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The point of the FAQ?


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What was the point?BW ALWAYS keep pvpers in the dark about this stuff,and out of nowhere they come out and tell everybody they have no plans to do ANYTHING with pvp.

But what was the point?They must of known it was going to spark mass unsubs and rage...

Just seems like BW must of a had a point behind doing something this stupid.

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The point? Get as many players to unsub as possible and play Wildstar?


worked for me. my guild already left when they killed 8v8 and then answered Banksy's VG questions with "you have perception problems."


I can still play SW without subbing, so why bother? the FAQ did it's job. :cool:

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I think the point was to actual give a framework to what the game expectations should be.


I'm not saying I agree with them, but I think it was a very good job at being transparent as to what the Devs see the SWTOR MMO being. They seem to have set sights on a niche market of more of a casual player, who doesn't have the free time to be constantly in game, or for long periods of time.


To me, and many others, the PvP Q+A was basically there way of saying PvP is another way to occupy your time. There is a wide array of ways to pass the time in SWTOR (PvP./OPs/GSF/Alts for Storyline/Housing/etc.) and i think the FAQ basically confirmed if you're only interested in one particular aspect of the game, then it isn't going to be for you.


No defense of their decision, but I do appreciate the clarity. I do feel bad for the PvP exclusive players, but I hope this framing of goals and direction of the game at least gives them the opportunity to find a title that does give them what they want in an MMO, while at the same time allowing SWTOR to actually move forward with people who are looking for the features (a lot of good things, and a couple very good things) that they hope to provide.


Every game isn't going to be everything for everbody. Unfortunately

Edited by JMagee
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The point was to set expectations. PvP isn't ever going to be a major focus of the game. They will consider it when they can and without causing much disruption to PvE, but this game is a casual focused themepark. Hardcore PvPers should consider their desires in that framework.
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PVPers are annoying and needy, get rid of them so we can focus on ppl who want to buy lamps and chairs and tables for their houses!!!


I know you were being sarcastic, but PvP is the easiest freaking thing to incentivize in an MMO...players are 99% of the freaking content. ONE day of reading these forums and they'd be able to come up with 20 different easy to implement ideas that would encourage PvP.

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Overall the FAQ really seems to say that BioWare is not doing much for the PvP players, if I wouldn't know that there is at least a new huttball map coming this FAQ would have been a good reason to leave SWTOR...


BioWare it is never good to answer pretty much every question with a negative answer!

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The point was to set expectations. PvP isn't ever going to be a major focus of the game. They will consider it when they can and without causing much disruption to PvE, but this game is a casual focused themepark. Hardcore PvPers should consider their desires in that framework.


Set expectations? By what, driving the point home that if you love PvP then thanks for your previous sub you're no longer needed? Because that's what the jest I get.

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PVPers are annoying and needy, get rid of them so we can focus on ppl who want to buy lamps and chairs and tables for their houses!!!


I lul'd. partly because it's true. and partly because...yeah. it's true.


and then I sighed...mostly because it's true. :(

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I know you were being sarcastic, but PvP is the easiest freaking thing to incentivize in an MMO...players are 99% of the freaking content. ONE day of reading these forums and they'd be able to come up with 20 different easy to implement ideas that would encourage PvP.


You talk of encouraging PvP like it is something the overwhelming majority wants. What's your source for that conclusion? And do not say all the forum posts, because you're delusional if you think that the forums are actually representative of what the player population at large thinks (we both know that the overwhelming majority of forum posters are here to complain).

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The point -


Bioware has no current plans to implement anything. Kind of funny too as a mysterious PvP road map was mentioned. I'm guessing the road map is essentially a blank sheet of paper.

Edited by JackNader
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But what was the point?They must of known it was going to spark mass unsubs and rage...


Thing is...the FAQ didn't really say anything most of the PvP community didn't already know. I'm surprised if there is any rage tbh. All the truly hardcore PvPers have long since left this game already. The only people still sticking around are the Star Wars fans.


I mean, really, does anyone PvPing in this game do so because the PvP is unbelievable? lol

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The point? Get as many players to unsub as possible and play Wildstar?


then get them to realize how bad wildstar is since i heard nothing but complaint after complaint from the beta tester weekends they had go figure. So the complaints have already started on wild star

Edited by Neoforcer
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then get them to realize how bad wildstar is since i heard nothing but complaint after complaint from the beta tester weekends they had go figure. So the complaints have already started on wild star


Well I know about 10 people who unsubbed today and a good chunk of people who will be at least picking up Wildstar which has more PvP content at launch than swtor as well as having cross server. And if they don't like it I know they'll never pay another cent on this game, there is no point to in light of todays announcement.

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You talk of encouraging PvP like it is something the overwhelming majority wants. What's your source for that conclusion? And do not say all the forum posts, because you're delusional if you think that the forums are actually representative of what the player population at large thinks (we both know that the overwhelming majority of forum posters are here to complain).


I didn't get anything like that from his post. If you want to flame bait well try spring-loading less obvious ********.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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My favorite part are the "long discussions" they have "internally" on each of the questions.


They talked and talked, and had "long discussions" that bore absolutely no fruits of change...what on earth were they talking about that whole time?


I mean, that's a SERIOUS waste of time......


Is this why they recolored that Obroan set 5 times?


I can see it now:

The artists had "long discussions" and are happy with the current recolor. Adding new models outside of the Cartel Market is not in the plan.

I love how the gear grind is SO integral to the PvP experience that they can't even bother to make new models for the re-grind.....I mean, progression.

Edited by Primarch_PWnD
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Basically, to tell us they've finally got around to considering all the things PVPers have been requesting for months, even years... and to tell us that they say "no" to everything.


Hey, at least we have more Huttball, right?

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then get them to realize how bad wildstar is since i heard nothing but complaint after complaint from the beta tester weekends they had go figure. So the complaints have already started on wild star


thats odd, i heard the exact opposite. whether the game is bad or not i can guarantee the pvp community will be stronger there then the pvp community here will ever be (starting from here on out).

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This is really depressing, because I absolutely love(d) Swtor PvP, especially all the friends I made. Huttball League and cross-server could have been made into an E-Sport and Biowares saving grace. But alas, it was never meant to be. Hope to see all of you in Wildstar :D Edited by NvrShoutNvr
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then get them to realize how bad wildstar is since i heard nothing but complaint after complaint from the beta tester weekends they had go figure. So the complaints have already started on wild star

Some people don't like Wildstar and that's perfectly fine, and I know a lot of people that do. You can't completely judge a game that is still in it's beta phase. People cant completely judge ESO either, even though the betas were fail after fail.


The sad part is Wildstar isn't even out yet and it's offering more PvP content than Star Wars ever has and ever will. Even if people don't like Wildstar, what they did today pretty much killed the last remaining hope that people had for Star Wars PvP. Some people only stayed sub to PvP, now what's the point in that since ranked 4v4 ques are already dying?

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I'd be careful about putting all your eggs into the WS basket. It may be great, but I remember with AoC was about to be released, with all its innovated pvp features (it was a pvp-centric mmo), and lost 700k subs after the first month and never reached its potential nor dev promises either.


That being said, pvpers have more in common with pvers than they like to admit. They like building their characters (in different ways than pvers), and 'growing' in the pvp world. I cannot only kill cycao so many times. Need fresh experiences, fresh people to battle against, fresh ideas to stimulate excitement. The devs answers pretty much shows nothing new on the pvp horizon (at least months/years out) to work towards, other than reskinned arenas and reskinned gear.


If your a PVPer and want to invest time/money into a character, you mind as well go to a new game where the experiences will be fresh, more numerous, and growing as opposed to this stagnant mire swtor has become.

Edited by mulzii
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The point? Get as many players to unsub as possible and play Wildstar?


You forgot the word "hardcore".


"Bads" will rejoice over unsubbing hardcore PvPers. :D


Huttball League and cross-server could have been made into an E-Sport and Biowares saving grace.


eSport would be dominated by eSports people - and casual PvP would very, very effectively die out. But you wouldn't want it anyway. Because you assume that casual PvP = bads.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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