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  1. Awesome job, community needs this so thank you. In regards to PVP i know Bolster is stranger than ever and it is difficult to tell as of now for optimal set up. Have you tested this same build within PVP? Interesting to see how similar or different they are. Thanks
  2. got it good to know will adjust accordingly
  3. Carnage Mara Arena DPS: http://imgur.com/a/0u6qm - 5726.69 http://imgur.com/a/Lmvw1 - 5674.55 http://imgur.com/a/RLlGw - 5652.74 WZ DPS- http://imgur.com/a/hNi1x - 5367.31 http://imgur.com/a/Nduxe -5472.53
  4. "Good Deeps, but here is a few examples what I'm doing in Rank! http://imgur.com/a/sbTmy - 5600 DPS http://imgur.com/a/YtWUC - 5400 DPS http://imgur.com/a/jM4id - 44k Hit Also again last night I broke these records I hit in the high 6k DPS want to wait and see if anyone comes close before posting. " Well i know some pretty cheese games we are posted so heres to being back on top #1 Top Mara DPS on the server. Mara Arena DPS- 6692.44 http://imgur.com/a/cE7i5
  5. Updated WZ and Arena Carnage Mara DPS Arena-5276.05 http://imgur.com/a/VzJpM WZ-5158.08 http://imgur.com/a/Afzt1
  6. SOOO Little tid bit from what i have seen in pvp thus far and what i have experienced after "end Game" PVPing with the best players to ever pvp in this game over the 5 years: PVP is in a good Spot, pleasantly surprised Good job, for the most part. I have been playing this game since launch and i only PVP (with the occasional fleet trolling and /say **** talking in pvp, but who doesn't) most of which has been "end game" PVP. Everything thing from the good ol 8v8 with the longest *********** pre-season any MMO has every seen to 4s to dueling tournaments to regs, seen it all. With that being said i have seen what ultimate contributes to the poor pvp, specifically ranked PVP( solo's and team) experience so "insert whatever word you want for FOTM AS **** AKA boring and ****". Make small incremental changes when it comes to balancing patches after launch. You have a very real history of being so overly "nerf/buff" Happy that the continued "bad" trends in pvp repeat themselves. THEN you just wait untilt he next expansion to try and fix it and it happens again.(i.e nerf of Mercs & OPs after original launch, the way to long era of smash monkies and i was one, and then the aids madness era, and the skank tank 3 PT era... etc) I also want to point out by no means is this post to Bash bioware by anymeans i love this game and simply want to see it do well and help grow the PVP community so it is more diverse/enjoyable for all. Basically making a spec/class so optimal or OP that its best to run 2-3 of them and only way to counter them is to run the exact same comp of the exact same spec/class, it just isn't a formula for success fella's. It obviously isn't a PVP success formula.For example, the 3-4 scound/Op heals in 8v8 ranked (thank you sifu #trumoo, iwas apart of that team as and winning was still painful) , which maybe a handful of people here will understand or making the ideal comp 3 AP Pt's, 2 smash mara's, 3 Madness etc.. With that being said i think classes are for the most part pretty balanced in PVP at the moment, obviously some need MINOR tweaks but not bad. However this leads me to main point of what you have done with merc. By all means, im all in for mercs being viable even a little OP tbh, they deserve it HAHA But the defensive they have, with the burst, and the off heals, oh and their ranged? Not a good formula. Tone down the defensive's slightly so having 2 mercs may be top tier comp but it doesn't lead to the previous trends that have diminished pvp in this game in the past. Seeing damn near the same thing every match and not having much or anything to do about it, is discouraging. I am no where near as "hardcore" as i was previously with this game but i enjoy it and i enjoy pvping. Just trying to add some feedback to help the pvp community as a whole. Maybe im way off, doubt it, but if so feel free to attempt to troll as long as you come to Harb and whisper me so i can continually tunnel/global you all wz's/pvp. Making u hate life for ***** and giggles (been known to run with a really annoying 4 man premade to piss ppl off ) One last thing. Guard, is broken in PVP lol Make it 25-35% instead of 50 and so many more classes will be viable but that rants for another time. Thats all wanted to add some of my feedback and would appreciate if people bring up other issues they have seen and realistic suggestions to help PVP overall. #MakeGudaMaraRep
  7. BIOWARE..... LETS GOOO come on. Rolling back so early on a launch and having servers down randomly so early is very very annoying. BAN EM, they have been reported. Lets get the servers up, patch with the server maintence, the end. GG les go get them up ffs
  8. And you are? LOL anyway, Nice Damage. Man those ranked games! That DPS GG... 4 sorc teams and 2 heals with Jugg off guard new meta? Must be nice... Regardless, this happens to be top DPS for now. Challenge Accepted. Stayed Tuned.
  9. Correction #2 Highest Damage Sent/Mara Mara Carnage Highest DPS WZ: 4791.32 http://imgur.com/a/UXGtn
  10. yup hit that poor squishy hard AF with lust up
  11. Glad this thread is back!!! Mara Carnage DPS Arena;-4994.21 http://imgur.com/a/OqfC4 Mara Carnage Biggest hit Warzone: 40321 http://imgur.com/a/qdvmk Mara Carnage Highest DPS WZ: 4791.32 http://imgur.com/a/UXGtn
  12. YOOOO im looking for these leggings and not paying 100MIll for them **** so someone hit me up who has them and we can come to a fair price, thanks!
  13. LOL glad to see some of my records from 4.0 Launch are still there! Will be sending you SS soon as we just re-subbed to swtor!
  14. I understand exactly where you are coming from. My initial tone and delivery was also to spark interest in this post and draw some of the communities attention, resulting in putting it on Bio-wares radar. As many know constructive and patient suggestions don't also work out in an effective manner. My intentions were to express mine and others, current frustrations with the class and mainly carnage spec specifically. I do intend to put together a thought out post regarding Maras current PVP state and valid, constructive, changes created by a group of experienced players. Both PVE/PVP to ensure proper balance as well as effectiveness attributing to more satisfying play style. Will make a post sooner than than to get communities suggestions that are actually realistic and constructive and with then. relay them to people who have the ability to contact Musco directly. Hopefully this will try to get them actually seen/heard
  15. i have played since beta and been a supporter of swtor and seen everything this game has been through as well as playing at the "highest level" of PVP. My "attitude" is rather a suggestion compiled from experience conversation, theroycrafting with some of the best/most experienced players throughout swtor. my intention is e to help the quality of PVP and class gameplay. Giving validated and though out suggestions, that go unrecognized i might add, does not warrant you sarcastic comment about my intentions to truly improve the class. Please sir, kindly take a seat.
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