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  1. I agree with all of this. There are far more people going 1-50 solo in tor than there are people going 1-85 solo in wow. Most people in wow are actually encouraged to group, fail group or not, to enhance their leveling experience. in Tor you only need to group on occasional heroic quests. If it says 2+ I usually try to challenge myself to complete it solo, as I imagine many others do as well. agree social interaction is hardly what I'm seeing in chat. I don't really see the difference between finding a group in a server only LFF, and a server only chat found group. I personally like the LFD because of the interaction I get with other players. It doesn't even matter if they talk at all, the simple fact that I know that I'm playing with someone else behind a keyboard doing what they can to keep the group alive is pleasant enough for me. What I don't like is questing, questing, questing and only seeing other people running around doing the same thing. If anything they get in my way by taking the kills I need (anti-social encouraging). Ultimately I'd like to play an MMO where I start and end the game while playing with people. The way it is I start, pick up 5 solo quests, do them, get a heroic, hook up a group, do the heroic, disband, and then do 5 more solo quests. Not very MMO.
  2. This forum is very funny. Well played Gestas. I personally love the game the way it is. But it's new, there's a lot of new people creating new characters, and therefore relatively easy to find a group at level 17. The problem is going to be in a year or so when there just aren't that many people creating new characters. You could incrementally spam general chat for your entire duration in a zone and never get a reply. So find a friend to make a new character with? Not many people progress at the same level. You don't have to run FP's to proceed. I don't want to miss content. I REALLY don't want to run a level 15 FP at level 50.
  3. It's not really that hard to get to 50. A lot of people were taking the first week off of launch from work so they could play, because they wanted to be immersed. You got to 50? You beat the game. That's it bro. Either put it down or re-roll.
  4. it always had a lfg, what it didn't have was a que for group. The cross server que revolutionized the way we play because it made it so even people that were making new characters years after release were CAPABLE of running dungeons. Without the que, chances of finding a new group of players with a tank, heals, and dps to run deadmines was zero. Maybe if you had a guild that all wanted to make new characters, then you could all run together every day, but this is a mmo. I play it to meet NEW people. Without the que, going from 1-85 right now would really only be possible through questing. In ToR, it IS possible to find a group at a low level, because the game was just released, and there are many new people creating new characters that are all lfg to run the content. but mark my words. If you want to find a similarly leveled group in a year to run a flashpoint......good luck. You'll have to skip a lot of content.
  5. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=486352#post486352
  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=486352#post486352
  7. Still no e-mail Still says order in process.
  8. The problem with an Inquisitor healer, is the lightning is so damn awesome that people are easily drawn to the destructive capability of the sorcerer and healing gets thrown out the door. Healing....not so awesome. Not yet anyway.
  9. Good news at any rate. We get 2 days of "grace period". So we will have until the 22nd to get our copy in the mail. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=301753
  10. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=418156#post418156
  11. I was able to get through to a phone operator and they stated "If the product hasn't been shipped after a few days after the 20th, we have ways of getting you in and playing." I wouldn't really call that sufficient considering people who purchased from various vendors ALREADY have a copy of the game and will be playing at the moment of official server launch.
  12. I pre-ordered the standard physical edition of the game from origin.com on December 5. I was sent an e-mail stating all of the standard receipt information, where to get the pre-order and a statement about the physical copy. " PHYSICAL PRODUCTS You will receive a separate e-mail notification when your products have shipped. " I have received no e-mail. If I check my account on origin.com it shows my order as Order Total: $64.44 Status: Order in Process Under contact us it says: Live Chat Sorry, there are no experts available at this time. Please try again later. Call Me Sorry, there are no advisors available at this time. Please try again later. The problem is it says it will take 4-6 days to ship on the standard shipping. If I paid an extra 15 bucks I could've gotten the expedited 2 day shipping, but I assumed with as early as I ordered it, they'd have it here by the time the game launches. I figured since I was purchasing it straight from the boys at EA/Origin they'd take care of their own. It turns out that if they somehow ship it today I won't receive it until 1-3 days after the game launches. I would've been better off going through the tried and true Gamestop.
  13. Digital crack has always been something that quickly gets old, and goes from being "awesome!", to "tacky" in almost no time. A quote that pretty much sums up the digital content for me. " Player 1: Holodancer is awesome Player 2: Does it replace your girlfriend? " Then people went on to complain about how if people were paying for things when they didn't know what they are are idiots and whatnot. At the end of the conversation I believe the person with the holodancer will never be seen with it out again. People always want to be adored, so of course they will want the extra swag, and don't get me wrong, the right people will have a great time with the flare gun, it'll be macroed into their rp. They'll use it for raid signaling. You never know when it might come in handy. But for most people, only get the CE if you want the physical content.
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