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Nail in the Coffin of Ops DPS


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You wanna be a ganker in WZ's, BW has made it abundantly clear that you must be a Shadow/Sin in middle tree. They have continued to find ways to buff them but continue to rack their brains with ways to nerf the hell out of DPS Ops/Scoundrels. It's really kind of sad because I miss people from my origin server like Busy, who would come out of stealth and just hearing that sound of his knife sticking you in the back would piss you off to no end. They are a definite dying class which is kind of sad. I'd be willing to say they are in a worst position than mercs were following the great Tracer Missile Nerf of 1.2 or 1.1, whichever one changed the animation and then made it hit like a wet noodle.
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-Everyone but the people who play stealth classes hate stealth classes.

-Everyone who played WoW has seen one good rouge dominate any other class.

-Everyone who has been stunlocked to death by a stealther hates being ganked.

-We already have one OP stealth class why give us two? (see above)

-Stealth Classes don't counteract each-other.

-Nobody likes a thief, in theory that's what stealth dps is. It is also a form of troll. (we've all been tea-bagged (sorrydevs had to) before)

-We all know that as evidence with sin's that as soon as one stealth class becomes OP everyone will switch so they can gank "that guy"

-don't be "that guy" either before or after

-Stealth classes should be squishy, stealth classes should hit hard OR offer extreme group utility NOT BOTH.

-Agreed, your dmg output is less than desirable along with little utility, you're basically a healer that can't heal.

-if you think YOU ARE Squishy, see TKSage dps, forget the bubble stun. yes i'm aware sages/sorcs have 10 sec of immunity ON a LONG CD. But honestly who doesn't see sage and assume healer and rock their world?


Lastly, Play like a good stealther, pick your targets better, who cares if you need to stand cloaked a few sec longer. You are STEALTH act that way, don't spend ungodly amount of seconds running around trying to shiv and backblast everyone in plain site hoping to 2 shot them. You got too used to WoW i think.

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-Everyone but the people who play stealth classes hate stealth classes.

-Everyone who played WoW has seen one good rouge dominate any other class.

-Everyone who has been stunlocked to death by a stealther hates being ganked.

-We already have one OP stealth class why give us two? (see above)

-Stealth Classes don't counteract each-other.

-Nobody likes a thief, in theory that's what stealth dps is. It is also a form of troll. (we've all been tea-bagged (sorrydevs had to) before)

-We all know that as evidence with sin's that as soon as one stealth class becomes OP everyone will switch so they can gank "that guy"

-don't be "that guy" either before or after

-Stealth classes should be squishy, stealth classes should hit hard OR offer extreme group utility NOT BOTH.

-Agreed, your dmg output is less than desirable along with little utility, you're basically a healer that can't heal.

-if you think YOU ARE Squishy, see TKSage dps, forget the bubble stun. yes i'm aware sages/sorcs have 10 sec of immunity ON a LONG CD. But honestly who doesn't see sage and assume healer and rock their world?


Lastly, Play like a good stealther, pick your targets better, who cares if you need to stand cloaked a few sec longer. You are STEALTH act that way, don't spend ungodly amount of seconds running around trying to shiv and backblast everyone in plain site hoping to 2 shot them. You got too used to WoW i think.


well played tk/lightning just kills stuff and that in a speed i become jealous when playing combat at times. I have tried it, don't really like it but it is a lethal spec in the right hands. Squishy yes, but it even some of the best players suffered when being assaulted by them.

Anyway, nobody hate dps operatives, since most of them are just easy kills, even if played well. The burst concealment is offering is too lacking to actually compete with equally geared and skilled players, and lethality is not a stealth spec at all. Give lethality something like force camo and it would probably be fine, but in lethality stealth is just a useful thing, not something you would normally rely upon. Concealment just can't get its job done normally, since you dont have the reliable burst you would need to being a real nuissance anymore (assassin have). you can't stunlock to death since most of the time you are just tickling them, And most importantly, arenas made stealth itself more or less a non factor. You can take a little advantage out of that, but even the so called assassins, that surely have better defense and higher burst struggle except a few exceptional players that basically do need stealth at all (evolixe, i meant you with this, despite :p), so they arent op there... a major nuissance still though. The thing with operatives is just like, no matter how good you play the class, and after all the nerfs that happened since launch they became like one of the hardest classes to master in DPS... no matter how good you get, you never gonna be competitive. in fact in pvp both specs are more of a liability to any team (in pve lethality is actually quite in a good place, but thats a different story).. And i mean the current guy doesnt really assassin a place to squishy stealth classes in pvp. You have normal wzs, where you can be successfull against a bad opposition, but where it become as an even setup and people know what they are doing, you will be a non factor unless you respec to heals. So dont wonder if you see the kolto probe of doom even more often for those that still like to play their operatives. Even if the medic tree was that rediciulously well suited for pvp, i most lovers of the AC would switch to it, because it is the only viable function we serve.

Ever wondered why you see so many smash maras, basically the same thing, despite carnage being still viable, but smash is just so much easier and more effective..

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I've been playing ops lethality since beta, my lethality operative is my main, its my favorite class, and its my favorite spec. That said, the last round of "balance" has made me decide that for the sake of my teammates and my own sanity I cannot play pvp with this character anymore. The list of things I CANNOT do is far, far, longer than the list of things I CAN do.


For example: As an ops I cannot:

-Control distance (at all)

-Effectively mitigate damage

-Effectively avoid damage

-Effectively take damage

-Effectively deal damage

-Control distance (yes this needed to be put twice its that bad)

-Provide utility to my team

-Escape/survive focus fire

-Avoid being controlled

-Fight in melee

-Fight at range

-Prevent myself from being pulled/leaped (thanks, really needed that latest nerf)

-Kill Pyrotechs, Madness Assassins, Madness Sorcs, Deception Assassins, Any warrior spec, Gunnery Commandos (assuming equal skill and gear and I got the drop on them). That's 11 freaking specs that I am a free kill to, and most I can't even run away from effectively!!!


Here is what I can do:

-Self heal when not taking damage

-Burst targets in melee range

-Spam dots like crazy to pad my numbers without actually achieving anything

-Run away (usually, I can't escape from madness of pyrotechs though, there I just have to take it and respawn).


Does this sound like a viable class to you? When was the last time any of you saw an OPs dps of either spec doing well in a warzone (I won't even get started on arenas)? Hell when was the last time any of you saw an OPS dps? Everyone else has been getting consistently more powerful while all we have been getting is nerfs since 2.0 when we were made semi viable by a resign of our initially utterly broken skill tree. We are the bottom of the barrel and they seem to keep punching the hole deeper in. Yes this is a rage thread, no I don't expect bioware to see or care. But I'm pissed and if you're an ops dps and you're pissed too then let them know, maybe somebody will notice and well get buffed back up to mediocrity some time in the next year or so...


Don't go pure Lethality spec, roll a hybrid man, you're doing it wrong, use all 3 trees and you'll do well in any situation.


Pure Lethality sux. I just go high enough for the AoE dot and Cull, go high enough into medicine to get your HoT and concealment to get infiltrator and inclement conditioning. My hybrid is tactically sound, I can dot tons of peeps up and if they come at me I can kill 'em up close or run if I get ganked on, OP is mad ez mode, you're doing it all wrong.

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ok 3 things:


1) Operative hybrids do not work. I don't know who you've been playing against, but the few utilities and defenses in lethality are high up in the tree. Without a cost reduction, cull is unusable. WIthout fatality, you lack burst, without quickening you lose your only instant heal. Without supressed toxins you can't use your flash nade. Getting kolto probe is easily the worst thing you can do to yourself. Its a highly visible effect that makes you look like a healer, if you look like a healer, you will be burned like a healer but won't have the survivability of a healer. None of the low level concealment perks are worth taking. The only good stuff in that tree is high up as well.


2) I realize that people hate stealth classes, and I support the initial 1.2 nerf to concealment, getting stun locked to death is bad design, even the best deception assassins can't do that (and they are in the right state for a stealth class right now). Like i've said a few times in this thread, if assassins are the dps stealth class, operatives should be the utility stealth class. So give us debuffs, more ranged attacks, and more way to screw up the enemy team while supporting our own.


3) I feel the pain of TK sages and lightining sorcs, I regularly focus them because they are one of the few specs I can kill reliably. That said, they are still in a better spot than operatives in that they actually have a place in warzones. A TK sage supported by his team is a cannon, they shred people and have decent field control. They need help to be more self sufficient and some more synergy but they can accomplish the central purpose of their spec which is to burst like crazy using unresistable force damage. In the case of operatives, concealment CAN'T do its job because it lacks the sustained damage and field control to kill anyone. Lethality doesn't HAVE a job because the spec is so scattered and seems to try to do everything at once while failing at all of it.

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Don't go pure Lethality spec, roll a hybrid man, you're doing it wrong, use all 3 trees and you'll do well in any situation.


Pure Lethality sux. I just go high enough for the AoE dot and Cull, go high enough into medicine to get your HoT and concealment to get infiltrator and inclement conditioning. My hybrid is tactically sound, I can dot tons of peeps up and if they come at me I can kill 'em up close or run if I get ganked on, OP is mad ez mode, you're doing it all wrong.


*edit* Iwishihadaname beat me to it, but I think we both got trolled. I hope so anyway...


So you say some version of 11/9/21+3 is "tactically sound"? Please elaborate on how you can "kill 'em up close".


Your spec is an energy hog build for a dps class that is already energy starved. The heal tree is weak until you get Surgical Probe/Precision.


Cull is terrible without Devouring Microbes, Fatality and Weakening Blast.


Inclement conditioning gives you 1.2K hp if you're geared. Getting Infiltrator without going up either dps tree for the additional effective stealth boost means you'll be spotted easily in stealth. A build focusing on Cull won't be in stealth very often anyway.


Please tell me more about this spec.

Edited by Cryowolf
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Can't take a hit? Do you forget about your shield drone? Your guaranteed dodge skill? The ability to roll into cover to cover distances and simply get out of a tight spot? Your defensive roll? The fast CD stun/blind (you DID say you were lethality so you should have both)? Yes we are squishy but it is not hard to slip in and out of fights to wreak havoc and keep people scared. If you want to be able to take a hit better than just a few seconds here or there (use those skills at the right moment and you just made their highest damaging attacks do nothing and put it on CD) then you chose the wrong class.


Can't fight at range? Throw grenade, shoot a needle, shoot your rifle while you close the distance, or duck behind something till they forget about you or are forced to come in close.

Can't fight in melee? You have 4 ways to stab something. Your goal however is to move in, stab, move out...and stay 5m away from your target so they can't melee you back. If you want an easy "stand in one spot and fight" class...you chose the wrong class. The op/scoundrel have always been about fighting in people's blind spots.


Are you a troll? It's hard to believe anyone's this ignorant, especially about a class they claim to "pwn" as. I'm more compelled to believe you've only played operative one time in a very good premade against the worst pug imaginable. Nobody who seriously plays operative would honestly defend our pathetic choice of defenses. Shield Probe is even weaker than static barrier with a much longer downtime. Dodge's cooldown is also too long and not only does it last a paltry 3 seconds, it only works against weapon damage. Surely you know what that means, the majority of attacks in the game can still kill us flat with minimal effort.


My favorite part is a tie between you saying Roll into Cover is a legitimate means of utility and saying "stay 5m away from your target so they can't melee you back"...just...ugh...Why do moronic dweebs like this continue to exist? This is why EA made operative the worst class in the game, for believing tards like you.


Since you can't possibly be a serious operative player, perhaps i should educate you.


In order to execute Roll into Cover, you must fulfill two requirements. One is having a suitable obstacle directly in front of your Line of Sight. The other is to have an enemy standing at the far side so that the obstacle is in between both you and your enemy. You must also be targeting said enemy. Not ONLY is this incredibly flimsy and situational (we can now be leapt from cover as well, making it even more useless), but it's been broken for many months/years now. The majority of the time, your roll will stop short of your destination for no reason at all. I've reported this issue to BW more than once, but as has been proven time and again they don't give a rat's funk about operative at all (although it affects snipers too, so that part is puzzling), and are content to leave it not only weak, but horribly bugged and inoperable. Anyway, if someone's chasing you, chances are by the time you get Roll into Cover to actually work you'll be long dead. Seems like everyone's burst evolved in 2.0 except ours, making us even more pathetic.


Try actually playing the class seriously before you make idiotic comments which prove you're nothing but a clown who doesn't know what he's talking about.

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There really is only one thing left to do...


Nerf Operative plz!


I can see it now:


Patch 2.6



-It has come to our attention that Cloaking Screen allows an operative healer to escape focus fire and H2F. We feel that this is too much utility for a class that already heals so well and have removed the ability from the game.



-Restealth cooldown decreased by 30s



-Smash no longer requires shockwave procs and now hits in a 10m radius.

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*edit* Iwishihadaname beat me to it, but I think we both got trolled. I hope so anyway...


So you say some version of 11/9/21+3 is "tactically sound"? Please elaborate on how you can "kill 'em up close".


Your spec is an energy hog build for a dps class that is already energy starved. The heal tree is weak until you get Surgical Probe/Precision.


Cull is terrible without Devouring Microbes, Fatality and Weakening Blast.


Inclement conditioning gives you 1.2K hp if you're geared. Getting Infiltrator without going up either dps tree for the additional effective stealth boost means you'll be spotted easily in stealth. A build focusing on Cull won't be in stealth very often anyway.


Please tell me more about this spec.


Works for me man. In WZs with this build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MfoMzZhrd0zZhrrkbrRM.3 I die on average once per round and usually get near or at top dmg and kills.


I dot up EVERYONE with corrosive grenade and corrosive dart, if they run up on me (assuming they already have my 2 dots running on them) I use debilitate, backstab, shiv, laceration and finish 'em with overload shot.


DON'T knock Kolto Probe man, you're crazy, it's a mobile heal that you can stack twice. Trust me, in duels it can make the difference between winning and losing.


There's more than one way to skin a cat, you're focusing too much on the dots in Lethality I think. Dots don't kill ppl in PvP, they're only pressure dmg. You get your dots up and running on them, THEN go to work pounding them, but don't waste all your points for the damn dots.


Op DPS is awesome, it's super ez mode. I play every class in WZs and I feel guilty playing Op since I don't even break a sweat, you just gotta find the build that works for you man.

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Played DF on my scoundrel today, and I noticed the cover nerf more than I thought I would. Warriors constantly leaping to me in situations where I would've been in cover pre-nerf. Ima have to get out of the habit of going into cover when flybying, capping etc. Another fail for BF. OH WAIT QUICK SHOT GOT BUFFED.
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I can see it now:


Patch 2.6



-It has come to our attention that Cloaking Screen allows an operative healer to escape focus fire and H2F. We feel that this is too much utility for a class that already heals so well and have removed the ability from the game.



-Restealth cooldown decreased by 30s



-Smash no longer requires shockwave procs and now hits in a 10m radius.


You ever play a Sin in WZs? They are squishy as hell if running deception and even if there was ZERO cd on the Force cloak ability it is SOOOO ez to pop a Sin back outa stealth it's not even funny.


Smash isn't all that bad either tbh, don't cluster up then. It makes sense to have something like Smash in the game for PvP to discourage people from clumping up together so tight.


And OP is fine, BW is doing a pretty good job of making adjustments and giving us decent balance, what they NEEEEEED to do is implement friggin' cross server so rated WZs actaully MEAN something.

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Works for me man. In WZs with this build http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#401MfoMzZhrd0zZhrrkbrRM.3 I die on average once per round and usually get near or at top dmg and kills.


I dot up EVERYONE with corrosive grenade and corrosive dart, if they run up on me (assuming they already have my 2 dots running on them) I use debilitate, backstab, shiv, laceration and finish 'em with overload shot.


DON'T knock Kolto Probe man, you're crazy, it's a mobile heal that you can stack twice. Trust me, in duels it can make the difference between winning and losing.


There's more than one way to skin a cat, you're focusing too much on the dots in Lethality I think. Dots don't kill ppl in PvP, they're only pressure dmg. You get your dots up and running on them, THEN go to work pounding them, but don't waste all your points for the damn dots.


Op DPS is awesome, it's super ez mode. I play every class in WZs and I feel guilty playing Op since I don't even break a sweat, you just gotta find the build that works for you man.


This guy must be trolling although his tree did make me lol.

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That's because DPS Ops/Scoundrels have been dragged through the mud and beaten out at the wood shed for so long, we thought there was nowhere else we could go to get nerfed.


Then somehow BW found a way to prove us wrong. They should just get rid of the entire DPS side and make 3 Healing trees for the class because DPS is just that bad. The sound of an OP/Scoundrel coming out of stealth used to strike fear in people, now it's just /rofl or /tickle, put a few dots on them and watch them roll away like a tumbleweed in the Texas wind.


I see a lot of whining for a class that does EXTREMELY well at its chosen role in Warzones. Either play the role, or choose a different class. I will spell it out for you should you respond. The role you've chosen is stealth and HEAVY burst. Stop whining about how you cannot wade in--it's not what the class was designed to do. If that is what you're doing or what you want to do--you're doing it wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though.


Whine-whine, gnashing of teeth. It's all the same from operatives. I knew that in the other thread that you did not seriously (or ever) play a marauder.

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-Everyone but the people who play stealth classes hate stealth classes.

-Everyone who played WoW has seen one good rouge dominate any other class.

-Everyone who has been stunlocked to death by a stealther hates being ganked.

-We already have one OP stealth class why give us two? (see above)

-Stealth Classes don't counteract each-other.

-Nobody likes a thief, in theory that's what stealth dps is. It is also a form of troll. (we've all been tea-bagged (sorrydevs had to) before)

-We all know that as evidence with sin's that as soon as one stealth class becomes OP everyone will switch so they can gank "that guy"

-don't be "that guy" either before or after

-Stealth classes should be squishy, stealth classes should hit hard OR offer extreme group utility NOT BOTH.

-Agreed, your dmg output is less than desirable along with little utility, you're basically a healer that can't heal.

-if you think YOU ARE Squishy, see TKSage dps, forget the bubble stun. yes i'm aware sages/sorcs have 10 sec of immunity ON a LONG CD. But honestly who doesn't see sage and assume healer and rock their world?


Lastly, Play like a good stealther, pick your targets better, who cares if you need to stand cloaked a few sec longer. You are STEALTH act that way, don't spend ungodly amount of seconds running around trying to shiv and backblast everyone in plain site hoping to 2 shot them. You got too used to WoW i think.


You sir are crazy... I play my sage/sorc i have 3 at 55 now almost exculivly in lightning tree. To compare the survivability of a sage/sorc to an operative is a very dull witted act. I will take a sage/sorc in any spec in a pvp match years before ill take my min/max operative with 20k more player kills and weeks of time playing. The operative is in such a **** state as it stands i'm still standing here scratching my head why bio doesn't just go ahead and delete the class they pretty much have...

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I see a lot of whining for a class that does EXTREMELY well at its chosen role in Warzones. Either play the role, or choose a different class. I will spell it out for you should you respond. The role you've chosen is stealth and HEAVY burst. Stop whining about how you cannot wade in--it's not what the class was designed to do. If that is what you're doing or what you want to do--you're doing it wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though.


Whine-whine, gnashing of teeth. It's all the same from operatives. I knew that in the other thread that you did not seriously (or ever) play a marauder.


Wow so much fail... please do not post on the forums in operative side again you have not played the class and are likely some horrid pvp player who gets jumped by an operative from time to time in a wz and dies. the simple fact is not ONE of my operative abilities is better than other classes... my hardest hitting ability can be use once from behind in stealth and does comparable damage to a pt's 10 m spammable crits... heavy burst my ***...

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You ever play a Sin in WZs? They are squishy as hell if running deception and even if there was ZERO cd on the Force cloak ability it is SOOOO ez to pop a Sin back outa stealth it's not even funny.


Smash isn't all that bad either tbh, don't cluster up then. It makes sense to have something like Smash in the game for PvP to discourage people from clumping up together so tight.


And OP is fine, BW is doing a pretty good job of making adjustments and giving us decent balance, what they NEEEEEED to do is implement friggin' cross server so rated WZs actaully MEAN something.




Either you don't play an Assassin or you're terrible. Deception is no less sturdy than Annihilation, Carnage or Pyro and is only very slightly behind AP PT and Smash (Mara). Light years better than Madness Sin, DPS Jugg or either spec of DPS Op.

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deception assassins are squishy lol


either you don't play an assassin or you're terrible. Deception is no less sturdy than annihilation, carnage or pyro and is only very slightly behind ap pt and smash (mara). Light years better than madness sin, dps jugg or either spec of dps op.



Edited by JediMasterSLC
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That's because the average player of this game is really bad. Extremely few utilize Cover. Some say it's a bad ability and some claim they are so good they don't "need" cover. Funny thing? They can get away with such claims, because Bioware listens to bullsht and caters to idiots. Compare the game today with how the game was at launch and tell me whether it has gotten more advanced or simpler. Nerfing Cover was just another dumbification of the game, and their reason contradicts what they said at launch.






Why nerf cover for scoundrels? I think everyone can agree scoundrel healers are broken, especially when you compare them to the other 2 healers in PvP (mostly commandos). However, cover wasn't something they should have nerfed. Utilizing cover is one of the things that separates skill level for scoundrels. Its gives the class something unique over the other two healers.


Nerf their instant healing. Make them more cast reliant. Nerf their aoe heal. Nerf their energy management. Make their rotation harder. Even touch their roll maybe? But come on. Nerfing cover? That makes no sense at all.


The only way this makes sense is if their ultimate goal is to dumb the game down. :mad:


And it makes no sense to change this for dps scoundrels.

Edited by madtycoon
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I see a lot of whining for a class that does EXTREMELY well at its chosen role in Warzones. Either play the role, or choose a different class. I will spell it out for you should you respond. The role you've chosen is stealth and HEAVY burst. Stop whining about how you cannot wade in--it's not what the class was designed to do. If that is what you're doing or what you want to do--you're doing it wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though.


Whine-whine, gnashing of teeth. It's all the same from operatives. I knew that in the other thread that you did not seriously (or ever) play a marauder.


1.) BW said arenas is going to be what pvp balance will be based around now...so no one cares about warzones anymore and dps scoundrels are trash in arenas.


2.) Burst? What burst? Scrappers have burst? Where is it? All I see is a glass cannon with no cannon.

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I see a lot of whining for a class that does EXTREMELY well at its chosen role in Warzones. Either play the role, or choose a different class. I will spell it out for you should you respond. The role you've chosen is stealth and HEAVY burst. Stop whining about how you cannot wade in--it's not what the class was designed to do. If that is what you're doing or what you want to do--you're doing it wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though.


Whine-whine, gnashing of teeth. It's all the same from operatives. I knew that in the other thread that you did not seriously (or ever) play a marauder.




Wow so much fail... please do not post on the forums in operative side again you have not played the class and are likely some horrid pvp player who gets jumped by an operative from time to time in a wz and dies. the simple fact is not ONE of my operative abilities is better than other classes... my hardest hitting ability can be use once from behind in stealth and does comparable damage to a pt's 10 m spammable crits... heavy burst my ***...


I will point you to here. Please go to the corner and sit in time out for at least 5 minutes should you decide to even remotely come in here and try and talk ANYTHING about Operative DPS. Yes, Operatives do EXTREMELY well in it's PIGEON-HOLED spec, the healing tree. Anything besides that is just somebody who enjoys masochism at it's finest.

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I see a lot of whining for a class that does EXTREMELY well at its chosen role in Warzones. Either play the role, or choose a different class. I will spell it out for you should you respond. The role you've chosen is stealth and HEAVY burst. Stop whining about how you cannot wade in--it's not what the class was designed to do. If that is what you're doing or what you want to do--you're doing it wrong. Doesn't surprise me, though.


Whine-whine, gnashing of teeth. It's all the same from operatives. I knew that in the other thread that you did not seriously (or ever) play a marauder.


Please enlighten me on how heavy ops burst is would you? Or in what way lethality can utilize stealth?


Fact of the matter is this:

-Concealment shares a role with deception but does it far worse

-Lethality lacks a concrete role. It certainly isn't a stealth class because it can't re-enter stealth, because you always have someone bleeding and hence are always in combat.

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I will point you to here. Please go to the corner and sit in time out for at least 5 minutes should you decide to even remotely come in here and try and talk ANYTHING about Operative DPS. Yes, Operatives do EXTREMELY well in it's PIGEON-HOLED spec, the healing tree. Anything besides that is just somebody who enjoys masochism at it's finest.


Do you pay attention to what you put out there, or do you simply take whatever position is most likely to allay any refutation of an argument you're making?


Do you remember this?:


And I care if you think I have/haven't played as a marauder/sentinel because??? Yep that's right, I don't. This is now my third account I've had, started on Iron Citadel, moved to Po5 on my original, started another account after giving up during the stun bubble fiasco, then gave up after the announcement of losing 8 man ranked because it destroyed my guild and I had no desire to do 4's. Came back and started a F2P just to see how things are, and the community is still as whiny as ever.


Hypocrisy at its finest.


It's not my fault you and mt.doom cannot kill a target quickly as concealment with things like Acid Blade (30% armor penetration for 15s and damage over time and triggers TA), your Backstab, Shiv (activating TA with each use), Debilitate (your four second stun), Corrosive Dart and Laceration. It's also not my fault you cannot stop Combat from getting its burst out. It's not difficult. You should try it. You're probably trying to play the operative like a front line combatant. :eek:


To repeat myself, don't complain that certain modes of PvP are unavailable to you because you chose a stealth class--one that specializes in opportunity, surprise, rapid and potent attacks and quick escapes. Either play the class to the strengths of its design or choose another class. I have never known an Operative worth anything to complain of his inability to be effective in warzones.

Edited by Sappharan
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