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Everything posted by Nostredamus

  1. Excellent thread. I agree with most of your points. I am not sure if that alone is enough to deal with the faction imbalance though. It is always a huge problem in these games and I kind of feel that only a combination of mechanics can overcome the problem. Any number of these ideas may help. 1. A buff to in hp and endurance to the under populated faction. 2. NPCs to help defend nodes for the under populated faction. 3. The longer 1 faction holds a node the more reward the opposing faction will get for taking the node. 4. The longer a faction holds a node the easier it becomes for the other faction to take the node. 5. Rewards scale in proportion to how populated the victor was. i.e. the more populated the less rewards, the less populated the more rewards. Hopefully this will incentive Sith to reroll Republic alts on the same server.
  2. I can understand how it would be frustrating for someone in beta, but for me I just started playing at launch, so I am giving bioware the benefit of the doubt. The game just came out so it is much to early to write them off. Maybe bioware has to learn their lesson the hard way before they get it together. We will see.
  3. I know hyperbole is so much fun on the internet, but its not the worst pvp in a game ever. The pvp itself is good. Warzones are good, they just need to implement brackets and premades. Now world pvp is another matter. That needs some work before its passable.
  4. I disagree. I am a pvper first and foremost and I want rewards for my preferred style of play. Given the choice between playing football in my backyard with friends or playing football in the nfl for millions of dollars, I chose the nfl (obviously that could never happen for me irl). That does not mean I do not love football. Yes I have fun for pvping for the sake of pvping, but I am also worried about the longterm. What kind of investment am I going to get into my character when I am not progressing towards something in any way (in world pvp). I don't want pvp to be something I do a maybe once a month in the backyard with the guys when we are bored, I want world pvp to be a fully fleshed out competitive game with rewards and incentives just like the nfl.
  5. I feel we should give them a fair shot to correct it though. It is clear they are spending some resources to world pvp in ilum and tatooine. Its just they haven't nailed them down properly yet. I really hope that they continue to iterate on these features and improve upon them and I honestly feel we would have a decent pvp game as well as an awesome pve one.
  6. I just wanted to add my two cents in response to this post now that I actually have been playing the game for myself. You can't accurately gauge if people like Warzones/Open World pvp based simply on the fact that it is super easy and rewarding to participate in a warzone so of course that is what people are going to do more of. As it is right now the game is designed in a way that discourages world pvp from happening due to world design. Furthermore, even if you go out of your way to engage in it, you get absolutely nothing for doing it, so again its obvious which activity is going to be more popular. That does not mean people do not want to do world pvp, until world pvp is properly fleshed out like the warzone system you simply can't know. I would think that the popularity of pvp servers would say something to you guys about the popularity of the idea of world pvp to at least give it a chance. I mean you even made it possible to level and get credits through warzones, why can't we also get the same from world pvp kills? Also to the guy on page 1 who said they should make warzone commendations transfer 1:1 to mercenary commendations, no no no no. That is the worst thing you can do. They need to make mercenary commendations ONLY obtainable through actually doing world pvp. Make 1 drop for every kill you get in the open world or something. I honestly believe this is a very easy fix. Every time I kill some guy in the open world I should be getting several things. Exp appropriate to my level. Credits appropriate to my level. Valor. A mercenary commendation. A tracking of how many hks I have in total. If you are afraid of encouraging camping simply add diminishing returns with a timer of some sort, you can only get rewards for killing LuKeSkYwAlKeR95716 the first time on the hour or somesuch.
  7. And how many people voted in this poll relative to how many people actually play the game? Absolutely nothing is clear from a vote made from a statistically insignificant portion of the player base.
  8. Please implement an option to turn off that auto camera snap back to behind your character. It is extremely annoying and makes it extremely difficult to kite anything. Moreover, it also seems to be bugged. My camera will constantly snap back to default distance as well. I like to keep my camera distance pretty far back to get a wide strategic view of the battlefield, and it is driving me crazy having to constantly mouse wheel zoom out all the time every time it resets.
  9. I agree with your suggestions. The people who say LFD destroys community or accountability are full of it. I was around since the beginning of wow, accountability doesn't exist in a videogame where you can redo-rename your character. Bad players will be bad players with or without cross-server. They will find a way to affect you somehow anyway, why not have quick and convenient grouping as well.
  10. I think its too early to say there is no world pvp. Bioware went with a very conservative route and its basically impossable to meet the opposite faction before tatooine. Once the majority of the population hits 30 and above we should start seeing how the world pvp really plays out.
  11. I agree with the OP to some extent. However, I disagree that we need brackets of 10 levels. The only bracket we need is a level 50 competitive bracket with no bolstering. This bracket would allow premades of 8 as well. They can leave the current system as is as a beginners pvp mode. But, when I hit max and start getting serious about pvp, I simply do not want to see lower level players on my team. It is simply not possible to be as effective playing your class unless you have put the time in to hit max level and recieved all of your skills.
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