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Darth Angral (Spoilers)


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Being stuck with Kira meant my Vigilance Specced Guardian had to make a shield generator and tank him in Soresu. Took me 3 or 4 tries, made kira charge, used her blade ward, Call on the force and interrupted a lot. when I used force push, was able to leap immediately after for a nice boost in Focus.


Starting to wish I went Sentinel.

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To all those people who've posted that they defeated Darth Angral in 1 try or made comments such as "This was too easy" are liars. There is no way anyone beat this guy without dying 20 or 30 times. It just is NOT possible. I've tried so many times I have reached the end of my rope and strongly considering quitting this game because it is no longer fun at this point. Darth Angral is too over powered and trying to interrupt his attacks are a futile gesture. I've had a lot of fun playing this game up until this point where the story comes to a sudden and screeching halt. Thanks for nothing Bioware.
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To all those people who've posted that they defeated Darth Angral in 1 try or made comments such as "This was too easy" are liars. There is no way anyone beat this guy without dying 20 or 30 times. It just is NOT possible. I've tried so many times I have reached the end of my rope and strongly considering quitting this game because it is no longer fun at this point. Darth Angral is too over powered and trying to interrupt his attacks are a futile gesture. I've had a lot of fun playing this game up until this point where the story comes to a sudden and screeching halt. Thanks for nothing Bioware.


I killed him in one try. It was a very easy fight.


You must be doing something completely wrong.

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I killed him in one try. It was a very easy fight.


You must be doing something completely wrong.


I am not new to MMO games nor am I unfamiliar with boss battles. If you want everyone to make believe you are a world class gamer by telling people how EASY it was then enjoy your delusion. For you to say I am doing something wrong would be like me telling you that if you beat him without dying then you must have cheated.

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Again, bads on bads on bads...


I'll be honest it took me 2 tries to beat him. All I needed to do was interrupt his huge lightning ball attack and I could power through his other casts.


Because I'm not bad and I don't spam Strike wondering why I'm not doing enough damage.


My sentinel friend did it on first try.

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I have not done this fight, but I doubt it's only affected by how good/bad a player is in general. I one shotted a SI boss that some people needed 20-30 attempts on, meanwhile I had to have 7 tries on a IA boss that apparently most one shotted. It all depends on your strengths as a player, or even how focused you are when you do it, or if you mess up a simple mechanic. This "I'm better than you" attitude is annoying to read.
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I beat him on the first attempt and I was a level bellow him, neither my toon nor Kira died. I'm a Jedi Guardian.


Having said that.....


The three Sith Harrowers I had to fight very soon after, were unbeatable for me, as was the Sith from Kira's story. Both times I had to call for help.

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I finally beat him. Took me forever. The problem was no matter how many times I tried to interrupt his power attacks, the game wouldn't let me and his attacks would hit me anyway. For some reason it actually worked this time because I didn't do anything different.
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To all those people who've posted that they defeated Darth Angral in 1 try or made comments such as "This was too easy" are liars. There is no way anyone beat this guy without dying 20 or 30 times. It just is NOT possible. I've tried so many times I have reached the end of my rope and strongly considering quitting this game because it is no longer fun at this point. Darth Angral is too over powered and trying to interrupt his attacks are a futile gesture. I've had a lot of fun playing this game up until this point where the story comes to a sudden and screeching halt. Thanks for nothing Bioware.


1 try here, certainly wasnt easy but still easier than the harrows or the sandmonster on tatooine. Sent - combat spec btw.

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you literally have to find a way to interupt every single one of his attacks.


One try. That's all it took on my end. I interrupted whatever I thought was going to be most dangerous, Watchman kept my health from falling to really crap levels and I Saber Warded when I needed it.


Wha'dya know? I kicked his ***. The mooks on You Know Who's Fortress were tougher.

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there is some credit to what the guy was saying who said the people are liars that beat him on one try.


If I would have beat him in one try i wouldnt have even came to post in this thread because i wouldnt have known how hard he actually was.


what gets me are the people that say well i beat him in one try and i used all my interupts and i did this and that. but if it was your first try why would you be so persistant on trying to interupt every single skill because most of the time interupting everything isnt a good practice, some skills have to go through. I guess people just like to feel special I mean no one really knows how many tries it took for you to beat him so lying about it is pointless.

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Second try at level 34, Sentinel with Focus, might stim. I almost had him the first time but did not expect him to spawn right on top of me after the conversation - gave me a few bruises early in the fight.


Harrowers were much harder, but that was due to the companion dead bug. Couldn't keep aggro off of me.

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there is some credit to what the guy was saying who said the people are liars that beat him on one try.


If I would have beat him in one try i wouldnt have even came to post in this thread because i wouldnt have known how hard he actually was.


what gets me are the people that say well i beat him in one try and i used all my interupts and i did this and that. but if it was your first try why would you be so persistant on trying to interupt every single skill because most of the time interupting everything isnt a good practice, some skills have to go through. I guess people just like to feel special I mean no one really knows how many tries it took for you to beat him so lying about it is pointless.


What?! Interrupting enemy abilities is always a good idea. The moment you get force kick, you start facing silvers and golds that have high damage casts and channeled abilities. And then, in case you still haven't gotten the message, the gme throws tons of Sith elites at you on Alderaan with long cast times in their high damage abilities. Interrupting casts is the difference between resting after every pull and resting after every third pull.


Not to mention the fact that by the time you face Angrel, you've Defeated at least 2 other Sith with interruptible spells. The game spends the last third of Act I training you for this fight. What more do you want the developers to do?


In any case, I beat him my first try on my level 34 Watchman specced Sentinel. Used force kick, force leap, and force stasis to interrupt all but one of his casts. I popped a health pack partway through. Ended the fight at half health.

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Watchman lev 33, first go. I had read that people had struggled with it so was looking forward to a good fight. Instead it was unbelievably easy. Send Kira in first, jump to interrupt first spell. Load up dots, kick second spell. Carry on loading on the pain, pop zen when available.


He was dead so quickly only used rebuke, no need for sabreward and ended on half health. Was left thinking 'is that it then?'


People saying they did it first time arent lying. Just because you struggled doesnt mean everyone should...


My advice is make sure both your own and companions gear is up to date and that interrupts v caster bosses are key.

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I found him realtively easy as a 33 Sentinel, I used my kick interrupt a lot and killed him first time.


To be honest I had significantly more trouble with his security guard who killed me about 6 times.


Same here, the security guard was way tougher for me. I didn't do anything special and got Angral my first try as a 32 sentinel (comabat) my health only got down to about 30%.

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vigi guardian 34, first try.


(constantly clicking riposte)

leap>sundering>storm>sweep>s.ward>o.slash>sundering> now just spam


for interrupts i use

1. force kick

2. stasis

3. f.kick

3. push > leap

4. f.kick


when low on HP

1. enure

2. hp stim

3. change stance so Kira can take some agro


the main problem of all tank classes is DPS. look at it this way - we wear everything boosting our def/hp forgeting we have to dish out DPS, but how the hell can we dish out dps if we tank? well.. we got companions don't we? Kira is a main dps in your companion army and remember, she's like a player (very dumb one but still *sorry Kira, my love <3*) you have to keep her gear up to date for her to make some decent damage. more damage = less time spent in a fight = less damage taken.

Edited by Carousel_t
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Haven' beat him yet, he's pissing me off. I'm 30 guardian tank spec.


Problem is interrupting. No, I'm not new to interrupting. I'm actually good at it, but half the time when I kick him it doesn't do anything. It's like i didn't do it at all. Next problem is time between interrupts. He does his next cast when kick is half way through his cooldown. I'm completely defenseless when he does this, can't do anything. I do it exactly how everyone else says they "did it in one try" did. Kicks aren't working and I'm about to call my friend in, this is a story quest, not a flashpoint. There's no reason for it to be so hard.

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