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Anyone else about to cancel?


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I'll never understand why people who are having minimal to no issues with the game even come into topics like this let alone come to this section of the forum. If you're having no problems why on earth are you even responding to the OP or even care about what he has to say??


Because people who make threads like these tend to over dramatize, and over sensationalize, the problem. (In general, not pointing at the OP)


They act like EVERYONE is having the same problem, and that the problem is the BIGGEST issue ever!


It's important to know that maybe the issue doesn't effect everyone, and that maybe it's not nearly as big as people think. Not just to the players, but to Bioware as well.


I'll never understand why people with issues get upset at those who don't, other then jealousy. It's rarely "I don't have issues, therefore you don't either!", but almost always "I have issues therefore you must too!"

Edited by Skoobie
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The silent majority is irrelevant because it's, well, silent.


It's easy to invoke the idea of being right because an unknown (but large) number of people agree with you.


If they're silent the the odds are good that they're happy with the game if they're not then they're cancelling and just don't feel the need to comment on it on the forums.


There are statistics in sales though, I can't find the exact numbers but it's something like for every one person that complains there are 4 that are happy. People's emotions make them more likely to be vocal when they're upset than when they're happy, it's just human nature.


As for the FPS issue I have a AMD Athlon II X2 250 Processor 3.00 GHz and a ATI Radeon 5770 1 GB GPU and I never go below 20-25 FPS and that's only in very busy areas. It's more than playable for me. If people are having issues with better systems then I'm sure it'll get worked out. The game has only officially been released for 3 days.


OH and on the Bugs. For a just released game there are surprisingly few bugs. The archeology nodes being messed up is annoying but it's far from game breaking. At level28 my artifice is 195 and my Archeology is 190.

Edited by Dasffion
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If they're silent the the odds are good that they're happy with the game if they're not then they're cancelling and just don't feel the need to comment on it on the forums.


There are statistics in sales though, I can't find the exact numbers but it's something like for every one person that complains there are 4 that are happy. People's emotions make them more likely to be vocal when they're upset than when they're happy, it's just human nature.



This is little more than guesswork. There are no reliable sales statistics, at least none that I'm aware of. Just because people are paying and playing right now does not mean they aren't disgruntled about certain things either. Maybe they enjoy the game at level 20 but won't anymore at 50. The true opinion of the silent majority will be revealed once it's clear the game will remain afloat financially - Or not.

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This is little more than guesswork. There are no reliable sales statistics, at least none that I'm aware of. Just because people are paying and playing right now does not mean they aren't disgruntled about certain things either. Maybe they enjoy the game at level 20 but won't anymore at 50. The true opinion of the silent majority will be revealed once it's clear the game will remain afloat financially - Or not.


If they're quiet then it obviously doesn't bother them enough to complain, if they're bothered at all.

Edited by Dasffion
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Because people who make threads like these tend to over dramatize, and over sensationalize, the problem. (In general, not pointing at the OP)


They act like EVERYONE is having the same problem, and that the problem is the BIGGEST issue ever!


It's important to know that maybe the issue doesn't effect everyone, and that maybe it's not nearly as big as people think. Not just to the players, but to Bioware as well.


I'll never understand why people with issues get upset at those who don't, other then jealousy. It's rarely "I don't have issues, therefore you don't either!", but almost always "I have issues therefore you must too!"


I'd say it's a big problem. As I didn't even have to finish reading about what problem your talking about.

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Nope, the game is fine for me other than a 10-20min que. As for your list of issues:


1 - The node has already been used by another player and needs to regenerate.


2 - What character are you playing? Maybe you can use everything....



I don't know why people trivialize or try to negate the concerns of people coming here to make a point or ask for help with inaccurate or blatantly wrong data. I also experience items 1 and 2 but am not quitting over them.


1. If the node needs to regenerate, then the graphic should vanish, like it does the other 80% of the time, and also NOT show up on the map if it is not present. This is standard MMO gathering skill protocol.


2. There are no characters that can use EVERYTHING. Wrong armor class, light/dark allegiance or level makes SOME items UNusable, and I also wish that filter would work.


If people spent more time trying to actively help, educate or discuss matters on the forums rather than attempting to embarrass, insult, belittle or humiliate them, they would be the great resource they have the potential to be.

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I don't know why people trivialize or try to negate the concerns of people coming here to make a point or ask for help with inaccurate or blatantly wrong data. I also experience items 1 and 2 but am not quitting over them.


1. If the node needs to regenerate, then the graphic should vanish, like it does the other 80% of the time, and also NOT show up on the map if it is not present. This is standard MMO gathering skill protocol.


Probably trivialized because it's already been fixed in the PTR and it's just annoying, not game breaking.


Same with the other issues. There's very very few game breaking bugs, most of the ones are just inconveniences.

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Just gonna say I have set uP game on 5 different rigs.....



To them having issues honestly fix your rig it's borked.


The crappy rig costs a total of 150$ and it plays fine at 50 ish fps






Your loss this game release compared to any other memo is flawless closest runner up was Daoc and you couldn't even do the main goal of game and. Capture castles for 6 weeks after releAse.


Go spend some time with family it's the holidays come back after end of year.






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Nope, the game is fine for me other than a 10-20min que. As for your list of issues:


1 - The node has already been used by another player and needs to regenerate.



Not true. It is a known bug. No one can use it because it's not useable by anyone... if it's already been used it shouldn't show up on the map and it should disappear also, as normal nodes tend to do.


Also about people complaining about FPS.. perhaps try turning down your graphics settings? My husband and I are playing the game on a VAIO laptop using wifi... and it runs as smoothly as butter, so... it's not the game that has the issue... it's either your connection or your hardware. :) Just putting my thoughts in!


And no, I don't plan to cancel... I'm having too much fun!

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No.. I'm probably going to get the 6 month sub. I'm loving this game that much.. I haven't encountered any game breaking bugs though. FPS is perfect too (60 w/ v-sync). I'm also in a guild that is 300+ strong and I've yet to see anyone talk about quitting.


Im with you, really having a blast.

Chating the entire time I played in public chat yesterday for 4 hours about off-topic crap while finishing my story quests for my jedi on the republic side.

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My basic reason for caving in and buying this game was because I know WoW is going to be in a dry spell until MoP, and I really want to play monk.



So why not enjoy myself with Bioware's labour of love until then?


Yeah, Bioware's stance on UI/macros is moronic and it's really going to bite them in the ***. I also play PC games on my TV, and for such a large screen it defaults the text to being so small that I can't read it without squinting. That alone will stop me from being a long-term customer.


Lack of LFG tool is appalling as well. That's the kind of thing that should have been available right out the door.

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Generalizing the entire game as a failure, especially when it works perfectly for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people is never a good idea.


soo wrong, they are now just saying they have over 1 million signed up, educate yourself, before you generalize how many play the game, I understand you said "if not" but you still generalized it to dismiss the persons complaint


not at you




bugs are rampant in the game, do they affect everyone, and to the same level, no, there should be more pages of CS complaints than general, most tons of people post their CS issues in general, more complaints than general topics, should tell you something


add to that the majority of people never post on the forums, just play the game, or quit and unsub because they cant play the game, saying the 'minority' only complain is wrong, you use it to deceive yourself that there is nothing wrong and these people are the problem

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Probably trivialized because it's already been fixed in the PTR and it's just annoying, not game breaking.


Same with the other issues. There's very very few game breaking bugs, most of the ones are just inconveniences.



do not kid yourself, until something is patched in live game, it is not fixed by any means, dont delude yourself thinking some magic server they are on has the perfect version of the game


dont assume they are fixing it, demand it be fixed at see the result

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Not me. The FPS occasionally drops to 20-ish, but that really doesn't matter, as this is an MMO, and not a FPS, so it doesn't affect your game play.


when your FPS drops, the screen can stutter, the result is lag, lag to do an attack, can lead to death over an over, plz understand that

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do not kid yourself, until something is patched in live game, it is not fixed by any means, dont delude yourself thinking some magic server they are on has the perfect version of the game


dont assume they are fixing it, demand it be fixed at see the result


Who said anything about a perfect version of the game? I said that the archeology problem is fixed. You do know what a PTR is and what it's used for right? Because you don't sound like you do.

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