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PvPers: Blame yourself for the lack of OWPvP


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Funny to see how the sentiment isn't PvE server exclusive. It's just the mentality of the lazy.


You do realize that EVERYTHING about playing a video game is lazy, right? If you're h4rdc0re PvPing, that's lazy. If you're doing ops, that's lazy. If you're throwing snowballs on fleet, that's lazy. And if you're refusing to engage in OWPvP, that's lazy.


It's ALL lazy, There is NOTHING not lazy about playing video games. As for the people throwing the odious term "carebear" around, you know that in addition to all aspects of games being lazy, NO aspect is tough or macho, right? If someone doesn't like PvP, they're no more a carebear than you are. Because there is NOTHING tough or macho about fighting another player in a fake world with make-believe lightsabers and blasters.

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Just when I thought the carebear bull was dead. For the record people who call other people carebear, are usually the ones who have no skill in pvp. As for world pvp op. Here is a simple wake up call. People do not pvp in the world unless their is a honest to hell major reward. In wzs, and arenas they can always count on some sort of balance, and lastly can always count on their op class winning the day. Once you switch to world pvp anything goes. Your target can elude you, you can be hunted with no back up, and one faction may have a major advantage in numbers. So translation for the guy throwing the worse noob term around, people dont world pvp unless you give them something major, that relates to pvp.


As for myself I went in, I saw, and I was conquered. Simply put could not get past the stealthers.

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You know that pvpers have fled in flocks from this game right ? People that wanted OWPvP are playing GW2 ,t his is at least true for about 3 guilds that I can confirm left the game and never came back after BW gave up on ilum . Open pvp on swtor is now meaningless, it's nice to waste time but nothing else. Most people have a limited time to play the game so they want to maximize the rep they get on a daily basis. With that being said though , there is nothing preventing you from gathering more like minded people and start some trouble ;)
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I was there when the OP was berating people on Gen Chat. A group of 12 or so Imps were hunting singles and small groups of 3-4 in the 'pve' area. Granted, we're a RP-PVP so it's not safe there either for PVEers. Some poor sot was being camped and with complaining on gen chat. OP was being a douche to him. "It's a PVP server" seems the popular argument of why it's ok to do 12v1.


Granted, 12 people obviously can curb stomp one player and camp him, but then again obviously that one player can complain on gen chat.


Anyway the whole time this was going on OP wants people to help him in the middle at the PVP area. lol.

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I don't know what server you're on, but on my server which is a roleplay server no less, OWPVP was happening all over Ilum yesterday (at least when I was down there). Hell, even before the event in the last two or three weeks there have been at least two seperate instances of people just gettting groups together and starting stuff up for the hell of it. Maybe someone on your server just needs to take the initiave start something up.
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Oh wait no, there was a response. Someone cried that the Imps are attacking him. When I said this is a "PvP server", they said PvP is supposed to stay in warzones only. no need for OWPvP.



As I started to read the OP, I was in disagreement until I hit this paragraph. I have no problem if there is lack of OWPvP on PvE servers which I was assuming was the case here. But if this is happening on a PvP server, I totally agree with the OP.

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Well I play on the same server as the OP, and I got attack some six times while doing the quests in the PvE zone (or closest thing to a pve zone on a pvp server) but while doing quests in the dedicated PvP area I only got attack thrice and all those where from the same assassin.


Maybe your looking in the wrong spot?

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I was there when the OP was berating people on Gen Chat. A group of 12 or so Imps were hunting singles and small groups of 3-4 in the 'pve' area. Granted, we're a RP-PVP so it's not safe there either for PVEers. Some poor sot was being camped and with complaining on gen chat. OP was being a douche to him. "It's a PVP server" seems the popular argument of why it's ok to do 12v1.


Granted, 12 people obviously can curb stomp one player and camp him, but then again obviously that one player can complain on gen chat.


Anyway the whole time this was going on OP wants people to help him in the middle at the PVP area. lol.


Actually no. You clearly didn't even read my comments in chat. I had responded "It's a PvP server" when he was complaining about getting attacked. He didn't mention the 12v1 at first.


While 12v1 is clearly quite cowardly on part of the gankers there's nothing one can do except make a group. I suggested that in chat. Before the others went crazy at me for suggestig the possibility of PvPing on a PvP server.


Again, I don't condone 12v1 try-hards. I was simply pissed at the person because in the 30 or so minutes I spent asking for people to join me in hitting mid, he couldn't care less. And when the Imps got bored of waiting at mid and came out to start trouble, he complains?


And his statement that PvP should be restrcited to warzones is ******** too.

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As I started to read the OP, I was in disagreement until I hit this paragraph. I have no problem if there is lack of OWPvP on PvE servers which I was assuming was the case here. But if this is happening on a PvP server, I totally agree with the OP.


This. If you choose to play on a pvp server then OWPvP should be happening anywhere and be expected. On a PvE server I would expect people to just want to do the quests.

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Oh I read your comments, I was the one you were raging against at the end cause I stood up for the poor sot.


Then you shpuld know I was ragin at the person's lack of willingness to group up and fight back, and their statement that PvP should stay in warzones.

Edited by EzioMessi
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Nope, it's Biowares fault.


This is a limited time event, people want to do the event, they don't want to waste time doing OWPvP when there are no rewards for doing open world pvp.

Oh so you need rewards to PvP? People that recall battles at Southshore there were no rewards or battling at Black Rock raid v Raid, again no rewards but the fun and thrill of bring the victor. True PvPers don't need rewards. Most people start PvP when leveling in games because a it's fun. In WoW BGs use to give no experience yet they were always packed with levelers getting honor that was almost worthless but they played because it was fun and dominating an oponent is a reward. The players that need rewards are sad excuses for PvPers you don't play for the thrill of victory or crushing your oponent which is what OWPVP is about.

Edited by Avicii
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Nope, it's Biowares fault.


This is a limited time event, people want to do the event, they don't want to waste time doing OWPvP when there are no rewards for doing open world pvp.


This. The rewards aren't given for killing players...only completing the PvE objectives. This is 100% on Bioware chap.

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Oh so you need rewards to PvP?

Most people do, yes. "Stuff" in this MMO costs comms, credits or coins. If an activity doesn't reward one of those things, is it so hard to understand that players would rather spend their time doing activities that do?



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i consider myself a fan of open world pvp, i think this game should do a lot more to encourage it.


that being said i think there is a subtle difference between having fun engaging in opvp and the feed the other side valor of the 16 v 2 fight the op describes.



this game is full of time sinks, you have a lot of choices as how you go about killing your in game time. Most people will gravitate towards activities that will help make your character better or provide some sort of rewards for you efforts. By design opvp dose not offer the player any incentive whatsoever to participate

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dominating an oponent is a reward. The players that need rewards are sad excuses for PvPers you don't play for the thrill of victory or crushing your oponent which is what OWPVP is about.


let me guess, you play an imp on a server that has a higher imperial population

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I love that this generation's conception of world pvp is zerging around in large groups. Such a shame. Bunch of cowards. I long for the days where I could loot you after I wreck you. Seeing which faction can recruit a bigger ops isn't world pvp. Open pvp should be organic. It should happen on it's own. You shouldn't plan for it, and it sure as hell isn't Eaware's fault if you're missing out on it. Although, they should add more intersecting questlines to encourage it. Probably wouldn't hurt to give valor/coms for similar level kills, but even that is more than is needed. Open pvp is on the player. And, if that player thinks he needs to form a zerg, you've already lost what matters.
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I dont PvP but I do know you get Comms for WZ PvP...


So why not add a Comms for 'This many Kills' in OWPvP kind of deal. It wouldnt directly compete with WZs but in regards to 'dailies' and questing in Contested Areas. It would be incentive to actually participate. Surely most will still actively avoid this because they dont want to get better at something...But it might help with actual OWPvP.


Im just a little confused as to why people would choose a PvP Server to play on if they had no intentions of actually PvPing...I mean...Thats the whole reason behind the Servering being PvP...So that OWPvP is acceptable and not cried about.

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I dont PvP but I do know you get Comms for WZ PvP...


So why not add a Comms for 'This many Kills' in OWPvP kind of deal. It wouldnt directly compete with WZs but in regards to 'dailies' and questing in Contested Areas. It would be incentive to actually participate. Surely most will still actively avoid this because they dont want to get better at something...But it might help with actual OWPvP.


Im just a little confused as to why people would choose a PvP Server to play on if they had no intentions of actually PvPing...I mean...Thats the whole reason behind the Servering being PvP...So that OWPvP is acceptable and not cried about.


I would LOVE to see a daily award for killing XX players.


Where I have a problem with Ilum, isn't in the "normal" area where RED is an Imp, it's the FFA area where RED is anyone not grouped with me. If the guys I fight WITH in WZ's are running Orbs, I have zero desire to attack them first. I may be old school and value the faction too much, but I know that these are the same guys I run FPs and Ops with...just seems counter productive to kill them. Imps I'll attack...but not Pubs.

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I mostly PvP, so I would be considered a PvPeer. For the OP, OWPvP does not happen because people are flagged, lets fight it out. It needs a system the provides balance and rewards. PvP in the gree section and PvP servers provide neither, thus it is utterly pointless and in fact slows you down from doing dailies or whatever you were there doing to begin with. It is not the players problem that they do not want to engage in pointless combat. Give combat a purpose and people will engage. This is an inherent problem in game design not players fault that there is no system.


Its like the Outlaws Den. It is there, but why PvP there with no purpose or incentives when we can PvP in WZs with both?

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