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Everything posted by Vangalius

  1. It would be great if we could see five o'clock shadow as a beard option instead of only being able to get it from the complexion slider. I should be able to skip some shaves without having big eyebrows or goggle tan lines.
  2. As the title says, I'd love to see a long sleeve version of the Valiant Jedi set, just like you gave us the Exterminator's Armor in addition to the Eradicator's Warsuit. Since only the chest piece would need to be different, I'm hoping this would be an easy(ish) one for you guys. Thanks for listening!
  3. http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110607084819/swtor/nl/images/e/e8/Malgus_en_zijn_master_uit_het_schip.png http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2b/0f/60/2b0f608238ec57de886140c7f9c50a91.jpg It seems like it would be a fairly easy one to do, since very similar pieces exist in the game already (Revan's armor, lots of Sith Inquisitor stuff). But you can still only kinda sorta make this now - nothing is exactly like it, and his armor is pretty neat-o!
  4. It's just something I've noticed with a lot of the armors - despite what dyes are applied to them, certain portions of the armors always retain their original colors. As an example, the new Temple Guardian armor. No matter what dyes are used, the gold trim remains. Or the Rholan Dyre set, which retains the light blue on the undersuit. Since the newer armors come into existence with the dye system in place, I'm wondering if this is intentional, and what the reason is. Both the armors and dyes would be more valuable if they worked better with each other. I can understand certain parts, like glowing displays and such, not changing colors, but all of the colors of fabric and metal seem like they should reflect equipped dye modules.
  5. A very good suggestion. I definitely think the chest piece should have two versions. That goes for most of the cartel market pieces with hoods!
  6. Good question! I am always playing solo. I just log in and queue when I have time. I am looking for a general purpose build that could work in either Domination or TDM. Except for when I feel I need to play a bomber to help the team in Dom, I try not to fly any ship in only one or the other. Lots of great info in the thread so far. Thank you, all!
  7. I finally purchased a Clarion and I'm trying to figure out what components to get with this fighter. First, what do people think about the choice between protons and thermites? They both seem like solid choices. Secondly, it looks like the Clarion can be built kind of tank-y, with charged plating and deflection armor which seems like it would work pretty well, especially with repair probes to fix what hull damage is taken, but that prevents the shield projector from being used, which seems to fit the Clarion's support role.
  8. I think the important thing to remember about Master Strike is that it will generally evoke a response. And there are times when that comes in handy. Let's say an operative who is going to dodge the 3rd hit. Getting them to use their dodge prior to DOTing them up will be important once the DOTs become uncleansable. Or trying to draw out a knockback attack from someone so you can charge back in and give them one less kiting option as you build stacks of Juyo and DOTs. Even opening up on a healer that you won't kill will probably convince them to cancel their big heal on an ally and try to get away. So even if Master Strike doesn't completely land, it can still be used to great effect in PvP.
  9. Can confirm. I was in a match the other day where the Pub team was calling your name out. It's probably easier to identify Imp pilots on our server because it seems there are so few good ones.
  10. This response you keep giving is a little ridiculous. This is a thread on a public message board for SWTOR. You don't moderate it, and if you don't want dissenting opinions, you shouldn't post threads. If someone is violating forum rules, report them.
  11. Yeah, OP is playing a different game than me. When I'm flying a gunship, no way do I feel "agile" ... if a scout or strike fighter notice me and get into a dogfight with me, I am in trouble.
  12. Which is better, having 5 ships at 20% upgraded or 1 ship at 100% upgraded? Because that's what we're talking about. I imagine here "better" is fairly subjective, as a lot of players will prefer to fly multiple ships. If that's the case, I don't really think one can consider the option to upgrade one ship at the expense of your others P2W. Don't forget all your ships get rested XP, so the pilot who flies more than one ship has an advantage in rate of requisition gain. I mean, you could fly all the other ships with no upgrades, but man, that would be horrible. In the end, the guy who said spending CC to convert to fleet req is like buying an XP boost off the Cartel Market is very correct. There's a cap we're all headed to on each and every ship, and some people are using their CC to get there faster.
  13. I know this is a thread necro, but I figured why start a whole new thread for a similar discussion. I get horrible FPS in warzones (dipping into the low teens), and it's severely sapping my enjoyment of the game. My processor is an Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4GHz. I am not really a hardware guy, but since I purchased this in 2008, and it's not an i5, i7, etc. I am thinking it might be a huge bottleneck. Beyond that, i have 8 GB of RAM and a Radeon HD 5850 1GB video card. I am on Windows 7 64 bit. I have tried every software based tweak and fix I could find, including making sure video drivers are up-to-date, using SWTORUnleashed, Game Booster 3, D3D Overrider to force triple buffering and VSync, reinstalling DirectX9, etc. So if I'm going to get a new processor (and MB, most likely), I want to know if the CPU being the bottleneck seems like the most likely issue. Any thoughts?
  14. I find that if I don't open with Spike, there's a good chance I will lose the opportunity to use the procc'd Maul (assuming it even happens), because the kiting will begin immediately if they are good. If they're not good, well, then ... the finer points of the opener aren't nearly as important. I have also been leaning more lately to not discharging via Reck right after opening, but building 3 stacks then doing Discharge + Discharge. So many people are expecting massive upfront burst when an Assassin opens on them that it's easier to apply it a little into the fight, i.e. they have already used some CDs. The added advantage to bursting when they are < 100% is that it's more likely to bring them into execute range. But really, opener in PvP has to remain flexible. Sometimes if someone is low just Reck + Discharge + Shock while running towards them for an execute is more advantageous then any melee opening which has to be delayed while closing the gap and during which they may get healed.
  15. Alright, quick question. I just dinged 55 on my Merc after taking a few months off from the game. So I'm noticing just now that you can no longer get ranked earpieces, implants, or relics without first buying the non-ranked version. That throws a monkey wrench in my normal PvP gearing strategy, so what should I spend my 4500 ranked comms on first? Main hand weapon? I am not planning on healing.
  16. /signed This is really one of the few times in the game's history (pre-order guy here) where I've actually complained about something on these forums. This is a blatant and irrefutable case of advertising a feature one way and then delivering something else. The need to complete whole sets to be able to unlock an item just isn't what was explained to the community, so Bioware has no one but themselves to blame here.
  17. Vangalius

    Daily PvP Quest

    Same issue. I have done the "Introduction to Warzones" quest again, but now both the priority and pvp terminals have a silver quest logo above them everyday and tell me I'm ingeligble.
  18. So I was looking at which weapon to buy on my assassin, and I saw that the Force-Mystic lightsaber has the all of the mods I want (power/surge) to put in my orange double-bladed saber. Of course, the cost is not only the Rated Comms, but a Battlemaster Force-Mystic Lightsaber. No problem, I'll just plop down the 1550 for it and ... wait, I don't see a Battlemaster Force-Mystic Lightsaber on the vendor. What gives? Am I missing something really obvious here? EDIT: Apparently I'm blind and didn't see that it requires the BM Force-MASTER saber. I'm an idiot. Move along.
  19. I am finishing up gearing a new 50 Juggernaut with BM gear, and noticing that when I'm done I'm going to have way more accuracy and crit then I think I need. Am I missing something, or is there no way to get, for example, a mod with power/surge/expertise without getting it from War Hero gear? What's the gearing strategy for PvP?
  20. Thanks. My jug is so fresh that I hadn't even done BH dailies yet. I grabbed the one with the red trim and it's interesting - it's actually the same color as the one from Corellia comms except the trim. The contrast of the red just makes it look ... blacker I suppose? There's also this style of robe (like in the OP) with a different chest armor style but still having the armored shoulders. Does anyone know if that model has any versions with hood up? I've seen a lot of colors on this but always hood down.
  21. Alright, rather than start a whole new "help me find an armor thread" I'll just ask here. Does anyone know if there's an armor just like the Primeval Paragon from Corellia comms that is black instead of the dark gray? Basically I like the hood up and the armored chest, but black > gray.
  22. You're right, good point - I haven't played with hybrid specs much so I'm always just full Darkness in Dark Charge when I normally have that talent.
  23. I'm assuming you misclicked Dark Ward instead of Energize? Other than that, this looks kinda interesting.
  24. Don't wear it? All of the mods and the set bonus are transferable.
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