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A perfect example of the ability delay


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Yea this has really been bothering me. I've been leveling as and planning on playing a healer endgame, it makes healing really awkward.


I'll press a button, the cast bar will fill, .5-1 sec later my toon's hand shoots out and preforms the action and green numbers pop up, but as soon as that cast bar is filled my gcd is already done and I'm pushing the button again to chain cast, but because of the ability delay the game is still thinking about the first cast and misses my second one.


This worries me greatly.

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I haven't noticed a real problem with abilities delays personally, what is your latency? I'm at ~37ms and it is smooth for the most part.


What I HAVE noticed that I consider somewhat of a problem is a death delay wherein a character is dead but it takes a second or so for the name to go grey and you are focused on them during that time.

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Clearly, any issue that exists past the 72 hour mark means the game will fail.


The issue is that most of the bugs (spell delay, mount delay, getting stuck mostly everywhere when exploring, green/blue/yellow/red beam of *** (check Tatooine) and many many many more...


Where all documented since early Beta.


While the content is just freakn out of this world... The platform is what I can describe as a MMOized Mass Effect engine.


For me, while content is just the best thing ever done in a MMO... it cannot alone offset the many bugs from its engine.


So I hope the Devs will start ramping up their work and provide for an appropriate platform to feature the awesome content from the artists.

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Yea this has really been bothering me. I've been leveling as and planning on playing a healer endgame, it makes healing really awkward.


I'll press a button, the cast bar will fill, .5-1 sec later my toon's hand shoots out and preforms the action and green numbers pop up, but as soon as that cast bar is filled my gcd is already done and I'm pushing the button again to chain cast, but because of the ability delay the game is still thinking about the first cast and misses my second one.


This worries me greatly.


This has been my experience as well. I suspect not a lot of abilities in the game are "casted"in the wow sense, so not everyone is affected equaly, but most healing abilities have cast bars, and that makes it a big issue for us, PVP or PVE.

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Yea this has really been bothering me. I've been leveling as and planning on playing a healer endgame, it makes healing really awkward.


I'll press a button, the cast bar will fill, .5-1 sec later my toon's hand shoots out and preforms the action and green numbers pop up, but as soon as that cast bar is filled my gcd is already done and I'm pushing the button again to chain cast, but because of the ability delay the game is still thinking about the first cast and misses my second one.


This worries me greatly.


yeah this also, this has been driving me nuts while healing this is no good at all, and this will drive players away from the game.

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The issue is that most of the bugs (spell delay, mount delay, getting stuck mostly everywhere when exploring, green/blue/yellow/red beam of *** (check Tatooine) and many many many more...


Where all documented since early Beta.


While the content is just freakn out of this world... The platform is what I can describe as a MMOized Mass Effect engine.


For me, while content is just the best thing ever done in a MMO... it cannot alone offset the many bugs from its engine.


So I hope the Devs will start ramping up their work and provide for an appropriate platform to feature the awesome content from the artists.


It does feel like death of a thousand paper cuts, doesn't it? Health bars not updating properly in war zones is another big problem too.


I'm trying not to panic... just levelling a couple toons at the same time, hopefully a patch will address some of the major problems early next year.

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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.


i could get off a 1 second cast in WOW in less time then a 0.5 second cast in SWTOR.


this was by far my #1 complaint in beta and i was so disappointed that nothing improved come launch.


i will play this game forever if this is fixed.


This is a minor issue compared to things like no customizable UI, no DX 10/11 support, etc. I'd rather see these and other items fixed before anything else.

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Clearly, any issue that exists past the 72 hour mark means the game will fail.


*On march 20th*


Clearly, any issue that exists past the 3 month mark means the game will fail.


*On december 20th 2012*


Clearly, any issue that exists past the 1 year mark means the game will fail.


etc, etc, etc...

Edited by Dekadez
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This is a minor issue compared to things like no customizable UI, no DX 10/11 support, etc. I'd rather see these and other items fixed before anything else.


Hmm... This is huge issue, it's not minor at all. It speaks to a problem with the basic mechanics of the game. 1 second casts are not 1 second casts at all, broken animations that break your abilities...

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To be quite frank, since this effects EVERYONE equally, as someone has said before, then it is NOT an issue. It is only an issue for the twitch, PvP centric players who want this game to feel the same as World of Warcraft to them.


The fact of the matter is, this is NOT a re-skinned WoW. It has a completely different game engine, and hence will feel different.


If you don't like the 0.5 second delay, and cannot adapt, then simply play something else. I do not want this game to be brought down to the level which the minority demands and I'm sure I am not alone.


It's the same with the people who complain about the lack of mods or UI customisation. It's the same for everyone, it's fair, there are no crutches. You simply have to learn to play the game as the developer would like the game to be played.


Deal with it.




Honestly, this is such a ridiculous reply. Game Developers should be trying to make all the improvements to their game they can. The response times of abilities and controls and such in any game is probably the most important of all as it affects the overall feel of a game.


Great, so you don't have any issues with the game because you want to hang out with the cool kids and hate on WoW so much that your blind to the fact there are many issues with this game that do need to be fixed. A lot of these issues are simply issues which no one should be defending and at the end of the day, even if some one doesn't like a certain part of the game or has issues with it, it is their opinion and that matters just as much as yours.


As you say this is NOT a re-skin on WoW, it is an entirely new game. Yet sadly it feels pretty much like a re-skinned WoW with a sci-fi setting and age old issues that shouldn't have made it into this game to begin with.


I think I speak for most that are playing this game. We don't want another WoW game, we want something new and fresh, this is why we are here. Yet, like with every other MMO, swtor is using the same old systems that have been around for the last 8-10 years and has bugs in these areas. The only thing they have that is truly unique is the quest dialogue and the fact you dont have to sit there for hours to level up your craft skills (which I highly doubt is unique to be fair).


At the end of the day the developer will take the game in the direction that it feels is best and it damn well should do. Although without input from customers it wont progress and quickly as it should and they would be foolish to ignore what people are saying.

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Thing is, at least let us have a statement about the delay.

I can understand the people who voice their concern about this.

But leaving us in the dark is definitely not the best choice.


I have no problem gameplaywise with the delay as of now, but it certainly feels awkward.

This has nothing to do with WoW. I am happy to be out of there and have an other quality MMO to play. But ability delay is a thing no MMO should have. The visuals, the mechanics and the player input need to be synched perfectly to work correctly. (by the way, fix high textures, please)

In my opinion, this is an MMO fact and no WoW or something preference.

As I said, it is not game braking currently, but in Endgame PvP and Raids or high level FP, it could be frustrating to see a heal go out a tenth of a second to late.


I support most of the decisions BW made up until now. But there are a few things which need to be addressed. You can be a fan AND offer constructive criticism, you know?

Edited by Hiramas
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Honestly, this is such a ridiculous reply. Game Developers should be trying to make all the improvements to their game they can. The response times of abilities and controls and such in any game is probably the most important of all as it affects the overall feel of a game.


This. Imagine playing Super Mario 64 and having Mario wait .05 seconds before he decides to jump. Oh the rage that would have caused.

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*On march 20th*


Clearly, any issue that exists past the 3 month mark means the game will fail.


*On december 20th 2012*


Clearly, any issue that exists past the 1 year mark means the game will fail.


etc, etc, etc...


See, this is the issue with cryhards, there is no sense of moderation. At 3 months, an existing bug not being fixed would be unacceptable.

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I think this is the most game-breaking issue as well, especially in pvp. In pve you can somewhat cope with it even though the delay can cost lives.


It also includes switching targets. Say I want to heal my companion, I click on his portrait. If I start my heal right away I usually end up healing myself. Of course you can compensate for it by waiting but of all the MMO's I've played, this has never really been an issue.


Another thing I have noticed is that it's way worse on my laptop compared to stationary computer. Granted it's not really a great laptop (I3 M350 @ 2.27 GHz, GeForce 310M, 4GB ram) and has a steady fps of 10-15 most places, I experience a 2 second ability lag compared to 0.1-0.5 on my stationary.


I just wonder how much is client-side lag. It's not that I need to upgrade my comp, it's the game that's poorly optimized. I really hope for a quick fix.

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i'm just afraid that this issue is something within the core game engine that they can't easily fix without re-writing a lot of stuff.. which they may not bother doing. I hope i'm wrong, but it seems like if it was an easy fix they would have done it by now since it's such an important thing..
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try mounting and moving forward right when it gets to 0.5/0.5. you will be dismounted every time, you have to wait like another 0.5 seconds till the cast actually goes through. this is a perfect example of the delay that is plaguing combat as a whole but especially ruins pvp.


i could get off a 1 second cast in WOW in less time then a 0.5 second cast in SWTOR.


this was by far my #1 complaint in beta and i was so disappointed that nothing improved come launch.


i will play this game forever if this is fixed.


Oh god help us all, .5 of a second,



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This hurts me bad in PVE as I play a high level healer.


I cast a heal, cast bar is done, GCD is done, I chain cast or move (since the boss is about to drop an aoe on me) my original first heal doesn't come out?! ***?! Tank dies.




I can put up with the clunky UI where I have to single target everything, I can put up with a NON functional LFG, a NON functional AH, a NON functional player search, and the list goes on.


But this issue is really making me thinking about renewing my subscription.


Oh god help us all, .5 of a second,




You must play a single target dps who solo's. Yeah, Baddies don't concern themselves with such things.

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