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New huttball sux!!!


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The map does seem way too boxed in, the traps are placed in weird spots that dont actually impact moving the ball but overall its still Huttball and I like it for the most part outside of some design issues


I'm not amazing by any means but i try to have fun. My only complaint so to speak is that just like any other war zone the majority of people just want to 1v1 each other while the ball carrier walks right by them. "Tank (who doesnt have ball) backed up by heals, dont care i can take him out". "My healer is getting ganged up on so why am I not getting heals?" Certain classes just dot everything up and point to their damage at the end of the match while their team lost by 6, multiple dps allowing themselves to be kited around by a healer who doesn't have the ball while the healers team scores over and over. The mid tier in new Huttball just exacerbates all the of this from other warzones and actually encourages a deathmatch atmosphere where it would seem is actually counterproductive since as others mentioned the end zone is so weirdly tiny and placed in a much too easily reached location. Much like the original Huttball, most of the time i have no clue where my teammates are, rarely around the ball carrier though.

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if you have a team of people who understand the map, its just as fun( maybe even more fun ) than original huttball. it just takes 3 or 4 people who 'get it' and its easy to totally dominate a team full of brain dead people playing death match. my guess is, many who are saying it sux are the ones getting steamrolled because they are clueless on how to play the map.
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I tried... I seriously tried to like the new huttball but it's impossible... EAware have made it their goal to lick every ranged player where the sun doesn't shine, cause this **** couldnt be *********** better for them.. they all sit on the ledges.. try and leap, adn get knocked down. try and go up, and get knocked down to the basement... I love the old huttball map but this new one is now my number 1 hatemap.. so thanks for giving me a 50% chance to get this map instead of the good one the 1/50 WZs one actually get huttball...
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biggest problem with the new huttball is it can't end quickly. If you have a team of bads on one side, the other team can still take forever to score due to the design of the map. So it's really interminable for the players that are on the team of bads that can't manage 400DPS or even leave the spawn area.
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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.

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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.


I am a pvper and I love Huttball

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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.


Just queue for ranked arenas then if you're looking for deathmatch and good gear...


Anyway, I won on this map the other day with 4 people that share your viewpoint and all they did was deathmatch all day at the enemy spawn. If that's how you like it, go for it.

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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.


TY, I'll take your HB spot while you get on with node guarding.

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The biggest problem with it is that it gives ranged a bunch of incentive to completely ignore the objective and farm damage instead.



I've been on so many ranged teams that got slaughtered by warrior/Knights that just leap and score while the RDPS stand at the end zone or pipe firing into the 2nd floor.

I watched a shadow walk up the ramps across the backs of 3 RDPS to score completely un-contested.


Ranged DPS is a liability on this map because it makes them play like morons.

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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.


Good luck carrying the ball with no gear and lasting more than 3 seconds...Huttball requires a thought process, which is probably why people like you hate it.

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I have mixed feelings on it.


For my dps toons it's just kinda "ok" yet annoying at times. However for my pure pvp tank it's kind of nice. Normally my tank is just hot swapping guard or babysitting a point. In this new huttball coupled with a healer it's pretty much just grab the ball and dredge it up to the top. Basically it's something different anyway.


On all toons however i do find it to be a bit boxy for sure.

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lmao silly pvers more you defend fail huttball, well, it only proves how really fail it is...u guys start a " I love huttball because my gear sucks" guild and/or "I love huttball" thread. You really think BW added it because it's popular? Funny, BW hasn't a clue about pvp in the first place much less what ppl like.
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The original Huttball's way from spawn to the pit, is wide and you can easily see where any potential "leaper" is and avoid him. And even so people STILL fail to stand there like blind ducklings, making themselves available for the opposing team....and well, that inability that so many appearantly suffer from becomes a sure and plain annoyance in this new map.


Just this. It's just like watching players stand on the edges inviting a leaper carrying the ball on the old map. Just gets old really fast.


They should just stick a sign over any players head that does that sort of thing, big neon arrow with writing saying "leap on this idiot". :rolleyes:

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lmao silly pvers more you defend fail huttball, well, it only proves how really fail it is...u guys start a " I love huttball because my gear sucks" guild and/or "I love huttball" thread. You really think BW added it because it's popular? Funny, BW hasn't a clue about pvp in the first place much less what ppl like.


did you even bother to read any of the responses?


what I am getting from what you have been saying is "like ohmigod I am a pvper and I hate Huttball so obviously no one else but pveers like it since obviously no one can have a different opinion than I do without being a "silly Pver".


Thank you for showing me that I can't make decisions by myself, and that even though I got ranked gear with augmented shells and do at least several warzones a day that despite that I must be a pver due to the fact that I like Huttball.


Edited by Sangrar
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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.


not sure if trolling or just extremely misguided. hb is easily the least "casual-friendly" map in the rotation. good players make PvE-heroes look really really bad in HB.

Edited by foxmob
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lmao silly pvers more you defend fail huttball, well, it only proves how really fail it is...u guys start a " I love huttball because my gear sucks" guild and/or "I love huttball" thread. You really think BW added it because it's popular? Funny, BW hasn't a clue about pvp in the first place much less what ppl like.


crap. yeah. he's trolling. I bit. :(

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So many pvers defending huttball (the only arena where your fail pve gear will work)....grab ball leap score no need for gear no need to be good....pvers opinions about what is supposed to be a pvp wz mean little....only reason you like it is because you can win with fail gear....leap score isn't to hard. Anyway, I enter it I leave, so do most other ppl it's that popular.....


Cant wait for the "oh I am a pvper and I love huttball" responses. Don't bother you like it fine. Someone's trash is always some other persons treasure. Have the trash.

I don't care for Huttball. I barely find it innovative or engaging, but to each their own. I'm completely apathetic to this new one. I just find it leaning on the ranged side but hey, more people like ranged so why not I guess:rak_03:


If I were ranged I'd be farming endlessly in mid. It's probably super fun - admit it.

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I am mind blown and will continue to sub. As a developer this stuff takes hours of debugging and keeping classes balanced are complex formulas that are tweaked within variables.


Anyhow, my sorc friend and I dominate the matches.


Sorry guys! Thaaannnx

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Just this. It's just like watching players stand on the edges inviting a leaper carrying the ball on the old map. Just gets old really fast.


They should just stick a sign over any players head that does that sort of thing, big neon arrow with writing saying "leap on this idiot". :rolleyes:


So much this. In the days of tabletop Dungeons and Dragons, one of the magazines had a cartoon that showed two adventurers standing next to a huge crate that read "Contents: One Minotaur. Insert sword for 1,000 Experience Points". This is the image that often flashes through my memory when I see someone on a zone edge get leaped to for a knight/warrior Huttball score, though I confess your example is much more applicable - make it "Leap on this idiot for one Huttball score".


I actually like the original Huttball...the only time I've dreaded it was some time back when it seemed like seven out of eight warzone pops were Huttball (that may be an exaggeration...but not by much).


I've tried the new Huttball map. On multiple characters, multiple classes. While I do well on my sniper, I admit to being somewhat underwhelmed and unenthused. I auto-drop from 4x4 arenas, as I find them nothing but continual e-peen wave-fests, and the new Huttball map isn't much better - more often than not, I watch as people do a mid-level deathmatch for almost the entire game, with scoring and objectives being less than an afterthought.


I gave it a chance, and I tried it on every (basic) class of character I have. With few exceptions, I believe in "Don't knock what you haven't tried". Well...I tried it. Many times. Not impressed. Not going to bother with it any more.

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Just this. It's just like watching players stand on the edges inviting a leaper carrying the ball on the old map. Just gets old really fast.


They should just stick a sign over any players head that does that sort of thing, big neon arrow with writing saying "leap on this idiot". :rolleyes:


Unless you have my horrible luck and always hit that invisible mid air wall while leaping to said idiot :rolleyes:


Great for the other team, infuriating for me..

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I must admit, I post most of my Rants straight in the Ear of customer service, haven't done that this time. It helps tho. reading this thread, I'm about to agree with the OP on this one! Even tho I'm a frequent speaker for a huttball league I just now realized the following; IF we get one it would probably be with this new Arena. It isn't a warzone, not even a huttball game. To hard? not really, but, as we all know the awareness in a ordinary WZ is very uncertain, this one map display all that we don't need at the moment; Something that confuse and alienate.


While I know a new Huttball map was what we all looked forward to, this is not it, not by a long shot. This is a product of a to long inward discussion at the devs table; The term 'Group think' comes to mind. But then again the general concept of the whole game seems to be NOT to give the gamer what he/she ask for.


'How long can we keep screwing this up?, before they all leave!' is probably the ongoing bet at the staff meetings at BW . . .

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To be quite honest, my stance on this warzone will probably change in a few weeks after I have played it and gotten more comfortable. The issues I see currently:

1) This is a tiny *** map. I can leap from one level push leap again and intercede and suddenly I've traveled over 3/4ths of the map. Pushing the boundaries out just a bit (5-10m on each side) it should balance a bit better and allow for a more forgiving play-style. This would hopefully even out the pug vs premade and good pug vs iffy pug warzones. (at least a little bit)

2) The traps are too easily avoided, and even if you get planted in one, healers can heal straight through the damage. I have seen multiple healers get rooted right under acid, begin taking damage, and heal themselves straight through the burn. Eventually, if their heals are mitigated with stuns etc, they die fairly quickly, but perhaps a slightly lengthened burn or more traps would make the traps more effective at being what they are supposed to be, as opposed to simply being a minor roadblock.


As is, I figured out how the entire match was layed out after about 2-4 matches, figured out where certain classes are more liable to camp, and already know how to avoid the deathtraps. It's more about how well your team adapts when you solo queue and which team doesn't get caught up in the deathmatch at mid level (just like most other warzones).


SIDE NOTE Another reason we're seeing a large influx of ranged classes (sorcs n sages in particular) is the new relics they released glitch and allow sorcs/sages to global their abilities in a funky way. I don't play one, but several of my buddies know and use the glitch (just like with the bolster glitch pre 2.7) and are able to use abilities at a pace of (in extreme cases) 4 of their abilities to 1 of the poor soul getting wrecked. This is leading to more people going with the middle tree or a hybrid spec and give sages/sorcs the ability to torch nearly every class. It does take some skill to use, but I thought I would mention it just to gauge how people see it.

Edited by jimmerswimmer
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To be quite honest, my stance on this warzone will probably change in a few weeks after I have played it and gotten more comfortable. The issues I see currently:

1) This is a tiny *** map. I can leap from one level push leap again and intercede and suddenly I've traveled over 3/4ths of the map. Pushing the boundaries out just a bit (5-10m on each side) it should balance a bit better and allow for a more forgiving play-style. This would hopefully even out the pug vs premade and good pug vs iffy pug warzones. (at least a little bit)

2) The traps are too easily avoided, and even if you get planted in one, healers can heal straight through the damage. I have seen multiple healers get rooted right under acid, begin taking damage, and heal themselves straight through the burn. Eventually, if their heals are mitigated with stuns etc, they die fairly quickly, but perhaps a slightly lengthened burn or more traps would make the traps more effective at being what they are supposed to be, as opposed to simply being a minor roadblock.


As is, I figured out how the entire match was layed out after about 2-4 matches, figured out where certain classes are more liable to camp, and already know how to avoid the deathtraps. It's more about how well your team adapts when you solo queue and which team doesn't get caught up in the deathmatch at mid level (just like most other warzones).


SIDE NOTE Another reason we're seeing a large influx of ranged classes (sorcs n sages in particular) is the new relics they released glitch and allow sorcs/sages to global their abilities in a funky way. I don't play one, but several of my buddies know and use the glitch (just like with the bolster glitch pre 2.7) and are able to use abilities at a pace of (in extreme cases) 4 of their abilities to 1 of the poor soul getting wrecked. This is leading to more people going with the middle tree or a hybrid spec and give sages/sorcs the ability to torch nearly every class. It does take some skill to use, but I thought I would mention it just to gauge how people see it.


Just a note on Juggs/Guardians, the leaping is possible on the old map as well. If I get the ball at mid, I can leap to someone over the acid, push them into the pit, leap again, then intercede up to someone in the endzone. It probably just seems worse since there is a lot more Veng/Vig running around so they are also un-CC'able that whole time as well.

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