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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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No! If they cover up my toon with some clothes , I`ll stop my subscription!

The only reason Im playing this game is because I wanna see *******. My companion have nice tities and she was the first person in this world who said to me "I love you". In real life, girls just saying "Get your hands off me , freak".

Dont mess with my beloved Elara Dorne`s sexy dress!

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Please show me in the Star Wars canon where the Jedi paraded around like some of the avatars I see now on Carrick station. I have read ALL of the ToR novels and graphic novels and I can tell you with assurance that the only characters who dressed like club dancers were in clubs, cantinas or the palaces of the Hutts.


Post #74, by StarSquirrel:


So this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and this are all non-cannon then?


Edit: and this, this, this, this, this, and this are all non-cannon also huh? And I haven't even started on the men either...


The actual armors of those chars aren't available to us in-game, so if people want to be skimpy like them, they have to use the available armors.

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i really don't see the problem,the 'sleazy' armor is a pretty noticeable minority ,atleast on the server i'm on.about 4-6% might be wearing revealing armor such as the dancer outfits,or have it on a female companion.besides,as a company bioware need to consider the full spectrum of players,including those that may want to imitate princess leia or a twi'lek dancer.for rp i could actually see a female imperial agent using a revealing outfit to more easily get information from a male target.

sure there are pervs that only use the armor for 'bewbs!!' but thats to be expected.

compared to some games(i'm looking at you tera) swtor is pretty tame with most of its armors,just a few dancer/slave outfits,and covert set,but thats all i've seen so far thats revealing.

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If your girlfriend has a problem with you playing a video game because other players' characters are wearing skimpy outfits, then she is a little off the deep end. And incredibly insecure. Does she no allow you to go to the beach/swimming pool either? Edited by chuixupu
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If your girlfriend has a problem with you playing a video game because other players' characters are wearing skimpy outfits, then she is a little off the deep end. And incredibly insecure. Does she no allow you to go to the beach/swimming pool either?


Or maybe his girlfriend is one of his pixel companions and she jealous when he go to FP / WZ with half naked female smuggler.

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To be perfecty honest, a Jedi fights best when in their underwear - fact. Robes hinder movement, as does the plated outfits. This goes double for Sith.


Now if you want to complain, I'd take a look at all those Bounter-hunters in Bikini etc. Troopers too.


Yeah, if anything I think those outfits make more sense for force users, smugglers, and agents. Bounty-Hunters and Troopers? Not so much.

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To be perfecty honest, a Jedi fights best when in their underwear - fact. Robes hinder movement, as does the plated outfits. This goes double for Sith.


Now if you want to complain, I'd take a look at all those Bounter-hunters in Bikini etc. Troopers too.


The Echani Brianna thought as you do, then the Exile proved that robes definitely have the advantage.

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This is why women should be banned from the holonets.




I know you're joking, but this attitude is still incredibly offensive since a good number of people in support of revealing outfits in this thread have been female. The OP's supposed girlfriend is not representative of all women.

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As much as I love beautiful women with beautiful, large asses, this game has a disproportionate amount of women with perfect, giant asses and breasts. Its kind of distracting when every female you speak to in this game looks like your cartoon wet dream.


Even the old women have voluptuous figures. It's bizarre.

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As much as I love beautiful women with beautiful, large asses, this game has a disproportionate amount of women with perfect, giant asses and breasts. Its kind of distracting when every female you speak to in this game looks like your cartoon wet dream.


Even the old women have voluptuous figures. It's bizarre.




Everytime I ask myself - why General Garza`s *** is that big. Why BW created it that way :p

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How are bikinis sleazy? I hope you don't go to a beach.

How are sports bras sleazy? I hope you don't go to gyms or live where people jog.




"Teasing adult MMO"? Yes, adult human beings do dress like this in real life. I guess life is teasing and adult?


You are harming society by believing that you somehow can't contain yourself when you see a woman's body. Women don't need to wear sacks to keep from 'teasing" or "tempting" you. You need to realize you are not a predatory animal and can control yourself. Do you feel "teased" when you see shirtless men? No? Why are women showing skin different, then?


Women aren't objects to be kept locked up or else they're up for grabs for anyone.

Stop being sexist.

Just stop.

A woman with long hair in a sports bra is not advertising for sex.




Had to quote this poster again. Well said.

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These are the same arguments that are used to justify adult entertainment. If adult entertainment is what you want, then indulge yourself in it. There is plenty of it on the internet including adult MMOs. Star Wars has always been family and to some extend kid-friendly. In no way does the SW canon support "Breasts, butts, big hair and lightsabres". Again, I singed up to play Star Wars not Sleaze Wars.


Is this what we have come to, not debating the merits of the SWTOR game itself but the injection of adult entertainment into the game? Is sleaze what SWTOR is about now?


I have a question for you BioWare, is "Sleaze Wars" the future of Star Wars? If it is, me and my guild will move on. You opened pandora's box with adding more sleaze on top of sleaze, where will it end?




Now I DO think you're just a troll.

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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.

Edited by Samaul
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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


How about you stay on topic and provide examples of how, by your own words, light sabers, provocative attire and big hair are NOT canon? The thread is littered with examples of how all these things are canon yet you have failed to refute any of them....


Seems to me these things are very much canon, but your girlfriend personally just doesn't want you to see them. This does not change the fact that they are all canon and as I said, we have yet to see you prove the contrary. The burden lies with you to prove your assertion.....



Edited by ImperialSun
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OP, you can not deny that your vision of starwars is not what starwars really is. There is no fix for that.


This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


This topic is about what YOU want this game to be like.


People do not agree with you and provide valid examples, you have not demonstrated in any way the validity of your views.

Edited by ELRunninW
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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


You don't decide what the game should look like. No executive will be convince by your arguments without analyzing the economic ramifications of such a change. The game makes more money by focusing on sleazy gear, which was the only point in creating swtor. To make money. Investors and executives don't care about your argument, but will only initiate change if profits are increased due to such a change.

Edited by Knockerz
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i have been preping popcorn for over an hour now thanks to you OP. Keeping it going; you have a VERY high entertainment value. :)


Oh and also, keep ignoring the facts about revealing gear that IS considered cannon both in the MOVIES and extended universe stuff.


P.S - you also need to stay on topic and answer the posters that presented you with valid evidence, otherwise i'll tell your girlfriend and you won't be able to see female pixels for a month! :t_tongue:

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This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


The game looks the way the developers make it to look. They made those skimpy outfits to be worn with no restrictions beyond gender. I can understand your problem on an RP server, so maybe take this up with your server, but as it stands, the game isn't a pure RP game, and those that play on non-RP servers should be able to do what they want with their chars.

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Many of you posters are so predictable. You throw around the t-word like candy on christmas. You accuse others of the very activities you engage in. You dont care about the game, the people who play it or the people who make it. The forums themselves are a game to you. There is just one problem, you dont decide who the t-words are, the moderators do.


Try to stay on topic and put away your obvious straw mans and ad hominem attacks. This thread is about what the game should look like. A ToR graphic novel or SW movie or a Las Vegas casino that features adult entertainment. SWTOR should look, sound and feel like Star Wars. I dont want to see characters who look like they just stepped off of the the stage in Vegas prancing around Carrick Station or the Imperial Fleet carrying lightsabres.


I never used the t-word or attacked you. I did point out a couple of more modest games you could be playing if your moral compass is so straight and narrow that the very idea of a scantily clad pixelized female form offends you that much. Art had been posted several times showing several canon characters in skimpy outfits. LucasArts even commissioned a painting of one of the female Twi'lek Jedi masters nude, so your "non-canon" argument is invalid, yet you have repeatedly failed to respond to any of the canon art showing such things, which to me says you are just keeping this going because you have no valid arguments left.

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