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do YOU have a bounty on your head?


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(sorry, was way off topic before)


I dont think hiding nameplates will help new players, its more likely to help veterans stay hidden so they can stalk their prey without being focused.


This hinges on intention, if the intention is to help new players or solo's forget it. If the intention it to add a new element to the game, I am not sure it would work but I welcome new addtions. We sorely need new things to play with IMO.

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I think turning off nameplates would actually deteriorate the solidarity of the GSF community.


Whenever somebody I know comes to shoot a bad guy off my tail, I try to thank them if I can. I can count several instances where I saw the nameplate of a pilot I knew and headed towards them, or breathed a sigh of relief when I saw them swoop past me, lasers blazing.


Also, having nameplates active helps me to coordinate my place in the strategy of my team. If there's a pilot I know to be deadly coming towards a group of newbies or a satellite, I shoot him down regardless of ship type. If there's a bad guy whose name I don't know, maybe I won't focus him so hard. Usually, in the case of a green or unknown pilot, I'll wing him, then let my teammates try and finish him off. Accomplishment for them, success for the team, and I helped to contribute.


Let's say nameplates are off. There's a Blackbolt coming towards a satellite me and a newbie are guarding. I don't know who it is, but I did see in the launch queue that an enemy pilot I know to be better than me was flying a Blackbolt. Do I take the chance that this is a green pilot coming in? Or do I hoard the kill to myself and deny my teammate a chance at becoming a better dogfighter because I don't want to risk getting blown up by a possibly vastly superior foe and thereby lose the satellite?


Knowing who's come to call informs my tactics. Knowing who I'm flying against helps me. When you've flown for a while against a certain cabal of folks, you really get to know them, almost like friends. You know where they're strong, and you know where they're weak. You can almost predict them. You know when they'll cut and run, and you know when they'll bite and never let go. And when the veterans on a GSF server square off...there's no time to putz around with the small fry. You go for the big names. Partly to shut them down, partly to ensure your team's success...and mostly for the thrill.


So, if I end up with three guys on my tail in a TDM match, and I'm dancing just out of their sights in a Flashfire (yes, I DO fly something OTHER than a Gunship), I take it as a supreme compliment. They know my name, and for whatever reason, they consider me a worthy target.


I'll even smile as I look for my teammate who's a hot hand with a railgun and lead the poor nerfs to the slaughter.

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Hey, the Red Baron was one of the world's early true aces. The response? They didn't just hunt him, they hunted his entire squadron.


The sudden surplus of targets seems not to have bothered him all that much, though it may have eventually been fatal. There are differing accounts of how he got shot down, so it's hard to tell if it was a result of being focused by the opposition.


You don't paint your plane bright red if you're trying to hide. Well, unless you think you're so good at hiding with sun and clouds that it doesn't matter what color you paint your plane.


Anyhow to answer the thread no, I don't believe I have a bounty on my head in GSF. I am sometimes pursued for extensive periods of time by Blackbolts when I'm flying my Pike. I'm not sure why.


Maybe they don't like getting hit by proton torpedoes, which makes no sense because if they didn't want to get hit by proton torpedoes I don't see how they could get hit by proton torpedoes.


Perhaps they think that if my Pike is spewing smoke and flames all over the place it should be an easy kill. This also doesn't make sense because after we've been up and down the map a few times I'm not sure it counts as easy. Unless they're trying to let me practice dragging targets in front of friendly gunships (which is nice of them if so because I usually forget to do it and need the practice). One (or rarely two) persistent Blackbolts doesn't really count as getting focused though. They need to swarm like mosquitoes or blackflies for it to be focus (either that or they have to be good enough to be really scary).

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Just as the title says. I am curious to see if any of you have the feeling that as soon as you get into the fray, suddenly 3+ pilots switch targets and gun for you? In the last few weeks, since 1 pilot did just that in a TDM against me and made a post about it (BTW, the post was deleted the same day it went up), my GSF life has been...interesting ;)


If any of my fellow pilots feel the same way i do, let me know and we can all feel flattered and nervous at the same time :cool:


Ah, BattleDress. While I do feel for you, I wonder if maybe the bounty experience hasn't burdened you with a bit of paranoia.


I have fought with and against you countless times (even a couple matches just today). I am well aware of the bounty situation you describe; while I wasn't involved in that particular match, I heard about it shortly thereafter (I think directly from the perpetrator), and I did post in the deleted thread. The gist of my comment was that while on a certain level I thought it was kinda funny (since it was only one match, rather than an ongoing vendetta), I also imagined it must have really sucked for you.


The fact is - at least in a domination match - when I see you in the opposing lineup, I do target you. Not because of a personal grudge, or even because of your skill level (though you're surely one of the better pilots on JC) - but simply because you're invariably flying that bomber, and I'm invariably in my GS. When I see you ponderously making your way to a satellite, I make it a priority to take you down. I don't typically succeed, but I think this is part of my role. Similarly, anyone else on my team who sees you en route should be trying to stop you too, because once nestled comfortably beneath the satellite - as is your style - you're incredibly difficult to remove. Consider that a compliment.


This, again, is your role.


So I'm thinking perhaps you're interpreting this kind of focus in the wrong way. When 3+ pilots go after you in a dom match, and you're in the bomber, they're probably only making a strategic decision. The right one, I think. If we're talking TDM, that's a bit of a different story I suppose - but even there, I tend to focus bombers. Speaking only for myself, it is truly nothing personal. I'll go after any other competent bomber pilot the same way.


Many of the other posts in this thread refer to focusing highly-skilled pilots. I'm certainly not saying you don't fall into that category, merely that when you fly as a bomber, you paint a target on yourself by default.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I fly a neon green bomber that's normally chasing down strikes / scouts.


And by chasing down, I mean getting them to chase me through deathtraps.


Has been working nonstop since 2.6.



...So yes, yes I do have a bounty on my head.

Edited by Morgrid
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Just as the title says. I am curious to see if any of you have the feeling that as soon as you get into the fray, suddenly 3+ pilots switch targets and gun for you? In the last few weeks, since 1 pilot did just that in a TDM against me and made a post about it (BTW, the post was deleted the same day it went up), my GSF life has been...interesting ;)


If any of my fellow pilots feel the same way i do, let me know and we can all feel flattered and nervous at the same time :cool:


In your case I always am mindful of where you are in match, but never have I focused you down. Also I feel you play support style ships that are more often deeper in your teams formation making it less efficient to focus on you.


There is only one person on JC who has my ire and I actively seek to make his matches unpleasant. In this case the person has shown themselves to be a less then honorable player who IMO is a parasite on JC GSF community.


Other then that I do sometimes go hunting when my team is loosing bad and a particular player has been annoying me for the past few ques we keep getting together. I had one such last night, kept getting qued with a guy named Ty'pho, clearly a veteran player. My team was a complete mess, and nothing myself or my wingmate(another Crack player) did was going to make a difference. So I figured I'd pit myself against a player who I knew was going to offer a challenge. I can't help wonder if he felt the same for me either, but it was only for the one match I don't intend to focus the guy in every match.

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Just as the title says. I am curious to see if any of you have the feeling that as soon as you get into the fray, suddenly 3+ pilots switch targets and gun for you? In the last few weeks, since 1 pilot did just that in a TDM against me and made a post about it (BTW, the post was deleted the same day it went up), my GSF life has been...interesting ;)


If any of my fellow pilots feel the same way i do, let me know and we can all feel flattered and nervous at the same time :cool:


When you turn around and see 4 red squares get bigger, it's hard not to feel special. :)


And I'll agree with Aimbot that it can be _incredibly_ frustrating at times, but sadly that comes with the territory. It's the price of name recognition I guess. And as far as I can tell, it's not necessarily because people call you out and always look for you at the expense of all others. Rather, it seems to simply be that when people see you they are more likely to stick to you to eliminate the greater threat, and the longer your survive the more people get grafted onto you. :)


As a strike fighter pilot, it can be quite brutal. While my Pike is as zippy as a strike can be (well, almost), I definitely don't have the ability to run away that the scouts enjoy. At that point, I just have to accept that I'm playing bait, and make the best of it. :)


Amusingly, I've had matches where this happened that had people so focused on me that the _other_ aces on my team basically had free reign, and went on to dominate the match and get us the win.


Anyway, it just comes with the territory, and for my part all it means is I need to get over my obsession with KDR (as a hardcore RPer and simmer, it's difficult to be blasé about deaths and respawns, which are inherently gamey). :)


Thank you.



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I'm sure I get focused in most matches. Especially when you play 4-5 games in a row with the same opponents. After seeing your name top the rankings for kills/dmg it makes sense that they look to neutralise you in the next game. I enjoy anonymous games the same as I do the ones where i'm 'persecuted'. Different stress levels but still fun either way.


Completely evading 3-4 players while still managing a few kills is often even more rewarding than 'easier' games imo.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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Why the hell shouldn't there be focus ?? It's in all aspects of all games, quarterbacks aren't the focus in football? Hockey stars are focused aren't they? Entire game plans are geared toward shutting down Lebron James no? If you're that good to the point you can single-handedly swing the game into your favour then guess what? You should be focused. If someone is scoring 50% of a team's points then shouldn't the opposition try to take you out? If 2 or 4 pilots can "even out" a match by hounding the "star" and that bothers you, then don't be the star.


Like someone stated earlier, WW1 had it's aces that dominated the skies. The Red Baron and his his Flying Circus squadron terrorized the allies to the point the Allies devoted considerable resources to hunt them down. Enjoy your fame and infamy, change your tactics or get better support to cover you. But don't cry to the community that you can't score your 31 kills per match anymore. It's your own fault for standing out by being a stone-cold killer.


This game is full of options. You could enjoy the challenge of being hunted, you can form a support group to keep you alive, you can change your role in a new ship so people realize you're not the killer you used to be OR if all else fails, roll a new toon and start over with a different identity. But don't come on the forums crying that people aren't lined up for you to shoot them down and give your ego a boost. This is war son!!


Personally, I would love to see aces call each other out before a match. "Hey guys, don't touch So-and-So, he's my'n". The matches would be so cool watching aces zip by in real aerial combat, cat-and-mousing all over the map. In hockey, stars are countered with enforcers who, in turn , are met with opposing enforcers. I think some ace-on-ace battles would really help this game. It would let the mediocre to noobie flyers handle each other and would also show the other flyers people just what their ship is capable of in good hands. Besides, once you've mastered a ship and are scoring 20+ kills a match, aren't you bored? This isn't duck hunter...


J'exx - Ebon Hawk

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I don't know if there's a bounty, but I have heard several times from friends that play on pub side that "Focus Xi'ao" comes up in the game lobby. I certainly get a lot of people on me most matches.


Can confirm. I was in a match the other day where the Pub team was calling your name out. It's probably easier to identify Imp pilots on our server because it seems there are so few good ones.

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when you turn around and see 4 red squares get bigger, it's hard not to feel special. :)


and i'll agree with aimbot that it can be _incredibly_ frustrating at times, but sadly that comes with the territory. It's the price of name recognition i guess. And as far as i can tell, it's not necessarily because people call you out and always look for you at the expense of all others. Rather, it seems to simply be that when people see you they are more likely to stick to you to eliminate the greater threat, and the longer your survive the more people get grafted onto you. :)


as a strike fighter pilot, it can be quite brutal. While my pike is as zippy as a strike can be (well, almost), i definitely don't have the ability to run away that the scouts enjoy. At that point, i just have to accept that i'm playing bait, and make the best of it. :)


amusingly, i've had matches where this happened that had people so focused on me that the _other_ aces on my team basically had free reign, and went on to dominate the match and get us the win.


Anyway, it just comes with the territory, and for my part all it means is i need to get over my obsession with kdr (as a hardcore rper and simmer, it's difficult to be blasé about deaths and respawns, which are inherently gamey). :)


thank you.






Many times this has been said.

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Yes! - There is a bounty. Not so much on my main GSF pilot, (Karn-T'woom) [Progenitor] I think people realise that I have several mastered ships in my hangar. - But on my other character (Jaynn-Grey) I swear that some folk are out to get me, and know I'm still a way from mastery. - Though having said that the other day I managed to defend Kuat mesa node B for most of the match against some really stiff opposition. - Only then to find myself with a fair few rookie pilots the very next match. There were 2/3 ships on my six for most of the entire 12 mins. My Nova dive is a rocket made of tinfoil, but at least it stopped the enemy farming my team-mates too much as they chased me all around the map. - I guess that's what it is all about! Much fun but very exhausting!
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Why the hell shouldn't there be focus ?? It's in all aspects of all games, quarterbacks aren't the focus in football? Hockey stars are focused aren't they? Entire game plans are geared toward shutting down Lebron James no? If you're that good to the point you can single-handedly swing the game into your favour then guess what? You should be focused. If someone is scoring 50% of a team's points then shouldn't the opposition try to take you out? If 2 or 4 pilots can "even out" a match by hounding the "star" and that bothers you, then don't be the star.


Like someone stated earlier, WW1 had it's aces that dominated the skies. The Red Baron and his his Flying Circus squadron terrorized the allies to the point the Allies devoted considerable resources to hunt them down. Enjoy your fame and infamy, change your tactics or get better support to cover you. But don't cry to the community that you can't score your 31 kills per match anymore. It's your own fault for standing out by being a stone-cold killer.


This game is full of options. You could enjoy the challenge of being hunted, you can form a support group to keep you alive, you can change your role in a new ship so people realize you're not the killer you used to be OR if all else fails, roll a new toon and start over with a different identity. But don't come on the forums crying that people aren't lined up for you to shoot them down and give your ego a boost. This is war son!!


Personally, I would love to see aces call each other out before a match. "Hey guys, don't touch So-and-So, he's my'n". The matches would be so cool watching aces zip by in real aerial combat, cat-and-mousing all over the map. In hockey, stars are countered with enforcers who, in turn , are met with opposing enforcers. I think some ace-on-ace battles would really help this game. It would let the mediocre to noobie flyers handle each other and would also show the other flyers people just what their ship is capable of in good hands. Besides, once you've mastered a ship and are scoring 20+ kills a match, aren't you bored? This isn't duck hunter...


J'exx - Ebon Hawk


I'm flattered, but if y'all think I'm anything other than the water boy (note: not THE Waterboy), y'all are crazy. XD -bp

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This is great! i love most of the comments that were posted :D


I did not start this thread with "whining to the community" about not focusing me. I just wanted to know if anybody else had the same experiences i have. It is a nice feeling to know that when my name (or any / all other "ace" pilots) makes you go "oh crap..." when you see it on the opposite roster :eek:


And of course i fully expect to be "focused" in a match. All part of the fun! And besides, the more one gets focus, the better at piloting you get ;)

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There are games when I do notice that people will break off from whomever they were chasing or whatever sat they were capping/defending to come after me. I don't know if it's out of vengeance or word has gotten out that I'm a threat? But it makes me think that we ought to remove nameplates from GSF, and only have the messages of "Player 1 killed Player 2" show up in chat scroll.
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I hate being focused, especially after they nerfed my GS to make sure that I die at least once a match now. As you play the game you start to create your own rivalries with people who then spam the /ops chat with "TARGET so and so". It definitely makes your enjoyment of THAT MATCH pretty underwhelming (again, post 2.7 as before I could take out an entire team w/o dying. Now, every Type 2 battlescout has a 98% change to finish me off).


I think if they removed nameplates from opposition, it would help reduce being focused by name and instead be focused by ships and general strategies


I can understand people ran with the nameplate notion this post brought up, but... is the first part of this post serious? "...they nerfed my GS to make sure that I die at least once a match now." "...before I could take out an entire team w/o dying."


Wow. If those aren't joking comments, that says a LOT about Sammy's expectations.


Oh, and put me down as one in favor of nameplates. It adds to the community feel and would really wreck the community without it (yay, I'm fighting some nameless people). As others have said, it's out there in countless multiplayer games, so it's not like this is anything new, either.

Edited by Pilgrim_Grey
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I don't know if there's a bounty, but I have heard several times from friends that play on pub side that "Focus Xi'ao" comes up in the game lobby. I certainly get a lot of people on me most matches.


I'll admit that I'm guilty of "calling out" Xi'ao when I'm on pub side- though usually it is to warn new players to try to avoid him. Not that it really works- I've seen him rack up kills while dogfighting with his bomber, so I'm at a loss as to how to minimize his contribution. I'll usually go after him myself just to try and keep him busy long enough for others to accomplish objectives. Of course, when I'm on imp side, getting on his team is a real boon, especially if we are up against veteran pilots (which are the most fun matches IMO).


As for me, i actually do find myself the target of 3 or 4 pilots at a time quite often. I'm not sure why this is. While I'm a bit above average, I'm nowhere near an ace. In dom matches, my scores are especially unimpressive, b/c I usually end up holding a node (if we're winning) or trying to dislodge opponents from one, often unsuccessfully (if we're not).


The weird thing is that it seems to happen on both imp and pub side equally. My imp pilot (Zexxar) may get tagged because I've teamed with Xi'ao many times so I might be just getting some of his "love." As for my pub pilot (Xaxxer)- I don't know any of the good pub pilots, and I always que solo, so I have no idea why I get so much attention. Maybe I should paint over that bright red target someone painted on the roof of my cockpit. ;)

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