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Everything posted by Gromarch

  1. If what you state is a fact, OP, then perhaps it´s not that hard to deduct that withing the vocal minority, there is a disagreeing minority and majority, so when someone speaks of the vocal majority, it's found within the local minority, as part of it. That the minority of the vocal minority is still called the vocal minority, just means that it's part of the vocal minority, just like the vocal majority. Meanwhile, the silent majority games on or un-sub in silence. The number of those, only BW knows.
  2. Reading around the forum, it seems like there's a majority that liked the idea of a smaller nerf, but are upset that the nerf we got were way to hard. Using a solution similar to this suggestion, should actually benefit both them that like it as it is, those that think it was to much(like what seems to be the wast majority) so they could be happy to. They could even make a buff stim that took it back to where it was, for those that found that fun, or take it a step further and also make one that makes it even harder(but not as hard as not having a comp active). There could perhaps be different stims for PVE & PVP, if needed. Stating that "Only some hardcore nerds would be annoyed" kinda implies you´re biased and accomplish nothing except keeping up the negative tone that flourish these days. One could just as easily state that a player with 6+ chars now unhappy that he needs to spend more hours on repetitive content, is a hardcore nerd for doing just that in the first place. But that would be doing just the same; keeping up the negative tone. So how about we don't go there at all, please?
  3. Postet this elsewhere, wasn't aware of this "suggestion box". A close-to-free in-game buff, like a stim for companions, could solve a lot of unhappy players problems. Without being a programmer or anything remotely close, I can imagine that introducing a "potion" would be easier to implement than rewrite all stats for all comps. Simply a selection of 3 different stims, that gave a +15%, +25% and +50% boost to all companions skills. The amount of percentage is just an example, other numbers might be better. They could cost a symbolic amount of creds, like, 100, 200, 300 a piece. Each stim could work for 3 hours. This way, players would be able to keep the challenge there is now, or alter it to their liking, almost to the the point where it used to be. Almost everyone could be happy this way.
  4. A close-to-free in-game buff, like a stim for companions, could solve a lot of unhappy players problems. Without being a programmer or anything remotely close, I can imagine that introducing a "potion" would be easier to implement than rewrite all stats for all comps. Simply a selection of 3 different stims, that gave a +15%, +25% and +50% boost to all companions skills. The amount of percentage is just an example, other numbers might be better. They could cost a symbolic amount of creds, like, 100, 200, 300 a piece. Each stim could work for 3 hours. This way, players would be able to keep the challenge there is now, or alter it to their liking, almost to the the point where it used to be. Almost everyone could be happy this way.
  5. Yes; I dismissed my comp and entered into a state of dying a lot Thing is, try it now and you´ll find your comp is not even close to worthless. And IF you had paid attention to what a lot of people wrote, even though their opinion differed from yours, you would realize that only needing to use a few skills in 4.0 was part of what made it rather dull. Now I need to use the fecking full arsenal to survive, which gives sense to having the huge amount of different skills in the first place. If you wanna talk about being smart, start by using the preview button when posting.
  6. Why are you stating that in response to quoting me; I never said it wasn't. On the contrary, in a couple of other threads, I made my point of view quite clear on this matter(not that I expect you to have caught that); matter think it was to huge and crude a nerf. However, it does, imo, not make the game as unplayable or as unpleasant as the majority of those who choose to voice their opinion here seems to think. Again, I didn't say(write) that..! Why do you assume I did? You're the one assuming a good deal, but I'm the troll. Funny. Can´t argue about the uniqueness; miss that too. That sounds completely ridiculous, but I'll take your word for it. That just adds to a question I raised in another thread about the seemingly lack of testing on BW's behalf. That might be. And I can see why that is annoying. As a returning player, I must admit that I can´t remember how it was back in 3.0. But I know for a fact that the movie-like stroll I could do prior to 4.2 made me loose interest pretty fast; it was simply way to easy to do what I hoped would pose somewhat of a challenge, like soloing heroics. Now, they do. I read many places that the grief about it, is that peeps now have to use more time doing their weeklies. I can see how that might be annoying. A solution to that problem could be a mechanic that made it a challenge the first time a Char did a Heroic quest, and from then and onward, the difficulty would scale down, somehow. Now Jeronas.. You call me a troll. Yet you are the one who basically just did exactly what i wrote that peeps would do towards the OP. I do find that somewhat funny, tbh..
  7. The only error I see iregarding lvl sync, is that the lvl sync wasn't in from launch. It never made any sense why everyone on Coruscant was so weak, compared to the population of, lets say Hoth. The lvl sync makes sure that you're still quite epic going back to the starter zones, but you're no longer a god. Wonder why it took so long to adjust that, but better late than never. This I agree on. I wonder too; is the public test server not used? Doesn't BW have an extensive in-game testing before releasing content(Thinking of 4.0 here, not 4.2 -that's how I feel it should have been in 4.0)? I understand that mistakes can be made and corrections therefore are needed, but this was handled very bluntly and with no sense of creativity; just crude chopping. Giving kids a cake and then take it back after they had a couple of bites spells DOOM
  8. I agree. My experience as well. Found out that the "free ride" that was, left me as a crippled player, not really knowing my chars. Now I need to gear and shape up, to complete a bit of the content. But it turns out I'm having more fun than before. Obviously, that´s not for all. But nothing ever will be. Wonder how people fared before 4.0. Remember when the game came out, doing heroics was really hard and often called for grouping. That's not the case now.
  9. It took me 7 hours to patch, but I have no clue to what the expected amount of hours is, only that this is not the norm for patches in this game. Regarding some players anger on the forum I would advise you not to form your own opinion from what you read, but rather from playing the game. Here's my 2 cents on leveling, since that's what you mention. It is still a breeze!! However some mobs might actually post a wee challenge now and you´ll soon realize that getting attention of 3+ mob groups with some Strong and an Elite might show on your health bar, if not paying attention.
  10. I will be making an alt, however not entirely as you order, but still close: 1: I currently have no legacy buffs/unlocks going anyway, and hence can't see a reason to change server. 2: I will. Was thinking Scoundrel Scrapper. 3: I have no intention of keeping my comp at rank 10. When I hit lvl. 40, I expect it to be at least rank 15-20. It eludes me why anyone would not lvl up a companions rank, since it influences their performance. Flirts and comp gifts are in for a reason. 4: I will. And I will be honest; if I get obliterated all the time, I'll tell. Whether anyone cares is another matter.
  11. I kinda left out that my main is lvl.56 and to be honest, half the stuff you mention here, I have no clue what is.(The "4 alt buffs with 8 heroic moments and unity" parts, just to be clear) What the 2+H's are meant to be... Well, that's really only for the devs to say; you, I and anyone else can only voice an opinion on what we think it should meant to be. Reading here and elsewhere that doing them without buffs gives an achievement, kinda indicates that it was intended as somewhat challenging. Perhaps I remember wrong, but as far as I recall, it was a lot harder when the game came out almost 4 years ago. Back then I really struggled, way more than I do today.
  12. Reading through the forum while patching yesterday, it seemed like an awful lot of players could testify that the epic nerf our poor companions had endured, made the game extremely difficult compared to before and killed the fun. After a relatively short while, I couldn't help to realize that the majority of these players where being very vocal and upset about a change that they had been able to try for less than an hour. The main gripe was about the new impossibility of soloing 2+ Heroics and soloing Star Fortress. However, it didn't take long though, before some peeps came through, testifying that they'd soloed both SF and 2+H's. Now let me make a few things clear about me as a gamer; I generally suck and I like to play MMO's solo 90% of the time I utilize my wee blasters. So you can imagine what a nice breeze it was to stroll through everything when I came back to this game a short while ago. It felt almost to easy, even for me, which I brought up in chat and someone suggested I dismissed my companion, if I wanted challenge. I did and was instantly reminded how much I can manage to suck at this game, Rest assured, I wasn't without my trusty comp for long. So it was with a heavy heart and low expectations that I threw myself into doing some 2+H's when I logged in this morning; I expected to die. A lot. Which I did at first. But each time I died, (and I really hate dying!!) it was like I missed some piece of the puzzle, like the was something that I had forgot about and after a (to long) while, I realized how many of my skills I wasn't using at all. And boy, did some of those come in handy. As said, I mainly suck; I'm the guy that most really don'r group with more than once, part of this being due to me lacking the skills of steering my pixeldoll and pressing numbers at the same time. Sometimes even remembering the right number can be.. well, nevermind that, but suffice to say, I had to make some small changes to my UI to enable me to use most of my skills somewhat easily. Now I´m soloing 2+H's again, almost as easy as yesterday, but admittedly a bit more challenging. And fun. My points here being: Trying to adapt and overcome before passing judgement, might be a good idea; you might realize that the nerf might be huge, but not necessarily game or fun breaking at all. The game have been so easy, that it made me forget how to play my char and if you´re really struggling, perhaps then that's the case for you as well. Checking rotations and see if you miss out on some skill(s) might do the trick. Since I can make it work, I believe that most can, without it being a struggle. Granted that they wish it to work, of course. If you're just angry about it, it'll never work, in which case: The problem is not the problem. The problem is some peoples attitude towards the problem.
  13. AlexanderAvery, that´s one mean screenshot..!
  14. Yes, I thought so as well, which is why I raised the question; since there been added a new Modification Table in patch 1,1 one would think they're not just leftovers anymore..
  15. Well, I´ll see how much, if any, are saved when extracting mods. Thanks for the info! It would be sweet if the Modification Tables also increased chances for getting schematics when doing Reverse Engineering..
  16. From the notes of patch 1,1: Does these Modification Tables actually do anything? I know you can mod gear anywhere for now, but is that about to change? ..Or does the Modification Tables gives a bonus when Reverse Engineering or something similar? Thanks.
  17. Oh yes!! Having a blast, enjoying the ride and with this rate of patches, at the time I hit 50, a lot of the issues there will be fixed, or I ´ll roll an alt, since I´m quite curious about most of the classes. Love it!
  18. /signed.. Just after release, I thought I could preview a Interrogation Droid (25,000Creds), but misclicked...
  19. You could try imageshack which gives you a ton of options for free. It´s very easy to use and your pics looks like you want them to, both in size and quality.
  20. Chat bubbles would be a nice addition, if it were an option to be switched on/off as seen fit.
  21. Captain Gromarch in fancypants and with a pair of shiny pewpews..
  22. I´ve just experienced the exact same thing. I don´t have a slow perception even though I´m not a hardcore gamer, and had no idea what the complaints was about, since I had instant responses. And my pc have a crap old 9600GT. However, since updating to latest driver, the response delay in graphics are immense. Bummer. If that´s how many people have played the game I fully understand their annoyance.
  23. ..if the kids life leave 'em time to reach 49 in 15 days, he have had plenty of time to do the research, but opted not to. Meditate on that..
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