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Pay 2 win crowd taking over


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Is it really so different from people just playing more or interestingly the people who get to play it a whole month or even 2 months in advance of other players? Pay to win doesn't mean you can buy an exp boost, it means you can buy a real advantage over other players in a match. If you could buy like a quick charge shield that does 60% instead of 30 and doesn't come with the minus to shield pool that would be pay to win.


That's why I said it isn't really p2w. technically everyone can have the same power as everyone else with or without money, people are just paying money to have the advantage now and from the looks of it bw set it up that way on purpose (giving req boosts to all your ships and quests granting req to all ships to encourage people to convert ship req to fleet req for cartel coins.)


I was just giving my opinion. I don't spend cartel coins in GSF(or any part of the game really) and I do very well in GSF so it doesn't really bother me what other people have or don't have.

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The only genuine performance gains come from upgrading components and their ability trees. If you can prove that ship component upgrades and advancement through their ability trees can be bought with CCs then I will be happy to get outta "your" thread. My proof is in the Hangar. Where's yours?


You can convert ship req via CC to buy advanced skills , the more CC you have , the more you can convert. But there is a limit as iwipe pointed out. Now leave my thread.

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Which is better, having 5 ships at 20% upgraded or 1 ship at 100% upgraded? Because that's what we're talking about.


I imagine here "better" is fairly subjective, as a lot of players will prefer to fly multiple ships. If that's the case, I don't really think one can consider the option to upgrade one ship at the expense of your others P2W. Don't forget all your ships get rested XP, so the pilot who flies more than one ship has an advantage in rate of requisition gain. I mean, you could fly all the other ships with no upgrades, but man, that would be horrible.


In the end, the guy who said spending CC to convert to fleet req is like buying an XP boost off the Cartel Market is very correct. There's a cap we're all headed to on each and every ship, and some people are using their CC to get there faster.

Edited by Vangalius
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Okay, let me make this as simple as possible... hopefully the OP gets it.









Yes but you have to spend CC to convert, and a lot of it to achieve 10000 req. People are doing this to skill faster. Don't call me a moron, learn to read and actually play GFS before you post.

Edited by TheOne
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I hope you're enjoying yourself TheOne. You've got a lot of people responding to you. I'd like to put out there that TheOne is not correct in his assessment. For the good of those reading who don't understand how the system works please see below.


Also, TheOne - please go read this post carefully if you haven't already. DEVELOPER POST


There are two types of Requisition

  • Fleet Requisition
  • Ship Requisition


Ship Requisition can be used only on the ship it was earned with for the purchase of Components and Upgrades, such as Koigoran Turn, Damage boost to blasters etc....


Fleet Requisition can be used on ANYTHING and is exclusively required to unlock new starships.


Here is an example of a win and the earnings from playing at a high level.

Picture - not my performance by the way.


The Player, in this case Jaxin, earned 1089 Ship Requisition and 54 Fleet Requisition (green/purple respectively) as a Subscriber.


As you can clearly see the conversion of Ship Requisition to Fleet Requisition doesn't magically allow one to have more Requisition to use for purchasing upgrades. If you want to Pay2win then please subscribe and earn the same amount in 2/3rds the time.


As a Non-Subscriber he would have earned 726 and 36 ship/fleet requisition.


Assuming this was his first match and he had no previous earnings he would now have 1089 Ship requisition and 54 Fleet Requisition with which to purchase something.


He decides he then wants to convert all his Ship Requisition to Fleet Requisition. Ship requisition can be converted to Fleet Requisition for 1 CC every 25 Ship Requistion. The conversion is 1:1. This would leave him with 14 Ship Requisition and 1129 Fleet Requisition at the cost of 43 CC.


Assuming he had this performance 10x in a row he would now have 140 Ship Requisition and 11290 Fleet Requistion.


Let's compare that to someone who did not make the conversion. They would have 10890 Ship Requisition and 540 Fleet Requisition. The observant among you will notice immediately that the two different scenarios total earnings EQUAL THE SAME THING!


The major difference in earnings is between subscribers and nonsubscribers. Subscribers earn Requisition 50% faster than nonsubscribers.

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It is not "pay to win". People with decked out ships already have that because they are playing a LOT, and are earning better requisition per match because they know what to do (either from PTS experience or they are just quick learners).
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It is not "pay to win". People with decked out ships already have that because they are playing a LOT, and are earning better requisition per match because they know what to do (either from PTS experience or they are just quick learners).


Oh so having a ship with tier 4 and above upgrades three days into launch bought via CC is your idea of fair?

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You can convert ship req via CC to buy advanced skills , the more CC you have , the more you can convert. But there is a limit as iwipe pointed out. Now leave my thread.
You've proven nothing. The crew member skills you are championing are all of equal level, just of different varieties. It's no different than spending CCs for a +41 color crystal. All the crystals are of equal level, they just have different specs ... same with the crew member skills. There are no advanced skills that can be bought with CC. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Only the third day into SF and I'm seeing players with well over 10000 purple req, you can also use CC to convert ship req into purple req. Totally unfair and I thought we were told CC would not be allowed to purchase player skills, we were lied to? Is this only a temporary deal?


In ever aspect of the game, there are advantages to certain players.


1.) Bioware hates small guilds and gives large "guilds" a huge buff, which makes joining a small guild less attractive.

2.) Those that raid can gear up their characters vastly quicker than others.

3.) Exclusive raid content and items, excludes small guilds and people who pug.

4.) Being a subscriber pretty much means pay to win

5.) Having multiple characters means you are able to earn credits faster

6.) Having a high level character means you make vastly more credits than a low level

7.) having a speeder means you'll travel quicker.

8.) paying $18 means a single one of your characters can gear their ship a bit quicker

9.) premades in warzones


The list could go on and on, although only the 4th gives you a huge advantage over the other people. The game is far from equality, though as long as you have a subscription you'll never be a second class player.

Edited by Brimmer
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You've proven nothing. The crew member skills you are championing are all of equal level, just of different varieties. It's no different than spending CCs for a +41 color crystal. All the crystals are of equal level, they just have different specs ... same with the crew member skills. There are no advanced skills that can be bought with CC.


bye, take your friends with you

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Oh so having a ship with tier 4 and above upgrades three days into launch bought via CC is your idea of fair?


Play better, I havn't spent a single CC and I already have some tier 3 upgrades on components. I've only been able to play after work each day it's not hard to get ship req. I get the feeling you're the kind of person who blames everyone else but yourself when you lose.

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What benefit does purple req add? I am just saving it up to get new ships when they come out.


None. You can use Fleet (purple) Req to purchase for any ship, rather than one specific ship. There are also some new ships and companions that may only be purchased with Fleet Req.

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It is not "bought via CC". Your only gains come from converting the bonus x2 Req per ship and the Daily rewards granted to each ship.
OP wants pwnership of his own thread. Let him have his 15 minutes. He obviously doesn't even play the game or he'd have figured it out by now. :rolleyes: Edited by GalacticKegger
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"Massive get outta my thread"


This response you keep giving is a little ridiculous. This is a thread on a public message board for SWTOR. You don't moderate it, and if you don't want dissenting opinions, you shouldn't post threads. If someone is violating forum rules, report them.

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What benefit does purple req add? I am just saving it up to get new ships when they come out.

It makes for very VERY funny threads.


Aside from that it's pretty useless ingame after unlocking the initial bonusships.

Maybe that will change with GS-vendors (on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas?) though...

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OP wants pwnership of his own thread. Let him have his 15 minutes. He obviously doesn't even play the game or he wouldn't be so boneheaded about promoting an issue that doesn't exist. :rolleyes:


No, asre hats like you come in and start throwing insults, only makes you look bad. You can buy purple req via CC to advance skill sets much faster than non CC users, fact. I'll say it again for all the slow people, people are doing it three days into launch.

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It makes for very VERY funny threads.


Aside from that it's pretty useless ingame after unlocking the initial bonusships.

Maybe that will change with GS-vendors (on Coruscant/Dromund Kaas?) though...


Useless? If you've got the CC you advance your skill set faster, thats's useless? Seem more like an unfiar advantage.

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