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Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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I think the easiest way to solve this would just be to add a tooltip to the item like "alt right-click to view on character". I haven't spent nearly the credits in learning this that some here have, but after that first 2k I decided to not try that again!
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You know what would stop 'accidental' purchases? Not right clicking an option when in a vendor window. OH MY GOD, I'M AWESOME. Seriously people, do you guys need help using the toilet too? (if you actually do because you're hindered in some way, I apologise) Why the heck should Bioware have to look at vendor windows because apparently ten or so pages of dummies can't be bothered to not right click when they want to preview something? How hard is remembering to hit Ctrl+Left Click guys? If you're doing this multiple times, no amount of coddling by Bioware is going to help you. First it's the windows, then operation mechanics and whatever else you want handed to you. Open your eyes, don't *spam* the buttons (why would you even do that) and DON'T RIGHT CLICK WHEN YOU'RE IN THE VENDOR WINDOW. Problem solved, and Bioware and fix REAL problems in the game, not players' willful ignorance.
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I accidentally bought my 1st mount. I thought maybe ctrl-right click will show your character on it. I was wrong. :D


LOL same here, I was browsing the speeder vendor on the imperial fleet and made the same mistake -16000c :(

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You know what would stop 'accidental' purchases? Not right clicking an option when in a vendor window. OH MY GOD, I'M AWESOME. Seriously people, do you guys need help using the toilet too? (if you actually do because you're hindered in some way, I apologise) Why the heck should Bioware have to look at vendor windows because apparently ten or so pages of dummies can't be bothered to not right click when they want to preview something? How hard is remembering to hit Ctrl+Left Click guys? If you're doing this multiple times, no amount of coddling by Bioware is going to help you. First it's the windows, then operation mechanics and whatever else you want handed to you. Open your eyes, don't *spam* the buttons (why would you even do that) and DON'T RIGHT CLICK WHEN YOU'RE IN THE VENDOR WINDOW. Problem solved, and Bioware and fix REAL problems in the game, not players' willful ignorance.



What about tooltip saying to CTRL + RIGHT CLICK to modify the orange item (AKA see what mods were used), which apparently is ok in inventory, but buys the item in vendor window? Do you have an answer for that mr. ********?

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What about tooltip saying to CTRL + RIGHT CLICK to modify the orange item (AKA see what mods were used), which apparently is ok in inventory, but buys the item in vendor window? Do you have an answer for that mr. ********?


He said:




I second that notion. Guy is brilliant


k thx bye

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After accidentally purchasing an $8,400 helmet that my toon can't use I thought, after much cursing, that there must be a better way. Then it came to me...


Please BioWare just make it so if you have the Shift or Ctrl key pressed you CAN'T BUY ANYTHING!


If I have the Shift key down I don't want to buy an item I want to link it to my friends, left click or right click shouldn't buy it.


Likewise if I have the Ctrl key down I don't want to buy the item I want to see what that item would look like on my toon, left click or right click shouldn't buy it.


If I want to buy it I won't hold anything down just click.


This might not seem like much but for those of us who have had this happen it's not a happy time and seems like an easy fix.


That is all.


Be more responsible for your actions.

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you cant view an item that is on sale from a vendor. you cant link it to your guild. or at least every time ive tried it has resulted in me buying the item.


this is a good quality of life thing that needs to be added but in the meantime quit trying to look at or link items that are on sale from a vendor.


it sucks, it happened to me a few times, bought my speeder the same way, i wanted to see what it looked like, ctrl click, bammo i bought a speeder. bought some heavy armor one time for my sorcerer cause i was trying to link it to a guildie and it turned out he didnt want it so i was stuck with it. i just quit hitting the button for anything from a vendor.


im sure bioware will get that fixed soon.

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Caught me a couple times as well.

A 12.5 Kaliyo customization. I wanted to see what it would like, BRRRRRRP!

Bye bye credits.

I don't even like her to give her vendor trash to wear, Im going to drop 12k on her...

Also went to buy pvp badge gear for Juggernaut. Thought the white looked a lil more interesting then the purple chestplate. BRRRRP! Ha! The white armor was medium, the purple was heavy..

Bought a lvl 40 orange boots, thinking I could swap out the mods to bring the level down.


And I'm fairly certain I did just this on my Sniper for boots but didn't work on the Juggernaut.

I'll have to check the item names on my Sniper to confirm that.

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A problem I have found in this game is that it is quite easy to purchase the wrong item.


For instance, when you purchase a a set item piece, it does not display what the set bonus are until AFTER you purchase the item. So lets say you are a DPS Powertech, yet you find the stats on one set piece to be most desirable, yet when you buy it, it turns out to only have healing mercenary set bonuses. You are stuck with this item now with no way of exchanging it.


As it stands now, the only way to get your token back or exchange for the more suitable set piece, is to submit a ticket to a GM. However this is something most players and I assume GM's, do not like to use to remedy. It can take days (or in my current case, a week and still going) to have taken care of. It also, no doubt, clogs up the help system.


Can we expect, or ask that a suggestion be forwarded to developers, that a system be placed in game that will allow players to exchange back items without having to seek game master help?


If there is also an ongoing active post/petition, can i sign it?

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Charge-backs to the player selling the item because the buyer wasn't paying attention is a bad, bad, BAD idea.


Be responsible for your actions and accept the consequences of your carelessness.


THIS would be game breaking for me simply because of how it can be abused.


And if you don't know or admit to how it can be abused then you seriously need to think about that.

Edited by KrelosDarksky
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Charge-backs to the player selling the item because the buyer wasn't paying attention is a bad, bad, BAD idea.


Be responsible for your actions and accept the consequences of your carelessness.


THIS would be game breaking for me simply because of how it can be abused.


And if you don't know or admit to how it can be abused then you seriously need to think about that.


Enlighten me. How would it help me to temporarily hold an item in my inventory for 10 minutes? I honestly can't think of anything.


Given what has been said in this thread:

  • Bound items can't be sold back
  • You can only get a buy/sell-back for items you yourself sold/bought

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Yes for the love of god! I accidentally bought a 12.5k companion customization....


Same boat here... did hurt a bit with the money planned for my Speeder License. (see the funny popup when you hit 20 - keep saving)


I mean, i have to agree to everything, like, when my Droid comes back with mats he farmed... but buying and Dressing-Room are just 1 button apart.

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I see I wasn't the only person to accidentally do this! :) I hope they do implement some kind of fix to either guard against accidental purchase or allow a grace period for buyback/sellback.


Another thing I don't understand is why they don't offer preview, or even a description, for all customization options. I'm supposed to just buy some customization kit without knowing what it will do and hope I like it?

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Be more responsible for your actions.


Wow that's some sound advice. I try to preview an item but I end up buying it? Last time I preview anything. Maybe I won't buy anything from a vendor. Gasp, does that mean responsible now? Gee wilikers you sure are smart Avrose :rolleyes:


Wasted 12k on a Mako customization. Left me with around 5k. i was not happy

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Wait until you buy a piece of raid gear with the wrong set bonuses because you can't see what they are until you buy them. It's only a real issue for counselors and troopers because they have 2 dps specs, a heal, and tank spec.


Obviously they haven't thought this stuff through

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You know what would stop 'accidental' purchases? Not right clicking an option when in a vendor window. OH MY GOD, I'M AWESOME. Seriously people, do you guys need help using the toilet too? (if you actually do because you're hindered in some way, I apologise) Why the heck should Bioware have to look at vendor windows because apparently ten or so pages of dummies can't be bothered to not right click when they want to preview something? How hard is remembering to hit Ctrl+Left Click guys? If you're doing this multiple times, no amount of coddling by Bioware is going to help you. First it's the windows, then operation mechanics and whatever else you want handed to you. Open your eyes, don't *spam* the buttons (why would you even do that) and DON'T RIGHT CLICK WHEN YOU'RE IN THE VENDOR WINDOW. Problem solved, and Bioware and fix REAL problems in the game, not players' willful ignorance.


You're really friendly. You should work for Bioware customer service.

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  • 2 weeks later...

isn't WoW shift right click to preview?


But seriously... whenever something is purchased with "tokens" there should be a prompt window. Tokens aren't like normal cash and should not be treated as such at vendors.


You give up a lot in rewards to collect tokens when questing and they can all be lost so easily by an accidental click without any warning.


This isn't about how hard it is to follow the instructions, but rather eliminating issues with the interface. If you took a poll, I guarantee a large majority of the user base would like to see a prompt window for token purchases.

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