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PvP Healing, by far the worst experience I've ever had as a gamer


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Had a level 35 bounty hunter healer in my pvp group. I died once, only cause i ran down a hall away from him. He and a sorc kept everyone up and we were able to defend the first doors the whole time. Healers shouldn't beable to out heal dps. One of the many things that pissed me off in wow.
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Had a level 35 bounty hunter healer in my pvp group. I died once, only cause i ran down a hall away from him. He and a sorc kept everyone up and we were able to defend the first doors the whole time. Healers shouldn't beable to out heal dps. One of the many things that pissed me off in wow.


So if a healer can't heal people, then what should they do?

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think ahead a little before posting ive already had trouble with you in posts of mine before hand.


Impossible. It was my first post after forum cleanup. You must have mistaken me with someone else.


So if a healer can't heal people, then what should they do?


There is a lot of ground to cover between not being able to heal and outhealing any dps out there. Besides there is crowd control, buffs etc.

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So if a healer can't heal people, then what should they do?


Use all those other offensive abilities and stuns that they have?


If you don't want to use those abilities, either stop doing PVP or maybe you should play a different game.


I rarely ever say "go play a different game" but honestly, playing a Holy/Disc Priest in WoW and a sage in this, I much prefer being able to heal and fight as opposed to just heal while morons chase my rogues around.

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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


Sorry you don't have your Healbot, Gladiatus, SCT, Bartender, and HealBot to play the game for you. If you were half the healer I am in warzones, you'd be doing just fine. Smuggler/IA heals are the best in the game and the most complicated healer in the game. I'm sorry your so used to facerolling in WoW and throwing lifebloom/regrowth spam and never dying 3v1, but suck it up and l2P.

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Use all those other offensive abilities and stuns that they have?


If you don't want to use those abilities, either stop doing PVP or maybe you should play a different game.


I rarely ever say "go play a different game" but honestly, playing a Holy/Disc Priest in WoW and a sage in this, I much prefer being able to heal and fight as opposed to just heal while morons chase my rogues around.


How about you stop being a (edited) and realize yes healers have dps but its about half of the dps damage. thats why its a healing tree.


Its not really the lack of healing we get, its our durability thats the big problem, and the UI/ targeting.


If they want our heals weak, thats fine, but we have to be alot more durable to make up for that.

Edited by Sgt_shades
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How about you stop being a (edited) and realize yes healers have dps but its about half of the dps damage. thats why its a healing tree.


Its not really the lack of healing we get, its our durability thats the big problem, and the UI/ targeting.


No immortal healers ? Is that a problem ? -> Go play healer in League of Legends ... you will be squishy, you will heal for 10% of player damage and still you will be valuable part of team !!! Right now you have very narrow minded idea what a healer in PvP can do. Nobody should be a healbot in PvP. It's not fun style of healing imho and it's really not fun to play against.

Edited by Repefe
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Honestly, it's not even fun.


I'm hardly bad or a beginner (2700 exp Resto Druid), but I can't even begin to describe how awful PvP healing is in this game. I won't even get into the raid frames and totally unresponsive targeting system. Right now my Operative is 44 so I have all my abilities and it's still crap. Every single random DPS baddie can easily knock off 30-50% of my health in a global so it's impossible to keep up and then you just get interrupted/cc'ed to hell. Juking the interrupt? Good luck figuring that out!


It's not a positioning issue. It's not a l2p issue either.


It's just not fun being completely helpless without serious peels and even then healing is totally underwhelming.


I don't know what you're talking about, healing as a trooper is alot of fun.

And I've played a holy paladin for 4 years.


Sorry you don't have your Healbot, Gladiatus, SCT, Bartender, and HealBot to play the game for you. If you were half the healer I am in warzones, you'd be doing just fine. Smuggler/IA heals are the best in the game and the most complicated healer in the game. I'm sorry your so used to facerolling in WoW and throwing lifebloom/regrowth spam and never dying 3v1, but suck it up and l2P.


LOL, this.

Edited by DimitriM
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In Rift cleric healing was nerfed after many many qq posts by dps.


So Trion listened and guess what?


Now they post why did all the clerics go dps?


This is why I no longer heal anyone other than myself or friends.


Too many people think healers should only be able to heal when keeping them up but anything else they should be an automatic kill.


I would agree if the dps on the healer is up to par with the dps classes.

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How about you stop being a (edited) and realize yes healers have dps but its about half of the dps damage. thats why its a healing tree.


Its not really the lack of healing we get, its our durability thats the big problem, and the UI/ targeting.


If you want durability, don't play a healer.


I heal by clicking the targets portrait then pressing my heal. If you can't do that AND keep up with the pace of combat, you're a terrible player.

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@OP: You are probably just doing it wrong.


My bff Hau is a 4x Glad RSham and has zero problems PvP healing. Loves it. If I could, I'd swap my AC in a heartbeat to Sage because PvP healing is incredibly strong.


Just keep in mind that if you get interrupted you can still cast any other heal in your arsenal.

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Too many people think healers should only be able to heal when keeping them up but anything else they should be an automatic kill.


I would agree if the dps on the healer is up to par with the dps classes.


It leads to oh so fun matches where half the players are healers and nobody can die ever ... immortal group fighting other immortal group ... very exciting pvp.

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Nobody should be a healbot in PvP. It's not fun style of healing imho and it's really not fun to play against.


Why not, people have been playing healers in PvP forever - what makes it any different from healing in PvE? We keep up our teammates so they can do their job. Otherwise, everyone is just dying way too much and not getting objectives. People don't have fun when they die as soon as they run into combat.


In Rift cleric healing was nerfed after many many qq posts by dps.


So Trion listened and guess what?


Now they post why did all the clerics go dps?


This is why I no longer heal anyone other than myself or friends.


Too many people think healers should only be able to heal when keeping them up but anything else they should be an automatic kill.


I would agree if the dps on the healer is up to par with the dps classes.


QFT. I've seen this too many times before. DPS just don't get it. They want us to keep them alive but they also want us to be an easy kill. And they want to have healers every where they go so they qq if they don't have any. Can't have it both ways.

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It leads to oh so fun matches where half the players are healers and nobody can die ever ... immortal group fighting other immortal group ... very exciting pvp.


That's fun for me as a healer, but if people aren't dying it's the dps's fault for being bad, not the healer's fault for simply doing their job. You have one or two healers that are keeping everyone up? Gang up on them, you're entire team. Silence, stun, knockback, whatever CC you have to prevent them from healing themselves. Then everyone focus dps them. Bam, they're dead. No one can survive a CC/DPS gang bang, it's not rocket science. Then mark them number 1 and repeat every time they rez. You're telling us that we need to work with our team to keep ourselves alive in this game? How about your work as a team to kill the other teams so called immortal healers? Goes both ways.

Edited by Leiloni
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Even in the 20ish pvp healing sucks as operative...


My heals are 80 per stuck and tick, alone a lvl 18 already did hit me with 2000 dmg hits. Wasting time on sticking up heals in this game, instead stun em and dish out the dmg. The healing is way too low in comparison the damage output.


This game has so far the worst pvp i played in an mmorpg in lower lvls..... played DaoC, Shadowbane, Vanilla WoW.

Edited by BobaFurz
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A heal is always helpful, a heal should swing that particular battle into your favor again. It shouldn't cancel out like 40 things the enemy does to hurt you. Your heal should help slightly and that character should be smart enough to get outta battle, turn a corner go around things. Not fight in the middle of no where.


Like I said in another thread. Let the sick teams show everybody how to do it (show me how to do it, I'm not saying im sick at all). We can all sit back, relax and watch how they know best how to win with healers etc, and we'll take that info and play with it. Let the game evolve.

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When a ~2k heal takes almost 3 seconds to cast (2.5 + lag) and someone does 2k+ damage with instant/channeled skills or 1-1.5secs cast skills that also interrupt your heals (or add 1-2 seconds more to the cast time if you are lucky), and they also place DoTs on you and CC (every class has CCs, and for some classes 4 secs is enough to drop you from 60%hp to 0, or close enough to finish you before you can cast the next heal) it's pretty hard to keep up. That means ANY dps can kill a healer in 1v1 if they know their skills and rotations and save their CC/spikes for the right moment.

Don't tell the healers to learn to play when they only can win vs a DPSer if they know how to play and the DPS doesn't. Tell everyone else to L2P if they get owned by a healer. In most games, healers just spam heals and survive until they run out of mana. Here you can't outheal a dpser unless you hide behind something to break their skills, but then you can't heal yourself and die even faster. Also, everyone has a 90s CD on healing consumables that heal more than half of your HP and place a HoT on you. That's enough to outheal any damage a healer can do while it's trying to heal himself. And if healers run out of force we can't use force potions or anything, running out of force means dying. For dps running out of energy/rage just means they need to use their crappy rage building attacks for a while and then start pewpewing again.


In group PvP it's even worse. You can't dps at all because you can't spare any heals. If they see you heal they focus you and if they don't insta-kill you, you are stunlocked for 10s+ until you die.


I'm not complaining. I know how to play a healer, I'm close enough to 50 to know how the healing in this game works and I'm waiting to hit 50 (I'm pwning every rebel I see in Voss BTW, out of WZs PvPing as a healer isn't that bad, maybe I'm lucky and only find noobs around, or maybe the bolster buff is breaking the game for the healers in WZs) and get some PvP gear before I decide what to do (maybe respec into dps or maybe level my dpser alt). I understand playing a healer in this game is a pain and I'm fine with it, I still enjoy it even if heals are underpowered. We may be useless in PvP at this point, but maybe with PvP gear and some more alacrity/crit/purple not-consumables we will become useful at some point. That's why I'm waiting for endgame until I decide what to do. Having my cast times cut off by a 30% would help a lot, I'll give the alacrity a try and see if it helps, along with some def.

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can anyone tell me why my heals hit for less in bgs than in open world. Im a 50 consular and my channel heal crits for 1200 per tick open world, and crits for 990 in bgs.


Also, why is a lvl 10 dude having more hp than me in bgs, and also why do they hit far harder than i do?


I had enough of not being able to outheal even 1 dps attacking me, so i rolled dps spec and am now running around ganking lowbies in open world. Thanks bioware for not making lvl caps for pvp :)

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Forgot to mention I'm playing a healer sorcerer. Light armor, long cast time on heals and only 1 instant healing HoT that heals ~1k over 15 seconds. Maybe for medium or heavy armor healers it's easier. I'll level a BH as 2nd alt and see if it's any different.
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I agree 100% with the last sentence. I did one Huttball where I did near 400k healing (twice as much as next guy), and capt the ball once(only capture we had). I got no MVP but, the guy that had the most damage at 200k got 4 votes. Probably friends in the game but, still true to the point.


I'm gonna take a stab here that you enjoy the "support" role style of play. Support roles never get the MVP. If you and the OP are serious about playing as a healer class in PVP, suck it up and know that you won't always get that pat on the back.


Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. Have you ever noticed that "assists" are not a tracked statistic, only goals. It's just how the world works.


I enjoy playing as a healer cause for me it's a lot more ****** to keep a whole team alive through a difficult situation than to take a single guy down. Learn to swallow your pride and enjoy the reason you really are playing a healer. I mean no disrespect, just some strong words of criticism.

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can anyone tell me why my heals hit for less in bgs than in open world. Im a 50 consular and my channel heal crits for 1200 per tick open world, and crits for 990 in bgs.


Also, why is a lvl 10 dude having more hp than me in bgs, and also why do they hit far harder than i do?


I had enough of not being able to outheal even 1 dps attacking me, so i rolled dps spec and am now running around ganking lowbies in open world. Thanks bioware for not making lvl caps for pvp :)


Skills are 30% less effective in pvp.


Bolster scales with your item level and quality in comparison to your current level.


If you are level 15 in purples (I have a ton of purples from crafting) and you are up against a level 50 in greens/blues, you will have better stats than the level 50.

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