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tired of scoundrels/operatives weaving around in a fight


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my highest character is a level 43 sith sorcerer named T'lare. the sniper seems to work the best because the 'not facing target' does not apply in cover and the high hitting charge up abilities are fun! i i use wasd always


Master Yoda says that is why you fail.

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every class has its own way of fighting, but i can't even shoot them because it says i'm 'not facing target'. this is incredibly unfair, and their occasional giggles make me almost lose it. BW needs to fix this, maybe making it so that they deal 20% or 25% damage if they attack you from behind. i've had my health down to 5% when theirs is about 95%. the increased movement speed when they use blaster whip of shiv makes it impossible. i have talked with many players and they seem to resent it as well. most people complain when they have a lack of skill, but i've gotten a character as far as mid 40 and this is still a problem. in WZ there is always so much lights and effects from abilities and so many other characters with nameplates running around shooting and what not i can't focus in on that spineless worm using unfair tactics because they're too afraid to attack a character 20 to 25 levels below them.


Invest in script macros and you can do the same thing:D It's easy to tell what melees fumbles their KBs or tray clicks. Kiting and strafing with perfectly timed execution is an easy give away for those who script macro. TG as a turret I can relax with my KBs:)

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my highest character is a level 43 sith sorcerer named T'lare. the sniper seems to work the best because the 'not facing target' does not apply in cover and the high hitting charge up abilities are fun! i i use wasd always


Then it's "wasd" that is your problem and scoundrels have nothing to do with it. They merely always seek to be behind you since they have attacks that can be used only when they're behind you while most of the other melee classes can stay before you and attack. But if they wished, absolutely each and every one of the melee classes can do the same thing to you since you can't turn fast enough with your a and d -keys.

Sniper might be best for you if you want to keep keyboard-turning (and clicking I assume?) since it requires practically no movement during the fight. Keybinding and mouse turning would, of course, also eventually solve the problem.

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Right, so why would we nerf the entirety of weaving just because the basket spec is OP?


because weaving makes all specs op


IRL too I was weaving while driving and a cop pulled me over since he was jealous of my op ness

Edited by So-low
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every class has its own way of fighting, but i can't even shoot them because it says i'm 'not facing target'. this is incredibly unfair, and their occasional giggles make me almost lose it. BW needs to fix this, maybe making it so that they deal 20% or 25% damage if they attack you from behind. i've had my health down to 5% when theirs is about 95%. the increased movement speed when they use blaster whip of shiv makes it impossible. i have talked with many players and they seem to resent it as well. most people complain when they have a lack of skill, but i've gotten a character as far as mid 40 and this is still a problem. in WZ there is always so much lights and effects from abilities and so many other characters with nameplates running around shooting and what not i can't focus in on that spineless worm using unfair tactics because they're too afraid to attack a character 20 to 25 levels below them.


ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THX you just made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Operative/ scoundrel is the best pvp class, just going to have to deal with it mate, funny how people deny it constantly, like I play an op aswell, but you will never see me downplay people's concerns that mechanically they are just overpowered in pvp, but then again I have several 55's that I can play very well in pvp and they are actually challanging, so I don't need to only play the most overpowered class, and could care less if they got knocked down a peg or two.

I always feel cheap when playing my operative, just remember when these classes own in pvp, its more the class mechanics favouring fast paced pvp environments with the burst and versatility they have, with minimal skill required.

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my highest character is a level 43 sith sorcerer named T'lare. the sniper seems to work the best because the 'not facing target' does not apply in cover and the high hitting charge up abilities are fun! i i use wasd always


There is some merit to the suggestions that you improve your own movement. This is a webpage to help you get started. http://taugrim.com/2011/04/07/guide-to-strafing-movement-and-keybindings/ There are many more you can google and see on Youtube and pick what works for you.


That being said, Stealthies can stun lock a squishy to 33% health pretty easily. Eliminating the op knockdown isn't going to have the class changing effect that many hysterical posters propose. They will still be a very deadly high burst high dps class. Snipes/slingers, sorcs/sages node guarding are especially vulnerable.

Edited by MotorCityMan
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Operative/ scoundrel is the best pvp class, just going to have to deal with it mate, funny how people deny it constantly, like I play an op aswell, but you will never see me downplay people's concerns that mechanically they are just overpowered in pvp, but then again I have several 55's that I can play very well in pvp and they are actually challanging, so I don't need to only play the most overpowered class, and could care less if they got knocked down a peg or two.

I always feel cheap when playing my operative, just remember when these classes own in pvp, its more the class mechanics favouring fast paced pvp environments with the burst and versatility they have, with minimal skill required.


While it's true that the DPS portion has become easier with 2.6 that doesn't change the fact that the class has very ineffective defenses. I assume you fight in pug matches where people hardly ever focus you, in that situation, the class is lulzy. You do your rotation, no interruptions, pile 7.5K HS with 3-5.5K Lacerate spam, mix in an explosive probe, a little luck...BOOM! Target dead.


Try going up against a coordinated group of players though. You open on one, get stunned shortly after, a pile of grenades/thermal dets/smash/ravage/rail shots...boom. Dead operative. Even if you were to break on resolve fill, you have a shield that absorbs MAYBE 4K damage and a melee/range dodge for 3 seconds. A fat lot of good that does against a competent team.


Oh, you say we can heal? 2.5 second cast time that suffers from major pushback and eats up a good chunk of energy. You'll most likely spend the rest of your short life waiting for the heal to cast before becoming a pile of ash.

We can vanish? True...but that still doesn't change the fact that becoming focus target shortly after appearing pretty much means instant death.


In specific situations, such as badly geared players, lucky crit string, not being focused, the class can seem OP and easy. Anytime you're faced against a good pre-made with a perfect comp and no friendly pocket tank in sight...you're screwed. Not all the time...just most of it.


That's not to say the Operative is completely ineffective, I've seen some very good players do wonderful things with this class. Most of the time though, they have a healer/tank backing them up. I don't see how that makes this any more "OP" than any other class.


And if you want easy...have you TRIED playing a Pyrotech or Smasher in the past year?

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While it's true that the DPS portion has become easier with 2.6 that doesn't change the fact that the class has very ineffective defenses. I assume you fight in pug matches where people hardly ever focus you, in that situation, the class is lulzy. You do your rotation, no interruptions, pile 7.5K HS with 3-5.5K Lacerate spam, mix in an explosive probe, a little luck...BOOM! Target dead.


Try going up against a coordinated group of players though. You open on one, get stunned shortly after, a pile of grenades/thermal dets/smash/ravage/rail shots...boom. Dead operative. Even if you were to break on resolve fill, you have a shield that absorbs MAYBE 4K damage and a melee/range dodge for 3 seconds. A fat lot of good that does against a competent team.


Oh, you say we can heal? 2.5 second cast time that suffers from major pushback and eats up a good chunk of energy. You'll most likely spend the rest of your short life waiting for the heal to cast before becoming a pile of ash.

We can vanish? True...but that still doesn't change the fact that becoming focus target shortly after appearing pretty much means instant death.


In specific situations, such as badly geared players, lucky crit string, not being focused, the class can seem OP and easy. Anytime you're faced against a good pre-made with a perfect comp and no friendly pocket tank in sight...you're screwed. Not all the time...just most of it.


That's not to say the Operative is completely ineffective, I've seen some very good players do wonderful things with this class. Most of the time though, they have a healer/tank backing them up. I don't see how that makes this any more "OP" than any other class.


And if you want easy...have you TRIED playing a Pyrotech or Smasher in the past year?



Any class going up against a coordinated group is going to suffer the same fate if focused, in your description it sounds like your saying an operative can't take on a coordinated 4 on 1 like that's a problem or something, no class can or should be able do that, the operative and assassin has the bonus of stealth, you don't go in Rambo style with a target on your head you wait untill they are engaged and then start your attack, no other classes have that luxury they are instant focused then dead, if your focused you have the exfiltrate and vanish ability to help survive, Los and heal if possible kolto infusion HoT perhaps, if your group is any good while the enemy team is raging on you they are getting smashed by your deeps, again huge mechanics favouring pvp environments.


I have played pyrotech and smash the only class I don't have at 55 is sniper, the two you mention are easy yes but not as easy as I find operative and assassin in pvp, high burst, survivability (if you play smart), stealth, butt load of cc. Best node guards, and node attackers. Easily the best two classes for pvp and their pub counterparts.


Possibly the worst dps classes for pve though, perhaps a fair trade off, don't get me wrong I play both of them and love the classes, I will just call a spade a spade they are the best for pvp, and in my opinion overpowered, stealth classes always are in most games in pvp environments.

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Operative/ scoundrel is the best pvp class, just going to have to deal with it mate, funny how people deny it constantly, like I play an op aswell, but you will never see me downplay people's concerns that mechanically they are just overpowered in pvp, but then again I have several 55's that I can play very well in pvp and they are actually challanging, so I don't need to only play the most overpowered class, and could care less if they got knocked down a peg or two.

I always feel cheap when playing my operative, just remember when these classes own in pvp, its more the class mechanics favouring fast paced pvp environments with the burst and versatility they have, with minimal skill required.


Get off the pot.

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Get off the pot.


Predictable Highly constructive post from a scoundrel player. There is nothing really anyone can say to disprove the facts, the experienced know how it is, don't make yourself look foolish by defending operative/ scoundrel. If you honestly don't own on that class in pvp, your doing something wrong.

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