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My last GSF

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Hello. I just finished a GSF match. The entire team dominated us. They camped the spawn points and won 50-1. As I respawned I died within 2-3 seconds. I know I'm not good, but we only had one kill. I've been doing GSF for two days now. I guess my question is, is this what GSF is about in SWToR? I don't mind leveling up my fighters and learning some skill, but if/when I get max geared/upgraded, is this what I'm supposed to do. Farm new folks 50-1? It's an extreme example, I know, but was just a bad experience. I was not mad or anything, but I kept thinking that's got to drive folks away from participating. Any thoughts? I know there's nothing that can be done about it, but wanted to hear if this is common? Thanks for reading.
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Bad matches have occurred in every single type of PvP gamemode I have ever played, **** happens move on.


Also two days is extremely inexperienced, most aces learned their skills of a period of months.

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50 to 1 is extreme, and I have seen this as well. The crappy part about this is that your team likely had every chance to change this but due to inexperience they kept doing the same thing over and over (IE flying into the enemy straight and level one by one)


There are good matches and bad matches, sounds like you had a bad one where the ratio of new people was near 100% (this should not happen but due to low player base does frequently)


All I can really say is as a new pilot you should be growing your "friends base" by adding good pilots, using your servers GSF chat channel, and coming here for any questions you might have (before getting too frustrated) Strength and learning both are increased with groups.


If you do this the quality of matches should start to increase. That and keep an open mind, keep learning about the game. There really is quite a bit going on here (more than a couple games will show)


*Edit* If this happens again encourage your team to switch spawn points, and to stick together for a concerted attack on the enemy. Often the only way to reverse a match like this is to take the enemy out of their comfort zone and force them to make mistakes. Anyways hope this helps and stick in there man!

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What server and faction?


Communities differ pretty dramatically between servers.


On The Ebon Hawk, most veteran pilots will pull back off a spawn when know they've got a team well and truly beaten. It's just good sense to give people room to learn how to fly, especially if you want queues to remain healthy. We also have a lot of veteran pilots willing to group (and guild) with new folks. But we're a bunch of RP-PVE carebears, for the most part.


On a PvP server, things are likely much more ruthless, because the population is accustomed to intense PvP competition, and have essentially volunteered for it by rolling on that type of server.


I encouraged you not to give up on GSF over one game, either way. And if you're looking for a good learning environment, feel free to jump on The Ebon Hawk, Imperial side, and join <Eclipse Squadron>.

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I appreciate the kind responses. I ended up sitting out for about 10 mins then reque'n (trying to avoid the premade, if that's what they were - no way for me to know) and we won the next match. My main reason for posting was I guess I had this idea of epic dog fights in my head... Thanks again. :o
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I appreciate the kind responses. I ended up sitting out for about 10 mins then reque'n (trying to avoid the premade, if that's what they were - no way for me to know) and we won the next match. My main reason for posting was I guess I had this idea of epic dog fights in my head... Thanks again. :o


Oh they do happen, for sure.


Also, at risk of plugging my server too much, on The Ebon Hawk, we have "all Strike nights" on Mondays. While we don't get 100% participation, we get about 80% participation, and that means far fewer space snipers, mines, drones, and space shotgun-wielding Scouts buzzing around.

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And we have good pilots who are willing to take rookies under their wing for a few matches!


Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to be helping the TEH plugging. Sorry.


But we're a bunch of RP-PVE carebears, for the most part...


Read, 'people with a sense of sportsmanship', Nem.

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I appreciate the kind responses. I ended up sitting out for about 10 mins then reque'n (trying to avoid the premade, if that's what they were - no way for me to know) and we won the next match. My main reason for posting was I guess I had this idea of epic dog fights in my head... Thanks again. :o


Enjoy the dogfights you get, but don't get too caught up in the mindset. Far too many people have come in expecting this to be TIE fighter or X-Wing in SWTOR. Then they come up against the space snipers and bombers and get totally disabused of the notion, then come in here saying that the ship types don't 'fit'.


It isn't dogfighting. It's space PvP. There are dogfighters, yes. But there are also snipers and healers and tanks. It's about adapting to the situation, playing for objectives, and helping your team. And on most servers most importantly - it's about not being a jerk about it if your team has the upper hand. (Oh, and don't get cocky. Far too many teams get complacent when they are ahead. So don't let your guard down. And never give up. I've seen a lot of nice underdog wins just because nobody voices the 'We're screwed' type of comment.)

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Hello. I just finished a GSF match. The entire team dominated us. They camped the spawn points and won 50-1. As I respawned I died within 2-3 seconds. I know I'm not good, but we only had one kill. I've been doing GSF for two days now. I guess my question is, is this what GSF is about in SWToR? I don't mind leveling up my fighters and learning some skill, but if/when I get max geared/upgraded, is this what I'm supposed to do. Farm new folks 50-1? It's an extreme example, I know, but was just a bad experience. I was not mad or anything, but I kept thinking that's got to drive folks away from participating. Any thoughts? I know there's nothing that can be done about it, but wanted to hear if this is common? Thanks for reading.


In yesterdays live stream Lobos the dev got pwned 1000-33 in domination. It's the rule, not the exception. People in voice bomber/gunship balling you to death is incredibly common and you have summed up your choice. You can go in solo without a fully equipped ship and get farmed, or you can go in with a voip premade and see if you can make people leave the match early.

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And we have good pilots who are willing to take rookies under their wing for a few matches!


Oh, wait, I'm not supposed to be helping the TEH plugging. Sorry.




Read, 'people with a sense of sportsmanship', Nem.


Im pretty sure every server has people willing to take rookies under there wings


http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=7286394&postcount=7 check this out for people you can ask just about anything to if you see them on.

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In yesterdays live stream Lobos the dev got pwned 1000-33 in domination. It's the rule, not the exception. People in voice bomber/gunship balling you to death is incredibly common and you have summed up your choice. You can go in solo without a fully equipped ship and get farmed, or you can go in with a voip premade and see if you can make people leave the match early.


Cuz devs are surely the best pilots around ;):rolleyes: Actually ground PvP proved it often enough by now... Devs are devs, not players... They aren't the best around and they often enough do mistakes people with far more hours than them spent at actually playing the game instead of developping it don't.


But yes... Complete, utter crushing is the rule not the exception... Even if I remember a nice night two days ago on TEH with many even and really close matches (I was on my almost stock gunships)

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In yesterdays live stream Lobos the dev got pwned 1000-33 in domination. It's the rule, not the exception. People in voice bomber/gunship balling you to death is incredibly common and you have summed up your choice. You can go in solo without a fully equipped ship and get farmed, or you can go in with a voip premade and see if you can make people leave the match early.


Damn, then why do the voip premades I play on lose sometimes? We do okay together, but sheesh, according to this we should be wiping the floor with the competition no matter what.


And why do the teams I solo queue with win? Something just isn't adding up...


Not saying matchmaking couldn't work better in practice, but don't go over the top. And premades aren't the only issues there, either.

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OP I suggest reading this:


and this:



and asking questions when you don't understand something. Also, if you like, post your server, faction and name here so some of us can contact you and help you out. Alternatively, you can contact us and ask for help ;)


And premades aren't the only issues there, either.


Oh, but they they are. The big, bad, evul premades are ALL that's wrong with GSF and everyone flying in 1 is an idiot who's only goal is to roflstomp newbies. According to mr. General at least, and he doesn't miss a single thread to remind us of it.

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Yeah miss-matches are not rare, the match making program is one of the best trolls I know


I have seeing 8 v 6 matches, then someone jump in the middle of the loosing match saying: "No wonder people left", then once he found out we had been under manned from the get go he points out how he had been in queue for half an hour... Yup, somehow the match making program decided it was better for game balance to have us 2 men short then include this particularity pilot. War games faction versus faction, all newbs with 2 ships in one side and all vets with full hangars in the other, not one in a premade.


Matchmaking is, "random" to put it mildly.


A balanced match is pretty rare actually, just as rare as a total massacre like you have seeing.


95% of the time by the 5 minute mark the winner is decided.



The key to having fun, I have found, is approaching GSF as a series of small goals in the beginning: I wont crash, I will do 10k damage, I will land 3 missiles, etc.


Basically slowly improve your skills one step at a time, winning the match? Focus on hitting with those lasers and keep an eye on how the vets dodge you. Losing a match? Check out how they get you and focus on your defensive flying.

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Enjoy the dogfights you get, but don't get too caught up in the mindset. Far too many people have come in expecting this to be TIE fighter or X-Wing in SWTOR. Then they come up against the space snipers and bombers and get totally disabused of the notion, then come in here saying that the ship types don't 'fit'.

There is surprisingly reason for such expecting. SWTOR is in fact...wait for it...game based on the Star Wars. So some people like SW and want to enjoy its mechanisms. There is huge amount of shooting games everywhere on net, but only few are SW. If someone wants completly ordinary PvP (with classical snipers, engineers etc.), then he/she can pick up any online game. SW style is that what is supposed to differ GSF from other shooting games.

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The answer to a camped spawn point is BOMBERS, love 'em or hate em...


We had requests given each game on our faction "If you haven't already, buy a bomber. It's a MUST" So, there are times your group leader may ask for a bomber or 2 to help secure an area.


If you are up against an OP group flying circles around you, jumping in a bomber temporarily can help get a kill or assist, even though it's certainly not the "I win button"

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i was there when GSF came out, couldn't log for some hour, players around me had plenty of ships and gadgets i couldn't even imagine. some days after i rolled an alt and joined GSF again, players around me were huge.


fought a couple of days on a scout and then totally gave up on that .


never played it again. i hear premades rule though

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There is surprisingly reason for such expecting. SWTOR is in fact...wait for it...game based on the Star Wars. So some people like SW and want to enjoy its mechanisms. There is huge amount of shooting games everywhere on net, but only few are SW. If someone wants completly ordinary PvP (with classical snipers, engineers etc.), then he/she can pick up any online game. SW style is that what is supposed to differ GSF from other shooting games.


And no one Star Wars game is like another. Battlefront wasn't like Rogue Squadron and neither was like Tie Fighter or X-Wing. Sure, there are expectations with Star Wars, but past games have been pretty diverse in those. Not entering any Star Wars game with an idea of exploring how it will work is a bit silly.


GSF is different, but it feels pretty Star Warsy to me... just wish there was some bigger target and ongoing battles like Denon to capture at least the flavor more, but they're still quite fun.

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In yesterdays live stream Lobos the dev got pwned 1000-33 in domination. It's the rule, not the exception. People in voice bomber/gunship balling you to death is incredibly common and you have summed up your choice. You can go in solo without a fully equipped ship and get farmed, or you can go in with a voip premade and see if you can make people leave the match early.


That doesnt mean anything., Was in match today, was rather close, like 40 to 40 with same amount of new gunships sniping each other.


Swaped to Sting at that moment, one flyby through their ranks and we went to 47... ;)


Same goes for domination, I had some epic matches today with bombers vs bombers on same node, don't even recall how it ended, it was just epic with 5-6 ships mining, losing, etc :D Yes, you can get into match that is completly unbalanced, but than it doesn't matter if you play against 10 GS/bombers or 10 scouts.

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That doesnt mean anything., Was in match today, was rather close, like 40 to 40 with same amount of new gunships sniping each other.


Swaped to Sting at that moment, one flyby through their ranks and we went to 47... ;)


Same goes for domination, I had some epic matches today with bombers vs bombers on same node, don't even recall how it ended, it was just epic with 5-6 ships mining, losing, etc :D Yes, you can get into match that is completly unbalanced, but than it doesn't matter if you play against 10 GS/bombers or 10 scouts.


"Bombers vs bombers on same node" = bombs blowing each other up!


I don't quite understand the line of sight changes, but THAT one is a pretty big deal and saves bubble confusion (both friendly and hostile bombs have red bubbles but red or green description words). I've been blown up under a friendly bomber by a hostile one I only realized after too late was not ours! :eek:

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And no one Star Wars game is like another. Battlefront wasn't like Rogue Squadron and neither was like Tie Fighter or X-Wing. Sure, there are expectations with Star Wars, but past games have been pretty diverse in those. Not entering any Star Wars game with an idea of exploring how it will work is a bit silly.


GSF is different, but it feels pretty Star Warsy to me... just wish there was some bigger target and ongoing battles like Denon to capture at least the flavor more, but they're still quite fun.

Good that you mentioned Rogue squadron and X-Wing games. They were same in one important thing. They used things which were already in SW universe. No sniper ship or heavily armored minelayer. There are lots of different ships in the SW, it was no need to create weird hybrids of ship and FPS class. What about to add Borg cube with inpenetrable shield or some Japanese big robot (which would have pink explosions)?

No bigger targets, your ship need to be bigger! GSF could be easily modified to GSC - Galactic StarCruiser. Ship model would be changed from fighters to cruisers and speed and maneuvering reduced. The surrounding environment proportionaly scaled down and instead farting mines you would release fighter squadron or boarding shuttles. Epic star battles are waiting :D

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