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Breasts, Butts, Big Hair and Lightsabres?


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Can't be bothered to read 50+ pages of the usual. I suppose it covers all the angles. My favorite will be probably the one where a pock-faced nerd defends 'womanhood' in lieu of realizing that everyone - even women you Prince Charming you! - are individuals with individual tastes. Mark the use of the word 'individual'. It's important.


To the OP: You are an idiot. I was going to put a 'sir' in there, but meh, you being an idiot and all. Bioware has no obligation to you to make a game to your tastes. And you have to obligation to Bioware to pay for it. Don't like it? Don't play it. Problem solved. It's impossible for a product such as this not to offend someone's sensibilities and I bet you that Bioware has done their math and came up with a solution that, yes, the current game aesthetic is more pleasing than offensive to most.


As for your personal sensibilities... Well, they are personal I guess, but since you took some pains to air them on a forum, let me call you a misogynist pig for starters. Sports bra is your definition of 'sleaze'? Really? Care to say it to my face sometime? It so happens that my wife is a fan of those. For, you know, sports. What's your problem with breasts for that matter? Something Freudian? They scare you or something? Grow the hell up. Finally, big hair? What in the world...? I pity females in your life. Hell, I pity everyone in your life. They must be either as stupid as you or just plain miserable.


Either way, hands off my game pig.

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You can play the middle ground all you want but when it comes down to it, the OP isn't "right" by any means.




There is no middle ground here.


I would like to think that trying to understand the opposing view isn't the same as taking the middle ground. And, if you're not interested in the reasons behind someone else's differing opinions, then there truly may be no middle ground for you.


But I find it interesting. Their desire for people to pull together to help reinforce the illusion of actually being in the SW universe is no less real than our desire to enjoy the SW universe by dressing the way we want. The two needs just come from different value systems.


That doesn't mean I want them telling me how to dress my toons. Heck, I'm one of the loonies that want skimpier pants for men. And I agree with everyone telling the OP to just grow up and not look if it offends him. But at the same time I can try to understand what would drive someone to think things would be better if only they could dictate how everyone else behaved.


(It's also interesting--and sad--that an attempt at understanding has been construed as somehow selling out to the other side. Like I said, this is just like a microcosm of U.S. politics here.)

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But I find it interesting. Their desire for people to pull together to help reinforce the illusion of actually being in the SW universe is no less real than our desire to enjoy the SW universe by dressing the way we want. The two needs just come from different value systems.

I hear what you are saying about polarized viewpoints. But there are more than two desires or viewpoints here.


- How much sex is there in SW canon?

- And is EU canon?

- What garments are classic to the SW universe? With literally thousands of planets and billions of sentient beings, would any of them invent a tube top, or having invented it, allow citizens to wear it?

- Is it okay for the game to refer to current realities? Is playing in English okay? How about Halloween-themed items?

- Are body parts sexy? Only if they are covered/uncovered/big/small?


Tons and tons of questions.


EA supports some choices and not others. For example, if I want to RP a Sith who always projects an illusion of looking like a giant Wizard of Oz head with big hair, the game won't support that. You can only look like a small choice of humanoid species. This isn't a sandbox game.

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Posts like this are laughable. If you dont want to see Star Wars dont play Star Wars. If you want to see Sleaze Wars, there are a whole slew of adult MMOs for you to play.


About as laughable as somebody trying to force their own opinion of what is and isn't proper on everyone else?

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I hear what you are saying about polarized viewpoints. But there are more than two desires or viewpoints here.


- How much sex is there in SW canon?

It's not explicit, but it's there


- And is EU canon?

That is a moot point, since SWTOR is EU. If EU isn't canon, and therefore shouldn't be taken into account then why make the comparison in the first place to something that is EU?


- What garments are classic to the SW universe? With literally thousands of planets and billions of sentient beings, would any of them invent a tube top, or having invented it, allow citizens to wear it?

Since we already established that EU is taken into account, define classic? Before the prequels? If so, the outfits are incredibly varied.


- Is it okay for the game to refer to current realities? Is playing in English okay? How about Halloween-themed items?

Current realities? That depends heavily on the spot you were born in. Walking around with your butt cheecks showing will get you stoned to death in certain spots, for example.


- Are body parts sexy? Only if they are covered/uncovered/big/small?

That depends on your preference and sexual fetishes so it's incredibly subjective, therefore moot. I bet there is someone out there that thinks rubbing your elbow into a door knob is the sexiest thing ever.


Tons and tons of questions.


EA supports some choices and not others. For example, if I want to RP a Sith who always projects an illusion of looking like a giant Wizard of Oz head with big hair, the game won't support that. You can only look like a small choice of humanoid species. This isn't a sandbox game.


Whether or not it's a sandbox game is irrelevant. You can only have so much in a game before it becomes unplayable not only from a technological standpoint, but from artistic as well. I mean, you can't just toss black paint on a canvas and call it a painting.

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That depends on your preference and sexual fetishes so it's incredibly subjective, therefore moot. I bet there is someone out there that thinks rubbing your elbow into a door knob is the sexiest thing ever.


I want to be the psychologist for that individual...I would make a FORTUNE!

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I've seen a few fat men in the game I think.


But every female has like 44Es with a 22 inch waste and huge ***.


Once again, nice touch but not exactly realistic.


This is pretty common in games though which is to be understood because like I said, most of these women are created by men.


A 44E would be a woman with a really big ribcage and fairly small breasts in comparison. I'm a woman and I love body types 2 and 4 and I don't think either of them is particularly busty. When a game gives you control over breast sliders I will always go bigger than what BW has made.

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Current realities? That depends heavily on the spot you were born in. Walking around with your butt cheecks showing will get you stoned to death in certain spots, for example.
Well, the game is developed by Americans (mostly), so we can go with current realities of the western "free" world
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Just because the class they play is a Jedi Guardian, doesn't mean they have to RP or dress as a Jedi guardian. It is their character to do as they please.


I just had this image of Garza imposing disciplinary measures on my trooper because of the relaxed vestments. He would have to accept it, because it likely is no proper uniform. :p


My shadow on the other hand is jedi councillor. Even Satele could at best recommend that he shouldn't show up shirtless to meetings with foreign dignitaries.

Edited by drakensang
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I just had this image of Garza imposing disciplinary measures on my trooper because of the relaxed vestments. He would have to accept it, because it likely is no proper uniform. :p


My shadow on the other hand is jedi councillor. Even Satele could at best recommend that he shouldn't show up shirtless to meetings with foreign dignitaries.

Garza can impose disciplinary measures on her own backside. Seriously, she can knock over a star cruiser with it.


I kinda can see furry aliens like Cathar going shirtless to, well, anywhere they want. Cultural stuff. And so forth.

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I just had this image of Garza imposing disciplinary measures on my trooper because of the relaxed vestments. He would have to accept it, because it likely is no proper uniform. :p


My shadow on the other hand is jedi councillor. Even Satele could at best recommend that he shouldn't show up shirtless to meetings with foreign dignitaries.


So my mind went the complete opposite direction and I thought of Garza in a dancer outfit...


'Cause apparently my brain hates itself.

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Whether or not it's a sandbox game is irrelevant. You can only have so much in a game before it becomes unplayable not only from a technological standpoint, but from artistic as well. I mean, you can't just toss black paint on a canvas and call it a painting.


Jandi, thanks for your answers. I provided a list of questions to illustrate that this thread raised many different ones. You added another example - what is a game from the artistic standpoint, and what is art? You know people have called paint tossed on canvas "abstract art," but opinions if it's really art vary.


My list was in response to this:

(It's also interesting--and sad--that an attempt at understanding has been construed as somehow selling out to the other side. Like I said, this is just like a microcosm of U.S. politics here.)


It's not just two sides - there are many dimensions! While politics artificially restricts choices to just a few, typically two sides, this thread does not. Which makes this thread very amusing indeed. 10/10, OP, write again!

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OP said they didn't mind same-sex relationships. I think you read their post incorrectly.

Here is how you can see why that statement is problematic. Substitute other demographics for it.


Saying "I don't mind women participating" is sexist.

Saying "I don't mind twi'leks" is speciesist.

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Here is how you can see why that statement is problematic. Substitute other demographics for it.


Saying "I don't mind women participating" is sexist.

Saying "I don't mind twi'leks" is speciesist.


But the example given was "not minding same sex relationships" and "being a homophobe". You can't really be both at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Go re-read post# 525 again if this is confusing.

Edited by Rhokasa
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But the example given was "not minding same sex relationships" and "being a homophobe". You can't really be both at the same time. They are mutually exclusive. Go re-read post# 525 again if this is confusing.


Actually you can...

You can say (and I have heard it being said) that you don't mind same sex marriage, but you don't want them gays teaching your kids.

That means you are a bigot even tho you say you don't mind same sex marriage.


That said, he was indeed wrong in calling him a bigot for simply stating that he doesn't mind same sex marriage.

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Saying "I don't mind homosexual relationships in game" and yet harping on skimpy outfits as being "not cannon" is especially weird considering there are tons of examples of skimpy outfits in the lore and as far as I can think of only one homosexual relationship. Even BW (disappointingly) didn't put s/s into the game until Makeb which most players will never even reach. I guess OP's girlfriend wouldn't get jealous of pixelated characters if they were men? (Though I'm sure lesbians are out of the question for her too).
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I would like to think that trying to understand the opposing view isn't the same as taking the middle ground. And, if you're not interested in the reasons behind someone else's differing opinions, then there truly may be no middle ground for you.


But I find it interesting. Their desire for people to pull together to help reinforce the illusion of actually being in the SW universe is no less real than our desire to enjoy the SW universe by dressing the way we want. The two needs just come from different value systems.


That doesn't mean I want them telling me how to dress my toons. Heck, I'm one of the loonies that want skimpier pants for men. And I agree with everyone telling the OP to just grow up and not look if it offends him. But at the same time I can try to understand what would drive someone to think things would be better if only they could dictate how everyone else behaved.


(It's also interesting--and sad--that an attempt at understanding has been construed as somehow selling out to the other side. Like I said, this is just like a microcosm of U.S. politics here.)


Sorry, I don't play the "I'm going to try and reach out and understand the other side" game when the other side has a choice to ignore it or not play. If this was a real, political conversation it would be worth my time but this is about clothes...in a video game. He doesn't have to play. That IS his choice. Like I said, he can have an opinion and that awesome (I will defend anyone' s opinion until the day I die) but that doesn't mean I have to reach and understand why he feels that way.


If I did that for ever single person that every disagreed with me I would never be able to finish a discussion. There isn't enough time in the day to do so.


I also have no need to understand his opinion. I don't need to because he has already stated what he thinks is right and wrong. And as I said, it think his opinion is borderline ridiculous.


Having an opinion does not make a person invincible to criticism. Myself included.

Edited by Arkerus
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