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GSF Season 1: Where is my Rancor mount for being a loyal GSF Player? :)


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How long until we get a season 1 in GSF? Why does being top 5% in GSF not get me a mount too?


May I suggest that your ranking is a function of the DPS you do on your team?


My team averages 5k dps on the Imp side. I do 20k under those circumstances. I have a 4:1 ratio as my ranking for that game.

My team averages 15k dps on the Pub side. I do 10k my ratio ranking is 2:3.


Not only is it fair it will encourage good players to play on poor teams rather than quit.


Anyways have fun. GSF is much maligned but actually kind of fun if you take a relaxed view of it.


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How long until we get a season 1 in GSF? Why does being top 5% in GSF not get me a mount too?


May I suggest that your ranking is a function of the DPS you do on your team?


My team averages 5k dps on the Imp side. I do 20k under those circumstances. I have a 4:1 ratio as my ranking for that game.

My team averages 15k dps on the Pub side. I do 10k my ratio ranking is 2:3.


Not only is it fair it will encourage good players to play on poor teams rather than quit.


Anyways have fun. GSF is much maligned but actually kind of fun if you take a relaxed view of it.



I don't know what any of this means.

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How long until we get a season 1 in GSF? Why does being top 5% in GSF not get me a mount too?

I doubt you're top 5%.


May I suggest that your ranking is a function of the DPS you do on your team?

No, because that would be stupid.

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Considering how long it took them to get out of the bloody pre-season stage for Ground PvP....


Have fun groveling before Bioware. I'll see you in Pre-Season 15, round 4 in 2020.


Rewards include the "all-new" Rendili Copypaste and Ubrikkian Weareoutofideas mounts.

Edited by EzioMessi
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I dont know any good ground PvPers that actually participate in GSF.


On my server, there were these 2 PVPers that I would always dread facing since the game came out. But once GSF came out, I stopped seeing them in warzones, and instead saw them on my faction. They had no real character gear, but with their titles, I could tell they'd moved on to being hardcore in GSF instead of reg pvp anymore (thank god, lol).

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GSF is Galactic Star Fighter for the unenlightened...


The point is if they want to promote GSF they need to have some bragging rights. I am going to go out on a limb here and say GSF would be more popular if it dropped a Rancor mount for the top 5%.


As for "Rankings" it would be nice to try something different than encouraging all the top 5% players to only fly with each other. Comparing your damage or kills to the people you fly with is a great way to do that. Trust me getting 9 kills in GSF is a lot harder when your team just lost 50:9. It means you managed to win a bunch of 2:1 and 3:1 battles at least.


How many people in Solo Ranked PvP blame their team mates when they lose? I have watched people blame their team mates then come up against them later and killed them easily in 1v1. Creating a system where it is easier to get rank when you play with people who suck actually makes a lot of sense for balance and fun. As opposed to cursing and hating on people which is what Solo Ranked has a lot of....


have fun


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The point is if they want to promote GSF they need to have some bragging rights. I am going to go out on a limb here and say GSF would be more popular if it dropped a Rancor mount for the top 5%.


GSF would be more popular if they used a pvp wide commendation. The counter to this is that if WZ and GSF used the same comms some would argue that you could gear faster in GSF or in WZ because WZ primary players could use GSF dailies to then buy WZ gear or vice versa. But I don't really think this would be that big of a deal. Yeah you'd get an extra 100 comms from a daily or extra 300 from the weekly. But comms earned while in GSF just means you wouldn't be in WZ's so the game type rewards would be a wash. So it would only boost weekly earnings ever so slightly if a player was using GSF daily/weekly rewards towards WZ gear or vice versa. I think it would help fill queues faster though.

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GSF is the biggest misallocation of resources in the game's history. I literally tried the demo/practice mode for a whole 30-45 seconds and have not touched it since. The introductory mission for GSF is still in my mission log.



-Seeng @Bastion

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GSF is the biggest misallocation of resources in the game's history. I literally tried the demo/practice mode for a whole 30-45 seconds and have not touched it since. The introductory mission for GSF is still in my mission log.



-Seeng @Bastion


GSF in itself is not a bad thing. The bad part is, that it just drains so many resources, that (from the looks of it) there has been almost no development done for PvE and PvP between December and February, and even now it drains the development time from both.


Since the GSF trailer, we haven't had a single new Operation, and won't have one at the very least till 2.8, but more likely till 3.0. We have only had one Warzone added, that is just a new skin for an already existing gamemode. No OWPvP additions. No new gametypes. Absolutely no work done on Matchmaking for Regs and Cross-server queues.


I understand that Bioware wants to release GSF and GSH like additions to the game, to cater to the crowd that wants more depth, more variety, etc. But at the cost of new content? They shouldn't do that. Depth and variety are meant for games that have their foundations set. Not for games with a dying competitive PvP section, facing competition from 2 new opponents, and definitely not for games where simply adding this depth means a great reduction in all other content releases.

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Lol I tried GSF for a month on 1 character. Got bored of it. I have the introduction quest to it still on my main character I just don't have that much fun with it. I would literally rather play dejarik on the fleet then play GSF. No prize for you!
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Lol I tried GSF for a month on 1 character. Got bored of it. I have the introduction quest to it still on my main character I just don't have that much fun with it. I would literally rather play dejarik on the fleet then play GSF. No prize for you!


/dejarik all day, son.

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GSF in itself is not a bad thing. The bad part is, that it just drains so many resources, that (from the looks of it) there has been almost no development done for PvE and PvP between December and February, and even now it drains the development time from both.


Since the GSF trailer, we haven't had a single new Operation, and won't have one at the very least till 2.8, but more likely till 3.0. We have only had one Warzone added, that is just a new skin for an already existing gamemode. No OWPvP additions. No new gametypes. Absolutely no work done on Matchmaking for Regs and Cross-server queues.


I understand that Bioware wants to release GSF and GSH like additions to the game, to cater to the crowd that wants more depth, more variety, etc. But at the cost of new content? They shouldn't do that. Depth and variety are meant for games that have their foundations set. Not for games with a dying competitive PvP section, facing competition from 2 new opponents, and definitely not for games where simply adding this depth means a great reduction in all other content releases.


Whoa whoa bro.... I have a hunch GSH WILL stick. That's just me :p


But yeah, GSF is rubbish (imo), and those resources should be funneled into ground PvP like, NAO.

Edited by Seengularity
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GSF is the biggest misallocation of resources in the game's history. I literally tried the demo/practice mode for a whole 30-45 seconds and have not touched it since. The introductory mission for GSF is still in my mission log.



-Seeng @Bastion


Same. I could LITERALLY not care less about gsf. To wit, it is impossible for me to care less than complete and total indifference except that it drained resources that could have been used to improve PvP.


Having tried it for about the same length of time, maybe longer, as you did, I too still have that nonsense in my mission log. The only reason it is still there is so that it does not keep bothering me when I acquire the PvP dailies.

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Same. I could LITERALLY not care less about gsf. To wit, it is impossible for me to care less than complete and total indifference except that it drained resources that could have been used to improve PvP.


Having tried it for about the same length of time, maybe longer, as you did, I too still have that nonsense in my mission log. The only reason it is still there is so that it does not keep bothering me when I acquire the PvP dailies.


I had a thought: Wouldn't it be cool if we had the option to NOT load any of GSF assets when we run the game? like the're would be another screen after the char selection, with check boxes n junk


Load PvP module = yar

Load PvE module = no

Load GSF module = fk no


game would run that much smoother :p

Edited by Seengularity
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