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Levelled up gunships - nerf time!


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If you don't even understand how you can equip your ships to counter a gunship, no wonder you don't like going up against them.


So this tells everyone on the forums that you have no clue how this works... lol.


If you can't explain this, stop telling other people they suck for not understanding this lol.

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Obviously everyone who is defending the GS (which is stupid easy to get kills on compared to the other two) plays it and wants to protect their beloved ship. I would not be surprised if some of these were the same players who defended the OPness of bombers during the closed beta. :rolleyes:


It really shows the absolute weakness of an argument when you have to attack people personally instead of using any kind of logic or facts.

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Obviously everyone who is defending the GS (which is stupid easy to get kills on compared to the other two) plays it and wants to protect their beloved ship. I would not be surprised if some of these were the same players who defended the OPness of bombers during the closed beta. :rolleyes:

GS doesn't need to be defended, really. My perspective I gave as to the shortcomings of a gunship are to explain why it's far from a guarantee to hit with a railgun, it can actually be pretty hard sometimes. But if you nerf gunships, no sweat, that means when I play my strike fighter it's that much easier for me. :)


Keep in mind, buddy, this isn't the ground game. You're not going to "nerf my class" and leave me hanging with a useless character. I can fly any kind of ship I want whenever I want. Some people take things really personally as if everybody needs to pick a side, but that's total nonsense in GSF.


Just remember, this is a game where you can swap your ship like you'd swap a t-shirt. For the moment, yes, gunships are locked to certain people, but that's temporary.


I know it's human nature to always try to point fingers at "the other", which is why cries to nerf a certain class or spec or ability are ubiquitous. But that doesn't work in Galactic Starfighter, because once you get in your hangar we're all just about equal. The only thing separating everyone is what upgrades they happened to purchase and what ship they clicked on before spawning. Those aren't fixed values and can be adjusted any time.


So think twice before you start accusing people of bias. Because there's no basis for it whatsoever.

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Sitting still, waiting to get one shotted.. is rookie tactics. But people do it. If you assume there are Gunships out there waiting to one shot the predictable target.. then you will learn to be unpredictable.


Gunships rely on people being turtles. Don't be a turtle. Be the rabbit.


When the target is 15k distance away, it is incredibly easy to land a shot on them, no matter how they maneuver. I only tried gunship 2-3 times and yet get 20+ kills every time with 60-70% accuracy. Might be because I play sniper in other games.. don't know.

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I have played all three class's of ship a fair bit and no matter what anyone says (you won't change my mind) gunships are easy mode,


They practically require no reaction skills or on the fly thinking you can just sit there and rack up kills with one hand on the mouse which says a lot in my book.


I'm not trying to offend or troll any GS pilots but in my opinion they don't belong in GSF.

Edited by nkitch
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I find there actually to weak im disapointed of them... dont deserve the tittle gunship,

should be called long range fighter or something but not gunship lol..

they need better defences for just sitting there,the fortress shield is a joke

my armor is upgraded my shield etc.. i get 2 shotted every 2 seconds,

by i think the proton torpedos that bypass it all

upgrade spend 50K defences to get it all the armor and shield and bypassed by 2 crappy missiles..

lol , whatever ...

Im actually annoyed about all the lock on missiles! i think the missiles need to be tuned down...

and that there way overused.

all i hear every round is beep beep all the time.

Edited by ODTONE
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I find there actually to weak im disapointed of them... dont deserve the tittle gunship,

should be called long range fighter or something but not gunship lol..

they need better defences for just sitting there,the fortress shield is a joke

my armor is upgraded my shield etc.. i get 2 shotted every 2 seconds,

by i think the proton torpedos that bypass it all

upgrade spend 50K defences to get it all the armor and shield and bypassed by 2 crappy missiles..

lol , whatever ...

Im actually annoyed about all the lock on missiles! i think the missiles need to be tuned down...

and that there way overused.

all i hear every round is beep beep all the time.


certain missiles will tear through you on any ship it has nothing to do with gunships, you actually have very good shields and defensive maneuvers upgraded or not, and also use your abilities to stop and rotate to your advantage to get distance from attackers


I will agree that upgraded missiles can be very deadly and annoying with the constant beeping but that's pvp. imagine getting the lock-on sound every time someone was channeling at you in ground pvp LOL but ground pvp has a higher time to kill and healers so getting hit doesn't matter as much


also I agree that the term gunship is misleading to me. when I think of gunship I think rapid fire guns and more guns lying down a screen of firepower on a tanky ship not a sniper, gunships in my opinion should be for capturing / defending sats by spraying blaster fire and rockets in a aoe while being able to take a lot of damage. a gunship should be more like... gunships

Edited by Vis-Tecum
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i find the survivability in space horrible, missile to me are stun locks on the ground all over .. bad stuff for pvp.

and ya exactly a gunship in star wars is something totally different, and the clone war ones were even made by republic forces.

but even look at the imp or reb gunships, nothing to do with that sniper wimpy thing...


the only ship that kinda feels star wars i find is the scout and has a decent survivability if youre gonna get 1 shotted anyways...

you could say thats like a jedi interceprtor feeling or a tie or so, the other ships i find are whats that game...

tanks online or whatever i hear people say its copied from.

If i have a big very very slow ship in star wars i dont want 1 missile to blow me up in 2 seconds its just dumb,

and size doesnt always relate to speed in star wars look at the yt from han, it was way faster than alot of fighters..

youre in space have a bigger ship get bigger engines and fly as fast...


and ive never seen any missiles bypass shields in star wars, either u blow it all up or blow up the shields before.

the shields are still up fall back , oh no true we forgot our bypass shield proton torpedos forget getting the death star shield down just kill it lol

Edited by ODTONE
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They practically require no reaction skills or on the fly thinking you can just sit there and rack up kills with one hand on the mouse which says a lot in my book.


... Until they get engaged.


Dogfighting is definitively much more difficult with them.


and ya exactly a gunship in star wars is something totally different, and the clone war ones were even made by republic forces.


Not quite right - just take a look at the main gun of the AT-TE.


It's ground-based, though, I admit.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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There are a quite a few players who have high levelled up gunships now and it is getting ridiculous how overpowered they are.


On my server we are seeing these gunships getting 20-30 kills a match as they are able to 1 shot both scouts and fighters. To make it worse they can 1 shot without causing an alert noise (lock on).


To press 1 button and I win is ruining what could be great dog fights, sort it out!




sorry but its definitely never a ONE SHOT....and....last don't know how many are being dominated by strike fighters how this for damage 35 k....62k.....this is strike fighter....gunships getting between 15k and 22 k............The balance overall is EXACTLY RIGHT.....no nerf no buff just play.

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sorry but its definitely never a ONE SHOT....and....last don't know how many are being dominated by strike fighters how this for damage 35 k....62k.....this is strike fighter....gunships getting between 15k and 22 k............The balance overall is EXACTLY RIGHT.....no nerf no buff just play.


It is totally a one-shot - with a companion offensive cooldown.

without a offensive cooldowns its more of a 1 and a light breeze.


40secs after taking one slug

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Hahaha i know, it's gotten to where i'm hearing missile lock warnings even when i'm not playing :(


This be a sure sign you are playing too much GS. :p


You aren't waking up from sleep with cold sweats and missile lock warnings warbling in you ears yet are you? :p:p

Edited by Andryah
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I have played all three class's of ship a fair bit and no matter what anyone says (you won't change my mind) gunships are easy mode,


They practically require no reaction skills or on the fly thinking you can just sit there and rack up kills with one hand on the mouse which says a lot in my book.


I'm not trying to offend or troll any GS pilots but in my opinion they don't belong in GSF.


It's not that they are easy mode per se.. just that they remove the most dynamic component from play ----> speed and maneuver. Trust me.. in a few weeks.. Gunships will be pretty much relegated to noobs needing to level up in GS. Most other players will be rolling in anything but a Gunship...with the exception of true sniper personalities (who will make Gunships a royal pain in the keester for the opposing side).. but this personality is rare actually in today's MMOs. Most MMO players are gerbils and they need the shoo-shoo with their pew-pew.


Gunships are essentially the "machine gun nest" of GS. AND.. you basically deal with them tactically in the same manner.

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The point is...you never have "dogfight" vs them. They allways scape and try to snipe you from distance.


I dogfight them all the time. In fact, killing gunships is easy mode 90% of the time when I'm flying my gunship hunter. The only time it's difficult is when they have an escort close by. Otherwise I just roll up behind their cover, slide around it, and take them out as I come around the corner. If they boost away, they are dead, and if they stay put they are dead.


Killing them in wide open places can be problematic too, although they tend to get swarmed once they are noticed. In those case I don't get a kill, I get an assist instead... :)

Edited by Brewski
there/their confusion
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I have played all three class's of ship a fair bit and no matter what anyone says (you won't change my mind) gunships are easy mode,


They practically require no reaction skills or on the fly thinking you can just sit there and rack up kills with one hand on the mouse which says a lot in my book.


lol, I occasionally have matches like that. I find myself imagining the "ker-ching!" sound as enemies rush towards the objective I'm camping, directly down my crosshairs. I marvel that no-one has boosted over and forced me to defend myself.


What you describe is the exception though, when the enemy team isn't being smart or are just getting dominated and are stuffed no matter what they try. It also applies to scouts & fighters - if no-one's shooting back, I can go an entire match without getting my Flashfire or Star Guard blown up.


That's the exception though. At the other extreme, I'm constantly hunted down by rocket-pod scouts or torpedo fighters and spend most of my time hugging walls and waiting for rotation thrusters & feedback shield to cool down so I can actually shoot back at them.


Most matches are somewhere in the middle. I can find a good spot (with cover to one side preferably) and railgun people around objectives or on the way to them. I have to watch out for enemy gunships and boost to allies when a scout or fighter comes to say hello, or pre-emptively change position before that becomes a problem. If two scouts/fighers attack me, I'm usually dead.

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i find the survivability in space horrible, missile to me are stun locks on the ground all over .. bad stuff for pvp.

and ya exactly a gunship in star wars is something totally different, and the clone war ones were even made by republic forces.

but even look at the imp or reb gunships, nothing to do with that sniper wimpy thing...


the only ship that kinda feels star wars i find is the scout and has a decent survivability if youre gonna get 1 shotted anyways...

you could say thats like a jedi interceprtor feeling or a tie or so, the other ships i find are whats that game...

tanks online or whatever i hear people say its copied from.

If i have a big very very slow ship in star wars i dont want 1 missile to blow me up in 2 seconds its just dumb,

and size doesnt always relate to speed in star wars look at the yt from han, it was way faster than alot of fighters..

youre in space have a bigger ship get bigger engines and fly as fast...


and ive never seen any missiles bypass shields in star wars, either u blow it all up or blow up the shields before.

the shields are still up fall back , oh no true we forgot our bypass shield proton torpedos forget getting the death star shield down just kill it lol


That is just not true. I have lost count how many times I have done a match without dying in my flashfire scout and I am the only person who is holding the satielite for a good 3-5 minutes. It's all about tactics, skills and how coordinated you are with your fellow teammates.


The only gripe I have with GS at all is the lack of good communications for pug groups, which is why I play GS with guild members.

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and ive never seen any missiles bypass shields in star wars, either u blow it all up or blow up the shields before.

the shields are still up fall back , oh no true we forgot our bypass shield proton torpedos forget getting the death star shield down just kill it lol


don't know if somebody already answered to you but as a fan of SW i have to correct your false informations.....

in SW cannon there is 2 major kiind of shield on ship : energyshield, which protect mostly from laser, and particle shield, which protect from particle like asteroid or missile. starfighter are mostly equiped with the first one.....

so suck it up... and be glad you can protect yourself from almost every missile with your shield, except for proton torpedoes.....

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The only gripe I have with GS at all is the lack of good communications for pug groups, which is why I play GS with guild members.


Well unless you're running voice chat, it's hard to communicate in the middle of a fight. You have to let your controls go long enough to type something out. And the combat is fast enough that's sometimes enough time to either come close to giving an asteroid a decoration or having two people come up behind you to say hello with their missiles.

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My main issue with gunships right now is the way they scale together. The more gunships there are on a team, the more ridiculous it gets for the opposition.


Dealing with one or two in a match can be annoying, but doable with some situational awareness and tactics. However, dealing with four+ in a match that are working together as a premade is impossible to deal with. This is especially true for those of us who play in the small hours of the morning, when team sizes are down to about 6-8 per side. You can get an approach on one by being evasive, but as soon as you level out to take your shots, the other three will focus and one shot you before you can even get much damage down. It's a shame really, as when you have that few people queuing for matches anyway, it seems counterproductive for people to put together premades of gunships, which will ultimately only serve to drive more people away from the game so no one gets to play, but i digress.


I think Bioware need to address this really. It has already been highlighted several times by players that Gunships do not fit with the core gameplay of Star Wars space combat anyway, which should be about close quarters dogfighting. Having Sniper Ships detracts from that gameplay. I reckon they need to either give Gunships some serious nerfs to health and damage, or put in a system to limit the number of gunships that can be spawned at the same time per team to about two (probably the preferable option).

Edited by Dizcordia
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Sitting still, waiting to get one shotted.. is rookie tactics. But people do it. If you assume there are Gunships out there waiting to one shot the predictable target.. then you will learn to be unpredictable.


Gunships rely on people being turtles. Don't be a turtle. Be the rabbit.

Every post of yours I've read in this thread is filled with ignorant suggestions that have no basis in a 3D space fighter sim, especially not with the "tactics" employed in GSF.


Gunships won't take the risky shots unless they're very skilled, this we know. There's nothing to stop them from sniping you out of a dogfight (what the original OP was complaining about btw since you seem to have missed his whole point) which is all fair in the end of the day, but when you're getting 1shot through shields on a maxed out Scout or Strike from a range you can't even detect, there's a problem.


How are you supposed to "Be the rabbit!" when you can't even tell you're being targeted?

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Well unless you're running voice chat, it's hard to communicate in the middle of a fight. You have to let your controls go long enough to type something out. And the combat is fast enough that's sometimes enough time to either come close to giving an asteroid a decoration or having two people come up behind you to say hello with their missiles.


That's my point. I use voice chat with my guildies. But when its a solo queue there's hardly any time to communicate after the first 60s. Which is why I think they should add a way to type while in combat to communicate with pug groups otherwise those using voice chat will dominate pugs

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