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This is the state of crafting.


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and the game is not even a week (ish - yeah yeah, earl access) old, and the guy is being nice giving away his mods to those in need?


I fail to understand how this is a bad thing.


He probably has slicing as one of his crew skills, doesnt currently need the money, bought the mats for skill ups, made a bunch to RE and then got the re upgrade early, and gave away the rest.


Yesh people. Patience. There hasnt even been any time yet for the economy to actually really develop!

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No that was me and my stuff. I spammed for 15 minutes giving away stuff that hasn't sold in the last few days. I literally couldn't give away that stuff. I had about 20 barrels total and was able to give one away by messaging a guy in my ship instance. I had 3 people say no thank you and 4 people not respond at all.


I ended up vendoring 3 epic barrels, 2 level 45 epic blasters, and a ton of random barrels.

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Sadly crafting just isn't needed in this game. Everyone has easier to access gear on demand via commendation vendors. Bio sadly didn't think this through or didn't care enough to make it work right.




really? You do realize that crafting will provide a) the mods you need to keep looking cool in your orange armor at 50 (Cybertech) b) the stims you need to raid (bio) c) the best raid dropped schematic gear (synthweave, armortech, armstech)d) Gear to get ready /for/ raiding in between drops from heroics (same as above) e) The color crystals you want to make that lightsaber bada** (Artifice)




Crafting is not important while leveling when you are replacing your gear every couple of missions. This is the way it is in ALL reward based mmo's. Unless you powerlevel your crafting stats in the early levels so your crafting gear is higher than the mission gear you get, you wont need it while leveling. and 95% of the game is still leveling right now.


Crafting is just as important as any mmo - you just arent max level when it /becomes/ important.

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You spammed at 11:35pm, that's hardly prime time, try again at around 5 or 6 pm. But not today of course, may be an even lesser audience.


How does that change the fact that were 30 people in the level range online in that instance when I was spamming?

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really? You do realize that crafting will provide a) the mods you need to keep looking cool in your orange armor at 50 (Cybertech) b) the stims you need to raid (bio) c) the best raid dropped schematic gear (synthweave, armortech, armstech)d) Gear to get ready /for/ raiding in between drops from heroics (same as above) e) The color crystals you want to make that lightsaber bada** (Artifice)




Crafting is not important while leveling when you are replacing your gear every couple of missions. This is the way it is in ALL reward based mmo's. Unless you powerlevel your crafting stats in the early levels so your crafting gear is higher than the mission gear you get, you wont need it while leveling. and 95% of the game is still leveling right now.


Crafting is just as important as any mmo - you just arent max level when it /becomes/ important.


Do you understand how hard it is to get those purple recipes for cybertech? Or Joe Blow can do 1 days worth of daily quests on Ilum in an hour and purchase that purple mod?


I will say that yes Raid dropped stuff will be ON PAR with the higher level PvP gear which takes a bit longer to get. But when someone can PvP for a couple of hours and buy a weapon that is better than my Artifact quality weapon I spent a day REing to get...just kind of meh.

Edited by KetMalice
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Agree completely.

I rushed to 400/400 armstech so I could start working on barrel mods since I already knew PvP supplied weapons far too easily for anyone to care for my weapons.

Finally RE'd enough barrels to get my first purple mod, excitedly tell the member who could use it to find out in a fraction of the time he had acquired a mod superior to mine.


If this is the role crafters will have in SWTOR then I am terribly dissappointed.

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I feel the pain... I've spent hours RE'ing synthweaving schematics to get to purple+ quality, and quest rewards or commendation gear/mods are almost always better than anything I can make, especially for light armour wearers.


I've only managed to give away one or two sets of armour. I end up having to RE the rest of it for components or vendor it if I'm short on credits. Crafting is absolutely not worth the time/credit investment right now.

Edited by Heimskringla
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I currently have a 200% investment return on my purple crafted items and about 150% on blue.


You do NOT make money just by crafting something randomly and running to the GTN to sell it or spamming the trade channel. You must check availability and determine the correct price range. It takes hours just to setup up one item correctly for profit, especially your first good one.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I manage to sell a lot of my crafted items on the GTN. Made all my money from doing that.


I admit I rip people off when it comes to Red Crystals as I know they need them if they want to stay competative and dark side while keeping their cool orange weapons. I basicaly double the price of them when compaired to the other colours.


I have even been selling green drops on the GTN as well. *shrugs* maybe its down to what server your on.


As an example I made a mistake at level 10 and spent all my credits leaving me 500 in the bank. I ran a few missions from the NPC's and 2 pvp matches latter I had enough to buy my new level skills. I then went and farmed rubat crystals and crafted all my own mods for the weapon and armour.


I then started to put the spare items up for sale and now at level 20 I am sat nicely on a sum of 30k credits all from crafting and runing missions (quests if you like) And I still haven't left Coruscant yet.

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This game is not made for crafters. Crafting is not supported in the game system, it's pretty much only there if you really want to do it solely for the desire to do crafting.


And that's strike two for me.


Once I've played the Class Stories through, I'll probably sell my account and CE box to someone else.

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really? You do realize that crafting will provide a) the mods you need to keep looking cool in your orange armor at 50 (Cybertech) b) the stims you need to raid (bio) c) the best raid dropped schematic gear (synthweave, armortech, armstech)d) Gear to get ready /for/ raiding in between drops from heroics (same as above) e) The color crystals you want to make that lightsaber bada** (Artifice)




Crafting is not important while leveling when you are replacing your gear every couple of missions. This is the way it is in ALL reward based mmo's. Unless you powerlevel your crafting stats in the early levels so your crafting gear is higher than the mission gear you get, you wont need it while leveling. and 95% of the game is still leveling right now.


Crafting is just as important as any mmo - you just arent max level when it /becomes/ important.


This dude gets it. Get some patience, guys ;-) I'm almost 100% sure that crafting is going to play a big part in this game. For example I absolutely love Biochem with my re-usable medpacks and re-usable epix stims <3

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I have made post about this as well...modifications should not be allowed through vendor options, especially for so few commendations! Its easy to remove those, that would easily help the crafters right there or convert to green versions, and let players only be able to craft blue/epic. This way the players set the economy, not vendors! Edited by Grometsc
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I feel the pain... I've spent hours RE'ing synthweaving schematics to get to purple+ quality, and quest rewards or commendation gear/mods are almost always better than anything I can make, especially for light armour wearers.


I've only managed to give away one or two sets of armour. I end up having to RE the rest of it for components or vendor it if I'm short on credits. Crafting is absolutely not worth the time/credit investment right now.


Good to know. I recently switched from Artifice emphasis to Synthweaving to try and push out some better gear overall for myself and companions, as I was beginning to have some trouble in later areas (Act 2 specifically).


I've been living off of mission rewards this entire time, and if the work to get the crafting up isn't superior to the rewards, then I'm scrapping it now before I waste anymore time.

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No that was me and my stuff. I spammed for 15 minutes giving away stuff that hasn't sold in the last few days. I literally couldn't give away that stuff. I had about 20 barrels total and was able to give one away by messaging a guy in my ship instance. I had 3 people say no thank you and 4 people not respond at all.


I ended up vendoring 3 epic barrels, 2 level 45 epic blasters, and a ton of random barrels.


yeah, I made a bunch of purple crit enhancements. I was hoping to at least sell them for cost as crafting is an ultra-cred sink and I could not sell a single one. Crafting itself is cool but I have to drop so many creds into it that there is no way I can afford speeder training.


Bioware really needs to reconsider crafting costs!!!!

Edited by lightspeed
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SO everyone who 'read' my post then said its not that way....


are you 50? Is there more than 5-10 people who are 50 on at any given time on your server?





Then you have no idea what crafting will be like. Crafting in 90% of mmo's is not ment for leveling. I am willing to bet a good portion of you played wow - How many of you used any of that blacksmith armor you crafted on your way to 450 blacksmithing? Or just vendored it or gave it to a fellow enchanter to DE?


The only game i played where crafting gave you better armor was Anarchy Online - and for that armor you had to gather like 30 pieces of various random crap for each piece! And there were Head, Chest, Arm, Arm, Shoulder, Shoulder, (yes, different sleves and shoulders for each side) Boots, legs, gloves, waist - at LEAST 9 slots of just basic armor, not including all the relic slots and extra item slots. - it took /days/ to get everything to craft a set of armor - luckily that carbonite armor would last you a good time.


Crafting is rarely ever ment for the levelers. You level too fast for anything that you make to be really useful - vendored items on the way up will always be easier to get. Once the Operations get into full swing and gear, and everyone starts needing Biochem stims and more mods then they can get commendations for (what commendations at 50 anyways? Commendations are all leveling gear!) then those purple RE'd Mod 30's and so will be needed by crafters. The Schmatics that will drop out of Operations may very well be on par with operation gear - and youll need crafters for them.


Patience. Something this generation of children is sadly lacking in.

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Ilum commendations for one.

I spent a fair amount of time and money hitting 400 artifice when i was about level 40. A further expensive ream of crafting and reverse engineering got me the recipe for advanced force wielder hilt 22, which was the highest version of the one of vendor bought recipes I could make.

Then, when I wander along to Ilum, curious about how whether there's anything to do pre-50, I see a vendor selling advanced 23 hilts, enhancements, mods and colour crystals for only a few commendations.

I was hoping to be able to craft the best of the best, but unless ops drop the recipes required for this, it doesn't look like this is possible.

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I have made post about this as well...modifications should not be allowed through vendor options, especially for so few commendations! Its easy to remove those, that would easily help the crafters right there or convert to green versions, and let players only be able to craft blue/epic. This way the players set the economy, not vendors!


True, but until enough people start crafting blue/epic items vendors are needed. It's called seeding and if it's done in a proper way it will all turn out ok.


Take EVE Online as an example of the best player run economy in the gaming world. Whenever there is a new item it's seeded by CCP - makers of EVE and after a month it's almost impossible to buy at a basic price because players are gathering all the mats that are needed and using their own playing time to produce them thus the prices skyrocket. 1 month more and enough people are producing the items to keep up with a demand and prices go back to a normal range.


Give it some time. I noticed so many people expect this game to be at the same stage of development as WoW is right now and that's not possible.

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I believe a few of you stating patience is needed are missing the point. The current problem is that PVP and Illum dailies offer access to equal and better gear then what crafters can make and in far less time and hastle.


For example currently crafting goes up to 22 for mods, with 8 tokens in Illum, roughly 2 or so quests off memory, you can buy a 23 epic mod. Why would anyone go for the more expensive, time consuming option of RE'ing a 22 mod to unlock the epic plan when someone in less then half n hr can obtain better?


Weapons and armour suffer from the same issue, if not worse since you require BoP materials which from my knowledge only drop from lvl 50 flashpoints/heroics which is just for the blue quality. Once again, 3-4 matches of PvP and you have a epic weapon/armour, spend a little more time and you can have the next tier or 2 of PvP armour.


I understand the game is still early and that Operations will hopefully yield some higher quality plans, but the current fact is, crafting for entry level pvp/raid gear is pretty much redundant due to how easy it is to obtain similar or better quality items via other means. I also think the concept of allowing multiple ways of obtaining gear is great, just some tweaking needs to be made so that one does not completely overrule the other, for at the momment commendations via PvP at the very least are thrown at you far too generously.

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