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Ships should be Legacy!


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Agreed. I really wish they would remove a lot of the restrictions. I mean The game is the most restrictive F2P model I have run into, and the closest Pay 2 Win AAA title out there.. The worst of both worlds.


Really? just really?


It costs them money to support these servers for you to even play on!

So they allow you to play on the servers that costs money and you use this service regularly.

Yet you think you shouldn't pay for anything at all in the game? It just all should be free?

Tell that to the taxing govnerment or your car insurance / apt/house insurance / College / student loans...

So infuriating.


It is a Triple A title and its the best F2P game out their hands down. Which is why you are a here. Stop asking for more. If you do not wish to pay then they have no reason to serve you at all.

Go into a restaurant and try and get free service. I know what they will say, "Theres the door, Goodbye"


Go play on your xbox and try and play Netflix without having gold membership now that is a crime... ridiculous.

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you really not realizing how much cash EA is generating with the cartel stuff? o.o This is NOT an indie game and they're NOT indie developers. They'll get payed anyway.


And how would you know how much cash EA is getting?

And it is not EA getting it all of it. It is Biowares employees that get their salaries from that.

If this game had been being supported from a good amount of subs they would not have brought that in.

If the cartel market wasn't doing well then this game would not even be here.


If people stopped making purchases and stopped subbing we would not even have this content to play and we would be in different games. EA Would not keep a game running that could not support itself. Which if you do not enjoy their model or their game by all means you do not have to play or pay.



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Have to say I agree. Cosmetics and crew should stay per character and maybe a few other special things but considering this is supposed to be a game independent of the normal game, it should mostly be legacy. All they are doing is forcing you to stay on one character and never go on alts anymore.
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I would love ships to be legacy. I don't need weapons to be the same on each ship, if I unlock the light laser upgrades on one scout I don't need it to be fully upgraded for all my ships. What I do want to be able to do though is use the ships I bought with their upgrades no matter if I am leveling up an alt, or waiting for a raid group to get together on my main. Having to switch character before I do Starfighter is really annoying, I have to choose am I am going to sit around in queue or do missions on my alt, I cant run missions while I wait for a queue because all the upgrades I bought were on my level 55 character.
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Main problem of ships being legacy-wide would be due to the daily/weekly's giving out so much requisition, it would be insanely easy to fully gear out a ship.


A good alternative would be, you can 'borrow' another ship from your other character. For example, there is a 'legacy-shared' hanger with perhaps 1~2 slots, where a character can place his/her ship for other characters of the same faction to use, but not modifiable by other characters.

Edited by ossssori
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Main problem of ships being legacy-wide would be due to the daily/weekly's giving out so much requisition, it would be insanely easy to fully gear out a ship.


A good alternative would be, you can 'borrow' another ship from your other character. For example, there is a 'legacy-shared' hanger with perhaps 1~2 slots, where a character can place his/her ship for other characters of the same faction to use, but not modifiable by other characters.


I like this idea, but couldn't they also just make the quest able to be completed once per day/week per account?

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I honestly thought the GSF would be across my legacy...It makes NO sense to have it per character =/



Wouldn't mind it being faction-locked (ergo separate progression for Rep and Imp ships), but your hangar should not be restricted to only one character.

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Main problem of ships being legacy-wide would be due to the daily/weekly's giving out so much requisition, it would be insanely easy to fully gear out a ship.


so just make the daily/weekly doable once per account rather than once per character


that certainly seems fair enough

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I don't mind that ships bought with Fleet Requisition Points are bound to a character. But when you purchase a ship with Cartel Coins, at 1,800 coins a pop, it should AT LEAST be available in your collections. Paying almost $20 for an in-game item is far too expensive to have it only available on one character.
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While I can accept upgrading each ship individually, there is NO EXCUSE for BioWare making CC-purchased ships non-Legacy. None. Same for the 1k-2k dyes.


I should have just agreed with this guy before posting myself. But yes, it's ridiculous how much those items cost in CC without it being added to your collections.

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I would not mind having my ships be Legacy, but if it is a choice between making them Legacy or making new maps and such, i'm going to go with the new maps. This just doesn't seem like that much of an issue to me. The only reason that I play on more than one character now is to experiment with different load outs that I buy with the daily rewards.
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I feel like swtor likes to promote alts. I mean they put all that work into the different story lines, they want people to keep playing and not get bored with just endgame stuff. That's the whole point of legacy. It gives bonuses to playing different characters and trying new things. With GSF though it keeps you focused on one character. Seems kind of opposite of other goals the dev's have.


Personally I would love to queue with my guild mates no matter if I'm leveling or farming dailies and comms. But right now I have to sacrifice checking out new (to me) content in order to effectively play GSF.

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If you buy armour.....do you get it on all your other characters? No.......why should the space portion be any different?


Yes? Every one of my characters has access to Valiant Jedi set, Eradicator's set, and numerous other armor sets, all at the click of a button. Bought and paid for. Amazing!

Edited by Vember
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They should. But, most likely they wont be :( . Its too profitable to sell same thing N times.


Also as I understand legacy system has 2 relevant "layers" - one that affects one character (like char perks and "valid only for char X" unlocks), and one that affects all character regardless of faction (like companion and chapter story achievements). Sharing GSF ships/upgrades will require to create 3rd "layer" - unlocks that affect all chars of particular faction (since ships are faction-specific), and that (depending on database structure) can be difficult.

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Don't understand this at all. GSF ships and available upgrades are all identical regardless of what class, the only difference is the toon you have logged in.


You gain absolutely nothing from legacy ships.


EDIT: nvrmnd you could do the daily on your entire legacy which would completely break the grind rate for people like me with 18 alts on a server.

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I just want to chime in and agree with the OP. I am in no way motivated to play GSF on more than one character. It's different in real pvp because you are actually using your character in ground pvp. In GSF it's just the exact same carbon copy ships and there's no reason whatsoever to do it on multiple toons when it has no impact on your character.
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