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10 Good
  1. Completely agree. Those aspects of SWG sound as boring as hell. As for the long waits to force people to socialize, for some reason it reminds me of the old joke about a Nazi ordering prisoners to be happy.
  2. Hardly, most players don't read the forums. And of those that do, I suspect many don't haunt the General Discussion forum. Of those that do that, many may have felt no desire to comment one way or another on this particular post. All you can really claim is that you believe that most who have commented on this thread agree. But even then I notice that most of those that have done so seem to be the people listed. In short, it seems that all you can say is that the people the OP listed agree (with one or two exceptions) with her plus some others.
  3. An odd list by the OP. The title of the post seems to suggest we have a list of well-known forum "goodies" and "baddies". But much commentary in the thread implies they are all "goodies". Certainly when some posters point out that a few are well known for their attacks on other forum posters, they get jumped on. The OP seems to see them as well known "forum warriors". But that just says they are well known for fighting a lot on the forum. That can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing. One thing that is clear is that there is disagreement on that very point with some on the list. For me the very notion of fighting on a forum dedicated to the expression of people's opinions is odd and even implies that some people should not have opinions or at least should not be able to express them unhindered.
  4. We agree on a lot more than I though we did. And no I wasn't offended by the insolence reference. Subject to Bioware's rules, these forums are there for people to express their personal opinions, provide feedback and to discuss various aspects of the game. Someone doing that is only doing what Bioware intended.
  5. I agree that the key element of the definition of griefing is about spoiling the enjoyment of other players. The fact that players are infecting others to achieve quest and achievement objectives does not mitigate the griefing. Nor does the fact that it is part of the design for this Event. People doing it know they are spoiling other player's enjoyment - there is plenty of feedback here and in game. Some are even crowing about it in other threads. There are plenty of comments about people enjoying the "tears" of the people being griefed and complaining, that the plague mechanism is the best part of the Event, that they regard the GTN as a "PvP" zone, that lowbie planets are fair game and how they laugh at the distress of the lowbies etc. I suspect it is a bit of a stuff up by Bioware. But if not, and if it is a new approach by Bioware to the game, people will not have to worry about others complaining about it here or elsewhere for long, people will vote with their feet. Self defeating for a commercial company I would have thought but companies make silly decisions all the time.
  6. If you can't deal with opinions different to your own the solution is pretty simple. Don't read them. I won't be offended in the slightest.
  7. You are exaggerating. MMORPGs provide content for both solo and group activity. Many players do group activity, many solo and many do both - it depends on what they want to do. And no-one is bashing Bioware for providing a full range of content. Don't know where you got that from. People wouldn't be subscribers if they did not like the game. MMO does not mean "you have to group". All it it means is that you are playing in a persistent digital world with a huge number of other players - millions in some games if you count all players across all servers. Why people get hung up on letters escapes me. Typically the ones who do tend to omit the RPG bit which is very telling, as most are not on RP servers. While it is true that most end game content is group activity, it is easier to develop challenging content for groups than for solo players who cover all the different classes, advanced classes etc. That usually requires an expansion. In my experience many, if not most, players are not interested in end game content for one reason or another. There is nothing in being an MMO that requires you to do it. OK, you miss some content. Stiff cheese. The game also offers both PvE and PvP but you don't have to do both if you don't want to. Solo players are no different to anyone else. Once they have levelled their characters or have just lost interest in the game they move on to the next game, often another MMORPG. PS. Haven't seen anyone "complaining about the ability to group with others". And your reference to "insolence" because people are debating aspects of the game is a bit rich.
  8. You are just being silly. I have often said that people should play the game in whichever way they want. That does not translate to me telling them how to play the game other than in the most trivial sense. I am opposed to griefing. But only because it interferes with other player's enjoyment of the game. I have no problems with people griefing each other on a voluntary basis as long as all parties agree, in which case it is not griefing.
  9. I wasn't just referring to your last post but to all of them that I have seen - to me and to others. I was only trying to be helpful. You are free to ignore my suggestion.
  10. I wasn't quoting you in particular on that point. Many people have said it here and on WOW and no doubt elsewhere. And I can assure you I do fully intend to play the game my way. Whether I do the things you mention or not doesn't faze me a bit. But you do come across as one those players who insists that other players do it their way. If you don't intend that perhaps you need to consider being a little less insistent on how other people should play the game.
  11. Lots of people have said it. You don't speak for all. And I do agree with you that people should play the game in whichever way they want. Not sure what you mean by the rest of your statement. You can't control other people's actions towards you in PvP/ War Zones, true enough - but that's exactly what people like about it. But it's a different situation in PvE. And of course no player controls the Game designers actions, but that is a trite point.
  12. Oh, don't you know that video games are serious business. It is not intended for you to have fun, nor for you to play the game whichever which way you want to play it. There is only one correct way of playing and that is MY way. This is a MMORPG (get on high horse here) after all, that means you HAVE to do it MY way. It's MY way or the highway etc. etc. etc. (/sarcasm off) It sure does get a bit tedious at times, doesn't it?
  13. You got to love it when people try to tell you that you are playing the game wrong. It's not as if they are paying for your subscription. From some all you hear is: "Wah! Wah! Wah! You are playing the game wrong. You have to play it like me. That is the only correct way of playing." Then there are the semantic police - the ones who tell you: "Don't you know this is a MMORPG? The "M" means you have to group. A group of 4 or 10 or 20, that is what makes this game "massive" - as if the M doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we play in a persistent digital gaming environment alongside thousands, if not tens of thousands of other players, millions in some cases if you count all the subscribers across all the servers.
  14. It's a dumb Event with little thought as to how it would impact on the rest of the Game. But you are likely to get quite a few bored level 55s telling you it is lore or some tripe like that or that you can easily avoid the plague spreaders etc etc. Or that you can avoid the Event if you participate in it and get the trinkets etc. The best thing about the Event is that it is about to finish.
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