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ETA on Faction Change and Cost


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And having a faction change means mirroring a 55 toon, which saves one from having to level it. So nope, because ( see red bit in the quote ), right? :p


P.S. Attempting to skip the levelling part, requesting this item " because wow has it " at this point might as well ask for the insta-55 :)


EQ2 and COH both had a faction change quest line. you didnt buy it, you had to do the missions. It doesnt have to be quick, make it an involved quest chain. It would really be cool to see a jedi fall to the dark side and become a sith. I dont expect to see it but it could be a lot of fun.

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EQ2 and COH both had a faction change quest line. you didnt buy it, you had to do the missions. It doesnt have to be quick, make it an involved quest chain. It would really be cool to see a jedi fall to the dark side and become a sith. I dont expect to see it but it could be a lot of fun.


/Agreed - I think there are plenty of viable solutions. Perhaps we will see one in the future. The story of Darth Vader, and countless others who fell into Darkness, or even the other side of the coin where they rose into the light. Turn coat stories make for some compelling situations.

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Why is this even needed to brought up? This question was asked and answered ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO by James Ohlen at San Diego Comic Con and he gave a Definitive NO. There was no misinterpretation, no wiggle room for possibility, it was a flat out NO. I'm shocked this is even being brought up again.
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Well, I was never really sure it was possible, and it is still not a "No", but it's more like a 0.00005% chance of happening :)


Thanks to all who participated in the discussion, and to the derailers who kept it on page 1.


It's a NO. They gave a definitive NO 4 years ago

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Why is this even needed to brought up? This question was asked and answered ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO by James Ohlen at San Diego Comic Con and he gave a Definitive NO. There was no misinterpretation, no wiggle room for possibility, it was a flat out NO. I'm shocked this is even being brought up again.


4 years ago, it was a NO. 24 hours ago, it became


I am remiss to ever say the word never, but I can say that it is very, very unlikely that we would ever implement any type of Faction change.


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There are too many triggers and technical "hooks" to your class. That is why you can't change faction. End of discussion.

Could it happen someday? Sure. Anything can happen. Is it likely? No.


This is one of the shortest leveling games on the market. Just roll another toon if you want to change factions.

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4 years ago, it was a NO. 24 hours ago, it became


so in a span of 4 years we went from 0 chance to .000001%. chance. Eric's response is not much different except not saying definite no. but its as close as to a no this new dev team is going to give us. They haven't wavered from this stance so I still don't get why is this still being brought up.

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First you say:

There are too many triggers and technical "hooks" to your class. That is why you can't change faction. End of discussion.

Then you say:

Could it happen someday? Sure. Anything can happen.


So, the fact that is cannot happen right now = never happen? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes: As for the "end of discussion", since you are not a mod, we'll just continue to discuss the topic without hesitation and reservation. Your opinion would hold more weight if it picked a side of the fence, or at least accurately appealed to both.

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so in a span of 4 years we went from 0 chance to .000001%. chance. Eric's response is not much different except not saying definite no. but its as close as to a no this new dev team is going to give us. They haven't wavered from this stance so I still don't get why is this still being brought up.


Because some people like to put words in mods mouths and consider themselves to be mods, dictating which topics we are, and are not allowed to discuss freely. If he says, "very, very unlikely", that means there is still a minuscule chance that some point in the future, things may change. Very, very unlikely =/= NO. So, instead of puting words in his mouth, how about you quote him verbatim and discuss the topic. If the topic bothers you this much, you might want to step outside and get some sunshine and fresh air. You're getting antsy for a topic which is currently moving with a very calm and casual pace.

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4 years ago SWTOR wasn't going to have a Cash Shop either.


So, uhm... *cough*


See Z, I told you there were other people in here wanting to talk about it calmly. Also, Eric did not say "No". He said, "Very, very unlikely". Maybe instead of trying to speak like a moderator and shout in all caps, you should take a break and go outside for some fresh air. You seem to be agitated by other people calmly talking.

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Hey folks,


This is a good question! We have been asked this a few times at some of our Cantina Tours as well but I wanted to make sure we had the answer here in the forums for folks to be able to find it.


I am remiss to ever say the word never, but I can say that it is very, very unlikely that we would ever implement any type of Faction change. As some others have alluded to in this thread, a very many things are tied into your characters Faction, and the choices they have made throughout their story. Due to that, having your faction change has a lot of impact on many things, not only from a story sense, but also technically involving your character.


Because of that, it is very unlikely we will ever implement Faction change.




Just wanted to make sure people read what was ACTUALLY said, and not what certain fanatics want people to read.

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Just wanted to make sure people read what was ACTUALLY said, and not what certain fanatics want people to read.


That is a NO, superdude...move on


very very unlikely, leans more to NO than to Yes.

Edited by ZahirS
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That is a NO, superdude...move on


very very unlikely, leans more to NO than to Yes.


Now you are being pessimistic :rolleyes: I am taking the post at face value and reading Eric's response. Even he said never say never. So the FACT is, albeit a sliver of a possibility, it does still exist.

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Would it not be easier to simply start over?


AC Change is one thing because it's the same Class, but it sounds like there are a lot of technical hurdles they need hop over to enshure everything changes correctly. Where as if you just start over on the opposite faction you don't have to worry about things potentially being screwed up.


This isn't as simple as WoW's faction change. There are a lot more elements and flags that could go wrong and if history has proven anything, If Bioware screws up something in this game. Hell gets rained down on them by players.

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Oh man. Guys....guys...he went out of his way to indicate he does NOT like to say no.


Is this likely? Probably not. Has it been put to bed....not even close.


And if anyone knows that I bet it's Mr Musco. After all, he must be aware of all of the changes that have been made that the prior devs said would NEVER HAPPEN.


So, he doesn't say never. But he does say it's not likely.


I think personally it's a pipe dream, but I have been wrong about that in the past.

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The devs saying "very, very unlikely" is just them trying to be diplomatic; it's just marketing speech.


The answer is "No". Next question, please.


Yes, tell this to Superman AZ he doesnt get it...

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I don't think anyone is getting it. There is no such thing as no in this game it seems. The history of the game proves this. To think otherwise is wishful at best.


However, to say it is likely to happen is just as wishful. It is very unlikely. I expect Mr Musco meant exactly what he said, nothing more, nothing less.


This isnt a religion guys.

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what they should do is make df/dp cross faction. putting aside our emnity to defeat a galactic threat. it works in other games and it would allow some cross pollination. if my guild sees a pub that is a good raider and invites them to join with their imp toons, we all win. they get a chance to raid on the other side and we get new blood. it would make for some interesting partnerships.
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Oh man. Guys....guys...he went out of his way to indicate he does NOT like to say no.


Is this likely? Probably not. Has it been put to bed....not even close.


And if anyone knows that I bet it's Mr Musco. After all, he must be aware of all of the changes that have been made that the prior devs said would NEVER HAPPEN.


So, he doesn't say never. But he does say it's not likely.


I think personally it's a pipe dream, but I have been wrong about that in the past.


and I am perfectly fine with the "not likely" and fully expect it may never come to fruition. What I am not fine with is people twisting literal meanings and using it for a very weak "/thread" comment. If people are through talking about the topic, they are welcome to exit. Some of us enjoy discussing the outcome, and the unlikely possibility. :) We are not asking him to overturn the statement. We are merely discussing the statement.

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Yes, tell this to Superman AZ he doesnt get it...


For someone who wants a response in a thread about AC swapping, you sure are passionate about telling me what the GM said, or did not say. I saw the gold font, I understood the answer, and not once have I asked him to overturn his decision. I am simply discussing the topic with other fans of the topic itself. We're not hurting anyone, but your jimmies sure seem to be rustled by our casual conversation.

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