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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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Is that Mako with a cannon?

Dunno mate :) Ive got this picture from Google. But, this girl is riding a speeder, so maybe is a player character made exactly like Mako.


Sorry for my english :p


But its funny ... how they keep this ****** big gun on their thin sensitive shoulders :p This gun is glued to your skin? :rolleyes:

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Dunno mate :) Ive got this picture from Google. But, this girl is riding a speeder, so maybe is a player character made exactly like Mako.


Sorry for my english :p


But its funny ... how they keep this ****** big gun on their thin sensitive shoulders :p This gun is glued to your skin? :rolleyes:


Cortosis bikini!

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I honestly cant tell if this OP was being sarcastic or serious. Because, who said you needed to MAKE that kind of toon...or WEAR that gear. I dont (mainly cuz I have male toons) and I am aware that people make those toons and wear that gear, but I never pay attention. OP ( if serious) just needs to quit. I hate people that whine about the game and have nothing nice to say about the game...yet still play.

However, if he is being sarcastic...TOO FUNNY MAN. Damn bro...i feel you. hate looking at T&A all the time..LOL

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So... I just can't put two and two together. I mean I have long hair IRL, I never knew it was sleazy. :rolleyes:


Kinda makes me wish you'd run into the OP, I bet he'd form a cross with his fingers and start backing away from you - while shouting latin phrases at you. :p


As others have said it sounds like your girlfriend has some issues if she gets this worked up over scantily clad women in a video game.....does she make you shut your eyes during the Jabba's palace / sail barge scenes in RoTJ too?




Those earn him a smack across the back of his head.

I find it incredibly interesting that you refuse to answer any posts that refer to actual evidence that there are outfits like the ones you want to condemn, in the movies.


The problem with that "evidence" is that it will lead him to very dark places... he's not allowed to look at such pictures... So how can he ever verify they are indeed skimpy?! :eek:

Edited by Callaron
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Plenty of skimpy clothes in Star Wars, and even in the movies. Twi'lek dancers, Darth Talon, etc. Even Ahsoka wore some revealing clothing. I could go on. You obviously haven't read any of the books, watched the CGI cartoon, or read any of the comics. Star Wars is MUCH MORE than the 6 movies. Skimpy there is.


It's the player's prerogative on what they want their toon to wear, or not wear. Not yours. You don't have a right to dictate how OTHER players play their game or have their toons look. If the armor is in the game, it's a free for all on what to do with it. If you don't like it then stop playing the game and go back to church or live in a cardboard box in fear of everything.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Plenty of skimpy clothes in Star Wars, and even in the movies. Twi'lek dancers, Darth Talon, etc. Even Ahsoka wore some revealing clothing. I could go on. You obviously haven't read any of the books, watched the CGI cartoon, or read any of the comics. Star Wars is MUCH MORE than the 6 movies. Skimpy there is.


It's the player's prerogative on what they want their toon to wear, or not wear. Not yours. You don't have a right to dictate how OTHER players play their game or have their toons look. If the armor is in the game, it's a free for all on what to do with it. If you don't like it then stop playing the game and go back to church or live in a cardboard box in fear of everything.




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I am sure that you would like that. I just want to play the game from the movies, the ToR novels and graphic novels. I want to log in and go almost anywhere in the game and play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars. It is EA/BW's perogative to add adult entertainment to SWTOR. It is their game. If that is their intention, me and my guild will move on. For me its more about RP and sticking to the SW canon than it is about sleazy content.


For the record, I dont have a problem with the following game content or features:


Same sex companion/master relationships.

String-bikini wearing club dancers or even club dancer costumes as long as those costumes look like star wars costumes from the star wars canon.


I do have a problem with sleazy elements from pop culture being injected into SWTOR including big hair, jog bras, tube tops, string bikinis etc. I am not interested in playing some cheezy, teasing adult MMO. Those elements just demean a great game and canon. I want EA/BW to show some respect for the game.

Well sorry OP but:

1). You admitted more than once that there are NO OFFENSIVE adult outfits, and that alone makes your whole argument invalid and non existent.

2) You try to sell your argument with the "it's not canon with the lore", when it was pointed out multiple times to you that there are examples in other media IN THE CANON STAR WAR UNIVERSE that you are wrong

3)The way YOU see star wars IS NOT THE ONLY AND UNIVERSAL WAY, so the outfits that YOU see inappropriate, are not necessary inappropriate

4) By admitting that your GF, doesn't allow you to see the so called "sleazy" avatars, you basically pointed out where is the REAL issue in this thread

5)Threating that you will take your guild and quit is laughable, because frankly it will have no affect on the whole community, so either do it or stop your empty threats - in other words you are not as important as you would like.

6)TOR is an MMO first and a SW themed game second, which means you play it with other players first and then you pretend to be a Jedi, that alone makes every argument about lore just silly and insignificant because if it doesn't bother the majority of the players than it's OK, not to mention that your every lore argument was basically smashed to tiny pieces as not true

7) There exist a profanity filter because profanity can exist in the chat, there is no sleaze filter because there is no real sleaze content in the game.

8) The Majority of players like the fact that they can chose what they want and what the don't want to wear on the 100% fictional avatars

9) by the logic that you personally presented in many other posts on the forum I should just say that you are troling and you should be reported for spam and ignored.


In other words, nothing will change, because there is no real issue(no sleazy or inappropriate outfits)and the majority of the players like the fact that they can dress up both canon and ridiculous.

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Okay, input time.


OP, I am sorry about that you don't like to see other players wearing bikinis while running around with lightsabers and guns. To a certain extent I can understand and even sympathize because it doesn't make sense in that connotation at all. However, the fact of the matter is that it is in the game and players can dress however they please. If they want said player to be a female wearing a string bikini because they'd rather stare at an attractive booty (which I don't get because I'm never staring at my character's booty, but either his back or his surroundings), then that's on them. You can't change it even though you may wish you could–it's just what they will choose to do.


And as this thread has proven, those who dress their characters like that are not all perverted men–several have already said that their wives even offered to buy their husbands' characters bikinis, and even joke about characters' nice butts, etc. Not everyone will feel threatened by it–some will. And there are even, as has been said, women who dress their characters like that because they like the look of it. So not every woman is going to be defensive about seeing that in a game. Those who are, that is fine for them. But not all are.


Now, as for me, I have yet to have a single character where I dress a companion (my PCs are almost exclusively male because I enjoy a sense of realism–being a male, I want to play a male romancing a female, not vice versa, unless it's for RP purposes) consistently "sexy." On my BH my Mako is wearing the Unfettered Trenchcoat, and on my smuggler I briefly had Risha in the Relaxed Vestments chestwraps and a bikini bottom. Briefly. I do own the Magnificent Dancer set or whatever it's called on my JK but it sits in my cargo hold, not on Kira (for now). I enjoy realism, as I said before, so I don't think a Jedi going into battle in a bikini is realistic–however, the Unfettered Trenchcoat is different; it has a coat covering quite a bit of them and it's something you'd see someone wear in a comic book, even into battle. Bikinis into battle make zero sense. But if you want to wear one, that's up to the player–and you, OP, nor I can do anything about it.


And I have nothing to say about the "big hair" thing. Makes no sense to me. :confused:

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I play several female characters on The Ebon Hawk Server and all of my toons are in various states of undress Due to their profession. My DS Jedi Counselor used to wear the brawler's top with dancer's bottom with thigh high boots for run around and tank in. i have since given her more clothes so now she is actually wearing the sensuous dress top top, Malak legging, Outlaw boot and gloves. She no longer shows the skin she did but she is actually dressed nicely with her long dark hair flowing down her back.


I Do understand to an extent why you might not like to see this sort of thing, but you need to realize that the females that play these toons have the right to dress them in any way they see fit, with big hair and all.


I am a woman who who enjoys dressing my toons up the way I want to see them portrayed and yes it does include Big Hair. If you can't handle it, don't look at it. My girls are dressed the way I want them to be dress and if it offended your sensibilities or those of your girlfriend, then choose not to group with any of them. It is definitely your choice to look or not. and my choice to run with you or not.


I am a 42 year old woman who has nothing to prove. This is a Fantasy game and I am enjoining every moment I play. I have good friends that even help pick out her armor with what they would like to see. I find absolutely nothing wrong with this at all and if BW/EA chose to remove my options to have my girls dress the way they do, then they would be losing a greater number of subscribed player which will outweigh OP threats. BTW OP you may want to reconsider that GF you speak so lowly about :)

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I am a 42 year old woman who has nothing to prove. This is a Fantasy game and I am enjoining every moment I play. I have good friends that even help pick out her armor with what they would like to see. I find absolutely nothing wrong with this at all and if BW/EA chose to remove my options to have my girls dress the way they do, then they would be losing a greater number of subscribed player which will outweigh OP threats. BTW OP you may want to reconsider that GF you speak so lowly about :)


this is not a fantasy game ala final fantasy or the other 10000 generic fantasy games out there with small girls with big weapons.

this is Star Wars, no need to make it skimpy and low such as it has become.

this is a good ip with lots of cool concepts. all the skimpy weari seen in star wars is the leia outfit when she was a slave,

but why do you want to wear that? got a thing for hutts? lol.

anyways rant off, and merry x-mas.

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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


Well it might be because you are acting like a t-word...

You keep ignoring any post (including mine that was posted 3 minutes before this post by you, and was the post right above yours) that actually dispute your main argument and instead you only focus on the posts that call you a t-word or that are about peoples opinions of what star wars "should" be.

The fact that there are outfits, like the ones you so vehemetly despise, in the movies is consistently ignored by you.


Get off your high horse and you might realise that it doesn't matter what your opinion of what star wars should be is, the only thing that matters is if it is in the canon or not.

And "sleazy" (again, your word, not mine) outfits are most certainly canon.

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this is not a fantasy game ala final fantasy or the other 10000 generic fantasy games out there with small girls with big weapons.

this is Star Wars, no need to make it skimpy and low such as it has become.

this is a good ip with lots of cool concepts. all the skimpy weari seen in star wars is the leia outfit when she was a slave,

but why do you want to wear that? got a thing for hutts? lol.

anyways rant off, and merry x-mas.


It has been pointed out several times already in this thread that the slave leia outfit is not the only example of skimpy outfits in the star wars canon.

There are plenty more examples, not only from the EU, but from the movies and tv-shows as well.

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