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A wild Hillary appears...


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11 pages.... wow! and only 1 say she is pretty. Ok i am going to say it here Hilary you are HOT! nuff said :D


You had to be that person let not bring in a person looks into a community. There to much sexism in gaming lets recognize the fact that she is about the gamer and the community. Is there not enough of this behavior in life? This is not an attack on you just pointing out there to much of this in life today. We all should make her feel welcome here.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Wait a minute, she's hot or something? I'd look it up, but I'm too lazy, and watching football on my internets. Think she'd go for a 46 year old hillbilly gal with questionable morals?


The magic 8 ball says *no*-


Also, yes. She did a lot of shows on gamebreaker before and she is indeed pretty but most importantly, I loved her rants about PvP because it was so uncharacteristic of a woman. :D

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Lol why is it most women who play MMO's lean heavily towards playing healers?


Due to female biology women tend to lean more towards a nurture/passive role in the society they belong to. In an MMO society a nurturer would be a healer class.


PLEASE UNDERSTAND EVERYONE that I am not saying anyone's role should be ANYTHING based on their gender. Just that due to our biological differences women are more often nurturers and will play nurturing classes in a video game when given the option.

Edited by Brittaany_Banks
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Due to female biology women tend to lean more towards a nurture/passive role in the society they belong to.

I don't know about that; My wife is OK with healing but prefers her new Operative DPS. She's always enjoyed collecting knives, so it makes some sense.


Her mains are a Sniper and a PT Tank; mine is a Sorc Heals. YMMV.

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I don't know about that; My wife is OK with healing but prefers her new Operative DPS. She's always enjoyed collecting knives, so it makes some sense.


Her mains are a Sniper and a PT Tank; mine is a Sorc Heals. YMMV.


I said tend to.


My main is a healer, and a DPS and I'm also a guy.

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After all this talk about women and healing, it seems I need help...


I'm a man, got 9 characters that are or were max level (50-55) in SWTOR and 6 of them are healers...:eek:


Anyone knows a good shrink or councelor or someone to help ?



Anyway, leaving all the confusion behind, I just wanted to say welcome and grats for the new job !

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To give a little history on myself, I’ve been gaming since I was a wee little child. My dad and uncle got me into online gaming when I was about 12, with Ultima Online (thanks, dad! XD).


Very impressive. I played UO back in beginning. I played on Atlantic, then moved to Siege Perilous, and finally landed on Catskills. I was the Catskills Shardmaster for the United Blacksmiths of Britannia [uBB]. Theros Ironfeld, at your service!

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Due to female biology women tend to lean more towards a nurture/passive role in the society they belong to. In an MMO society a nurturer would be a healer class.


PLEASE UNDERSTAND EVERYONE that I am not saying anyone's role should be ANYTHING based on their gender. Just that due to our biological differences women are more often nurturers and will play nurturing classes in a video game when given the option.


Says to female healers in operations "get you're alien tushy over here, pappa needs some nuturing"

Female Player "Passively' ignores allowing my red bar to vanish


Bro healer comes over and ghetto rezes me with a pat on the back

Edited by Malinok
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All right, who let in the wild Hillary? Dammit people, we're trying to run a forum here and wild community team members are just going to soil the rug with information and eat my cheesy puffs.


Get it together comment warriors.

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