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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR is NOT a single player game!


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I just thought I should leave this warning for the new players and the few that still remain confused and complain whenever someone kills them while questing, throws a snowball at them, infects them, or something similar...


This is NOT a single player game, and you are no more entitled to control the other players actions towards you as you are in real life.


This is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, meaning other people will interact with you and interfere with your gameplay, both in a way favorable to you, or not...


You must either accept this fact or rethink your decision of playing this genre of games.

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You can't hand-wave away bad game mechanics. It's not a force power. :rolleyes:


You stated in another thread that once you are infected you can't quest because you constantly freeze (although I don't agree, that's not the point).


When you are sick don't you also miss school/work because you don't feel up for it? How is it any different? Don't you go buy medicine to improve your condition?


This particular event attempts to "replicate" what would happen if you contracted a disease. How is that bad game mechanics?


The point some people (including yourself) are making is that the event is forced. Well of course it is, as it should be! A disease is forced, no one opts-in to contracting a disease.

Edited by Qvasar
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You stated in another thread that once you are infected you can't quest because you constantly freeze (although I don't agree, that's not the point).


When you are sick don't you also miss school/work because you don't feel up for it? How is it any different? Don't you go buy medicine to improve your condition?


This particular event attempts to "replicate" what would happen if you contracted a disease. How is that bad game mechanics?


The point some people (including yourself) are making is that the event is forced. Well of course it is, as it should be! A disease is forced, no one opts-in to contracting a disease.


Taking a vaccine after you've already contracted a virus doesn't really make sense... :p


Anyway, this game hardly "attempts to "replicate" what would happen if you contracted a disease." That's just dumb. It's just a mechanic, nothing to do with realism. Also, there's supposed to be a quarantine, yet people are running around exploding all over the place. Hardly realistic, is it?

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You can't hand-wave away bad game mechanics. It's not a force power. :rolleyes:


You cannot wave your hand and declare game mechanics bad either. It's not a force power. ;)


You know what is amazing in modern MMOs? ---------> the inability or lack of will in players to even remotely approach game content that has any challenge in it at all. Persevere, overcome, live for the challenge rather then die because of it.

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Taking a vaccine after you've already contracted a virus doesn't really make sense... :p


Heh.. but they do it all the time in the movies. --------> the movie Outbreak, as one reference example.


Games are like movies, they are designed to be fun and to suspend the constraints of reality. :)

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You stated in another thread that once you are infected you can't quest because you constantly freeze (although I don't agree, that's not the point).


When you are sick don't you also miss school/work because you don't feel up for it? How is it any different? Don't you go buy medicine to improve your condition?


This particular event attempts to "replicate" what would happen if you contracted a disease. How is that bad game mechanics?


The point some people (including yourself) are making is that the event is forced. Well of course it is, as it should be! A disease is forced, no one opts-in to contracting a disease.

I want to play the game not watch my char puke all day!

Do you pay your doctor a monthly fee to make you sick?

What's really sick here is this stupid event!

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Heh.. but they do it all the time in the movies. --------> the movie Outbreak, as one reference example.


Games are like movies, they are designed to be fun and to suspend the constraints of reality. :)


Sure, I don't mind the vaccine thing. I just thought the OP saying this mechanic is great because of how realistic it is was kinda dumb. I mean no offense but it was kinda like "Dude, do you even basic science?" Derp.


I don't play Swtor for the realism. The rakghoul event is fun but the vaccine is obviously an in game mechanic for convenience.


Anyway, slightly unrelated but I think it kinda fits... http://25.media.tumblr.com/b8a881b08e60301e9ca2c11f6aa2828f/tumblr_muthf1l43J1qcmrkno1_500.jpg

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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This is NOT a single player game, and you are no more entitled to control the other players actions towards you as you are in real life.



Yes, it is. It's no different than Call of Duty. You have singleplayer campaigns and the option to play multiplayer if you want.

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CoD you can play the single player campaign offline. Not with SWTOR because it doesn't have SP.


Can't play Diablo 3 offline, and it's singleplayer with a multiplayer option.. Gonna tell me DRM make a game an mmo now?


And EA loves their online DRM, like SIm City.

Edited by Zorvan
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You cannot wave your hand and declare game mechanics bad either. It's not a force power. ;)


You know what is amazing in modern MMOs? ---------> the inability or lack of will in players to even remotely approach game content that has any challenge in it at all. Persevere, overcome, live for the challenge rather then die because of it.


What amazes me is that people believe the actions taken against a bunch of pixels are directed against them personally.

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You stated in another thread that once you are infected you can't quest because you constantly freeze (although I don't agree, that's not the point).


When you are sick don't you also miss school/work because you don't feel up for it? How is it any different? Don't you go buy medicine to improve your condition?


This particular event attempts to "replicate" what would happen if you contracted a disease. How is that bad game mechanics?


The point some people (including yourself) are making is that the event is forced. Well of course it is, as it should be! A disease is forced, no one opts-in to contracting a disease.[/QUOTE]


It shouldn't be forced, everybody who wants to participate in this event should just go accept the quest and do whatever the hell they want for the duration of the event. Those that don't want to participate can then just ignore it all together. This way, everyone is happy.

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The hell....


You have a thing for making ridiculously inaccurate comparisons?


apparently. how can anyone claim that MMO is the same as drm laden game with optional limited multiplayer is the same thing? I will never understand.


SWTOR is NOT a single player game. having content that can be done solo doesn't make it a single player game.

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This is NOT a single player game.


I dunno, you unlock Treek, and it very easily can be a single player game, if you want it to be. My shadow pretty much soloed everything up to the damn first boss in Cad. If you let stupid **** like snowballs ruin your fun, you probably need therapy.

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I also can't unerstand why anyone would be annoying about having to use a vaccine. Ok for PVP arenas it might be annoying if you are not interested in the event.


All this moaning makes me even more pleased to get back to fleet and infect some more whiners.


Mmmmm... hiding at the back console of the GTN.. i see you :p

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Well, if not interested in the event, it's annoying.

If interested in the event, it brings out the griefer inside, via having to infect other people.


I'm staying on my ships, and/or logged off, but you guys enjoy yourselves, whatever.

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I also can't unerstand why anyone would be annoying about having to use a vaccine. Ok for PVP arenas it might be annoying if you are not interested in the event.


All this moaning makes me even more pleased to get back to fleet and infect some more whiners.


Mmmmm... hiding at the back console of the GTN.. i see you :p


I think the annoyance of using the vaccine comes from the new players that just got off the starter planet. Judging by all the "how/where do I get my advanced class" questions that pop up in gen chat, this fame still gets a lot of fresh blood; people that spend what little credits they have on gear, go broke, and then find out they need a vaccine.


Personally, the only problem I have with the event is allowing affected players off of Alderaan. Worst. Quarantine. Ever.

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"This is NOT a single player game, and you are no more entitled to control the other players actions towards you as you are in real life ... This is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, meaning other people will interact with you and interfere with your gameplay, both in a way favorable to you, or not ... You must either accept this fact or rethink your decision of playing this genre of games."


This is nonsense. Within the rules of the game each of us can play the game in whichever way we want. This definition of MMORPG is just plain wrong as even a cursory look at Wikipedia's article on MMORPGs shows. Luckily the OP does not dictate how the game is to be played. Contrary to his implication, most MMORPGs including SWTOR have rules to prevent people interfering with other people's game play in an unwanted manner.


The annoying thing about the Rakghoul event is that, contrary to SWTOR's own Rules of Conduct, players are having their game play adversely affected in an unwanted manner by others trying to hinder their game play. These "griefers", as they are known in other MMORPGs, continually try to interfere with players simply trying to read their mail, to trade some items at the trading post or to access their cargo holds. That people can buy a vaccine at a cost of 2000t is not good enough. Why should people who do not wish to participate in the event have to bear the cost. The vaccine should be provided for free to all who wish to opt out.

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