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Love the concept behind ESO PvP.. Thoughts for SWTOR?


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Before i get started I just want to make it clear I love SWTOR and have no intentions of leaving for ESO.


On that note I am very intrigued at the the way they are doing the PvP. The one giant PvP map and guilds fight over castles and resources on the map and its all persistent is a very interesting concept. For those of you who have no idea what im talking about there are plenty of youtube videos of alpha players that go into way more detail and i encourage you to check it out.


Now I am sure just like every MMO PvP it will have its advantages and shortfalls and nobody really knows how it will work out until the game is released.


I just want to see what everyones thoughts are on something similar for SWTOR. I am not saying having a carbon copy of it for SWTOR but something with a similar concept. I feel the star wars environment is perfect for this concept. I think it would be awesome to have a whole planet that is just a giant PvP persistent battle. Republic and Empire fight over control of cities and outposts and can collectively purchase defenses and resources based on income from the areas they control. Even promoting players or guilds to some sort of General or Senate type of roles to control the battle field and guide players coming in where they are needed. The possibilties are huge of what you could do with it.


Whats your thoughts?

Edited by Paranowa
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Before i get started I just want to make it clear I love SWTOR and have no intentions of leaving for ESO.


On that note I am very intrigued at the the way they are doing the PvP. The one giant PvP map and guilds fight over castles and resources on the map and its all persistent is a very interesting concept. For those of you who have no idea what im talking about there are plenty of youtube videos of alpha players that go into way more detail and i encourage you to check it out.


Now I am sure just like every MMO PvP it will have its advantages and shortfalls and nobody really knows how it will work out until the game is released.


I just want to see what everyones thoughts are on something similar for SWTOR. I am not saying having a carbon copy of it for SWTOR but something with a similar concept. I feel the star wars environment is perfect for this concept. I think it would be awesome to have a whole planet that is just a giant PvP persistent battle. Republic and Empire fight over control of cities and outposts and can collectively purchase defenses and resources based on income from the areas they control. Even promoting players or guilds to some sort of General or Senate type of roles to control the battle field and guide players coming in where they are needed. The possibilties are huge of what you could do with it.


Whats your thoughts?


ESO = cluster **** PvP. There's no skill, it's just who has more AoE and more players.

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I wish. Ilum was much simpler and much smaller than Cyrodiil and it failed. I doubt the game could handle more substantial OWPVP; and if it could the devs wouldn't bother anyway if their initiatives and communications to date are any indication.


I'll probably dual-sub ESO, at least for a bit. PVP in beta was interesting enough that I'd like to check it out some more. Never got a WS beta invite and so will be waiting to see on that one.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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ESO PvP is exactly like that of GW2 massive groups that is not really OpenWorld PvP its just a huge battleground that you que up for and you could never really find a 1v1 or atleast a 1v2 its more like 1v25+ in my experience with GW2 i got tired of it that style of PvP when you run one direction and find yourself head on to a group of 25+ chasing you across the entire map to kill you
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They're going for a more DAoC style pvp. Back to MMO roots


Well the executive producer of Dark Age of Camelot Matt Firor is the director of ESO, so the PvP in that game will be very similar. Looking forward to how it is after a few months with experienced players rather than just the beta zergs of level 10 - 20 characters running around.


I would love to see SWTOR implement something like this, even if it was space oriented. However if the dip in frames when I pass the GTN is any indication of how SWTOR handles a dense group of 50 - 100 players then I would wait till they optimize their game engine for dealing with large groups of enemies before looking to see anything like the PvP in DAoC or GW2.

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Before i get started I just want to make it clear I love SWTOR and have no intentions of leaving for ESO.


On that note I am very intrigued at the the way they are doing the PvP. The one giant PvP map and guilds fight over castles and resources on the map and its all persistent is a very interesting concept. For those of you who have no idea what im talking about there are plenty of youtube videos of alpha players that go into way more detail and i encourage you to check it out.


Now I am sure just like every MMO PvP it will have its advantages and shortfalls and nobody really knows how it will work out until the game is released.


I just want to see what everyones thoughts are on something similar for SWTOR. I am not saying having a carbon copy of it for SWTOR but something with a similar concept. I feel the star wars environment is perfect for this concept. I think it would be awesome to have a whole planet that is just a giant PvP persistent battle. Republic and Empire fight over control of cities and outposts and can collectively purchase defenses and resources based on income from the areas they control. Even promoting players or guilds to some sort of General or Senate type of roles to control the battle field and guide players coming in where they are needed. The possibilties are huge of what you could do with it.


Whats your thoughts?


Sounds an awful lot like GW2. I tried to beta test ESO but it was beyond broken for me, could not even get the game started after numerous attempts and fixes. :(


Good to hear the PvP is similar to GW2 since I already play GW2, no need to pick up another game. :)

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ESO = cluster **** PvP. There's no skill, it's just who has more AoE and more players.


That's all owpvp ever is. I don't mind skirmishes out in the open world, but I really do fine the massive aoe spams to be incredibly boring.

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ESO = cluster **** PvP. There's no skill, it's just who has more AoE and more players.


Pretty much this...and the worst is, it's getting more and more common for MMO's. GW2 has the same OWPvP design and I find it absolutely terrible.

Edited by Tevzz
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Not sure why everyone is so excited over that when GW2 has exactly the same thing with no subscription fee and an already established community. Actually, after watching eso videos im starting to think WvWvW is better.


Sounds an awful lot like GW2. I tried to beta test ESO but it was beyond broken for me, could not even get the game started after numerous attempts and fixes. :(


Good to hear the PvP is similar to GW2 since I already play GW2, no need to pick up another game. :)


what server are you on in gw2? maguuma #1 #magswag

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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I have NEVER understood why people keep pining and whining for open world pvp. The OP was very polite. Still, I am glad that most respondents have condemned it either tacitly or directly.


I have played quite a few MMOs and I have yet to see open world PVP done well. The closest and most fun large scale battles I have ever played were in AV (WoW) and the castle siege in WoW also--but I cannot remember the name of that battleground; it has been so many years now.

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Both ESO and Wildstar are both PVE games. I was ready to divorce myself from SWTOR until I played the ESO Beta, which was an all around crap fest. Wildstar, I love the game, graphics, the PVE, but I detest the PVP. Not enough abilities and when you have more than 4 players on the screen the spell projections clutter up the screen and it's impossible tell who's attacking you. Major fail on the PVP. There's no need to change tab targeting. Every MMO company that's tried it has failed miserably.
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I've never been a big fan of Realm vs Realm combat. Open World PvP is fine, when its several small packs of players hunting each other, or skirmishes in a questing zone, but the entire concept of 40+ people attacking a wall for an hour has never really appealed to me.


I played Warhammer Online, GW2 and I was very bored with the RvR and WvWvW in those games. Pounding on a door for 15 minutes got boring really fast. I much prefer smaller scale PvP.


Even the Warplots in Wildstar aren't very appealing to me right now. It just reminds me of the bad days of Alterac Valley in WoW, where it was just two 40 man zergs fighting on a bridge for an hour, AoE-spamming each other to death.

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The only hope I have for ESO, and yes I have it preordered and cant wait to play. Is that it is not all about the zerg. You can take a small group, raid outlying resources, and make the zerg at the keep a moot point. Wildstar is just what everyone else in this thread has said. I know many people are excited for the arenas, but how do you have successful arenas when all the abilities are AOE?
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the bad days of Alterac Valley in WoW, where it was just two 40 man zergs fighting on a bridge for an hour, AoE-spamming each other to death.


Yes, that got old--fast. It was so bad that I had heard rumor that some of those battlegrounds lasted for hours before a team was victorious. And it was never the same team that spawned in the battleground, so many players had joined and quit over the duration.

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DAOC - got the whole Realm vs Realm thing right - the original and the best. Sadly its popularity waned when they tried to compete with WoW and added too much PVE into the game.


WAR - made a mess of it - bad map and keep design and only two factions meant it was advantageous to just swap keeps via PVD (Player vs Door).


GW2 - WvWvW could have been good, but suffers problems with handling large battles and balancing populations. Large zerg battles are just a nasty mess of aoe and poor framerates.


ESO - AvA has potential, we'll have to see how it develops after launch. One problem I forsee is that whilst the game runs on one big mega server, the PvP part is instanced into lots of separate 3-way battles, I assume with hard caps on participants. It's going to be hard to develop any sense of 'realm pride' in an instanced environment that may no longer be active next time you log on.


SWTOR - engine can't handle it. End of discussion, sadly.

Edited by Cernow
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The only hope I have for ESO, and yes I have it preordered and cant wait to play. Is that it is not all about the zerg. You can take a small group, raid outlying resources, and make the zerg at the keep a moot point. Wildstar is just what everyone else in this thread has said. I know many people are excited for the arenas, but how do you have successful arenas when all the abilities are AOE?


Even GW2 and Warhammer Online had the same thing going on, to have smaller bands attacking secondary objectives and resources.


No one ever bothers. The zerg is all there is.


EDIT: But you never know, they might have struck a happy balance with ESO. If RvR is your thing, I'm not gonna stop you from playing and I hope you enjoy yourself.

Edited by Zakmonster
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RE: ESO pvp...


I never made it that far. I didn't like the UI. Running around with a targeting reticule reminded me too much of a consoler. Abilities/options sucked too, but that could just be that I didn't level very far (6 or 7 iirc). got bored. maps weren't working or servers were down when I had an hour to play.

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