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Concealment http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWzVhh4VJXk


Lethality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcfccyJ8HVw / http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJ3AWbRpXFI


Il be the first to say that the Op's burst is typically no where near that of an assassin but dont mistake that for me feeling that the Op is at fault in anyway.


Im told the assassin's madness tree is worthless too, can your deception sin do this to PTs/VGs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbzO27GVODw XD


Maybe if people didn't play so predictably in PVP IE expecting their meta raid boss rotation to not get tripped on its face then BW wouldnt need to cater to casuals.


buffing Ops :rolleyes: /2 cents

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sarcasmodetector going off the scale captain!


I actually did enjoy the vids, I like to see open world pvp vids from time to time.


The concealment video was pretty good as well as the madness sorc which you don't see alot due to it being less played.


No sarcasm. :)

Edited by Makavelithug
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I watched the start of the concealment video. Here are my notes:


1) Game isn't balanced around open world since no open world PvP exists. Stealth will always be OP for ganking.


2) The player attacked wasn't even paying attention, you probably could have done your entire opening rotation without CC.


3) You had them at 25% HP before they could move and they still almost killed you.


4) You had companions out.


Overall, I obtained 0 knowledge surrounding why or why not this buff is too much from this video.

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Good job hitting a bunch of pve geared chars.

Now make another video in ranked with those specs.


You took the words off my mouth...


Every idiot can make a video about ganking undergeared people while wearing full pvp stuff.. but then another idiot (like this OP) could take that as serious data..


Unless somebody makes several RWZ videos as concealment , playing against solid groups (and definitely not PUG) , there is nothing to be seen here and any argument that people willing to nerf (or deny buffs) concealment have is obsolete.

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You took the words off my mouth...


Every idiot can make a video about ganking undergeared people while wearing full pvp stuff.. but then another idiot (like this OP) could take that as serious data..


Unless somebody makes several RWZ videos as concealment , playing against solid groups (and definitely not PUG) , there is nothing to be seen here and any argument that people willing to nerf (or deny buffs) concealment have is obsolete.


not every idiot knows what the term ganking means though

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Got through the first fifteen seconds of slow-walking/panning (WOW U SEW ANGSTY) and was greeted with a pathetic fight where the OP had their companion out. Even sadder is the fact that you needed to use a medpac to defeat an opponent who was clearly AFK for the first half of the fight.


OP is bad.



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Got through the first fifteen seconds of slow-walking/panning (WOW U SEW ANGSTY) and was greeted with a pathetic fight where the OP had their companion out. Even sadder is the fact that you needed to use a medpac to defeat an opponent who was clearly AFK for the first half of the fight.


OP is bad.




Obviously he was saving his trinket, its called not sucking, of course i wasnt the one with the healer that BW deems to strong to use in FPs i hear, nor was i the one popping legacy abilities (unity/project/force sweep), just a no expertise HK in mostly original 50 gear :) infact i dont pop a single defensive CD against him. and tell me more how 6 secons is half a of 41 second fight. personally i would have interceded one of those friendly NPCs to get the leap and unstoppable proccing visciouse throw etc, maybe saved my reflect for the next application of acid blade instead of using it against the follow up hits but nvm your right i do suck its nothing to do with how overpowered my Op is <3

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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Obviously he was saving his trinket, its called not sucking, of course i wasnt the one with the healer that BW deems to strong to use in FPs i hear, nor was i the one popping legacy abilities (unity/project/force sweep), just a no expertise HK in mostly original 50 gear :) infact i dont pop a single defensive CD against him. and tell me more how 6 secons is half a of 41 second fight. personally i would have interceded one of those friendly NPCs to get the leap and unstoppable proccing visciouse throw etc, maybe saved my reflect for the next application of acid blade instead of using it against the follow up hits but nvm your right i do suck its nothing to do with how overpowered my Op is <3


I think its sad that you play operative and don't want it to be buffed, especially when its clear how weak the spec is. That or you have never stepped foot into ranked with it and think ganking undergeared/pve geared players in open world makes you awesomesauceop...which in that case you're....Well its not something nice.

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your right i do suck


Thank you for seeing reason and agreeing with me.


Also, it's "you're", shortened from "you are". The apostrophe is used so that you don't have to type two words. "Your" indicates another's possession of something.


Please never post your fail "PvP" videos in this forum again. Have a nice day.

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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I think its sad that you play operative and don't want it to be buffed, especially when its clear how weak the spec is. That or you have never stepped foot into ranked with it and think ganking undergeared/pve geared players in open world makes you awesomesauceop...which in that case you're....Well its not something nice.


I think its sad that WPvP plays make you mad, and undergeared? you make me out to be like those assassins you see camping elites, waiting till their targets are on low health and running at the first sign of trouble, at least i show the zeal to shoot on sight and stick the fight out, unlike most! and you think im able to inspect pubs when i attack them? and you do know that when a stealth jumps someone fighting a mob the aggro switches to the stealther right? just like if i was to run to another mob the aggro would switch back to them. something i dont like to do. and btw, expertise=50% additional damage/resistance 2 players is 100%, 50% more than my expertise gives ontop of the additional CC and 2 healer comps do the math please.


Really i understand your disdain i know how most stealthers operate and suffered it on my first 3 none stealth toons every day for over a year but try to at least appreciate the odds im going against in my videos i wouldnt post a fight that mathematically wasn't fair or just somewhat funny because WPvP is not a serious thing is it.


But how good i think i am isnt the point here, im not trying to troll you, forum warrior QQ is a happy bonus, the potential for Ops to go above and beyond their meta rotations is the point. And really i dont think the buff will make much difference, Assassins can prompt crits, Ops cant. take away recklessness or give Ops a similar skill if you want them on par with each other, remember i have a sin, cc/15K burst vanish, cc 15k burst guaranteed is joke and lets stop and think whats more slippery, an energy guzzeling 10 meter roll or a 60 meter teliport that can be used while stunned? as i said its not Ops that are broken and if you remember they were nerfed for a reason.

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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Thank you for seeing reason and agreeing with me.


Also, it's "you're", shortened from "you are". The apostrophe is used so that you don't have to type two words. "Your" indicates another's possession of something.


Please never post your fail "PvP" videos in this forum again. Have a nice day.


trust me no video i ever post will be as grand a failure as your inability to respond to all the points and facts i gave you with anything more than a desperate attack on my grammar especially when it was YOU who started pulling technicalities out to begin with. not all of us have the benefit of having our English graded each day, and have bigger things to worry about than forum grammar for kids that think the ability to infer from context is note worthy to others. I think il post whatever i feel like thank you ;)

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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trust me no video i ever post will be as grand a failure as your inability to respond to all the points and facts i gave you with anything more than a desperate attack on my grammar especially when it was YOU who started pulling technicalities out to begin with. not all of us have the benefit of having our English graded each day, and have bigger things to worry about than forum grammar for kids that think the ability to infer from context is note worthy to others. I think il post whatever i feel like thank you ;)


Honestly, your post had no points in it. There were videos. Videos that you yourself said were kinda funny and wPvP wasn't serious. All I see is a thread about not buffing Ops with some wPvP videos. because no one ever has beaten x class with y class.

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Honestly, your post had no points in it. There were videos. Videos that you yourself said were kinda funny and wPvP wasn't serious. All I see is a thread about not buffing Ops with some wPvP videos. because no one ever has beaten x class with y class.


and your point is what?

Edited by HexDecimalUK
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But how good i think i am isnt the point here, im not trying to troll you, forum warrior QQ is a happy bonus, the potential for Ops to go above and beyond their meta rotations is the point.


And you try to prove this point by posting a vid in owPvP where you, in PvP gear, fight PvE geared players which for half of the fight are AFK?


What were you trying to prove?


You aksed for your points to be answered and yet you chose to avoid answering perfectly valid questsions toward you?


1. Why you try to show that DPS OP is ok by posting a vid from owPvP where you fight PvE geared players?

2. Why did you play with your companion out (how is that supposed to reinforce your point)?

3. Why you try to pretend that what i bolded out is unique to DPS OP's. That can be said about every single class and AC in the game.

4. Why you did not post a vid on how good (probably bad) you do in ranked against a well geared pre made that knows what they are doing?

Edited by Endel
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