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  1. Lets hope we get to keep 6 second invinicibility against blasters and still able to 1 shot any ship that comes close
  2. Its bad enough with OP gunships 1 shotting with impunity. Now another class to ruin dogfights.
  3. Actually these same people have high levelled up gunships, no skill required other than 1 shot people from range true facerolling.
  4. Do what I do. If a scout gets close just use your distortion field skill. You have 6 seconds invincibility from his lasers enough time to 1 shot him and laugh.
  5. I've been playing a gunship and got 24 kills in my last go and no deaths. I camped a node 1 or 2 shotting the ships involved in dogfights round it. They didn't know what hit them. Great trick is boost your sensor dampening you are effectively invisible! Twice I got chased by a scout but I just used the standard trick of full engines and run away to our capital ship. Turned round 1 shotted the scout that had to retreat away from the capital ship. Was epic when he blew up I bet he cried lol. Playing gunship involves a lot of skill in my view I think it must be very similar to that of a heart surgeon. You need a very steady hand to track an enemy ship from range, delicately moving my mouse 3 centimetres up on my mouse mat to 1 shot a scout. Gunships cannot dogfight they can only fight at 15k range, I hope in future releases you can customise your ship more as it would be nice to remove my laser cannons and slot an extra shield or engine booster skill.
  6. Gunships should have their range reduced to 11k and damage reduced by 40%. To compensate they have a boost to their other skills, ie most powerful laser cannons of all ships and higher hull for example. They can still play sniper but they would have to employ some skill to fly their ship. Other than pressing a button to 1 shot people and pressing the other button, engine boost back to capital ship and protection of the turrets.
  7. I always get hit with railguns and missiles even when popping my distortion skill. I think there is a bug in the game if they are meant to be evaded. I can confirm that it does 100% evade standard lasers for 3 seconds. Handy when head on with another ship.
  8. My sniper/gunslinger should be able to 1 shot like gunships I enjoy playing pvp and I thought surely my sniper should also be able to 1 shot like my gunship. Discuss...
  9. Upgrades or not being able to 1 shot is stupidly OP
  10. The game would be a lot more fun that is for sure with many more dogfights
  11. Hold down the button for several seconds and it charges the rail gun. Easy 1 shot kill from 15k range on a scout or sometimes a fighter.
  12. You miss the point the gunshiop is camping the node. A scout chases it off and he retreats to capital ship. Scout either dies from capital ship turrets or if he pulls out gets shot by the gunship that has turned around laughing as he snips the scout with no engine power left Best fix is to reduce a gunships engine outpost by 50%.
  13. Depending on the map the gunship can camp Satellites sniping to its hearts content. If they get attacked, simply retreat to spawn point knowing the capital ship turrents will destroy any pursuing ships. Rinse and repeat. 20-30 kills and no deaths oh ye!
  14. Spawn Points - Friendly ships fleeing to use them as safe areas should self destruct On my server we have gunships that will camp satellite B and 1 shot anyone who approaches to cap. If a scout attempts to attack the gunship they just flee back to their spawn point. This is very easy with full engine power. The chasing scout will be killed by the protection turrets at the safe zone. This is cowardly and means risk free pvp for these players. Simple change please! Once a ship leaves the safe area of a spawn point they cannot return or be self destructed.
  15. I ask you the question again. How do you get your fighter/scout to have 35,000 range sensors? Obviously I don't understand can you explain how this is achieved? My understanding as well as what others have posted is the maximum range is as follows (taken from this thread) http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=698787 Sensor Range Base Sensor range: Strike Fighter : 15km Basic Scout: 17,5km Gunship : 15km Companion: Can add 2,5km to each of those ships Component: Scout and Gunship can equip a Range Sensor Component, which, fully upgraded, adds 5km to the range The maximal achievable range sensors are: Strike Fighter: 17,5km Scout: 25km Gunship: 22.5km Sensor Dampening Each ship as 0 dampening as a base Scout and Gunship can install a component, which, fully upgraded, will give you 7.5km of sensor dampening Companion (silent running): Can add 4km of sensor dampening range. Maximal achievable sensor dampening range: Strike fighter: 4k Gunship and Basic Scout: 11.5km SO... A scout with maxed range 25k against a gunship with 11.5k dampening means the scout and see the gunship at 13.5k range or less. (25-11.5). The problem is gunships can fire at 15k range so they can kill you in one shot without you even knowing they were there. For a fighter it even worse as they have less max sensor range than a scout. I'm trying to show this isn't about a skilled scout or learning tactics, the snipe element of gunship is OP in high levelled gunships. We are not talking about lazy snipers who are easy to kill. Railgun range should be reduced or the dps reduced as its very unbalanced. Every match I play gunships have at 2 or 3 times more kills than other ships yet have less medals.
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