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Do BW/EA need to look at FF14/DCO for a console version of swtor ..


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I know there going to be ALOT of people that hating on the question but in respect when i look at those 2 game's and see millions not thousands playing them is it time for swtor to try and go down that path ..


What going to happen when ESO come's to console and pc/mac ..


is TOR going to drop even more number's, i only wright this as i don't want to see this game dwindle away and yes i have been a sub since the get go ...

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I know there going to be ALOT of people that hating on the question but in respect when i look at those 2 game's and see millions not thousands playing them is it time for swtor to try and go down that path ..


What going to happen when ESO come's to console and pc/mac ..


is TOR going to drop even more number's, i only wright this as i don't want to see this game dwindle away and yes i have been a sub since the get go ...


They don't really have the time, money, or resources to devote to a console version of the game.


Even if they could do a console version it ultimately wouldn't be worth it in the end. It would hurt the PC game since they'd have to devote resources to it meaning it would be getting updated less frequently if at all.


Also note that of the 3 (non TOR) games you mentioned they were all developed with multi platform in mind and designed side by side. TOR isn't/wasn't that type of game, and if you're going to be doing a console version of an MMO any/every developer will tell you that you really need to do it in conjunction with the PC version of the game.

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Even if they could do a console version it ultimately wouldn't be worth it in the end. It would hurt the PC game since they'd have to devote resources to it meaning it would be getting updated less frequently if at all.

Not necessarily. They could potentially increase customer base and revenue by a lot and if the game runs on the same server (I think it does for FF XIV), they'd update both versions at the same time.


Also, I think you can use a keyboard with the consoles to get around the not having enough buttons issue (though I'm not sure how you hold a controller and use a keyboard at the same time...maybe it's just for chatting?). Having said that, I'm a PC gamer so I don't have any experience playing an MMO on a console so I'm not sure how FF XIV does it.

Edited by Blackholeskipper
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I know there going to be ALOT of people that hating on the question but in respect when i look at those 2 game's and see millions not thousands playing them is it time for swtor to try and go down that path ..


What going to happen when ESO come's to console and pc/mac ..


is TOR going to drop even more number's, i only wright this as i don't want to see this game dwindle away and yes i have been a sub since the get go ...


Not necessary for a console version. Their time and money would be better invested elsewhere.

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This entire thread was negative from beginning to end. The OP is like it has to go this way because of all the supposed fail, and every one else is like No, they can't afford it its too much money and its impossible because of this and that. Well let me be the first to say absolutely NOTHING is impossible. And eventually this game will even be released for smart phones or at least tablets, with a wifi keyboard. Think back a decade ago, who would of thought folks would be playing an improved version of KOTOR on their iphones? Not many, and definitely not this nay-saying bunch on this thread.


That being said. Some folks have already figured out how to play GSF on PS controllers. Some have even figured out how to play some classes on a PS controller but not all the classes. Is it impossible? I refuse to claim so. But that appears to be a major stepping stone to bring this to console gamers with their limited interface. You would think the consoles would have a keyboard expansion by now, like Atari and Coleco Vision had decades ago. Until then, the consoles can't play our best PC games. But times change and nothing is impossible - I don't care how many problems you can muster up because you can also muster up the benefits from more players to more sales profit across the board.


Thought this thread could use some positivity.

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EAware can barely manage to keep developing for the game we already have. I'd prefer not having even longer between real content patches because they're busy spending their money and resources building console versions.


And FFXIV/DCU are hardly the best examples to pull up as "successful" mmos to begin with. lol

Edited by Zorvan
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I've said from the beginning that this game should have been on consoles & pc. Considering how many ppl have mapped their Xbox/ps3 controller to play this game, it ought to tell you something. Giving the opportunity for several million more people to play isn't a bad thing. Especially with this new generation of consoles that are essentially pc's anyway.
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What going to happen when ESO comes to console and pc/mac ..


Good question. I think that it will fail on PC/Mac because this MMO's(if you can really call it that; I can't) control scheme and adjusted lack of abilities will hurt its PC success. That is, of course, IF the PC version doesnt have a enhanced control scheme and more abilities, but from what I heard, PC and console players will be playing together, so wouldnt that give an unfair advantage to the PC player(not that I would complain about such an advantage)?

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Does anyone actually play this game with a joystick now? Think about it. People say 1 action tray isn't enough. The limits of powers will make this game suck on console.


Which is exactly why ESO will fail on the consoles. Cutting down on the number of active abilities and squeezing what remains onto a 10 or 12 button controller is not going to work, especially for an MMO.

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I can only wish the game would go to consoles, cause that would mean EA would be willing to invest more in this game and they would have to probably fix all the performance issues like ability failure for the game to run on consoles. A bug like that would NOT be overlooked by console gamers.

Actually, beeing EA, they are losing the train on that.


Looking at Xfire numbers, the majority of FFXIV subs are on console (the numbers on PC are low). This is because PC gamers got choice and console gamers dont have much choice yet. Again... leave it to EA to not have a business sense. xD

Edited by Nemmar
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I can only wish the game would go to consoles, cause that would mean EA would be willing to invest more in this game and they would have to probably fix all the performance issues like ability failure for the game to run on consoles. A bug like that would NOT be overlooked by console gamers.


No. What is overlooked by console gamers is story. Story so often takes a backseat to graphics on console systems. Not so much on the PC......or at least it used to be.

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I know there going to be ALOT of people that hating on the question but in respect when i look at those 2 game's and see millions not thousands playing them is it time for swtor to try and go down that path ..


What going to happen when ESO come's to console and pc/mac ..


is TOR going to drop even more number's, i only wright this as i don't want to see this game dwindle away and yes i have been a sub since the get go ...


Firstly, I promise you I'm not hating on your question.


Secondly, it won't happen simply because the programmers are not capable of pulling it off. It's not a matter of money, they simply haven't demonstrated the ability to convert this game for consoles based on all the bugs currently in SWTOR.


Thirdly, I have friends who have played the ESO Beta and they were almost all disappointed. Wildstar and EQN will pull more people away than ESO, I'm not buying into the ESO hype.

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Having this on consoles would mean dumbing down the interface, as most console users cannot use more than 10 button combinations.

All games mentioned by OP have, to my knowledge, very limited number of "active" skills (skills/abilities you can use at any present time).

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I know there going to be ALOT of people that hating on the question but in respect when i look at those 2 game's and see millions not thousands playing them is it time for swtor to try and go down that path ..


What going to happen when ESO come's to console and pc/mac ..


is TOR going to drop even more number's, i only wright this as i don't want to see this game dwindle away and yes i have been a sub since the get go ...


They cant get their asses together with pc version so i highly doubt they can make a client for other platforms. Heh, as ridicoulsly as it sounds, if they had to make completely new software for consoles maybe we would get properly working client too.

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If they were to port to the new consoles how would players be able to link so many skills to the gamepad? Will they have to use a mouse and keyboard to play? Is that possible with the new consoles? I am not expert, I have a ps3 but I only use it for Netflix and BD. Anyways, I have 24 skills keyed up using my mouse and keyboard for playing SWTOR and I don't think its enough, without a keyboard and mouse I can't imagine how console players would be able to play without being at a significant disadvantage.


As for bringing more people into the game cross/server would have more of an impact in game IMO.

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