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BioWare, please do not let the sadistic minority ruin your game


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Lf flaspoint is simple a terrible idea and stop posting about it. It kills online server communities because people don't have to take any responsibility or there actions.


Oh and there I a I game group finding tool.. Use it.


No need to multi specs..


Basic wow fanboy

Edited by therealjedi
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I can absolutely prefer the arguments for keeping a hypothetical LFG tool single-server. I think one can make a very reasonable case that by sticking with the players on your server fosters a sense of community and knowing who the heck you're grouping with.


I really don't get the arguments that a LFG tool would somehow be easy-mode though. Sitting in the Republic Fleet and typing, '/1 LFG [flashpoint]' isn't exactly hard. In general, using tedium as a surrogate for difficulty is a bad decision, imo.

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WRONG. All of the features in WoW, including the Looking For Dungeon Tool, were implemented because of the majority of players asking for it. Same with TOR. It has been released with the most popular features that the majority has asked for. The cross server dungeons is a huge step for mmos. And it was the community in WoW that pushed the LFD tool to become cross server. Open your eyes, you are a member of the infinitesimal minority.
You obviously missed all the polls made on this forum about this.


Cross server kills communities, makes the game impersonal, and removes any consequences for bad behavior too. I hope Bioware learned the lesson and will NEVER implement anything cross server, be it for PvE or PvP.


And there was a time when MMOs were not about sitting in a town waiting in a queue to do a battleground or a dungeon. Back then, people actually communicated, traveled to the dungeons, made the world feel populated and alive.

Edited by Korrigan
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The anti-LFD people need to answer these questions:


How are you gonna find groups for flashpoints when leveling a new toon while most of the community is in end-game?


When a new player starts playing this game a year from now and can't find anyone to group with, for a lower level FLashpoint, what will your advice be?


Still waiting....

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I agree with your suggestions. The people who say LFD destroys community or accountability are full of it. I was around since the beginning of wow, accountability doesn't exist in a videogame where you can redo-rename your character. Bad players will be bad players with or without cross-server. They will find a way to affect you somehow anyway, why not have quick and convenient grouping as well.
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How do you know that you speak for the majority and not for minority?From what I read you want to make the game exactly like wow...we don't need another wow, we need a game for the old wow community of vanilla and TBC and the game delivers fantastic to them.


People always want to make the game fit their liking and they claim they speak for the majority. If you like wow so much but you "need a change" ask blizzard to add some lightsabers and maybe a spaceship..I am sure they will do..they are prone to qq and whine.


This game will remain successful if it aims for another audience than this of wow and it does perfectly right now. the day this game will become like wow is the day I will quit and move on the next.


For now I am loving it, I play 10-14 hours a day at least..had to do this since vanilla/tbc wow.

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How do you know that you speak for the majority and not for minority?
He doesn't speak for any majority. All polls made here were crushingly clear about that. He speaks for the minority which wants to turn this into "wow in space" because they can't play with the easy mode and the crutches (addons) they have in wow.

The last thing this game needs is cross server groups, stupid required addons like deadly boss mods and similar crutches that dumb down the game.

Edited by Korrigan
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Your question is a non issue since all flashpoints starts are regrouped in the respective faction space station. What will people do in one year? Same as today.


That kind of thinking and lack of vision will lose subscriptions.


Same as today? Seriously? There will never be as many low level players playing the game as there is today. Is this your first mmo? You do realize the majority of players a year from now will be in end-game right?


The entire reason WoW came out with the LFD is because their lower level content was collecting dust.

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He doesn't speak for any majority. All polls made here were crushingly clear about that.


Underlined the important part. Forums have always been, and will always be, the vocal MINORITY. Unless the polls have a huge landslide of people voting, you really can't (and shouldn't) base anything on them.


A local-server LFD feature and dual spec is a must in today's MMOs. WoW made damn sure of that. Could we live without it? Sure. Do most casuals want to? God, no. And yes, as an MMO, they WILL cater to us casuals. The bottom line of their quarterlies demands nothing less.

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That kind of thinking and lack of vision will lose subscriptions.


Same as today? Seriously? There will never be as many low level players playing the game as there is today. Is this your first mmo? You do realize the majority of players a year from now will be in end-game right?


The entire reason WoW came out with the LFD is because their lower level content was collecting dust.

I'm playing MMOs since UO beta, and played them most if not all. I also remember a time when people would socialize in MMOs to group instead of relying on tools and then not even saying hello or good bye but just mashing buttons for gear.

People wanting to participate in a flashpoint in a year will do just like people today... they will go to the space station and ask. It's not like WoW where dungeons are spread all over the world. You have a single departure zone for dungeons here, people know where to go.

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He doesn't speak for any majority. All polls made here were crushingly clear about that. He speaks for the minority which wants to turn this into "wow in space" because they can't play with the easy mode and the crutches (addons) they have in wow.

The last thing this game needs is cross server groups, stupid required addons like deadly boss mods and similar crutches that dumb down the game.


You don't think he speaks for the majority? That's why WoW has more subscribers with all these features, right? Funny guy and your silly logic. If players hated them so much, why don't they just come play SWTOR? Oh wait...

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You don't think he speaks for the majority? That's why WoW has more subscribers with all these features, right? Funny guy and your silly logic. If players hated them so much, why don't they just come play SWTOR? Oh wait...
WoW reached its peak in subscriptions before those features were introduced. Remember, all this was only added for WotLK (dual spec in 3.1.0 Ulduar, dungeon finder in 3.3.0). WoW was doing just fine without that stuff. Edited by Korrigan
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Theres no reason not to have a LFD (LFF?) system (sure, not a cross-server one). Already the flashpoints are in one general location so teleporting in doesn't affect it.


As for socialising....spamming LFG in general is not socialing. Not trying to insult anyone but if you go outside theres more to socialising than that. Me personally, I always say "hi" and "thanks for the group" type comments at the start and end. Not everyone is the same, just like in real life. You always have your trusty guild if you're afraid of randoms. Some genuinely are :rolleyes:

Edited by BladeStrike
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LFG bad for the community?


So... LFG in WoW usually looks like this: Click button, get ported. Say "Hi!". Kill stuff. Loot. Say "Bye!". Port out... social interaction on average: 0. Put it in other words: Community "gain" = 0. This is for egoistic single game players who quickly need 3 other extras in their personal heroic loot story.


MMOs without LFG?


Pester friends on your FL, if that fails, get on chat, announce what you're doing and wait for incoming replys. Check their roles against your demand, perhaps they have special needs like side quests etc., wait for others to join up and chat a bit while both of you are continueing quests in the vicinity of the dungeon/heroic quest. Need I point out how easily you get to know new people like this, instead of LFG?


LFG is for lazy people and your argument about the community has NOTHING to do with LFG. In fact, your argument is the best argument to keep LFG out of the game as long as possible.

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As for socialising....spamming LFG in general is not socialing. Not trying to insult anyone but if you go outside theres more to socialising than that. Me personally, I always say "hi" and "thanks for the group" type comments at the start and end. Not everyone is the same, just like in real life. You always have your trusty guild if you're afraid of randoms. Some genuinely are :rolleyes:
You know that there's an existing tool in game right now that achieves exactly what you describe here?
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WoW reached its peak in subscriptions before those features were introduced. Remember, all this was only added for WotLK (dual spec in 3.1.0 Ulduar, dungeon finder in 3.3.0). WoW was doing just fine without that stuff.


I think your view on cause and effect are off base. WoW reached its peaks over the years because it was the only one out there of such reputation and quality/quantity. Before WoW implemented those features, no one really expected them in a game either.


You can't say WoW was doing fine without it, because there was no other game with it. The fact that people, including myself, crusade for those features now only prove their success.

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People wanting to participate in a flashpoint in a year will do just like people today... they will go to the space station and ask. It's not like WoW where dungeons are spread all over the world. You have a single departure zone for dungeons here, people know where to go.


I guess it's ok to spend hours spamming the channels than. It's the first week of release and people already have problems finding groups. It took me an hour to find a tank yesterday for a Flashpoint. I ended up LEAVING the Fleet and found a tank in Tatooine willing to go. You think the time spent looking for a group NOW will be the same a year from now? Seriously?

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I'm playing MMOs since UO beta, and played them most if not all. I also remember a time when people would socialize in MMOs to group instead of relying on tools and then not even saying hello or good bye but just mashing buttons for gear.

People wanting to participate in a flashpoint in a year will do just like people today... they will go to the space station and ask. It's not like WoW where dungeons are spread all over the world. You have a single departure zone for dungeons here, people know where to go.

You missed his point. In one year, the same method won't be as effiicient. The servers will be mature and re-rolls as well as newcomers will have a hard time finding groups if nothing change. It does not matter that the hub where people gather stays unchanged. The level discrepancy will however. That's one of the issues a LFD adresses, particularly when it is cross servers, since it reaches a larger pool of re-rolls/alts. Edited by Ethern
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He doesn't speak for any majority. All polls made here were crushingly clear about that. He speaks for the minority which wants to turn this into "wow in space" because they can't play with the easy mode and the crutches (addons) they have in wow.

The last thing this game needs is cross server groups, stupid required addons like deadly boss mods and similar crutches that dumb down the game.


And how many people voted in this poll relative to how many people actually play the game? Absolutely nothing is clear from a vote made from a statistically insignificant portion of the player base.

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