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Two Things That Starwars The Old Republic Needs Badly


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I wonder if all these people taking the OP seriously are just engaging in some form of meta-trolling. If not, I feel really bad for the community.


I'm not actually sure which is worse tbh, the people who only read the title and not the post or those who read the OP and still didn't understand it.

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I'm not actually sure which is worse tbh, the people who only read the title and not the post or those who read the OP and still didn't understand it.


Worst part is that actually people are agreeing with the sarcastic OP and saying it is true lol.





And that says something ................

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can i have your stuff?




dungeon finder would be nice but it's unnecessary. cheap respecs would be nice, but you should have to pay for changing your mind so much, think heavily before you choose where to put your points.


go ahead and go back to playing WoW. it amazes me how the success of a bad game is destroying gamers.


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This forum is very funny.


Well played Gestas.


I personally love the game the way it is. But it's new, there's a lot of new people creating new characters, and therefore relatively easy to find a group at level 17. The problem is going to be in a year or so when there just aren't that many people creating new characters. You could incrementally spam general chat for your entire duration in a zone and never get a reply.


So find a friend to make a new character with?


Not many people progress at the same level.


You don't have to run FP's to proceed.


I don't want to miss content. I REALLY don't want to run a level 15 FP at level 50.

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Dungeon finder. I noticed that there are players who are actually going out into the world to quest, socialize, explore, and group with other players; I find this extremely tedious and annoying. I think I speak for the majority when I say that we'd rather sit in a capital city all day trolling general while pressing the dungeon finder/PVP Warzone button over and over again while we wait for some 35 something-year-old basement dweller form a 40-man raid. That's what MMORPGs are all about. Just look at the very successful MMORPG Call of Duty.


The problem with not having a dungeon finder is that people are forced to do precisely this if they want to run a Flashpoint. Virtually the only way to get a group for a FP now is to sit around in the fleet spamming general chat.


If there were a dungeon finder tool, people could spend their time out on the planets questing, and queue up when they felt like taking a break to do a FP instead of waiting around on the fleet for someone else to come along who wants to run the same thing. As someone who works night shift, and comes home to play at 3:30 - 4:00 am, it's even more important for me. I might actually ever find a FP group at that hour with a dungeon finder tool, but I will NEVER find one spamming general on the fleet at that hour.


By the way, I completely DO NOT buy the argument that this would add anonymity to anyone providing they don't make it cross-realm. If they keep it inter-realm only, you would have just as much anonymity if you joined through dungeon finder as you would if you joined a random group by spamming general chat.

Edited by Raijinvince
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The OP is on to something here. I mean, who plays video games to socialize? No thanks.


p.s. Please nerf Jedi Conuslars asap. One killed me in a Hutball match today and now I hate them all because they are overpowered.



/hat tip to OP for awesome thread and very entertaining morons responding to it without getting the point. :p

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In conclusion, if you don't shape up Bioware, I just may have to go back to WoW. Just sayin'.
This might be a good idea because all you're trying to achieve here is make the game more like wow. Why would bioware make a new game if they're going to just make more of the same?


All you people who are against dual specs, cheap respecs, and dungeon finder need to go back to Everquest.
See, here's the thing. People that are playing this are playing it because it's different from wow. If it was exactly the same as wow, well you might as well play that? It has more content and whatnot...
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No to dungeon finder, yes to dual specs.


Dungeon finder hurts communities. I would rather they build on the current LFG feature to make it a bit more robust, but keeping the active interaction between players is a necessity.


Considering TOR is the fastest-growing MMO in history, I think Bioware could do without you. Good luck though!

Edited by GeLopez
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nice post OP


I look forward to forming my own groups and traveling together to the instance. I made many friends doing this from that other game aand also, some world pvp may happen :)


It is more time consuming than sitting in a city and clicking a button to find a team of strangers from other servers to team with and never ever see again but it sure is worth it :)


as for duel spec, i like that i can only have one, makes the choice you have to make more imprtant. Plus more specs i think could lead to people wanting to ninja.

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Dungeon finder hurts communities.



One thing I like about the OPs post is how it showcases how many people either didn't read it, or can't discern clear sarcasm. Onto the quote, though...


How does dungeon finder (assuming it's not cross-realm) hurt communities? People say this all the time, but never back their comment up. If you're joining with a group that you found by spamming general chat...how is that ANY different than joining with a group that you were placed with through a dungeon finder tool providing, again, these are all people currently playing on your same server?

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Was to long, I really wanted to read it but then I'd of lost the chance to earn like an entire level on CoD, so instead I read the first sentence and decided this was a completely serious topic, that I fell in love with, thank you Hopefully bio ware will make this game just as entertaining as my precious call of duty so I can spend an hour here and an hour there and master both within a day or two.
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I'm not even going to read this. I saw Dungeon Finder and Dual Spec and thats all I need to see. I my opinion we don't need either. Picking an advanced class should be a commitment and switching should cost you greatly. WoW made MMOs way to easy by giving in to everyone's wants. As for the DF NO WAY. We don't need that. All it produces is rude nasty elitist people. Something I don't want to see. Get a group the old fashioned way, ask in general.
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