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Enough: Bring the Turrets Back for Deathmatch.


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Gunships baiting attackers back to their Capital ship is bad enough in DOM, I would not be a fan of bringing back cap turrets in TDM


Agreed. It doesn't make sense to bring them back. The negative effects are worse than the positive ones by a long shot.

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Agreed. It doesn't make sense to bring them back. The negative effects are worse than the positive ones by a long shot.


People like you are why GSF queues are dead.....individual people are tired of premades coming along and spawn-stomping them into oblivion. But to you, ANY OTHER OPTION is worse.....because you don't get your tokens as easily.

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People like you are why GSF queues are dead.....individual people are tired of premades coming along and spawn-stomping them into oblivion. But to you, ANY OTHER OPTION is worse.....because you don't get your tokens as easily.


Maybe you should get off your lazy *** then and I dunno, put one together?

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People like you are why GSF queues are dead.....individual people are tired of premades coming along and spawn-stomping them into oblivion. But to you, ANY OTHER OPTION is worse.....because you don't get your tokens as easily.


I think that GSF queues are dead because we are one year away from a Presidential election.



It's certainly just as valid a reason as yours.



Oh, and GSF queues are so far from dead right now. With double rewards AND two new ships, we're seeing triple simul games on multiple servers right now. I'm sure that's not permanent, but guess what? It shows that the ebb and flow of everything is, as it ALWAYS is, entirely unrelated to whatever nonsense premade QQ General Brass's Loud Small Special Forces claims.

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People like you are why GSF queues are dead.....individual people are tired of premades coming along and spawn-stomping them into oblivion. But to you, ANY OTHER OPTION is worse.....because you don't get your tokens as easily.


So you would rather have premades of gunships sitting on their spawn instead, where they are completely invincible to counterattack by anything other than other gunships?

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So you would rather have premades of gunships sitting on their spawn instead, where they are completely invincible to counterattack by anything other than other gunships?


Except that this happened like twice ever and was totally not a thing worth complaining about, AND is solvable in a zillion ways besides turning off the cap ship turrets.

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I don't really care one way or the other with the turrets, btw. I was opposed at the time because I thought spawn camping was going to be a big deal. It ended up being a moderate deal.


If I had my druthers they would turn them on BUT make it so that TDM couldn't be cheesed by gunships on cap ships, even in theory (a gunship safe on spawn is nbd, but a fleet of them ahead by 5 points doing that is cheese). But it doesn't matter, because we didn't see any of the other fixes, we saw this one.

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tbh, as a player that is one of the good ones and deals more than i get normally i always was aposed to the turrets being turn off and still beleive they should be turned back on BUT done differently that the turret kills didnt count towards the score.


having those turrets off has cost alot of new players along the way, spawn camping does happen and is regular.


my main is a gunship but i play all ships, i never in all my time in gsf retreated back to a capital ship just unskilled players tactics.


in terms of spawn camping now with 2.8, i cant comment due to the great team bioware, sorry i didnt mean to lie i mean the **** ups known as bioware ive not really had any quality time in gsf but once i do ill check out tdm spawn camping with random locations selected but in theory its possible,

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The purpose of the turrets was a safe spawn. To avoid flying into them was just not taking the fight there. But I can see cowards could hide behind them when they are winning in that case.


Maybe the solution would be to have them work conditionally?


You are ahead? Your turrets fail, so you can't hide to guarantee your win.


You are losing? Your turrets are operational to avoid spawn camping.

Cause people seem incapable to read 99% of the time, which means you don't stand a chance anyway once you lose ground.

And Spawn camping seems to happen and move between the ships so fast when people do respawn where it's safer.

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