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Frequently Asked PvP Questions


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hey folks,


will you be implementing cross-server queuing?


we have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.


will you be bringing back 8v8 ranked warzones?


we have no plans currently of bringing back 8v8 ranked warzones.


are there any plans of expanding open world pvp?


currently we have no plans of expanding open world pvp, specifically to say we don’t have any plans to introduce any new systems which offer rewards around it. However, we will continue to encourage open world pvp in events and future content. Some examples of this would be the oricon daily area and the shared questing areas of the rakghoul event.




why not say? Fck u pvper... Its easier!!


I am here since beta... And now /unsub

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After reading this and all the whining that followed I just have one more question regarding to Open-World-PvP to ask:


Is there going to be a Change to the PvP flagging system, that finally prevents you from being flagged against your will? Or are there at least steps taken against people exploiting the system as it works at the current time?


I really feel it is high time for that, as the amount of gankers that force you into PvP by stealthing into AoE, or simply stand in your way when you fight anything ist steadily increasing. Likely there is even a connection with PvPers disheartend by the lack of world-pvp, so in order to get what they want they force PvE-players, who have no interest in it, into unfair fights.


Now, I will not start the argument about the Gree Event again, as at least the PvP flagging there gives them a bit of justification. But lately I had this happening in the Oricon Heroic area and even in the normal questing area on Hoth. And I am quite annoyed by it.


On Oricon specifically a Group of at least 3-4 Stealthers (from a certain guild who is by now well known for ganking on my server) have waited until me and a friend engaged one of the Commanders and started getting into our rotations (Vanguard Tank on my part, where Pulse Cannon is used frequently) then stepped into my cone aoe and before I could react, got flagged and the next second had 2-3 Sabers and a Knife in my back, while the Commander was happy to assist the gankers with his constant stuns.


Of course I reported them, for which I got "lol good luck with that" from them. Insult to injury, as I feel they were likely right. With the amount of ganking going on there can not be a lot happening to discourage such behaviour.

This is on an PvE/RP server of course, just to be clear. And unlike with the Gree Event they can not make the excuse of "The quest is flagged PvP, so you are meant to be stomped", it is a PvE area on a PvE server. There is no justification there.


Now as much as I feel sorry for the actual competive PvPers who do not engage in such lousy moves, I can't help but feel happy every time a PvPer leaves the game, as it always feels like a potential ganker has left and now annoys people in another game. Since I know some good PvPers who actually "hunt" for such gankers, I know this is not a fair assessment, but still...


The solution to this problem is actually quite simple (or Looks that way for me):

Just disable the option to attack/damage flagged players, unless you conciously flagged yourself by clicking on your portrait and selecting the option or of course enter a PvP area (such as the Gree one). That would solve the whole issue and PvEer would finally not have to put up with this anymore, while PvPers would get more interesting fights as only people who are actually prepared would flag themselves.

The other much more time consuming option of course is reprimanding every ganker for what they do, which halve of them will not care about until it leads to a ban.


Would appreciate an answer/comment from the Devs, Eric


I enjoy ganking people like you, the tears, it's freakin awesome.

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All the crazy bads are coming out of the wood works lately. I've seen everything from statements that 14-16k smashes are easy to achieve, to jugg tanks being the best rated tanks. I just don't know what kind of swtor they're playing....but it ain't this one.

Edited by Telaan
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I enjoy ganking people like you, the tears, it's freakin awesome.


Oh dear, must make you feel really powerful. Good for you, child.


But yes, prime example. As long as this is the way PvPers like to present themselves, I see no reason why anyone should care about their problems.

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Tell that to the servers who can't get ranked pops. Vast majority wants cross server.
- blatant claim! :D But I understand. I'd accept it if it was optional.


A checkboxes saying:

[_] Use cross server queue for warzone and require full pvp gear of members.

off by default.


And another one:

[x] Never get grouped with players from other realms, or on your ignore list.

on by default.


That way at least YOUR team would be from YOUR realm. And the other team MIGHT be from another. Unless you totally don't care, in wich case you can turn on the 1st option and the 2nd one off.


I guess that would make everyone happy. Actually this could IMPROVE local-pride and team-feeling of realms. ;)

*edit* You'll lose the effect of "enemy mine" though: The respect for the good and often seen enemy and the lolz by "that weirdo again"... But at least you'd keep the positive side.

Edited by chillshock
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Oh dear, must make you feel really powerful. Good for you, child.


But yes, prime example. As long as this is the way PvPers like to present themselves, I see no reason why anyone should care about their problems.


Oh boy. So you proceeded to make a post as a PvEr in the PvP forum in a thread informing the PvP community that the answer to its most asked about subjects is no by starting it with:


After reading this and all the whining that followed


Then tell us that we're the ones with an attitude problem?


/facepalm yourself.....hard

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I enjoy ganking people like you, the tears, it's freakin awesome.


You feel powerful now, don't you ?


Welcome to my ignore list.


All the crazy bads are coming out of the wood works lately.


You are incredibly polite. How and where did you learn that ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Will we ever be able to choose a specific Warzone to queue for?



At least give a choice between arenas and warzones. I hate arenas....


We have no plans at this time to implement cross-server queues.

We have no plans currently of bringing back 8v8 Ranked Warzones.

Currently we have no plans of expanding open world PvP


Well... This is really sad moment. :(

Edited by Glower
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Oh boy. So you proceeded to make a post as a PvEr in the PvP forum in a thread informing the PvP community that the answer to its most asked about subjects is no by starting it with:




Then tell us that we're the ones with an attitude problem?


/facepalm yourself.....hard


Okay, I admit that "whining" was not the best choice of words. Could have been more diplomatic in that line.

Of course you are not even wrong, my attitude towards PvPers is surely not improving by the ganking and now flaming I got for reporting an issue.


The issue I am asking an answer for is about PvP and created by PvPers, It has been frequently asked and reported about. That is why I feel a thread about Frequently Asked PvP Questions was quite the right spot to bring this to attention again.

If I am wrong, the mods will tell me and I will withdraw the question, until that point I will refrain from the facepalming.

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I don't get why people are so surprised about this like this should be expected from BioWare as a pvp'er.

So i do both pvp and pve i used to just pvp but you know lack of content and all, but from only really starting pve'ing in the last 3 months i see that there is no pve content as well. Housing just what everyone wanted right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31g0YE61PLQ.... Where did this money go BioWare http://venturebeat.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/top-10-superdata.jpg :rolleyes:

Edited by vailingfob
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We will always continue to add new content around PvP whenever possible and to continue to create the best PvP environment that we can. If you look back, in the past 3 Game Updates (including 2.7) we had:

  • The launch of Warzone Arenas
  • The ability to solo queue for ranked play
  • Season 1 rewards
  • 4 new Warzone Arena maps
  • A new Huttball map


But wait! You forgot the best new content of them all!


A new tier of pvp gear! Everyone wants that! How could you forget?


Also, http://i.imgur.com/iFiqQCo.jpg

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That won't fix ranked it'll finish killing it right along with Regs. People simply don't like ranked. If they did there'd be more people playing. They don't like 4v4 death matches. You're not going to force the majority to do them, but making it so people can't get top end gear in regs but have to fight against it will certainly get them to drop out. Then you won't get a queue to pop, the hard core guys move on to another game and there isn't any PVP here. Is that really what you're aiming for?


I don't think people hate rated so much as they hate losing. If there was an actual reason to do rated, like the only way to earn rated gear (which I mind you was the original intent before biowares first big ****-up when they delayed season ranked almost 2 years ago) was to do rateds, more teams would queue which would increase the matchmaking actually working. And with removing bolster from rateds and keeping it in regs would mean there wouldn't even be an insane gear gap as now you can be more than competitive with min/maxed conq gear.

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I don't think people hate rated so much as they hate losing. If there was an actual reason to do rated, like the only way to earn rated gear (which I mind you was the original intent before biowares first big ****-up when they delayed season ranked almost 2 years ago) was to do rateds, more teams would queue which would increase the matchmaking actually working. And with removing bolster from rateds and keeping it in regs would mean there wouldn't even be an insane gear gap as now you can be more than competitive with min/maxed conq gear.


Bribery doesn't work. It would help for awhile, but since ranked gear gets downgraded to regular gear each tier, many folks would just wait it out rather than get farmed. Or worse, people would just give up on PvP since they might not enjoy Arenas, but still want to have some way to improve their characters.

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Bribery doesn't work. It would help for awhile, but since ranked gear gets downgraded to regular gear each tier, many folks would just wait it out rather than get farmed. Or worse, people would just give up on PvP since they might not enjoy Arenas, but still want to have some way to improve their characters.


And that's how carebear this game is. If you want the best PvE gear you have to do NiM, the same logic should apply for PvP. Want rated gear? Play rated arenas.

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They went from reskinning gear to reskinning arenas. if thats not lazy i dunno what is.


I wish they would stop insulting our intelligence. They are putting in a minimium amount of work into this game, knowing that the star wars name will suck in just enough subs along with the cartel market, to make their bottom line profitable.


Going forward, I will dedicate as much of my time and money towards this game as bioware does. Which means, using Eric's phrasing "My participation nor sub is in the roadmap either.."

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......................I don't think people hate rated so much as they hate losing. If there was an actual reason to do rated.............


Why do people persist with this line of thinking? People do not play ranked in any great numbers, because arenas are crap.


The only people who do play them are those who see getting gear as the fun element of the game compared to the actual content, or those people who do actually prefer arenas to proper warzones, and there are some of those people out there, but they are clearly in the minority, the numbers speak for themselves. Add to that a few people who liked the idea of the Rancor Mount, who soon stopped when they discovered playing arenas is like watching paint dry.


Get rid of regs and ranked altogether, only have one queue, and make tier 1 gear twice, three or four times the price of tier 2 gear and require a shell trade in. Add proper league tables for all relevant stats.


Put arenas in a separate queue and let the people who want to play that style, have fun together. Or, let people deselect arenas when they queue, and as a result, give them less comms or something for not being prepared to queue for everything. I will be in that bracket btw.


Well actually I wont, I will not be renewing this month. Musco's second post is probably a post his boss made him do to try to pacify the mess his original one caused. The post is to keep us clinging on and paying them our money, can they keep us until housing comes, we might buy something if they can manage that.


I am very glad he made the 1st one, at least I now know definitively that there is nothing in this game for me anymore. As with all things with EA/BW, they like to assume that they know better than their paying customers, what makes them happy, well I am afraid this time, their ineptness will cost them dearly, there are too many alternative in the offing, not to mention Spring/Summer round the corner when we all should have better things to do that stare at a computer screen.


It is more clear than ever to me that the game is in its death throws, all the things like housing, shared storage, is all too little, too late, with no efforts made to even listen to what the pvp community might want.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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And that's how carebear this game is. If you want the best PvE gear you have to do NiM, the same logic should apply for PvP. Want rated gear? Play rated arenas.


You don't have to do NiM, you just have to be patient. Sure, you'll never have the absolute BIS if you don't do NiM ops, but you can buy just below that with credits. At least you sort of have to earn ranked gear. Although it should really be called Tier 2 or something since it isn't exclusive.


As for care bear, this game is absolutely a casual paradise. This is not news. PvE or PvP, this game makes it easy to get gear.

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Why do people persist with this line of thinking? People do not play ranked in any great numbers, because arenas are crap.


That line of thinking was one of the reasons why 8's were a failure and more people played 8's than 4's now. New teams would queue up and get a seasoned team, get rolled and stop queuing. Now there is matchmaking and people still don't want to queue because with so few teams queuing and usually only at peak times or later it's still true.


Also the real PvPers rather not have a gear grind so increasing the highest tier and making it absurdly high in price is a really idiotic move.


Go sit in a corner.

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That line of thinking was one of the reasons why 8's were a failure and more people played 8's than 4's now. New teams would queue up and get a seasoned team, get rolled and stop queuing. Now there is matchmaking and people still don't want to queue because with so few teams queuing and usually only at peak times or later it's still true.


Also the real PvPers rather not have a gear grind so increasing the highest tier and making it absurdly high in price is a really idiotic move.


Go sit in a corner.


I am very aware of the failings of ranked 8v8, I played it with regularity. It should never have been pulled out, content played minimally is better than no content.


Did you miss the point totally of my post regarding 4v4? It has nothing to do with losing, it is because you can only play arenas and the majority of players do not want to be shoehorned into only playing arenas. If they did, they would play them.


I do agree over the gear issue, though unfortunately in an MMO, there will always be some form of gear, even GW2 added a gear grind in the end, albeit a minimal one. Since I only pvp, no gear would not be an issue for me, but many people do other things aswell, and do actually need to have some form of gear to complete the pve content that they might wish to do.


Go sit in the corner with a "learning to read" sign attached to your forehead.

Edited by ThorgrimLutgen
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