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Were plans to make "Same sex companion romances" canned?


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I remember a while back before rise of the hutt cartel ToR had plans to give same sex companion romance options to your characters.


Meaning a female Jedi knight could romance Kira, a Male JK could romance Doc. etc etc.


I know that Rise of the hutt cartel did have that girl/girl kiss... and that the bounty missions allow same sex flirting but that's nothing.


Congratulations. Yes, these were likely canned along with everything else story.


So there is no discrimination here - everyone gets to feel the pain of no more quality stories going forward equally!

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I'm doing the macrobinocular missions, and my femaie Jedi Guardian was able to flirt with Deena Riss, the NPC who you meet after picking the mission up.


same sex flirting was included with RotHC. this is independent of companion interactions which still discriminate against same gender romance. I think it's fairly well established that EAware will never allow same gender romance with existing companions. by the way, the makeb story line discriminates against certain gender depending on your faction. I think the devs thought of male-male flirting as inherently evil since you van only have that in the imp side and vice versa with female-female. still not sure why that development decision was made because they do seem to allow either gender to same gender flirt in the macrobinocular story line. also notice that new companions are not human or humanoid so they can avoid the issue altogether :/

Edited by DimmuJanKaarl
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There were never any plans made by devs. There were, however, mass amounts of speculation and planning (by a community niche) and also an all out PR war against SWToR (they called in GLADD on us guys) for not having them in the first place.


It is impossible for something to be canned if it never existed in the first place.


FYI. Im pertty sure the SGR options on Makeb were the fuition of all the SGR crowds efforts.

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I have always suspected that at the very foundation of the game's companions, same gender romance was in - at least for some of the companions. If you're a male, I've noticed that some companions like Corso and Torian do in fact accept courting gifts. Non romanceable companions like Blizz or Bowdaar or Gault don't. And then there's Talos Drellik, who DOES accept courting if you're a male Warrior, but if you're a female he does NOT. How's that work? Well, my guess is these are code remnants of something that was there initially but was taken out. If I recall companions were radically different in the Beta anyway, so it's definitely possible.


Not to menton KALIYO. The most significant evidence to support the theory they were considering having some of the original companions being bisexual is that you encounter Kaliyo's ex-girlfriend during a companion mission (and you can kill her if you want:sy_darkside::sy_darkside:).


Now, a lot of times content will not be built upon further (time constraints and such) and it might be that having already coded all the companions, that it would be easier for the IT people to simply make new ones rather than revamping the old ones. I don't know, my IT knowledge is limited. Either way, if making new companions is easier than changing the old ones, then I'm okay with that decision.

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I hope they have canned them. With finite resources and limited manpower this is not something that truly warrants the diversion of them. Despite some twisted attempts by those with no legitimate argument other than to spew hate, this has nothing to do with bigotry or homophobia; and any attempt to claim otherwise is pathetically transparent.


BW should really just leave all romance arcs out of the game from this point forward. In the SW universe there are so many more interesting and rich directions to take story lines. The existing romance arcs are shallow at best. BW would be wise to leave any further romance to rp and the legacy screen.


The finite resources should be devoted to content, bug fixes, balancing , and other more important issues that will actually interest potential subscribers which by and large is not romance arcs.

Edited by Telaan
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I hope they have canned them. With finite resources and limited manpower this is not something that truly warrants the diversion of them. Despite some twisted attempts by those with no legitimate argument other than to spew hate, this has nothing to do with bigotry or homophobia; and any attempt to claim otherwise is pathetically transparent.


BW should really just leave all romance arcs out of the game from this point forward. In the SW universe there are so many more interesting and rich directions to take story lines. The existing romance arcs are shallow at best. BW wod be wise to leave any further romance to rp and the legacy screen.


The finite resources should be devoted to content, bug fixes, balancing , and other more important issues that will actually interest potential subscribers which by and large is not romance arcs.


I hate to admit you have a good point but.... you have a good point:(


In Mass Effect romance made sense since you might have to let your romance npc die. In SWTOR there's 2 instances (that I know of) where you can let very undeveloped npcs die (Rylee and Jaxo).


It's not the same as ME where it meant something (Mordin wasn't a romanceable character but I hatehatehated letting him die:(:().

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There were never any plans made by devs. There were, however, mass amounts of speculation and planning (by a community niche) and also an all out PR war against SWToR (they called in GLADD on us guys) for not having them in the first place.


It is impossible for something to be canned if it never existed in the first place.


FYI. Im pertty sure the SGR options on Makeb were the fuition of all the SGR crowds efforts.


ok so they bent to the will of the sgr crowd but then stuck it to us by half-assing it. they could have flipped a few switches and made all npc's bi but they deliberately -- for whatever reason -- made sgr in imp side only male and only female in pub side. I know they aren't lazy so it stands to reason that the decision was deliberate and unscrupulous to day the least.

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ok so they bent to the will of the sgr crowd but then stuck it to us by half-assing it. they could have flipped a few switches and made all npc's bi but they deliberately -- for whatever reason -- made sgr in imp side only male and only female in pub side. I know they aren't lazy so it stands to reason that the decision was deliberate and unscrupulous to day the least.


Actually all the female NPCs in this game available for SGR are also OGR.

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ok so they bent to the will of the sgr crowd but then stuck it to us by half-assing it. they could have flipped a few switches and made all npc's bi but they deliberately -- for whatever reason -- made sgr in imp side only male and only female in pub side. I know they aren't lazy so it stands to reason that the decision was deliberate and unscrupulous to day the least.


for the last goddamn time. no, they could NOT have just flipped a few switches retroactively and called it a day. becasue that leaves too many people in a dust, you know the ones who already leveled up their characters and maxed out companion affection. THEY don't get to experience the content with the character of their choice even if they wanted to, becasue they are already past that opportunity. no rerolling should NOT be their only option.


do I dislike the way it was implemented on Makeb? yes. yes I do. wholeheartedly. limiting male to empire and female to republic was badly done. however... flipping switch on existing companions is NOT the way to add the relationship either and earlier in this thread, I have explained exactly why in detail, but top reason is right here in this post.

I don't know why they did Makeb the way they did. but I'd rather not assume outright malice from a company that made an effort to add that content at all.

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for the last gosh darn time. no, they could NOT have just flipped a few switches retroactively and called it a day. becasue that leaves too many people in a dust, you know the ones who already leveled up their characters and maxed out companion affection. THEY don't get to experience the content with the character of their choice even if they wanted to, becasue they are already past that opportunity. no rerolling should NOT be their only option.


do I dislike the way it was implemented on Makeb? yes. yes I do. wholeheartedly. limiting male to empire and female to republic was badly done. however... flipping switch on existing companions is NOT the way to add the relationship either and earlier in this thread, I have explained exactly why in detail, but top reason is right here in this post.

I don't know why they did Makeb the way they did. but I'd rather not assume outright malice from a company that made an effort to add that content at all.


Romance dialog/options are tied to reputation with the companion.


Which means as soon as those switches were 'flipped", even those who were level 55 could go through the whole romance dialog and choices with their companion as long as they had their reputation high enough. So what content are they missing? If there's quest to go somewhere/do something tied to that romance dialog/options, you can go and do anything at 55 that you could go and do at 10.


I still want to romance Treek, and Blizz.


SCORPIO, baby.

Edited by Zorvan
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I remember a while back before rise of the hutt cartel ToR had plans to give same sex companion romance options to your characters.


Meaning a female Jedi knight could romance Kira, a Male JK could romance Doc. etc etc.


I know that Rise of the hutt cartel did have that girl/girl kiss... and that the bounty missions allow same sex flirting but that's nothing.

Can't recall ever seeing that in a Star Wars movie. And last I checked this is a Star Wars game. Star Wars! Please leave your political agenda at the door please.

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I still don't understand why they refuse to fix existing companions. They only have a few dozen lines of dialogue... a handful of which deal with romance. Why are they so lazy?


because it isn't fixing them. It is ruing them and changing who they are. After all, you can't just tell someone to change from gay to straight over night right?

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Scrapped because it is honestly unnecessary to add. Besides if they scrapped class storys you can rest assured they are not gonna develop all new companions with and possibility of SGR, just to pleace a minority. They will probably add more SGR stuff like what we have seen on Makeb, but other than that..forget it! Edited by Cbaoth
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I still don't understand why they refuse to fix existing companions. They only have a few dozen lines of dialogue... a handful of which deal with romance. Why are they so lazy?


sigh..... becasue aside from recording all those extra lines of dialogue for both companions AND player character voice? they also have to figure out how to give access to people who already finished all the conversations.

it has nothing to do with laziness and everything to do with the fact that its actualy a fairly major undertaking. 8 stories. 16 player character voices. 16 companion voices. SWTOR amazingly enough has more companion conversations then some of the bioware's most recent single player games. especially early companions. every flirt and reaction to it would have to be adjusted.


Romance dialog/options are tied to reputation with the companion.


Which means as soon as those switches were 'flipped", even those who were level 55 could go through the whole romance dialog and choices with their companion as long as they had their reputation high enough. So what content are they missing? If there's quest to go somewhere/do something tied to that romance dialog/options, you can go and do anything at 55 that you could go and do at 10.




SCORPIO, baby.


deeper sign.












their reputation is maxed. companion is unlocked in their legacy. the final "I'm with you till the end" conversation has been had. they have no. more. conversations. left. that's it. they missed the boat. do you understand now?

so now, they would have to figure out how to selectively reset these companions. many of those have quests associated with them. do we reset those quests as well? how do we decide what gets reset and what doesn't? do we program in a reset button somewhere? think about it. retroactive changing of content is a PITA. that's why its generally not done. unless you are George Lucas. and even then, it ends up looking terrible (watch Creedo and Han scene one of these days)

Edited by Jeweledleah
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Scrapped because it is honestly unnecessary to add. Besides if they scrapped class storys you can rest assured they are not gonna develop all new companions with and possibility of SGR, just to pleace a minority. They will probably add more SGR stuff like what we have seen on Makeb, but other than that..forget it!

it was always one of the big ticket items at launch , honestly I dont really care just one of those things like more customization may not be game changing just nice to know its there

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it was always one of the big ticket items at launch , honestly I dont really care just one of those things like more customization may not be game changing just nice to know its there


Maybe so, but im pretty sure "nice to know its there" is not gonna be enough for BW so make a big effort in the area. I am convinced that SGR's current state, with some options for romancing NPC's, is all there will ever be, and imo thats just fine. I understand some may see this as very importent, and thats fine, but since it is so relative few that want it very badly, its just not gonna be enough, since there is little money devoloping stuff that really wont have that big of an impact on the game.


Some also claim this is due to laziness, but really its just a logical choice.

Edited by Cbaoth
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their reputation is maxed. companion is unlocked in their legacy. the final "I'm with you till the end" conversation has been had. they have no. more. conversations. left. that's it. they missed the boat. do you understand now?

so now, they would have to figure out how to selectively reset these companions. many of those have quests associated with them. do we reset those quests as well? how do we decide what gets reset and what doesn't? do we program in a reset button somewhere? think about it. retroactive changing of content is a PITA. that's why its generally not done. unless you are George Lucas. and even then, it ends up looking terrible (watch Creedo and Han scene one of these days)


The easiest way around this would be impementing a follow-up quest-chain, after the main story.


Your only decision involving the story so far would be whether the character already has romanced a companion, which may lead to a divorce or OT3. The drawback would be that SGR with companions come later, and possibly even past unlock. And because none of my companions so far expressed something along the lines of 'ewww boy/girl-cooties', it wouldn't warp the character noticeably.


Story hooks are easy to come by. Iresso could get problems with his internal library. Vette's old gang could get into trouble,.....

Edited by drakensang
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Wait, is BW still holding to their "it's in the works" statements? C'MON people! It's been "in the works" at least since I joined the forum, which was in June 09! It's NEVER going to happen. All we will get in terms of companions is more like Treek, people who don't speak basic! So they don't have to hire voice actors, just play gibberish and add text.
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