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This is the only part of your response that I take issue with.


Patience. I've tried to be nothing but patient and understanding with the game even when it seemed like times were dark. But there comes a point where you can only be patient for so long before you ask what the hell?


Now I understand this doesn't affect or bother you any, but it does for me. This was how I felt and I posted it as polite and civil to Bioware as I could. In no way did I intend for this to be a childish trolling rant, but a letter to Bioware from one of it's biggest supporters as to why I felt this way regarding there recent actions.


I hope you're able to understand where I'm coming from here.


While I disagree 110% with you on this issue, I do understand your point of view. Hell, I remember when I came back to the game and bought credits from a gold vendor and Bioware took it all back, (I was out a fair amount of $ and credits). I wasn't sure if it was legit but I got what I deserved and learned an expensive lesson. The point I'm trying to make is that I felt betrayed by Bioware, (for about a day), because I was also purchasing hundreds of dollars in CM stuff. I feel ya bro, just don't agree with you.

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So... all this thread proves to me is that some are biased against others regardless of the content of the post. Reno gets criticized for criticism by the same people that champion criticism. Andryah gets crap for calling BW out by those that take every opportunity to remind us that she will never call BW out.


Reno, look dude. I get it... BW handled this like crap. Sadly is not not the only thing they have miss handled. But, for me, it is still just cosmetic. So.. meh... I'm moving on to the next series of packs comfortable with the fact that because of the outcry and Eric's responses they will be more diligent.


But... given that content got pushed out and the increased competition in the market place, why is BW is tweaking with the bread and butter of the CM? I think is is a big miss by BW. Now is time to increase the appeal not alienate players.


The whole patch has been a miss to be honest. I'm hoping a little Gree and a little Rak will take the edge off while we wait for Strongholds.

Edited by Rafaman
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While I disagree 110% with you on this issue, I do understand your point of view. Hell, I remember when I came back to the game and bought credits from a gold vendor and Bioware took it all back, (I was out a fair amount of $ and credits). I wasn't sure if it was legit but I got what I deserved and learned an expensive lesson. The point I'm trying to make is that I felt betrayed by Bioware, (for about a day), because I was also purchasing hundreds of dollars in CM stuff. I feel ya bro, just don't agree with you.


I'm cool with people disagreeing with my view, as long as they see mine. (Trying to turn over a new leaf)

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So... all this thread proves to me is that some are biased against others regardless of the content of the post. Reno gets criticized for criticism by the same people that champion criticism. Andryah gets crap for calling BW out by those that take every opportunity to remind us that she will never call BW out.


Reno, look dude. I get it... BW handled this like crap. Sadly is not not the only thing they have miss handled. But, for me, it is still just cosmetic. So.. meh... I'm moving on to the next pack comfortable with the fact that because of the outcry and Eric's responses they will be more diligent.


But... given that content got pushed out and the increased competition in the market place, why is BW is tweaking with the bread and butter of the CM? I think is is a big miss by BW. Now is time to increase the appeal not alienate players.


The whole patch has been a miss to be honest. I'm hoping a little Gree and a little Rak will take the edge off while we wait for Strongholds.


No Rafa, I'm guilty of giving out criticism myself, so I fully expect to be criticized for my views in this thread.

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This is the only part of your response that I take issue with.


Patience. I've tried to be nothing but patient and understanding with the game even when it seemed like times were dark. But there comes a point where you can only be patient for so long before you ask what the hell?


Now I understand this doesn't affect or bother you any, but it does for me. This was how I felt and I posted it as polite and civil to Bioware as I could. In no way did I intend for this to be a childish trolling rant, but a letter to Bioware from one of it's biggest supporters as to why I felt this way regarding there recent actions.


I hope you're able to understand where I'm coming from here.


I do not deny you your point of view. In an off-handed way I can understand it. The problem lies in perception. I don't perceive this issue with the same view as yourself and others. Honestly, I do not fault anyone for having a problem with this change or the lack of communication about it but only with the manner and severity people have responded to it. Just because I don't have a problem with it doesn't make in invalid.


Waiting a week while our CS Dev talks to the design Dev's and gets the scoop on what is going on, then finding out the best way to pass that information on...that doesn't feel unreasonable. You can bet on the fact that anything with the potential to upset the player base will be handled carefully, and careful takes time.


Had no response been given, whether or not the change were reversed, would have been more than understandable. If you've ever worked for a large corporation, you'd understand how much time is lost in simply waiting for an answer. I waited a month for someone to green light a massive cost saving change and in that month the corp lost 200k they would have saved with the change. It took a month for the proposal to get the required signatures.


That's where the patience thing came from. A week simply isn't that long of a time. Considering it appeared that many people were out of the office for a period of days during that time, it is an understandable delay. At least, it is to me.

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No Rafa, I'm guilty of giving out criticism myself, so I fully expect to be criticized for my views in this thread.


True, but I'm sure you see the irony by some of those responding. A role reversal for sorts.


Oh well. I really want BW to pay attention to these types of flubs though. We need to have a strong second half of this year to continue to grow this game.

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It does not matter if Bioware deceived their customers intentionally, unintentionally or even at all. The bottom line is they pissed some off and will lose some business because of it.


Things is, this happens everyday regardless of what BW does.

  • BW does something, some people get pissed off.
  • BW does nothing, some people get pissed off.
  • BW talks about what they might do, some people get pissed off.


At some point as a developer, you just throw up your hands and start ignoring all the players who are:

  • Entitled to Everything They Want for Free and an Easy Button,
  • The Greatest Game Designer To Never Design A Game,
  • Masters of Coding Even If They Don't Know a Hash Table from a Buffet Table, and/or
  • Experts on Business Management and Customer Relations Because They Have a Part Time Job After School

and instead stick with the decision process that led to you to building a profitable game in the first place.


Because one problem with listening to your customers is it's often the most delusional and fringe customers who talk the most: a highly-invested fanatical minority can drown out the voices of the majority, just like in RL politics. Developers have to learn to recognize the fanatics and tune them out, or risk alienating the majority.


I took a CLE course, a panel discussion, and one thing every experienced lawyer agreed on was:

Some clients are more trouble than they are worth, no matter how much they are willing to pay you.

I think that's that's true for the gaming industry too.

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We're both very passionate about this game :)


Which is why BW needs to take what both of you say with a grain of salt, by the way.


When a person is emotionally invested, it can limit their perspective. That's why acting as your own attorney in a criminal case, even if you are the best criminal attorney on the planet, is considered a boneheaded move.

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Which is why BW needs to take what both of you say with a grain of salt, by the way.


When a person is emotionally invested, it can limit their perspective. That's why acting as your own attorney in a criminal case, even if you are the best criminal attorney on the planet, is considered a boneheaded move.


I have a clear understanding of what's going on and I call BS when I see it. Common sense 101.

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But note that I do agree with you that the unlock prices were too high, and drop rates too low for this pack. They're probably being pushed by EA to increase revenue somehow, which is tough in a post launch Wildstar scenario where the player base is probably dropping off a bit. So the only way to increase revenue is to bring in more players (summer sale) and increase existing prices.
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I personally think this came about because these packs were meant to be special. They are event packs, not intended for the regular rotation I would imagine, only the event.


As such, the rarity and pricing was supposed to reflect that, but the rarity was not set right.


However, no notice was given, to my knowledge, that this was an event only pack, that it had no reputation contained inside and it had non-standard prices (from the perspective of expected prices from prior packs). As far as I can tell (and I could be mistaken) this pack was advertised and presented as any other normal CM pack.


That is where the error occurred IMO. And it was a serious lapse in judgement IMO.

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I personally think this came about because these packs were meant to be special. They are event packs, not intended for the regular rotation I would imagine, only the event.


As such, the rarity and pricing was supposed to reflect that, but the rarity was not set right.


However, no notice was given, to my knowledge, that this was an event only pack, that it had no reputation contained inside and it had non-standard prices (from the perspective of expected prices from prior packs). As far as I can tell (and I could be mistaken) this pack was advertised and presented as any other normal CM pack.


That is where the error occurred IMO. And it was a serious lapse in judgement IMO.


Your knowledge is correct, we were all allowed to preview the packs contents on the CM, we knew it was event related but we had had event related packs before (bounty packs) so we figured it was normal. Developers only responded in saying stuff like not all models on the PTS were final and that a few of the models were missing, but it was all again typical stuff. Only this week did we learn, after the pack had already been out for a bit, that it was going to be embargoed and later another post finally explained it was only an event pack.


with the last temporary pack ( first grand aquisitions) we were given notice, there was a thread and everything informing players it was limited time (though a week later it came back with no notice, and it was no longer "discounted" at 10 percent yet oddly it was still the same price, and then on the Dev stream that week someone asked to see what was on the cartel market page since they were too lazy to go online and check, and the devs pointed out everything on sale but that pack that they were clearly avoiding), but at least they informed us it was temporary.


Also, that Grand Emote pack might have been good to mention at some point, I just looked in my cartel window one day and happened to see it, without checking I would never have known...

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Sorry, but 600 was NOT new pricing.. it was pretty well established pricing to unlock the top end rare mounts.


But let's take your hyperbole and put in context ----> IF they had made the unlock price for the Rancor in this pack 2400 CC then it would be in line with the price increase they surprised players with on the armor unlocks in this pack. :rolleyes:


Well I'm not paying 600 cc's to unlock ONE mount. We get 500 a month as subscribers...that should be able to pay for an unlock. Roll your eyes all you like. Just because you don't mind being ripped off isn't my problem.

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The thrones and hover chairs have always been 600. Same with the skiffs, varactyls, and Morlingers. Heck, even Kowakians were 600 right off the bat.


I never said that was the first instance of them using that price for an unlock. I said it's when *I* noticed it and refused to pay that price. I don't spend loads of money on random stuff. I had been waiting for a dewback mount, so I went and bought one.

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