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No Elevator controls?! In a space combat game?!


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What were you thinking BW? Did you not look at ANY other space/flight combat games?


Mouse Joystick controls are INSANELY difficult for a game like this. You have a ridiculously arcade noob-style flight game, great...I can live with that. Sometimes those are fun to derp around in. But with Mouse Joystick control??? And no way to keybind your pitch?! Huh???


I guarantee this won't take off very well or as well as it should because the casual player will not put up with Mouse Joystick controls...How do I know? I play other flight sim games extensively and EVERYONE hates Mouse Joystick controls and game modes that use them. Which means people either buy joysticks or don't play them. I doubt people will buy joysticks for GSF. Would there even be a way to hook one up? Doesn't look like it, but idk.


Not to mention, most other games have a way to keybind shift and ctrl keys so you can put your accelerator on shift and brake on ctrl then have A and D for roll and W and S for pitch...or sometimes W and S are throttle up and down and Shift and CTRL are pitch, but regardless....PITCH IS THERE.


I'm astounded. I'd say speechless, but clearly not from this rant.


So real question, why no pitch? Also, why no ability whatsoever to change your controls to something other than Mouse Joystick?

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Not to mention, most other games have a way to keybind shift and ctrl keys so you can put your accelerator on shift and brake on ctrl then have A and D for roll and W and S for pitch...or sometimes W and S are throttle up and down and Shift and CTRL are pitch, but regardless....PITCH IS THERE.


You can change the keybinds for accelerate and decelerate. There is a whole new tab just for GS key bindings...

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I like the space combat, but I have to issues with it. First off I have a joystick collecting dust since the SWG days since this game shut down SWG I pretty much have to play it to enjoy a Star Wars mmo. That being said, I am not the only SWG vet playing this game, there are many of us out there, and we remember the space combat of that game. We miss the feel of the joystick and the complete control over our ships. All I am asking is for BW to make this happen, give us the ability to use either a mouse or joystick, it is all about personal preference, they did it in SWG and it worked, so yeah give it a try.


Second is, I see it is just space PVP, why the hell did BW make it space PVP only, I know a lot of people asked for it, but come on, we did mention we liked space PVP, but we would like PVE too, that mini game is not going to cut it. I would like to see this new space combat for PVP and PVE. It would be more fun, if I did not have to do PVP all the time.


BW please take a good long look at SWG space combat, I bet if you tried hard enough to make it much like that, and put out as much effort as you did on this one, people would return to the game when they see it just like an updated version of SWG Jump To Lightspeed. I mean come on, this is star wars we want to do missions in space as well as pvp, give us a free roam space like SWG look at it. I could go from planet to planet from my ship and set the course while I was in combat. Not to mention I could loot, do missions, even endless space missions to get money and space experience.


If BW would just do what SOE did with SWG's SPACE combat style and the free roam instead of this Queue to go into space bit it would be more fun. I did not know I had to wait in line, and grab a ticket to use my own ship to go into space. Why did you do that? That is not the way Star Wars is..... Just make it like SWG free roam, and just copy the space EXPANSION. I am not looking to continue my subscriptions if I keep getting disappointed. Look around I am not the only one who feels this way.


We are also not being ungrateful, we are just shocked after everything we told you, all the stuff people asked to get out of Space combat, and what all of your SWG vet Subscribers asked for, yet you still did the opposite of what we were looking for. I know this is not SWG, but really did you not read the posts. Please just read them and listen to us.....



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I like the space combat, but I have to issues with it. First off I have a joystick collecting dust since the SWG days since this game shut down SWG I pretty much have to play it to enjoy a Star Wars mmo. That being said, I am not the only SWG vet playing this game, there are many of us out there, and we remember the space combat of that game. We miss the feel of the joystick and the complete control over our ships. All I am asking is for BW to make this happen, give us the ability to use either a mouse or joystick, it is all about personal preference, they did it in SWG and it worked, so yeah give it a try.


Second is, I see it is just space PVP, why the hell did BW make it space PVP only, I know a lot of people asked for it, but come on, we did mention we liked space PVP, but we would like PVE too, that mini game is not going to cut it. I would like to see this new space combat for PVP and PVE. It would be more fun, if I did not have to do PVP all the time.


BW please take a good long look at SWG space combat, I bet if you tried hard enough to make it much like that, and put out as much effort as you did on this one, people would return to the game when they see it just like an updated version of SWG Jump To Lightspeed. I mean come on, this is star wars we want to do missions in space as well as pvp, give us a free roam space like SWG look at it. I could go from planet to planet from my ship and set the course while I was in combat. Not to mention I could loot, do missions, even endless space missions to get money and space experience.


If BW would just do what SOE did with SWG's SPACE combat style and the free roam instead of this Queue to go into space bit it would be more fun. I did not know I had to wait in line, and grab a ticket to use my own ship to go into space. Why did you do that? That is not the way Star Wars is..... Just make it like SWG free roam, and just copy the space EXPANSION. I am not looking to continue my subscriptions if I keep getting disappointed. Look around I am not the only one who feels this way.


We are also not being ungrateful, we are just shocked after everything we told you, all the stuff people asked to get out of Space combat, and what all of your SWG vet Subscribers asked for, yet you still did the opposite of what we were looking for. I know this is not SWG, but really did you not read the posts. Please just read them and listen to us.....




QFE!!!!!!! ^^^^^^ THIS x 1000000000000000000!!!!!!!

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I like the space combat, but I have to issues with it. First off I have a joystick collecting dust since the SWG days since this game shut down SWG I pretty much have to play it to enjoy a Star Wars mmo. That being said, I am not the only SWG vet playing this game, there are many of us out there, and we remember the space combat of that game. We miss the feel of the joystick and the complete control over our ships. All I am asking is for BW to make this happen, give us the ability to use either a mouse or joystick, it is all about personal preference, they did it in SWG and it worked, so yeah give it a try.


Second is, I see it is just space PVP, why the hell did BW make it space PVP only, I know a lot of people asked for it, but come on, we did mention we liked space PVP, but we would like PVE too, that mini game is not going to cut it. I would like to see this new space combat for PVP and PVE. It would be more fun, if I did not have to do PVP all the time.


BW please take a good long look at SWG space combat, I bet if you tried hard enough to make it much like that, and put out as much effort as you did on this one, people would return to the game when they see it just like an updated version of SWG Jump To Lightspeed. I mean come on, this is star wars we want to do missions in space as well as pvp, give us a free roam space like SWG look at it. I could go from planet to planet from my ship and set the course while I was in combat. Not to mention I could loot, do missions, even endless space missions to get money and space experience.


If BW would just do what SOE did with SWG's SPACE combat style and the free roam instead of this Queue to go into space bit it would be more fun. I did not know I had to wait in line, and grab a ticket to use my own ship to go into space. Why did you do that? That is not the way Star Wars is..... Just make it like SWG free roam, and just copy the space EXPANSION. I am not looking to continue my subscriptions if I keep getting disappointed. Look around I am not the only one who feels this way.


We are also not being ungrateful, we are just shocked after everything we told you, all the stuff people asked to get out of Space combat, and what all of your SWG vet Subscribers asked for, yet you still did the opposite of what we were looking for. I know this is not SWG, but really did you not read the posts. Please just read them and listen to us.....




QFE. I could not have said this any better myself. Free roam flight, pvE, Interplanetary travel, space loot, credits, xp, rare loot, flight stick compatibility.... and give more iconic ships!

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For those saying there is no air in space. Have you never seen any of the Star Wars movies before? Considering you play a Star Wars game I'd have thought you would have at least have seen the films. The starfighters all work like aircraft. They all bank and use drag to turn. Lucas was copying the WW2 films with the Spitfire and Messerschmidt when he made the space sequences in the movies.


Banking to turn really needs to be introduced to make it more like the movies. It will also cut down on the classic circling you get in spacefighters like this.

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Well I am hopeful that a lot of those things, rewards, pve, open space, etc. will be in the works "soon". I accept the fact it's day one of a new expansion still in early release stage.


Now that I've actually checked it out, I'm still appalled they didn't have the foresight to add joystick compatibility, even if they made it for space only. Having to use both the mouse and keyboard for movement and it doesn't feel right at all. I'd go so far to call it immersion breaking for me.


I'm also surprised that the tutorial only has one type of ship, the scout ship, unless I missed a toggle or something. It would be nice to get the feel for how to maneuver the other two types of ships in the tutorial. You should have been able to select which type of ship to use on the tutorial. There also should have been one or two npc starships in the tutorial instead of stagnant objectives to shoot. It's rather difficult to get the feel for leading your shots against moving targets when, you know, your practice targets don't move.

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I like the space combat, but I have to issues with it. First off I have a joystick collecting dust since the SWG days since this game shut down SWG I pretty much have to play it to enjoy a Star Wars mmo. That being said, I am not the only SWG vet playing this game, there are many of us out there, and we remember the space combat of that game. We miss the feel of the joystick and the complete control over our ships. All I am asking is for BW to make this happen, give us the ability to use either a mouse or joystick, it is all about personal preference, they did it in SWG and it worked, so yeah give it a try.


Second is, I see it is just space PVP, why the hell did BW make it space PVP only, I know a lot of people asked for it, but come on, we did mention we liked space PVP, but we would like PVE too, that mini game is not going to cut it. I would like to see this new space combat for PVP and PVE. It would be more fun, if I did not have to do PVP all the time.


BW please take a good long look at SWG space combat, I bet if you tried hard enough to make it much like that, and put out as much effort as you did on this one, people would return to the game when they see it just like an updated version of SWG Jump To Lightspeed. I mean come on, this is star wars we want to do missions in space as well as pvp, give us a free roam space like SWG look at it. I could go from planet to planet from my ship and set the course while I was in combat. Not to mention I could loot, do missions, even endless space missions to get money and space experience.


If BW would just do what SOE did with SWG's SPACE combat style and the free roam instead of this Queue to go into space bit it would be more fun. I did not know I had to wait in line, and grab a ticket to use my own ship to go into space. Why did you do that? That is not the way Star Wars is..... Just make it like SWG free roam, and just copy the space EXPANSION. I am not looking to continue my subscriptions if I keep getting disappointed. Look around I am not the only one who feels this way.


We are also not being ungrateful, we are just shocked after everything we told you, all the stuff people asked to get out of Space combat, and what all of your SWG vet Subscribers asked for, yet you still did the opposite of what we were looking for. I know this is not SWG, but really did you not read the posts. Please just read them and listen to us.....




Don't want to disappoint you but I'll use keyword for most failed things in this game - engine. SWG space style open roam is probably way beyond it's capabilities.

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Question: What good would elevators be in space? Need air for elevators to work.

elevators as in pitch up, pitch down. i don't mean specific to an actual elevator. just pitch controls.


Why would you ever need ctrl and shift? There aint that many keybinds in GS


have you ever played a flight game? if you're index, middle, and ring finger are on W,A,S,D then what other finger is left to control buttons you are using ALL the time (if you're any good). Uh, you guessed it, the pinky finger. Which 2 keys are great for throttle with your pinky? right again! the shift and ctrl keys.


So? Change them to something else. You know, adapt. You can strafe vertical, for gods sake. This isn't an airplane simulator.


Adapt to what? See above comment. Also, if there are no pitch controls period how can I adapt? Are you seriously telling me you use the strafe controls?! assigned to "Shift+key" for each direction while also using the W,A,S,D keys. You, sir, are a master of dexterity. I applaud you.


For those saying there is no air in space. Have you never seen any of the Star Wars movies before? Considering you play a Star Wars game I'd have thought you would have at least have seen the films. The starfighters all work like aircraft. They all bank and use drag to turn. Lucas was copying the WW2 films with the Spitfire and Messerschmidt when he made the space sequences in the movies.


Banking to turn really needs to be introduced to make it more like the movies. It will also cut down on the classic circling you get in spacefighters like this.


Thank you. If you think SW space combat isn't WW2 aviation, then you're fooling yourself. Also, my point, is I don't care about physics. I just want a bleeping control to pitch up and down. How hard is that?


Well I am hopeful that a lot of those things, rewards, pve, open space, etc. will be in the works "soon". I accept the fact it's day one of a new expansion still in early release stage.


Now that I've actually checked it out, I'm still appalled they didn't have the foresight to add joystick compatibility, even if they made it for space only. Having to use both the mouse and keyboard for movement and it doesn't feel right at all. I'd go so far to call it immersion breaking for me.


I'm also surprised that the tutorial only has one type of ship, the scout ship, unless I missed a toggle or something. It would be nice to get the feel for how to maneuver the other two types of ships in the tutorial. You should have been able to select which type of ship to use on the tutorial. There also should have been one or two npc starships in the tutorial instead of stagnant objectives to shoot. It's rather difficult to get the feel for leading your shots against moving targets when, you know, your practice targets don't move.



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Why do people have these expectations that this game should be like swg just because it shares the same theme

Yes its starwars themed like swg was but it's made by a completely different company

GSF uses mouse and keyboard get over it already

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I played SWG. This isn't the same. This is still fun.


The controls are different from pure flight games. Yes, they are. And it's great. Mouse and keyboard works fine because this isn't a flight simulator.


This isn't the space combat game you're looking for.

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Why do people have these expectations that this game should be like swg just because it shares the same theme

Because SWG space combat was completely awesome, and the GSF is a big step closer to what SWG had from the rail shooter we've been stuck with up until now.

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Why do people have these expectations that this game should be like swg just because it shares the same theme


Why do people have such an adversity to those of us who think flying with a keyboard and mouse and not having cockpit view is total crap. Do you think if you repeat enough times that the kb/mouse is 'good enough' that all of a sudden we're going to wake up (after 15+ years of playing these with a controller/cockpit view) and say, holy **** what were we thinking? I don't think so.


Every single flying game that I played had cockpit view and logitech support. Why would I make an exception just for this? Ace Combat had it, SW Battlefront had it, Jump to light speed had it.


The sad part is BW actually shot themselves in the foot with this. Now they got me thinking about and jonesing for a flight mmo. Seeing how they ****ed it up, I'm going to start scouting other games elsewhere. I'm sure I'll be back for the ground game in a few months, cause I still like SW, but there will 2-4 months worth of sub they'll lose on just one account, my account, all because they didn't add something so simple like controller support and cockpit view. Judging by some of the other's, I'm sure I'm not the only one.


It's incredibly stupid.

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What's the problem? It's not like the flying in this game is on the level of Red Baron or Battlehawks 1942, where you actually had to fly with your mouse. Fun times. It's also not Il-2, where you can even use paddles. It's significantly toned down. Joystick support is not necessary the way it is now.


OMG! You can't fly like in Il-2! I doubt most of you can in full realism in Il-2 anyway. Plus it would never be a valid addition to an MMORPG because nobody would play it (except a few hardcore nuts who have the hardware for it) thus it's not worth the dev time.


Also, SWG this and SWG that are not valid arguments. SWG failed, shut down and is gone. SWTOR is not SWG, was never planned to be it. Why is that so hard to understand? How often does one have to beat that into people's skulls? Are people really that thick?


The SWG space combat was pretty meh to begin with. XvT it was not. Not even remotely. Want to talk Star Wars multiplayer space combat? Start with XvT or XWA, everything else doesn't count.


If anything, make this more like XvT or XWA but stay the F away from the failure that was SWG.


Also, why's the cockpit view so important? It doesn't give you any advantage or disadvantage. It's just a gimmick.



Ace Combat... not a flight sim

SW Battlefront... not a flight sim

Jump to light speed... not a flight sim


Joystick and full controls for arcade type are laughable. In Il-2? Yes, even necessary to have proper control of the bird. In any of those three examples, and including SWTOR or any random FPS that allows flying? Heck no. Arcade is arcade, stop pretending it's an actual flight sim. It's not a flight sim.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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Why do people have such an adversity to those of us who think flying with a keyboard and mouse and not having cockpit view is total crap..


The reason would be statements like these:


The sad part is BW actually shot themselves in the foot with this.


It's incredibly stupid.


See, because people aren't just saying "I really wish this had joystick support and cockpit view, I'd find it a lot more fun", but rather say that GS is terrible, or incredibly stupid, or "total crap".


Because some people, many of them in fact, find GS to be extremely enjoyable and an excellent addition to TOR, and very much disagree with such over-the-top statements, especially when they have the pretense of objectivity.


Would it have been better if it was a full free-roam space sim like JTL? Maybe, and for some certainly (I probably would have loved it better, to be honest). That does not mean we have to passively stand by when we see it called incredibly stupid or total crap. Don't like it? That's fine, but let's have the decency to accept that there's a lot of players who are happy with what we got, and will be getting in the future.


Never mind that very often, the things people clamour for is highly unlikely to have ever happened in today's market.

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Well we can do this all day. I can pull hundreds of condescending, insulting snarky trollish remarks as well. Just look a couple of posts above yours.


I don't see where that's going to get us. So the only arguments I see are those of you who like keyboard /mouse movement don't want controller supports because "it's already easy" and those of us who want it say just let us choose which medium we'd like.


So one camp wants the option for both and the other camp says we're dumb for asking for it. How does that look to you? So yeah, after reading enough snark day after day, I too can develop an attitude. Sorry I'm human and not a robot.

Edited by Ridickilis
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Why do people have these expectations that this game should be like swg just because it shares the same theme

Yes its starwars themed like swg was but it's made by a completely different company

GSF uses mouse and keyboard get over it already




Now that that's out of the way...


2nd, this isn't mouse and keyboard controls. It's what's called "Mouse Joystick" controls. The control of a joystick performed with your mouse.


For an example of "mouse and keyboard" controls, go dl and play the F2P game War Thunder. It's a good game that utilizes mouse and keyboard controls and has an arcade-style game mode. You'll INSTANTLY see how much easier GSF could've been.


3rd, as for telling me to just "live with it", I'm sick of all these BW fanboys who are just like "i've never known anything better so all of you people offering suggestions or criticisms to the game's improvement, go *bleep* yourselves. Suffer because I had to."


Again, this is NOT a flight sim game. That's obvious, and I don't care. It's a herpaderp arcade mini game. Great, those can be fun. Just give me some simple controls to control my ship with the keyboard ONLY for its flight. And allow me to use the mouse ONLY for its aiming of its guns in slight adjustments of flight.


It would make the game lightyears more enjoyable for casual and hardcore gamers alike.


That being said. Not having joystick support and giving people the OPTION to use it. You are alienating a large player base, BW.


Arguably the player base that would've spend the most hours and money playing GSF.

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That being said. Not having joystick support and giving people the OPTION to use it. You are alienating a large player base, BW.


Arguably the player base that would've spend the most hours and money playing GSF.


Agreed. I don't see the point of investing time into something like this. Whereas, I would have spent countless hours doing it if it had proper controls, targeting, and had its mmo powers removed.


All of that could have been done, and still had a easy to use mouse/keyboard system.


It ticks me off to see the devs be so contrary to what people wanted, and they could have made a system that everyone could enjoy. Not just the EA fans. I swear it's llike the devs of this game go out of their way to do things near opposite of people wanted. When it would have been easier for them to make something exactly like what was wanted.


In case they don't know, the wheel has already been invented, and it's circular, not egg shaped, or octagonal.

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I've played nearly every space flight sim that has ever been released, from Elite, to the Wing Commander games, to XWing/Tie Fighter, and of course JTL in SWG.


This has got to be the most pathetic effort at a space flight sim I've ever seen. The controls need 3 hands (at least) and mouse control will NEVER be any good for flight. If you aren't willing to invest $20 in a joystick, you have no business playing a flight anything sim. And any flight sim that doesn't support a joystick is garbage.


Congrats, Bioware, you managed to F- up the only part of Star Wars that Sony didn't manage to screw up in SWG, the space game!


If this is your idea of spacefighter combat, you might as well have kept it "on rails" with us at the mercy of "combat pilot Drunken Monkey" who flies our ships constantly into asteroids, allowing us only to wiggle it a little...

Edited by Wildcat
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What were you thinking BW? Did you not look at ANY other space/flight combat games?


Mouse Joystick controls are INSANELY difficult for a game like this. You have a ridiculously arcade noob-style flight game, great...I can live with that. Sometimes those are fun to derp around in. But with Mouse Joystick control??? And no way to keybind your pitch?! Huh???


I guarantee this won't take off very well or as well as it should because the casual player will not put up with Mouse Joystick controls...How do I know? I play other flight sim games extensively and EVERYONE hates Mouse Joystick controls and game modes that use them. Which means people either buy joysticks or don't play them. I doubt people will buy joysticks for GSF. Would there even be a way to hook one up? Doesn't look like it, but idk.


Not to mention, most other games have a way to keybind shift and ctrl keys so you can put your accelerator on shift and brake on ctrl then have A and D for roll and W and S for pitch...or sometimes W and S are throttle up and down and Shift and CTRL are pitch, but regardless....PITCH IS THERE.


I'm astounded. I'd say speechless, but clearly not from this rant.


So real question, why no pitch? Also, why no ability whatsoever to change your controls to something other than Mouse Joystick?


1, looks like it took off well to me

2, lrn to rebind keys

3, the conrtols aren't hard to get, i cant understand why people have trouble with them. maybe its cuz i did alot of TORs railshooter too....

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