trying to take care of their business. Too much of a solo attitude for some I guess - sorry about that.


Anyway, I have what seems a lot of players around on my server including out in the city on quests (Coruscant). Thats why I was surprised about the instancing complaint. Would it be too presumptious to suggest you might look for a guild, ask about what server they are on and try that? Guildmates make the best grouping and the only way I will PVP. My post was simply a bit of surprise at a problem I wasn't aware existed. I THINK that they may be going all out to try and stabilize server population and reduce queing etc..as a sort of pre-emptive effort. They have been hit with a million plus subs and still going, pretty heavy dose of reality for a company producing its first MMO.


Oh no offense taken. I was just trying to clarify that I do enjoy the game.


I'm also mostly a solo'er. But with that said, I still need a group every now and then for Heroic quests. Last night I actually had to drop a quest because there was no one to help me with it. I also like to see the activity, and antics of people in game. I enjoy seeing other people in game just going about their business. It makes it feel real to me. but right now, its missing.

Edited by Thamelas
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I don't understand, you can switch instances when you group and why would you want to see all those people you are not grouped with. So they can steal your nodes or make you wait to kill that one mob?


On my server I see enough people running around. Mostly there are in between 100/170 people in my instance. That's enough for me.

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I just passed 1 person in Mos Ila on Kaas City server... Yeah 1 person.


Tatooine Instance 1 - 61 Players

Tatooine Instance 2 - 48 Players


Explain that...


Yeah that instance system is working out really well isn't it? As I recall you told us in beta that instancing would only be used on beginning worlds. Right... This instancing stuff is ruining the game for a lot of people.


Instancing will be wherever it needs to be to keep zone performance acceptable. That 61 could have easily been 150 and that 48 could have easily been 175 and reduced as people either logged or left the planet etc...

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Server - The Fatman



You lose.


I play on The Fatman, and last night there were 60 people in Nar Shadaa, split into 26 and 42 or something like that.


There is apparently a HUGE number of people on The Fatman that causes me to have sometimes 1.5 hour queues. But when I log in, there is hardly anyone running around. It feels like I'm playing in a game that is years old and in a starter area where there are very few people.


Makes me wonder if these Queues are really real or fabricated. :)

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Instancing will be wherever it needs to be to keep zone performance acceptable. That 61 could have easily been 150 and that 48 could have easily been 175 and reduced as people either logged or left the planet etc...


c'mon... if their system does not monitor these instances dynamically, then it's a total fail, i mean TOTAL. you're saying that once instance is created, and it peaks at, say 150, it doesnt go away when population logs off? lol... there should be no multiple instances, under ANY circumstances whenever total population can be fit into just one instance, that's just common sense...

Edited by CptKloss
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I play on The Fatman, and last night there were 60 people in Nar Shadaa, split into 26 and 42 or something like that.


There is apparently a HUGE number of people on The Fatman that causes me to have sometimes 1.5 hour queues. But when I log in, there is hardly anyone running around. It feels like I'm playing in a game that is years old and in a starter area where there are very few people.


Makes me wonder if these Queues are really real or fabricated. :)


i play on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, which has non-stop queues to get on the server. which means the server is "full". the only problem is it feels empty due to heavy handed sharding.

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Wait from what you just said it sounds like you're saying that PVP servers have people, but that is not that case. They are just as empty. Several thread have already been made previously about this.


Just go to Mos Ila on The Crucible Pits.


I ran across 12 people before i even made it to my class quest NPC in the city.


In the upper corner? 127.


Did it ever occur to you that people only spend like an hour max in that first city, then they get spread really thin by quests?

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Just go to Mos Ila on The Crucible Pits.


I ran across 12 people before i even made it to my class quest NPC in the city.


In the upper corner? 127.


Did it ever occur to you that people only spend like an hour max in that first city, then they get spread really thin by quests?


Actually, having played in Beta on Darth Malek, there were so many more players around and doing the quests and pvp and other stuff, you could create an ad hoc group on the spot usually, and not need the general channel to look for people. There were plenty of people running around Mos Ila... and plenty of people out there at Czerka mines etc.


I know many people have come in groups to play this game from other games. But there are many who are looking to meet people. The best way to do that is to have them around you as you are playing the game, meeting them here and there and become familiar.


These games are social games... you know?

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Just go to Mos Ila on The Crucible Pits.


I ran across 12 people before i even made it to my class quest NPC in the city.


In the upper corner? 127.


Did it ever occur to you that people only spend like an hour max in that first city, then they get spread really thin by quests?


If that is the case then 127 is entirely too low a population for the instance. It should be more like 300 - 500.

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Actually, having played in Beta on Darth Malek, there were so many more players around and doing the quests and pvp and other stuff, you could create an ad hoc group on the spot usually, and not need the general channel to look for people. There were plenty of people running around Mos Ila... and plenty of people out there at Czerka mines etc.


I know many people have come in groups to play this game from other games. But there are many who are looking to meet people. The best way to do that is to have them around you as you are playing the game, meeting them here and there and become familiar.


These games are social games... you know?




Thanksgiving Beta was the best this game has ever been. There were people EVERYWHERE! They said 2 MILLION people logged in that weekend and with only 10-15 servers?


Explain to me how 10-15 servers could handle 2 MILLION people without any lag but on launch each zone can only handle 140ish people before it has to instance???

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Just posted this in another thread....


Disclaimer: Will not be cancelling my account.



I don't mind multiple instances. However, last night I arrived on Nar Shadaa after leaving Taris (finally!) and noticed there were 33 of us on the planet. That's understandable, since it was 3am CST. I did a /who for everyone on Nar Shadaa, and got a list of 41 people. Where were these 8 people hiding? On instance 2.


Is it really necessary to have TWO instances on a planet who's total player population (at that time) is barely over 40?? :eek:


Bumping cause this instance of, er, instancing seems rather brutal, and people keep talking about how ~100 people is enough. What about 40 people?? Why were we instanced?!

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I've seen shards up to 190 players.What BW is doing is smart server load/performance management.


Somehow I feel that we will have to deal with this until the 3 or 6 month mark. IMO, they are not so confident retention-rate wise in a 6 month period, and dont want to go "gun blazing" regarding investments on hardware and staff/outsourcing to provide incresed server capabilities and performance.


We all know this game will have perhaps the strongest initial performance sales-wise in MMO history, but we - and i think neither EA - cant really tell where will the game will be regarding player subs in the critical 3 and specially 6 month mark.


They are consciously holding back on server expansion, probably by "defensive" reasons. Its the only logical reason I can see at least.

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I've seen shards up to 190 players.What BW is doing is smart server load/performance management.


Somehow I feel that we will have to deal with this until the 3 or 6 month mark. IMO, they are not so confident retention-rate wise in a 6 month period, and dont want to go "gun blazing" regarding investments on hardware and staff/outsourcing to provide incresed server capabilities and performance.


We all know this game will have perhaps the strongest initial performance sales-wise in MMO history, but we - and i think neither EA - cant really tell where will the game will be regarding player subs in the critical 3 and specially 6 month mark.


They are consciously holding back on server expansion, probably by "defensive" reasons. Its the only logical reason I can see at least.


If they are doing this, then they are going to end up bringing about what they want to avoid...

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