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Have an idea for a Warzone? Share it with a Dev!


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I would suspect they have limited resources when it comes to PvP so I would imagine they have to put their manpower on what the community as whole wants. Most of the content now relates to the cartel market in some form pvp really does not have the opportunity so it is lower on the food chain when it comes to content


It shouldn't surprise pvpers that they don't devote time to them. Its the minority of the game. The problem is bioware has at times acted like they are interested in the pvp community, then flips them off and leaves it for months to even years at a time.

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I can agree to this to some extent, but at the same time I like variety. It would be nice if they could devote resources to reskinning existing warzones as well as designing new ones.


Also I really hope this thread doesn't get derailed too much. This is actually an awesome topic that riles up the creative juices in many people. To see it buried under disgruntled players complaints or derailed by demands not pertaining to the topic would be a damn shame. :( Please let's actually have fun with this.

I agree with the yellow part immensely. I understand the bitterness, it's more than justified...but this isn't the thread for it.


I also completely agree Rasen, I don't want ALL and ONLY reskins from this day forward - *NEW* is always more attractive...but I also believe that 2 maps of any "type" wouldn't bee too many at all.

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Coming from the guy who trolled the commando thread and just claimed that this is the best balance patch even though 2 classes are being rendered useless dps wise and a few other classes are going to be OP, I'd say everything makes sense now.


I encourage you to run for Class Representative because you will sure help balance this game.


Opinion = Troll


You dont know what you're talking about


/Thread continue

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I can agree to this to some extent, but at the same time I like variety. It would be nice if they could devote resources to reskinning existing warzones as well as designing new ones.


I agree, they should continue to create new types of objectives, but I think they could reach a balance between completely new stuff and reusing old stuff on a new map that would get us a quicker turnaround.


That sounds like something a casual/PvE'er would say... :rolleyes:


That's really constructive. Do you have a point, or is your goal just to waste time by insulting others.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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So, lots of rage in this thread, but I'm gonna toss out an idea.


Name: Defense of Voss


Style: Tower Defense


Scenario: The war has spilled over onto Voss. The Empire and Republic are both fighting for control of a protected Voss temple which contains ancient holocrons of both the Sith and Jedi.


Objective: The attacking and defending teams are determined randomly at start. The attacking team needs to breach the defending teams walls (2 sets of 2, and then 2 final single doors) On each door are turrets that the defending team can man. The attacking team has access to tanks and needs to shoot down the walls. Players not in tanks can grab bombs and set them at the walls to destroy. Defending players that aren't in turrets can defuse those bombs or kill the bomb carriers. Each wall would have two turrets that can be manned by players to help destroy tanks.


How to win: The attacking team needs to breach the final wall before time runs out (10 minutes). If they do, the teams switch places and the new attacking team must breach the final wall in less time. If the original attackers do not breach the wall in 10 minutes, the defenders have a full 10 minutes to breach the final wall. In the event neither team breaches the final wall, the winning team is the one who destroyed more walls. In the event of a tie, the team with the fewest deaths wins.


How to make a comeback: Easy. Just like Voidstar, the time works the same. This is essentially a Voidstar match with turrets and tanks.

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My english isn´t that good but I need to write something.

Do you know how your work looks for us customers?

It´s like we bought a car, for what we pay every month but find out that the engine is broken.

You have alway problems with this car, if you are lucky it works for a while and some hours later it goes crazy.

We take that car to you and ask for help, your answer is only, oh uhm we understand but it´s to much work, but hey we give you a new colour for your car, we hope you enjoy.

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My english isn´t that good but I need to write something.

Do you know how your work looks for us customers?

It´s like we bought a car, for what we pay every month but find out that the engine is broken.

You have alway problems with this car, if you are lucky it works for a while and some hours later it goes crazy.

We take that car to you and ask for help, your answer is only, oh uhm we understand but it´s to much work, but hey we give you a new colour for your car, we hope you enjoy.


Especially when the color costs Cartel Coins to get :rolleyes:

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What should the new WZ be? Well let's take a look at what we have already for game modes...


Huttball...the signature game mode of SWTOR. A new map coming down the pipe already pretty much precludes another in my book.

Domination mode (Novare Coast and Civil War)...

Assault mode (Voidstar)...

Dunno what you would call it mode (Hypergates)...

and finally

Deathmatch (arenas)...


What game mode is missing from the lexicon of multiplayer modes? There's one I can think of that should be added and would add a dynamic to 8v8 that we don't really see now in any of the maps since they're all basically zergs...


Capture the Flag!!!


Call it whatever you want to...but this has been a mode I've been missing since day 1. It's the quintessential multiplayer mode. Put it in. We need it. Something that forces teams to play defense, offense and recovery simultaneously. Get on it BW.

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People with opinions like that are why this game's pvp community is dead.


If it means a better PvP community rises up to replace the toxic one before then why didn't we form these opinions sooner?


Okay so more thoughts. Definitely king of the hill MUST be the next map type. Since we are returning to the war I think having it take place on a contested planet would make the most sense. I'm not sure where the story is going in 3.0 though so can't say where. So we have a square shaped map. There should be multiple spawn points for players to choose from due to the roaming nature of the hill. There are several bunkers scattered about and each remain inactive unless they are the site of the hill at the time. Control is gained via Novarre Coast capturing method. It should take time to cap it, but be quick if your team is there. Once controlled the game shifts to a defend scenario where the objective is now to either defend the point or destroy it by destroying a now active shield generator. Damaging it directly destroys it over time, but if you have healers and tanks they can mitigate the damage a bit, but I'd say the generator should have an infinite trauma debuff to lower just how effective heals can be.


The scoreboard will show two bars and each will fill depending on how long a team controls a bunker and keeps the generator alive. When the generator goes down the next hill spawns within 5 seconds and a huge beacon of light shoots out above it signalling to everyone where it is at all times. The game continues like that til one team's control bar reaches the end and when that happens their artillery now has the power to shoot down the enemy fleet looming overhead.


This type of game removes the afk mentality as Adam mentioned earlier as well as enables a good mixture of emphasis on dps, heals and tanks. This game would also be fast paced and very easy to flip if losing. Key is to be quick when moving to next bunker and if you can prevent a capture you can easily turn things around. A lot of people may choose to deathmatch as opposed to getting on the hill though so that could be a downside when pugging.

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I've always like the idea of some sort of relay race. Like do objective A to get to B etc. Kill a badguy, or solve a puzzle then get to the next point. Even getting through a maze.


Or we could have actual speeder racing too.


Or another is free for all with 16 people, last man standing, kinda thing.


Recalling the Oddball game from the halo franchise, that game was also fun.


As for solving the lag issues on Ilum, and hopefully bringing back open world pvp (or perhaps another WZ idea): Have a sort of king of the hill game going on there (similar again to the Halo franchise) wherein there is a squared out area. That area will gain you WZ comms and kills can add bonus comms. To avoid inevitable lag, there could be 3-4 of these squared off areas, and to encourage movement, these squared areas should change all over the map very often. Also, there could be capturable points similar to how Ilum was before so that when more points are captured for one side, the more comms they could possibly receive. Also, a faction imbalance is an issue this could be done in groups or matchups.

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A moving King of the Hill is a game type we have talked about. We like the idea but one concern is that it might end up just being a moving dogpile where the whole team is fighting the entire enemy team, making the whole experience a cluster on one point. What do yall think?


Good luck with the cooking Rasen! :csw_yoda:


Since we are up to a page and a half of bickering instead of responding to the obvious sign of the devs not caring :rak_confused:


I will respond...

I love playing king of the hill in halo. One of my best memories is playing a custom match in Halo 2 with a group of friends on the map that looks like an alien ship It was king of the kill but with rockets, low gravity, and no shields.

It was just pure fun.


I don't think that will exactly work here but King of the Hill adds a dynamic change that makes all of the matches feel different. Maybe add in a debuff when you are outside the circle that increases movement speed and you have an interesting combination.

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Here is my idea: Denon Satellite Control


two 8v8 teams fight for control over a satellite that controls a planetary defense system hanging over Denon. The teams are charged with getting control over the defenses to turn the tide of the space battle outside in their factions favor.



The trick is both teams start out having to fight eachother and break security doors and barricades all to get to the defense system controls for each section.



Phase 1: 2 ships land in the hangar bay near eachother. each are separated by a forcefield that conveniently open when the match starts and lets the players out. Both teams have to go through a blast door first(one per faction that the other team literally cannot damage). The door has health and the teams have to dps it down all the while fighting each other sending some to do damage and others to damage. Once one door is broken the team that open theirs clicks on the terminal (3 second cap time) and gains control of 1/3 of defense controls. Both teams then proceed to phase 2 when new doors happen to open.


Phase 2: the phase involves debris. Both the space battle outside has caused wreckage to be thrown in the way between them and each factions defense system controls for this section. Both teams have to run, retrieve explosive canisters located conveniently across the room from the debris ( though the spawn rate is limited, once they get the first few they got to wait about 30 seconds to get more, during which both teams can keep fighting), and run back avoiding the other team trying to stop them long enough to plant explosives on the debris pile (lets have say a 3 to 5 second cast time just to make things interesting). Then once a team has a lets say around 10 to 20 of these explosives planted, its enough and they automatically detonate upon which again the team who got through first wins. Now the match is over if one team got to both first, but if each team managed to win one phase each, then they will proceed to the tie breaker phase.


Tie Breaker: The final controls are located across water (separated from each faction by a barrier kind of like the first 2 parts Voidstar), the problem is that a current is running through it that works as insta-kill to whoever enters it. Both teams must go to a panel, and through an 8 second cast shut down the electricity while the other team sends people to attack. Then when a team has its electricity shut down they can run across the water to go to capture the final defense system controls, this time with a very small cast time like the main computer in Voidstar. There is only one trick: once the electricity is shut down the other team can through an 8 second cast turn it back on so defending it long enough for teammates to get across is important.



Anyway this is just my idea, if people like it I will update it with more info, and I will also be creating more ideas, hope I was of some use Eric and PVP team.

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A moving King of the Hill is a game type we have talked about. We like the idea but one concern is that it might end up just being a moving dogpile where the whole team is fighting the entire enemy team, making the whole experience a cluster on one point. What do yall think?


Good luck with the cooking Rasen! :csw_yoda:


Two possible ways to fix this:


Have several "king of the hill points" and make the team multi-task. That is to say, have them capture points (CW or NC style) so that when they are in the "king of the hill" point, they can acquire points. If they do not capture their points first, they would not acquire points if they were standing in the "king of the hill" spot. Plus it can be made so that the team has to constantly recapture the points or at least stay in the areas where capturing them is necessary. This also gives the enemy team a reason to go after them, if say, the team at the king of the hill spot is being undefeated.

Edited by MasterFeign
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Considering ranked que's prolly account for a fraction of a percent of warzones why would they continue to invest in it? I'm shocked they did the arena/leaderboard thing TBH, aside from the pvp servers the community as whole has demonstrated it doesn't want to do ranked by how little its used.


What a stupid question. Ever considered that ranked is so unpopular BECAUSE they have refused to invest in it? You know how many people left when ranked didn't come in 1.2 as promised?

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Isnt it a shame, that the PvP community is so morose, that they cant even take it seriously, when the devs want their thoughts?


However, this is my Idea:

MOBA style map, with the same objective: "The objective is to destroy the opponents' main structure with the assistance of periodically spawned computer-controlled units that march towards the enemy's main structure via paths referred to as "lanes" (wikipedia). While the classic moba consists of creeps and a jungle with mobs and both the PvPers and probably the engine wont like the, my suggestion would be to reduce it to just 1 lane with no NPCs, while still keeping the defending turrets. Question would be, if you actually had to destroy the turrets or cap them, since you need to cap everything in this game.


It would basically be like a Voidstar, where attacking and defending rounds are happening at the same time.



Now I wrote my suggestion. Guess I just waisted 15 minutes of my life for this, since this post wont matter anyway.

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A moving King of the Hill is a game type we have talked about. We like the idea but one concern is that it might end up just being a moving dogpile where the whole team is fighting the entire enemy team, making the whole experience a cluster on one point. What do yall think?


Good luck with the cooking Rasen! :csw_yoda:


I did not see your reply when I just posted. I think the main issue with what I am proposing is part what you said and also the whole fact that people might be more focused on doing deathmatch as opposed to fighting for the 'hill'. Yeah it'll be a cluster, but isn't the Quesh huttball as well? I believe you'll find through your data when 2.7 comes out that many people will love it due to how chaotic it is. It is a fast paced and crazier form of huttball that rewards teamwork and coordination while still finding a way to not punish too harshly those who lack it due to the simple fact that it is fun either way. That was my experience with it and I have confidence that will reflect the general community post 2.7.


I think trying to prevent a cluster will have an adverse effect and will cause another AFK syndrome. When you split objectives like that you will generally end up creating a scenario where someone has to afk on one objective while everyone else focuses other. By consolidating the objective in one spot and occasionally moving it a bit you not only keep everyone in the action, but by having each hill be aesthetically different terrain wise you force players to change strats each time. Having elevated hills, Hills in a sink hole, on a narrow bridge, etc... It WILL be crazy, but I believe that crazy is needed sometimes. It isn't like we won't have 'calmer' maps like the current ones in game.


Edit: As for dealing with deathmatch minded players in an objective warzone maybe using a concept similar to the toxic gas where there will be consistent damage all over the map and only the areas somewhat near the hill and the closest spawn are safe from harm. A planet like Quesh where it is all poisoned and the battle over the nodes, story wise, is to power your anti air batteries as well as surviving in the poison trenches. This will push players towards the nodes and keep them in the fight for them. Just a thought though I'm not sure how in favor of it I am.

Edited by Rasen
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Really happy to see this thread.



Two Flag Capture the Flag


I would really like to see two flag capture the flag. Each team would have their own flag (or ball, whatever) sitting right near their spawn zone. The opposite team would have to go and grab that flag, and bring it back to their spawn zone or flag spawn, in order to score. First to three would win. Basically you have to work at defending and attacking at the same time. Things to think about would include score, giving speed buffs or debuffs depending on how hard it actually is to score.



Kill Contest + Objective


For this, you can take basically any existing warzone, and Ancient Hypergate it. I mean add kills to the points. So in Huttball, you'd get maybe 100 points for scoring the ball, and 1 point for an enemy death. This also works for Two Flag Capture the Flag. I'm not sure this is actually a good idea or not. It's kind of a direct clash of objective vs. death match.



Multiple Hill King of the Hill


For King of the Hill, there's two ways to do it: either you "capture the hill" or you hold it. Capturing it is basically what Alderaan Civil war is, so I'd prefer a hold the hill version. 3 "hills" across the map, you have to have at least one player in it to get a point, can't have any enemy players in it to get a point. Prevents big dogpiles because there's three of them.



That's all for now folks. I'll be back with more later.

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Dear Devs, please disregard the forum trolls were not all that impolite and obnoxious.


Thanks for asking for our input, its about high time for a new warzone. Here is my idea:


Kuat Fuel Station:


Empire and Republic start at opposite ends of a semi linear space station with 5 command posts. Players and friendly NPC's (republic and imperial troopers respectively) spawn at either end of the station and push towards the opposite teams landing craft. The players can capture a command post the same way as in Novare Coast. Each captured command post provides x points towards a teams score, each NPC kill provides y, each player kill provides z points with the most points coming from holding ground. The team with fewer command posts receives more powerful NPC's to help them push back. The team with more command posts receives weaker NPC's and if they hold all 5 receive none. The NPC strength does not change until that particular NPC dies and respawns after a set amount of time. First team to reach 1000 points wins the match. Capturing a non frontal command post (meaning if the fight is between 4-5 and someone sneak caps 2) causes all posts to the front of that to also flip. Command posts further back take longer to sneak cap (up to 30s for the last one).


Here is why I think you guys should consider this:

1) Its a bigger scale battle. By adding NPCs you're increasing the sheer amount of combat without putting undue strain on the engine (if 16 man ops work, this should too).


2) Its a new mechanic reminiscent of battlefront or League of Legends (say what you will but it is a fun game format).


3) Its something we haven't done before


4) It permits turnaround victories and the harder one team is beating the other, the harder it becomes to keep beating them as their npc's turn from normals to sigs to elites. I don't see spawn camping as something thats going to happen much here.



potential extra features to make it even more awsome:

-make the npc's respect resolve so that PVE gear doesn't provide an advantage

-add flanking routes

-allow the players to use their companions instead of NPC's (standardize companion stats/roles to match players, in fact just use the skins instead of the actual companions).




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