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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PVP Hacks


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Also a annilation muarder could have done frenzy+medpack which would have netted him a substantial amount of healing.


Well, you just lost all credibility as a Marauder player.



Frenzy? Really? Do you even know what that ability does?

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I've seen that 3 times just this week in hypergate, i see it on voidstar all the time.


And i just experienced in an arena 31-54 two Juggs, PT, and a Muarader. I had the maurader down to 12% and boom he was 100%. So tell me how that possible?


There are more and more hacks everyday and the people really don't give a crap. So i'm going to have to run fraps all the time to prove that this crap exists.


If you have to hack your a *****! You know who you are! Piles of ****!


Yeah sure video it, and at least let people see the stuff you are complaining about. I think I have seen the odd exploit in my time (very very rare) but nothing like what you are mentioning.


Let's see some evidence, recent - first hand experience though, not some video pulled off you tube from 2012.

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Well, you just lost all credibility as a Marauder player.



Frenzy? Really? Do you even know what that ability does?


herpderp, my fault, I have more experience with pubs, I was reffering to Zen and its equivalent.

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Let's see some evidence, recent - first hand experience though, not some video pulled off you tube from 2012.


Yeah, because everyone knows that if a hack has been around for more than a year, it does not exist, and it never did.


LOL @ the naysayer covering his bases with stupidity.

Edited by idnewton
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I'm fairly certain in the situation you described there was someone healing, but they probably where off your screen and you where too busy calling hacks to look around. Also a annilation muarder could have done frenzy+medpack which would have netted him a substantial amount of healing.


Also your not understanding how servers work, speed hacking is tricking the system on your location, stuff like god-mode would require them modifying the game itself, which the server would notice immediately.


Seriously dude, there is almost no hacking that can't be explained by paying better attention to your surroundings.


Please don't try and lecture me, if you do not know what I know or do not know. I work daily with server/db management for Oracle.


However - after experiencing something quite gamebreaking last night in a Voidstar, I have to say that invisibility-bugs DOES happen:


A little background history before the pictures:


I was getting focused by 3 players on one of the bridges - at 5%, I tried popping stealth, but got knocked off the bridge - (hey we've all tried that) - but my stealth activated just before I died. When I respawned, I was invisible... I had the "stealth" buff on me still (which I shouldnt have, since I died) but it counted down as usual. After the icon was gone, I was STILL invisible: the enemy team could NOT see me. I even tried planting a bomb right in the middle of them. But stopped before planting, since it would be cheating. :eek:


Here are some screenshots of this... you can still see my lightsabers though. :confused: Now, I HAVE made a ticket on this, and I will try and post it on the support-forums.




And with "beams"



Edited by Amonkiratainted
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Please don't try and lecture me, if you do not know what I know or not know. I work daily with server/db management for Oracle.


However - after experiencing something quite gamebreaking last night in a Voidstar, I have to say that invisibility-bugs DOES happen:


A little background history before the pictures:


I was getting focused by 3 players on one of the bridges - at 5%, I tried popping stealth, but got knocked off the bridge - (hey we've all tried that) - but my stealth activated just before I died. When I respawned, I was invisible... I had the "stealth" buff on me still (which I shouldnt have, since I died) but it counted down as usual. After the icon was gone, I was STILL invisible: the enemy team could NOT see me. I even tried planting a bomb right in the middle of them. But stopped right before, since it would be cheating. :eek:


Here are some screenshots of this... you can still see my lightsabers though. :confused: Now, I HAVE made a ticket on this, and I will try and post it on the support-forums.




And with "beams"




That happens, they can still see your name tag and you will not be invisible after you die. If you were capping a door and no one noticed, then the enemy must of been partially blind.

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Saying that there are not hacks/cheats at WZ you must be unbelieved optimistic ... Hacking was and is common in every game ... You will have always people playing with hacks because they want to be better then others or they want to have game too easy for them. And also there will be always group of ******* people who does not know how to play without hacking and cheating. I can see also some "strange" things almost each second WZ, but I dont care. This is up to each of us how we approach to game. And finally you can always decide to continue with game and pay for it or not ...
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And with "beams"



That's not hacking, and the enemy team can see you perfectly well, so you might as well have capped. Your name tag and cast bar are perfectly visible, and it even animates your proc effects properly

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That's not hacking, and the enemy team can see you perfectly well, so you might as well have capped. Your name tag and cast bar are perfectly visible, and it even animates your proc effects properly


^This. It often happens to me on my Jugg if I get pushed out of the safezone and die from the explosion in Ancient Hypergate. Yet, even if I can't see myself, the enemy team can totally see me.

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Please don't try and lecture me, if you do not know what I know or do not know. I work daily with server/db management for Oracle.


However - after experiencing something quite gamebreaking last night in a Voidstar, I have to say that invisibility-bugs DOES happen:


A little background history before the pictures:


I was getting focused by 3 players on one of the bridges - at 5%, I tried popping stealth, but got knocked off the bridge - (hey we've all tried that) - but my stealth activated just before I died. When I respawned, I was invisible... I had the "stealth" buff on me still (which I shouldnt have, since I died) but it counted down as usual. After the icon was gone, I was STILL invisible: the enemy team could NOT see me. I even tried planting a bomb right in the middle of them. But stopped before planting, since it would be cheating. :eek:


Here are some screenshots of this... you can still see my lightsabers though. :confused: Now, I HAVE made a ticket on this, and I will try and post it on the support-forums.




And with "beams"




Been brought up by the devs it happens in rare cases they fixed it so its very rare since your name tag and lightsaber or weapons are visible. It not cheating since they can see the cast bar and your weapons. If people tunnel other players and don't see you plant it not cheating. It there own fault for not looking at the door and seeing you. Since it is easy to spot by people who have brains. Put in tickets all you want nothing will be done on that since it was already addressed.


As for people healing with no healers around it called a self heal and med pack it not rocket science or cheating it just you not knowing that people can use a med pack and self heal.

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As for people healing with no healers around it called a self heal and med pack it not rocket science or cheating it just you not knowing that people can use a med pack and self heal.


WZ medpacs heal about 30% of your max health. He's probably talking about the "near dead to almost full health" that I've seen myself, though I've chalked it up more to glitches and balance issues than actual hacks.


Nice job, calling someone else out for apparently not knowing that medpacs exist in WZs when you apparently don't know that they aren't a full heal.


Not to mention that you apparently responded to the wrong post, since the post you quoted was actually taking about the invincibility bug. Looks like a double fail on your part.

Edited by HandOfKane
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WZ medpacs heal about 30% of your max health. He's probably talking about the "near dead to almost full health" that I've seen myself, though I've chalked it up more to glitches and balance issues than actual hacks.


Nice job, calling someone else out for apparently not knowing that medpacs exist in WZs when you apparently don't know that they aren't a full heal.




He said self heal AND a medpac. You cast a self heal and as soon as that is done casting you hit your medpac and boom you see one giant leap in your HP bar from low to near full as they both apply at the same time.

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I've only seen a speed-hacker once and he was so bad that it actually became a fun meta-game just to kill him. But if you think there's more hackers than bugs in this game, you're delusional.


I get accused of quite a few hacks, like using ball-grabbing macros in huttball among other things (something I imagine would be pretty tough for BW to find any proof of). Other accusations are more vague, unsurprisingly, because those players don't know how the game works.


If someone is hacking, I'd say chances are high that they're pretty awful players and that you should still be able to kill them. Finally, the simplest answer is probably the most plausible one here: you got beaten by a better player. For everything else like glitches while capping (which I have seen, they're not hacks), not much we can do since I don't think BW will ever fix these issues.

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Point-form TL;DR version:







It must be hax... Cuz:

- They have healers.

- Scoundrels and Operatives 'teleport' when they do their little rolls. (very teleport. such hax)

- That 'sin has a grenade = too many stuns --> therefore hax.

- That sage just went all god mode like in his not-moving bubble. Uber h4xxx0rz!!1one!

- Their whole team just went 'Unbeatable'. Must be premades, but I'll call hax anyway.

- I just dinged 55 on my smash monkey, but got beated bad. L2P? I don't need to; therefore hax.

- Focus target? What is that? Is that a hax?

- Our stealthers don't do node caps.

- Our tanks don't taunt or guard.

- Our healers only dps.

- Eff'n rite m8... Errbody on our team be DPS'n.

- Ermahgerd um reterded.

- Hax cuz hax.

- :mad: cuz bad.



That about sums it up, right? lol

Edited by PifferPuff
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He said self heal AND a medpac. You cast a self heal and as soon as that is done casting you hit your medpac and boom you see one giant leap in your HP bar from low to near full as they both apply at the same time.


Ok, what non-healing classes have an instant self-heal that powerful? AR/HO only goes up to 35%, and Enure/EP is only temporary (and doesn't really "heal" anyway, just increases your max health).

Nice try, though.

Edited by HandOfKane
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For what I can tell, a PT isnt a healer...neither are juggs or maras. And a mara cannot go from 12% to 100% with 1 DCD... let alone all his DCD's.


Hacking DOES occur. If people can speed-hack, you can bet your sweet (_!_) that they can figure out how to use other forms of hacking as well.


Actually, Juggs/Guardians ARE.. in fact... healers now.

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Ok, what non-healing classes have an instant self-heal that powerful? AR/HO only goes up to 35%, and Enure/EP is only temporary (and doesn't really "heal" anyway, just increases your max health).

Nice try, though.


Focused Defense, my friend. 22k health if it DOESNT crit on any of the 10 charges.

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Ok, what non-healing classes have an instant self-heal that powerful? AR/HO only goes up to 35%, and Enure/EP is only temporary (and doesn't really "heal" anyway, just increases your max health).

Nice try, though.


Again, learn to read. He said PEOPLE not specifically only those that do not have heals. Although the vast majority of the time when you see it happen on a class without heals it is because the healer is out of your line of sight, or for some they get tunnel vision on their target and just plain don't see the healer free casting behind them.


And while EP is not a heal it has the same effect on the look of your opponents HP bar when they use it.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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Ok, what non-healing classes have an instant self-heal that powerful? AR/HO only goes up to 35%, and Enure/EP is only temporary


It doesn't matter. It, combined with a medpac, simulates a giant health boost.


And no, it does not just increase your max health. It also gives you a temporary HP boost of the same amount that it increases your max by. If you actually played a Guardian/Juggernaut, or PvPed for any real amount of time, you would know that.


But since you don't, I would suggest that you not act like you do.

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