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marauders just admitted it :(


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Sins get 3 seconds of the same against Force/Tech attacks every 45 seconds, why can't Maras have the same for three seconds once every three minutes?


because you can still get hit for 10K+ with force shroud up. with UR that 10K is what, 100 damage? that and this isnt the "this class has this therefore my class needs it" game.


Honestly though, i still make other classes look silly while on my sentinel. 90% of this whole sentinel issue is, imo, a L2P issue

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Name me another class that can survive being focused hard for 10 seconds or longer and stealth completely out for 5 seconds and be healed to full. Or tank nightmare ops bosses for extensive amounts of time without having to worry about getting insta gibbed. We have some of if not the best cooldowns in the game and pacify/ofuscate pretty much serves as an amazing "cooldown" depending on the class/npc. We also have extremely good raid/group utility with predation/trans and bloodthirst/inspir.


Plus we dish out alot of damage in all specs. People underestimate how good the new zen is in carnage and simply don't know how to play the spec. You can throw multiple hard hitting blows quicker than the other player can attack or heal due to the decreased gcd. If you think they are the worst class then you are just playing it completely wrong.

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Plus we dish out alot of damage in all specs. People underestimate how good the new zen is in carnage and simply don't know how to play the spec. You can throw multiple hard hitting blows quicker than the other player can attack or heal due to the decreased gcd. If you think they are the worst class then you are just playing it completely wrong.


zen goes hand in hand with the horrible RNG factor for this class though. i personally love the Prec slash ---> master strike---> blade storm---> dispatch (all within the same prec slash window) but in order for this to happen the stars need to align, there needs to be a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time, peyton manning not choking in the playoffs, the news becomes unbiased, etc.... i personally want the old zen where you could pop it with a full bar of focus, spam blade rush, and still have half a bar of focus after all is said and done. focus management > the extraordinarily off chance you get 30 stacks of centering, both procs, and master strike off CD.

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zen goes hand in hand with the horrible RNG factor for this class though. i personally love the Prec slash ---> master strike---> blade storm---> dispatch (all within the same prec slash window) but in order for this to happen the stars need to align, there needs to be a solar and lunar eclipse at the same time, peyton manning not choking in the playoffs, the news becomes unbiased, etc.... i personally want the old zen where you could pop it with a full bar of focus, spam blade rush, and still have half a bar of focus after all is said and done. focus management > the extraordinarily off chance you get 30 stacks of centering, both procs, and master strike off CD.

I have that window rather frequently and without zen you would never be able to get those attacks in because being knocked back/stunned. Plus spamming blade rush does such little damage I can't understand why you would want that and focus management is fine you cant just spam focus abilities non stop which is how it should be.

Edited by TrillOG-
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I'm the highest rated group ranked player in the US right now, (and probably will be come season end due to group ranked being non existent from now until WS release), and my main is a sentinel. playing watchmen and combat exclusively.


I play a Annihilation marauder myself and i really don't have he problems you guys have, i play every AC because i get bored playing 1 of em. I think the marauder has the best defensive cool-downs hands down. It might be true that our damage doesn't come from direct burst like say an Assassin but its still one of the best 1 target damage in this game. And after 2.8 Annihilation will be as good as it gets.


People should stop crying about being ganked by Assassins and there 100 stun's. All they have are 3 stuns with 1 being a soft stun and 1 only usable in stealth and only lasts 2 sec... Of course if all your defensive cooldowns and cc breaker are on cooldown chances are you will die, so what? its the same story with every duel, the one with most cooldowns left has the bigger chance to win if you leave out skill.

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I have that window rather frequently and without zen you would never be able to get those attacks in because being knocked back/stunned. Plus spamming blade rush does such little damage I can't understand why you would want that and focus management is fine you cant just spam focus abilities non stop which is how it should be.


pre 2.0 one of the prec windows for pvp would be a zen + blade rush combo and that was killer. combined with prec slash, blade rush is a massive hit, and when it was spammable like it was pre 2.0 that was a huge chunk of health you just took of of your target


Edit: spam blade rush with a blade storm last second

Edited by thatPERSON
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Marauders certainly have the best DCDs in the game right now. Many players just don't understand how to use them correctly.


Carnage has the best burst in game, but I still see people trying to use pre2.0 strategies.


I have rerolled a Marauder, retired my Guardian and Vanguard because the burst is insanely good when geared properly. But here's the difference: Marauders have become skirmishers. They need to wait to attack, get in and drop their burst, then LoS the fight again. Marauders these days are not meant to stay in the fight like a Juggernaut/Guardian. Once players learn this strategy and move from target to target to drop the attention, you can wreak havoc. Sure, you aren't going to have the highest dmg, but you don't need to. Marauders have close to the shortest TTK of any class, and can MELT tanks. With Pacify/Obfuscate, tech and melee fighters don't stand a chance.


The Marauder has changed. The question of it is, are you willing to adapt, or you gonna reroll FotM?

Edited by xMaranathax
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This seems like simple smash monkey problem.


Marauders only looking at their overall damage at the end of the game now think that their class is broken. They cannot handle the fact that they can't smash entire groups into oblivion at the same time.


Their class has changed, but their play style hasn't. They are still charging into the biggest group of enemy players they can find, just like they used to. Only difference is the overall damage it lower as they don't get auto-crit on every target. But that auto-crit on entire groups and the resulting high damage at the end of the game was tehri purpose in life. At the end of each round they could tell other people what noobs they are because they did less damage than the smash monkey. Well since this charge-into-group-and-smash-them-all-to-death is not well as it used to anymore they have no clue what to do and feel castrated when they look at the overall damage at the end of the game.


It really is just a l2p problem.

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To all the guys claiming there is no problem with Marauder now and its just L2p issues.... does even a single one of you have any modern ( within last few months ) footage of you performing anywhere near what you describe with no backup healer protecting you?
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To the last 2 trolls...


Why is then marauder getting a buff 2.8??


The Anhi spec is getting more dps and the dots can't be cleansed



stop playing 10-54 pvp


All DoT specs are getting buffed. And yes, Anni needed their DoTs uncleansible due to the ramp up. But the only burst abilities that Anni will have, even in 2.8, is Annihilate and Ravage.


Burst is king in PvP.

Edited by xMaranathax
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Anybody who thinks maras/Sent's suck in pvp now were most likely garbage smashers that can't play the other two trees because it takes more than 3 buttons.


Carnage completely rapes in regs/team/ and solo.


I even have done extremely well in all 3 using anni.


And smash for Mara is still easy as hell and puts out crazy damage.


L2P bads.

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respec to your pvp build and make some adjustments to your quickbars from your standard pve setup. get a full set of obroan gear at least and augment it all. don't be afraid to charge in with a few kamikaze runs to get a feel for your opposition. focus on your kills to deaths ratio instead of trying to top the damage scoreboard. play objectives and don't worry if a stealther nails you (it's their job to do that). don't be afraid to hang back occasionally and observe what's going on, build fury stacks (if you're carnage) etc. spam predation as much as possible. harass healers as much as possible. rinse repeat and grind out your gear to brutalizer. communicate with your team and let them know what you know regarding the situation. never give up on a map you don't like, just do it and learn from the experience (especially arenas, because they can be pretty rough). don't be disheartened if you're getting focused, it's a sign that you're seen as a threat that needs to be shut down. don't be afraid to blow you DCDs, they'll become available again soon enough (especially if you're specd for pvp and have the set bonus from your gear). a marauder is only as weak as you believe you are. you don't have to win the dps race to help your team win the warzone and have fun doing it.:)
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I think to make Sent/Mara useful pvp without making thme OP is to add some ability to break through guarded players. To make it easier to kill healers who are guarded. Then at least they will have a roll in PVP instead of being a paper doll they are right now.
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I think to make Sent/Mara useful pvp without making thme OP is to add some ability to break through guarded players. To make it easier to kill healers who are guarded. Then at least they will have a roll in PVP instead of being a paper doll they are right now.


After patch 2.8, both annihilation spec and carnage spec will be fine for damage. The main buff that marauder will need after patch 2.8, is a buff to undying rage (put the health cost back at the beginning of the ability, instead of end). Vengeance juggernaut's enraged defense is currently way better than undying rage, as is kolto overload.

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This seems like simple smash monkey problem.


Marauders only looking at their overall damage at the end of the game now think that their class is broken. They cannot handle the fact that they can't smash entire groups into oblivion at the same time.


Their class has changed, but their play style hasn't. They are still charging into the biggest group of enemy players they can find, just like they used to. Only difference is the overall damage it lower as they don't get auto-crit on every target. But that auto-crit on entire groups and the resulting high damage at the end of the game was tehri purpose in life. At the end of each round they could tell other people what noobs they are because they did less damage than the smash monkey. Well since this charge-into-group-and-smash-them-all-to-death is not well as it used to anymore they have no clue what to do and feel castrated when they look at the overall damage at the end of the game.


It really is just a l2p problem.


Exactly this..

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yeah i gotta laugh at some of the complaints about the marauder class going on here. I started playing about a year after launch so I guess I never experienced the time when the class was really op. I used to get completely owned in warzones but I always thought it was my own lack of skill as a player and not something wrong or broken with the class or it's abilities. I used to do mediocre dps in raids but I knew it was me screwing up my rotation and my lack of raid awareness and poor understanding of the fight mechanics that was causing that. I used to die a lot because I didn't know how to use my defensive cool downs. the basics of marauder are in fact quite simple and true mastery of the class is something you just have to build up at your own pace.


when a friendly, high quality marauder took me aside and showed me the annihilation rotation and made me switch over from carnage it was my opportunity to truly get my head around what I was doing wrong and learn how to properly play the class and now I'm decent at it. I can play both carnage and annihilation, do decent dps in raids, buff my groups at the appropriate times and really enjoy pve and pvp. there's no justification for asking bioware to buff or change the marauder class right now any more than it is already. I'm confident 2.8 will get the balance right.


if you're really struggling with marauder but still wanna play mdps and feel op I'd suggest going vengeance juggernaut.

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Its been said but the one thing that maras really need is revert the changes to UD to how they were but just keep the increased cooldown. Anni is getting a much needed buff and smash had its glory and isnt fun so leave it where it is at.


The only thing i would like to see implemented would be to have dual saber throw generate 3 rage in carnage spec. This would help with some bad RNG luck annd would have a drastic impact on the class. Other than that L2P

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I am seeing a whole lot of posters fearful of the Marauder being put back in his rightful place on the battlefield as a Warrior rather than the creampuff they are now. Again i ask, do any of you white knights claiming the class is perfectly fine and "l2p blah blah blah", have any modern video proof of your so claimed mastery? No one has stepped up yet. Interesting.


Also everyone keeps saying marauder "buffs" next patch - isnt that just a return to what was stripped from them in the first place and not really any buff at all?

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I'm an average PvPer. Not quite video proof but proof enough that an average Marauder can still do reasonably well in a warzone if they adapt to the situation that is placed in front of them and work with their team. FFS L2P this class or roll something else that suits your style of play or go play Wildstar or something if you think you're getting screwed over by Bioware. You've got some of the top parsing Marauder/Sentinels on the planet telling you how it is on this thread so pay some attention to what they are saying because they can't manufacture numbers in the 3.8~3.9k range out of thin air. They're just bloody good at the class. I only parse in the 3~3.2k range and even I can get my head around how to play a warzone and win in Carnage spec.

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I'm an average PvPer. Not quite video proof but proof enough that an average Marauder can still do reasonably well in a warzone if they adapt to the situation that is placed in front of them and work with their team. FFS L2P this class or roll something else that suits your style of play or go play Wildstar or something if you think you're getting screwed over by Bioware. You've got some of the top parsing Marauder/Sentinels on the planet telling you how it is on this thread so pay some attention to what they are saying because they can't manufacture numbers in the 3.8~3.9k range out of thin air. They're just bloody good at the class. I only parse in the 3~3.2k range and even I can get my head around how to play a warzone and win in Carnage spec.


I'd simply love to see the procs' icons I need to flash, with a fade effect, allowing me to see the action but see the proc in a 1" x 1" (2.54cm x 2.54cm) area somewhere (adjustable by the UI) on the screen. Maybe all procs could get something like that?



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I use Tor Assistant to give me an audio que as to when Execute procs. Slaughter is easy 'cause Vicious Throw becomes available and I pretty much use it every time it comes up.


I did not think that was permitted by Bioware.

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