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The Official Armor Wishlist Thread

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Great job adding new outfits at the community's requests, Bioware! I'd like to see Force Veteran armor set in Cartel Market and thus in Collections, as many people would like to, I'm sure. This beautiful set was a part of 2018 giveaway and subscriber reward. And it makes me really sad that I missed that event as I love the armor but can't get it. Tried to collect similar pieces but it doesn't look as perfect as Force Veteran set. So, Bioware, please! Give the rest of the players this armor. Thanks in advance! Edited by simimuss
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[[My apologies for my blindness in not finding this thread earlier.]]


My friends and I have been discussing something for several months now about a simple, TRADITIONAL, Jedi Robes set.


We've looked at the Revered Master's set and wondered, "Why not one without the cloak? They'd make so much money!"


"I would literally pay to buy that on each toon if they made it."


"Imagine how good it'd look with the new textures they've been working on!"


"We can't bring it up anymore it's going to make me sad."


All of these are along the lines of things we've actually said, discussed, and pondered about. We've talked about how they've already created the Loyal Adherent's set with the flowing arms and how that would go great with Jedi tabards and the little revered master's pants, except down to knee-length.


Even if it dyed terribly, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? It'd look amazing if the underrobes and tabard dyed and that nice lovely texture came out of the robes. Grab some traditional boots and a beautiful leather utility belt, my goodness, you'd be a smoking hot Jedi or Sith!


Anyways, I think some traditional robes would be a wonderful, well-loved addition to the market. Sometimes simple is better, no?


*Edit: For those who have mentioned their distaste of 'traditional robes 3000 years before the movies,' I find that argument ridiculous. Robes are simple garments, I can't imagine that Jedi wouldn't have simple robes in general. Not to mention Atris' robes, which are basically the same thing with very long tabards. Simple robes aren't just a 'prequel' thing or a 'movie' thing, they're just... existent. I don't see how the standard Jedi robes would "break immersion" or totally mess with the timeline when near-equivalents already exist. Just give us pretty looking basic robed like the Revered Masters without the dang cloak on it.

Edited by The_Girl_Jedi
- Defending my claim
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Request an Amor Set Similar to


Resurrected Professional



TD-07A Panther Jacket


but similar to




Bracers: Undefined.

Gloves: Undefined.

Belt: Undefined.

Pants: Undefined.

Boots: Undefined.


edit: Spacing.

Edited by StarLionAzure
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Just to remind Bioware again:


Old lvl 50 Imperium side Battlemaster Forcemystic/master armor + belt in their original color/form. (Dread Master Set), or make the old lvl 50 Battlemaster armors bound on legacy (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/battlemaster-force-master/).


Marren Atmas armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/marren-atma - Republic Soldier on Balmorra, he wears a special republic trooper chestpiece without shoulder pats)


Republic Soldier NPC armor from Ord Mantell. Can be seen around the Senat Building on Coruscant too (the blue one without shoulder pats).


Hood-up version of the "ambitious warrior"-set


Syo Bakarns armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-syo-bakarn). Gloves and belt is different than the version we have. (Version we got from the command crates is this: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/nomar-organa) + same armor dye


Kellian Jarro's armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/kellian-jarro)


General Durant/Faraire/Frellka/Minst's armor from Sith Warrior Taris Questline + armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/general-durant)


Grand Marshal Chekettas armor + dye (he shares the same set as Admiral Shai and General Straden on Yavin 4. They wear a different chestpiece than the Hazardous Recon's armor-set and the Republic Containment Officer armor-set and a unique dye. To clarify: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/grossmarschall-cheketta)


I would also like to add to my list that we need a slot for dyes for the Resplendent Crown of Avarice (there is no slot for dyes on it, sadly).


Captain Qonbla's chestpiece (Trooper trainer on the rep fleet) https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/captain-qonbla


Dread Master Masks (these from Bestia, Raptus, Styrak etc), maybe in a cartel pack for a good amount of CC.


Shariss Kartur's armor. Very nice Republic SID armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/shariss-kartur)


Darth Vilus chestpiece (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/darth-vilus). Its the old lvl 50 battlemaster sorc armor, just without the shoulder pats.


Orgus Din's and Sedni Maruk's armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sedni-maruk) in the same colours.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Darth Skotias armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/darth-skotia). The real one this time please Bioware ...


Tython Jedi Knight armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-quilb). Literally ever jedi on tython wearing this kind of armor (relnex with black shoulder pads and simple gloves). We as a Player need those too.


Jedi armor with a chestplate and some kind of jacket across (https://game-guide.fr/96258-swtor-cathars/)


Also another great idea how to improve the way BW gives us different armors is by letting us modify the armor by ourself. Like a tool to customize the armor. For example to be able to remove shoulder pats from chestpieces, or hoods, or to change/remove undesired extansions from belts/gloves etc.

Edited by Jesseriah
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  • 4 weeks later...
[[My apologies for my blindness in not finding this thread earlier.]]


My friends and I have been discussing something for several months now about a simple, TRADITIONAL, Jedi Robes set.


We've looked at the Revered Master's set and wondered, "Why not one without the cloak? They'd make so much money!"


"I would literally pay to buy that on each toon if they made it."


"Imagine how good it'd look with the new textures they've been working on!"


"We can't bring it up anymore it's going to make me sad."


All of these are along the lines of things we've actually said, discussed, and pondered about. We've talked about how they've already created the Loyal Adherent's set with the flowing arms and how that would go great with Jedi tabards and the little revered master's pants, except down to knee-length.


Even if it dyed terribly, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Wouldn't you? It'd look amazing if the underrobes and tabard dyed and that nice lovely texture came out of the robes. Grab some traditional boots and a beautiful leather utility belt, my goodness, you'd be a smoking hot Jedi or Sith!


Anyways, I think some traditional robes would be a wonderful, well-loved addition to the market. Sometimes simple is better, no?


*Edit: For those who have mentioned their distaste of 'traditional robes 3000 years before the movies,' I find that argument ridiculous. Robes are simple garments, I can't imagine that Jedi wouldn't have simple robes in general. Not to mention Atris' robes, which are basically the same thing with very long tabards. Simple robes aren't just a 'prequel' thing or a 'movie' thing, they're just... existent. I don't see how the standard Jedi robes would "break immersion" or totally mess with the timeline when near-equivalents already exist. Just give us pretty looking basic robed like the Revered Masters without the dang cloak on it.


Have you ever run into the former person who used to advocate for traditional Jedi robes?


You two might hit it off!


In all seriousness, I agree. Especially with armors and weapons being added that essentially look like the film era from The Mandalorian, and other armors that directly tie into the films, like Palpatine robes in the form of the Insidious Counselor armor set (not even the best example, but an example), it's completely reasonable to ask for what you have. In short, these would look like what the Jedi wore in Clone Wars, without the armored forearms, or what Obi-Wan or Anakin wore in Ep. 3 after removing their cloaks.


There's no reason not to put that sort of look into the game now, because there are too many sets that are very close, sometimes almost identical to those seen in the film era.

Edited by arunav
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I'd love to have an outfit inspired by Ahsoka's from CW season 7, that way it'd look a bit similar to Satele's original outfit without being identical.


And an outfit similar to her Mandalorian one, as said in the thread asking for that outfit, i also think a set with several chestpieces would be great : 1 without the cloak, and at least 1 with the cloak, but ideally 2 with the cloak so that there would be one hood up and one hood down would be great (if the hood could be adjusted to the head of the character like the Je'daii one, it'd be even better).

Edited by Goreshaga
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The yearly reminder before 2021 hits. We already got enough sparkly-shining-sithrobot-like armors. It's time to give us some of these oldschool star wars-y armors listed below :)


This is a list of some absolutely amazing armors some of the SWTOR NPCs are wearing. I put it a little bit in order and made it more clear to read. Every one of these suggested armors has a link to it and can be watched via 3D model. Jedipedia (the source I'm using) is especially nice since it shows exactly what NPC and armor I'm talking about and has their color-dyes in the bottom right, which is especially important since the right dye gives the armor half of its awesomeness. If you think they don't fit into the CM @BioWare, then I know another perfect opportunity to bring these armors into the game: make them craftable or buyable via planet vendors or put them in crates like you did with the 5.0 armors! :)


Since I'm asking (literally begging :rak_03:) for years now for these armors, I will include some reasons to each of the armors why I think they're so important to get as a player character. I personally think that now it's the best time for BioWare to jump over their shadow and just put all these suggested armors below into the game for players to use since we get more and more iconic and unique armor's from Lore-Characters from KOTOR or NPCs that are relevant to the current story (Tau Idair, Rass Ordo etc). It shouldn't hurt them to make these armors from NPCs below obtainable too since, as I said, they are amazing! :)



  • The old lvl 50 (imperium side) Battlemaster Forcemystic/Master armor, especially the belt in their original form/color (Dread Master Set). (https://torf.mmo-fashion.com/battlemaster-force-master/ // https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/dread-master-raptus-13) IMPORTANT
    It is obvious why this should be ingame again. This set embodies the power of a Sith. Though the Dread Master weared these, they were available for player too, and BioWare already gave us some of the old Battlemaster-Sets back. Another way to solve this would be to make the old armors from launch legacy-bound, since quite literally every armor nowadays is already legacy-bound. BW doesn't need to hurt the uniqueness of this set and old veterans who got these armors back then. Veterans could also just send them from character to character.
  • Darth Vilus chestpiece (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/darth-vilus).
    It's literally the same as the chestpiece from the lvl 50 Battlemaster/Dread Master set, but without the shoulder pats. Chestpieces like that are always appreciated among players, especially Sith Inquisitors since it gives the player variety and make the character look more powerful because of its awesomeness.
  • The Dread Master Masks. These from Raptus, Bestia, Styrak etc.
    I saw many threads over the years from players asking for these masks and I think it would be reasonable to just put some of them (or a very close version) on the CM. One could say it hurts the uniqueness of the Dread Masters, but we already got 3 different Revan sets, 2 different Malgus sets and several iconic armor sets from old Sith (like Exar Kun) too, so why not?
  • Marren Atmas armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/marren-atma)
    This is a very cool looking Republic Soldier armor without shoulder pats. Another example of how very simple looking chestpieces without shoulder pats can look absolutely amazing.
  • Republic Soldier armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/republic-soldier-36)
    Again a very simple but amazing looking armor set for soldiers. We got many trooper sets over the time but all of them are either shining and blinking or too bulky/roboter style'ish. The two above mentioned are very clear and classy, exactly what we are missing.
  • Shariss Kartur's armor. (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/shariss-kartur)
    A very nice looking SID armor for every Smuggler who wants to RP as a "spy/SID"-like character. I'm still wondering why we have no real equivalent to the dozens of imperial agent/officer armors for the Republic side.
    I realized that 90% of this armor is already ingame, its called "Turncoat Armor Set". Sadly BioWare changed the chestpiece and removed everything nice on it to a simple shirt. Also there is a chestpiece from the "Outlander Fixer" armorset that is basically it with slight changes like the "protection" around the collar. But the collar has not the same size than the original chestpiece and some pieces on this chestpiece aren't dyeable. So what I really would like to see is the original armor, with the unchanged chestpiece available because it is obviously really the best looking piece here.
  • Hood-up version of the "ambitious warrior"-chestpiece (https://orcz.com/SWTOR:_Master_Ters)
    This is a great armor for a simple looking Jedi. Besides that, players were asking for a hooded version of the ambitious warrior-set for years, especially one for females that goes over the belly like we can see on Cala Brin (Google)
  • Jaric Kaedan's original chestpiece from the ambitious warrior Cartel Market picture (https://ibb.co/1XqHyVN) IMPORTANT
    Since it's unlikely that the chestpiece from the ambitious warrior set that we can get through the CM gets changed because many people already bought it, I really would like to see that we get Jaric Kaedan's original chestpiece added in a seperate way. As we can see in the CM picture above, we were supposed to get that armor piece anyway but somehow the model we can equip is a different one. I already made a bug report regarding this topic. Please add the in the link above mentioned chestpiece!
  • Syo Bakarns original belt + armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-syo-bakarn). UPDATE: Set available besides a few things, see below!
    This is an absolutely amazing set for all kind of Jedi. We got a slightly different version (Command Crate version: https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/nomar-organa).
    So far, everything besides the armor dye and the belt is available at this point for players, thanks for that, BioWare! We just need the exact dye for his armor and the changed version of his belt now (without the huge "hip protection" on the back and the two bags) to make it complete.
  • Shol Bestros armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-bestros)
    Another armor that perfectly could fit the Jedi Consular or a Sith Inquisitor with the right dye. Its the old Tionese lvl 50 Jedi-Consular armor from SWTOR launch, just without the shoulder pats. Especially that the whole chest can be dyed is awesome. I really would like to see this armor available too!
  • Kellian Jarro's armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/kellian-jarro) IMPORTANT
    One of my absolute favorites. It fits perfectly for a Jedi. It literally pictures the Jedi as an unstoppable force of nature with a dominant half plate armor but still has a majestic look thanks to the cape. This is how a Jedi thats fighting everyday in a war (exactly our timeline) should look like. Its very clean and simple but still looks absolutely strong and awesome. Could even fit a mandalorian. I'm pretty sure there would be many players wanting this armor if it would be available for CC because many people picture their Jedi-Knight (or even Sith with the right color-dye) more as a fighter.
  • General Durant/Faraire/Minst's armor from Sith Warrior Taris Questline + armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/general-durant) / General Frellka's armor (its the same, just without shoulder pats) IMPORTANT
    This armor set is amazing for Troopers (or even Smugglers), especially since we are getting higher and higher in ranks with our soldiers as the story progresses and this armor pictures the soldier as a high ranked Trooper quite well. It's very simple and oldschool-looking. Can be seen here https://ibb.co/5F394Q7 and here https://ibb.co/fvkDq9T
    The best version imo is the one without the "pack" with the antenna on the back, because then we can see the republic sign on the back. We definitely need this one since it looks absolutely amazing!
  • Grand Marshal Chekettas chestpiece + dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/grossmarschall-cheketta) IMPORTANT
    This set is my favorite when it comes to Troopers. The moment I saw this NPC in the Balmorra empire planet questline I knew we need to get this set. We can literally imagine our soldiers as a battle-proven Leader with it (which he should be by now, especially after Yavin 4 questline). I'm absolutely begging for a couple of years now for this armor set and its dye, and I really hope BioWare will bring it into the CM or make it available otherwise. It also seems like it uses a Redbrown/Tawny colordye. We really need this.
    Another thing I have to say about this armor: There are already 3 similiar looking armorsets in the game, and every one of these 3 sets is using the same chestpiece but sadly, none of these chestpieces (Hazardous Recon, Republic Containment Officer and Section X armor set) looks like Cheketta's chestpiece. Here's his armor/chestpiece: https://ibb.co/NscKswh I really wish we could at least get one that features Cheketta's real chestpiece.
  • A dye slot for the Resplendent Crown of Avarice would also be appreciated.
  • Captain Qonbla's chestpiece (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/captain-qonbla)
    Trooper Trainer on the rep fleet. This chestpiece is just awesome. Again its actual chestpiece/set is already ingame but again this one is without shoulder pats. It brings a little bit of a "barbarian"-flair to the character.
  • Ceta Farr's chestpiece (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/ceta-farr)
    Mandalorian Hunter armor set just with the "jetpack" on the back. Makes the character look more like a "Commander Mandalorian".
  • Darth Skotias corrected legs, chestpiece + belt (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/de/npc/darth-skotia).
    This one saddens me, because I was one of the strongest beggers as the CM launched for his armor and was so happy and excited as BioWare made it obtainable through the CM but then realised they gave the armor Darth Skotia's name but in fact they changed some pieces. I think since we also can see this armor (in a different color) in the Sith-Warrior progression video we really should get the exact version of his armor here and not like a "scuffed" version of it. For Tau Idair's armor for example we got the exact same armor set, but here on a less "unimportant" NPC set we have a different belt, a different chestpiece (hood on the back missing) and different legs. I really would like to see the set updated or the exact one available in the CM.
  • Tython Jedi Knight armor (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/master-quilb).
    Ever ran through Tython and took a look at all the Jedi there in their awesome robes/armors and wished you would be able to wear this set? Me too! At least the changed gloves and a hood-down version of the robe since the rest is already available.
  • Orgus Din's/Sedoya Senn's armor dye (https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/orgus-din / https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/npc/sedoya-senn)
    I know it's not an armor suggestion, but rather the dye I would love to see inGame obtainable. We can pretty much get the same armor via the starter planet as a Jedi Knight, though we never were able to get the same color dye yet. I think this armor set + its dye fits the picture of an early Jedi in SWTOR pretty good, besides that it looks absolutely stunning. I just love the idea that my Jedi could look the same as some of the Tython Jedi NPCs/Story Jedi NPCs.
  • Charged Hypercloth Force Expert armor without shoulder pats (https://game-guide.fr/96258-swtor-cathars/)
    Again a very clean, simple looking armor and again without shoulder pats :rak_03:. I'm sure something like this can suit many people's likes too.

Edited by Jesseriah
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Yeah, they should add that for the ambitious warrior set for female characters. Funny thing is that it should already be inGame (google Cala Brin, one of the story characters of the Consular) but its only for the NPC, not for the player as usual...


Just like some sets have a hood up / down version, but you only get either the hood up or hood down on the CM.

Like for instance the Ardent Oracle set, there are several variants of the chestpiece with the hood down, but the CM version doesn't come with a second hood down chestpiece, which is sad because the hood looks really bad without a helmet, while the hood down would be perfect if you don't want to hide your character's face under a helmet. And the hood down versions you can buy can't be used by all classes from what i could see :(


I love the Resilient Warden set but when I saw this concept art of a variant of the set. Oh my lord this looks so damn good.


Looks pretty good, but i'm really glad there's no cape on the actual set.

Those things are full of bugs and glitches.

Edited by Goreshaga
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I'd love to have an outfit inspired by Ahsoka's from CW season 7, that way it'd look a bit similar to Satele's original outfit without being identical.


And an outfit similar to her Mandalorian one, as said in the thread asking for that outfit, i also think a set with several chestpieces would be great : 1 without the cloak, and at least 1 with the cloak, but ideally 2 with the cloak so that there would be one hood up and one hood down would be great (if the hood could be adjusted to the head of the character like the Je'daii one, it'd be even better).

Totally agree, would love to see something of the kind in the game!


And a gently reminder that it would awesome to see some promotional items available for those who didn't have the chance to get them and for new players as well. I really would appreciate if Force Veteran Armor is put in the Collections and in CM. Or any other way of obtaining it would be appreciated!

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