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A sneak peek from James Ohlen


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How about


- Mounts (life ones)

- Freeflight

- Space battles

- More open PvP

- More FLUFF stuff..like collectables, trophies

- A place to decorate on your ship and where you can place trophies (like eq2 and SWG)

- Deeper craft system

- Pod racing

- better cantina music and atmosphere when you enter a cantina


etc. Dont really need more flashpoints or operations at this point.. havent even done other ones yet or level to 50.. were not all raiding you know.. need more solo stuff..FLUFF..things to do



:) :)


Bioware got it right, you got it wrong , seriously pod racing......

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.


They've been releasing bugfix patches almost daily, starting with the really critical stuff (like the Taris memory leaks and unfinishable quests, both of which have been the main focus of at least one patch). This little preview is about content that is coming a month from now. At the rate they're going, they'll have fixed everything on your list by then.

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work. So? run it yourself, you lazy piece of banthapoodoo.


Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython. Did you get the quest? then stop crying.


Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work. Haven't experienced that. (not saying it isn't there, just saying that i personally haven't seen that at all)


Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...) Poor you, 3 days and bioware still haven't solved your guild leader issue in the middle of their launch? the sheer nerve of them! how dare they?


Memory leaks on Taris... Already fixed, according to patchnotes.



To be completely honest: what you do is whine. Your concerns seem small and insignificant compared to the mammoth undertaking it is to launch a MMO. Man up and give it a couple of months.. or don't. I hear Azeroth is pretty this time of the year.

Edited by Nanoling
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It's all good and stuff, but how about some new info on combat log? If you're not going to include it, can you be specific about it so people don't wait around for nothing? I know the community on the forums is for and against it, so would be nice with some clarification.
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[James asked me to post this on his behalf; he's working hard on the content below! - Stephen]


We plan to continue releasing Flashpoints, Operations, Warzones and new game systems on a regular cadence. This patch coming early next year is only a taste of what is to come. Stay tuned for more announcements!


Not a single mention of what they're doing about open world PvP. This game is going to be short-lived by many people. I guess I should have learned from WoW and only gotten a 3 month subscription to start instead of 6 months. I was so fed up with WoW after 4 months, 1) because it was boring to play but mostly 2) because there was no viable PvP. My 6 month subscription came up and they announced battlegrounds slightly before, so I renewed for 3 months thinking 'ah! they're addressing PvP!!!', only to play it for a month and realize how horrible it was.


This game at least has some story and interesting characters to play going for it, so I might actually last the 6 months without getting extremely upset.


However, I'm already quite upset at the lack of OWPvP...at about 25 I started to get REALLY ITCHY for PvP, now I'm 31 and I've had maybe 2 decent 'battles' with some people and 2 1v1 experiences and got so itching for some PvP action I actually tried a WZ. Big mistake there, it made me really disgusted with the game and makes me even more disgusted that they're working on making more of those. That is not PvP, if I wanted something like that I'd play CS.

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Is there any news on the Legacy system?


Great that I am working towards xp for it and all but what I would love to know is if it will open up new character creation options or abilities or if it will be giving stuff to existing characters.


2 things spring to mind with what could happen firstly I start grinding out the dailies only to find all that bound gear is a waste as I open up an option to play something new and my current character gets shealved. Or it effects progression and I will shealve playing any new story lines till it comes in and new characters get a 50% boost so you don't have to play through as much repeatable content.

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I love that you guys are already coming out with new PvE content, but I'm more interested in any upcoming changes on existing stuff - classes, crafting, UI, etc.


Yeah it'd be nice to know that I'm going to be able to read stuff on the screen without pulling a neck muscle and straining my eyes for the next however long. I don't know how much more I can take.

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Ah, yes, Mr. "I can't comment but BioWare loves Macs"... :raiseOneEyebrow:


I asked Santa to bring us SWTOR for Mac, and he said all the best games launch or are soon ported to Mac OS. I hate cryptic answers, but he did mention that Blizzard says thanks for not taking *all* their subscribers this Christmas. :p (I'd estimate how many, but BioWare and EA already port or release Mac+Windows games, so I couldn't tell you anything you dont already know. I can say there are a lot of not only Mac-only but also multiple-computer households that play those other cross-platform MMOs that would greatly appreciate it.)


Great to see BioWare isn't going to take off the next year or so. And congrats on a such a huge and successful launch. ("How many millions?! Are you insane?!") I look forward to seeing what the new year (and beyond) brings.

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Love the idea of new content - but what about bug fixes?


Following a person doesn't work.

Satele Shan has been small in JK quest on Tython.

Tons of quests you have to drop and reget to make them work.

Guild problems (we still have no guild leader - and it's been 3 days since I put in a ticket...)

Memory leaks on Taris...


and the list goes on and on...


I'm sorry, but if you guys want to compete with WoW - start fixing crap that shouldn't be broken.

It's not magic, they don't cross their arms and blink their eyes and stuff is fixed. PTR shows bug fix progressions, post comments their for bugs. This is a thread for upcoming content, not released content or bugs.

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While I agree that bugs are probably a separate department than content, I am somewhat disappointed in the number of bugs given the extremely lengthy beta.


More to what I'd like to hear about: UI MODS. When are we going to open this up? The stock UI isn't great, but the total lack of options for it is pathetic.


And before people start griping about addons, I'm not talking about meters or boss mods, just the ability to change the position, size, and ideally transparency of various UI components (and for the love of god add target of target). If you think it's ezmode or gamebreaking or unfair that I have bigger buff/debuff icons and I've moved my quickbars to somewhere I find easier to glance to and my operations frame is split up so I can keep a better eye on my heal responsibilities, I think you need to chill.

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I dont know, new stuff already 1 month after game release is too soon imo. Id rather see some big patch repairing many buggs ive encountered (Taris lag, hard mode flashpoints bugs, companions protesting to do stuff, etc.) Dont get me wrong, i really like this game, i just want it to be more polished before new stuff arives.

And so begins the eternal MMO battle between 'more new stuff' and 'fix the bugs'. :)


The development team is large enough that essentially, we can do both. We have many people working on analysing, triaging, fixing, testing and deploying new fixes to ensure the game's stability - and we also have many other developers expanding the game and creating new content.


What about coming out with new planets so when we play SWTTOR and when new playersa play SWTOR, each time we roll a class, there isdifferent combinations of planets we can go through to get to max level ?

You'll see new planets over time, but of course creating a new planet is a massive amount of effort. That said, they're on the plans for sure. I will point out that even though we're going to create new planets, there's no guarantee they'll replace the existing Origin Worlds.


Is there any news on the Legacy system?

Not yet, but it's being worked on. Stay tuned!

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I dont think that new Instance and Raid is this that SWTOR needs in first big update.


Im was very happy that daspite this that i find this game HEAVILY based on WoW i found it also COMPLETELY different in gameplay style that WoW.


Sad thing that Bioware will follow very bad game expanding path... new instance after new instance (and raiding stuff) plus one cap increase addon per 2 years.





Srsly guys... basides this that YOU CANT BEAT WOW BY SERVING MORE WOW you dont have other ideas?

Im really eager to see more storytelling, more planets, more fluff stuff, legacy system, REAL SPACE COMBAT not minigame, less linear quest paths, expanded player housing, expanded crafting (especially missions - they are boring lolz) NOT NEW FLASHPOINT (exciting! 1H OF GAMEPLAY THEN BORING FARM STATUS) and "oh look i have this Tier 678 Shoulders from generic raid boss XXX".


Just stick to things that makes this gme UNIQUE and FUN not generic instanced content that i play in RIFT, WOW, etc... and endless gear hunt.


Im not prophet but i think if you (bioware) will stick with adding flashpoints and vertical (tiered) content that will be abandoned right after next patch this game will fail like many before that follow this path (besides WoW ofc) and you pretty an handcrafted world will be ghost town as soon as players hit 50 and stic to "new flashpoint".


Bottom line.... new Flashpoint? Dissapointing and honestly (and sadly) predictable.



Edited by Pinia
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How about letting us choose the warzone we want instead of having to play hutt ball 9/10 games.


Why do you go out of your way to prevent world pvp.




This. Why are you releasing new content when the existing content is broken?

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I dont think that new Instance and Raid is this that SWTOR needs in first big update.


Im was very happy that daspite this that i find this game HEAVILY based on WoW i found it also COMPLETELY different in gameplay style that WoW.


Sad thing that Bioware will follow very bad game expanding path... new instance after new instance (and raiding stuff) plus one cap increase addon per 2 years.





Srsly guys... basides this that YOU CANT BEAT WOW BY SERVING MORE WOW you dont have other ideas?

Im really eager to see more storytelling, more planets, more fluff stuff, legacy system, REAL SPACE COMBAT not minigame, less linear quest paths, expanded player housing, expanded crafting (especially missions - they are boring lolz) NOT NEW FLASHPOINT (exciting! 1H OF GAMEPLAY THEN BORING FARM STATUS) and "oh look i have this Tier 678 Shoulders from generic raid boss XXX".


Just stick to things that makes this gme UNIQUE and FUN not generic instanced content that i play in RIFT, WOW, etc... and endless gear hunt.


Im not prophet but i think if you (bioware) will stick with adding flashpoints and vertical (tiered) content that will be abandoned right after next patch this game will fail like many before that follow this path (besides WoW ofc) and you pretty an handcrafted world will be ghost town as soon as players hit 50 and stic to "new flashpoint".


Bottom line.... new Flashpoint? Dissapointing and honestly (and sadly) predictable.




go cry more and play wow if you dont like what your paying for. its really that simple.

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