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Why force players to subscribe when they still have gametime?


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this fraudulent practice, it will not change. Not surprisingly, it is mostly U.S. companies that do this. In Europe they are one foot in jail for false advertising.


How exactly is it fraud and how exactly are they "one foot in jail" for false advertising?


The box explains it clearly, the site explains you won't be charged.


You are not being charged extra, you are not paying for something you don't get or paying extra for something you thought was included in the box price.


There is no scam, no unethical behaviour. All there is people blowing something out of proportion.

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your mistaking me for someone that has this issue. I do not, I have an active sub and have paid set up for 3 months. I dont plan to change it. That doesn't me I like or support the method of practice they are using.


Simply saying, if you can sub and unsub immediately and still play with your 30 days that came with your purchase, then its the same as waiting till your 30 days are up to sub to begin with. The fact that take this choice from you is simply a ploy to entice commitment first and hope some people forget.


It is like going to a car dealership, ad them asking you to sign that you will buy the car before you even get down into the financial department for percentage rates% and total monthly cost. It is a shady practice, and yes many do it, but that doesn't mean we support it or think it shouldn't change.


You was a general you and my point still applies. The information was there if you (general you) didn't see it then you're an uninformed consumer. Just because you don't research and read about what's going to be required of you to play a subscription based online game doesn't make it a shady practice.

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omg, your not being charged for anything right now! Why the hell are you all complaining? It's like this for a butt load of other big games. Geez. You knew this was in place before the game even came out.


Don't like it, don't play. It's really that simple.

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unethical doesn't belong in that category ;)


You was a general you and my point still applies. The information was there if you (general you) didn't see it then you're an uninformed consumer. Just because you don't research and read about what's going to be required of you to play a subscription based online game doesn't make it a shady practice.


I knew before I started, so You, should be They. Yes we know, but it shouldn't for forced for your free 30 days. All my argument is. If you can sub and unsub, then it is literally the same thing. It makes them to some people seen in a bad light, and rightfully so since the only use of this practice is in the advantage of the company, and can only be a disadvantage of the consumer.

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unethical doesn't belong in that category ;)




I knew before I started, so You, should be They. Yes we know, but it shouldn't for forced for your free 30 days. All my argument is. If you can sub and unsub, then it is literally the same thing. It makes them to some people seen in a bad light, and rightfully so since the only use of this practice is in the advantage of the company, and can only be a disadvantage of the consumer.


It's the way subscription based companies work. You pay before you play. Yes we get a free 30 days for buying the game but the system is still set up a certain way.


At any rate it doesn't matter why the do it. The fact is that they require you to verify that you have some form of payment, it was clearly stated that you need to verify you have some form of payment so there's absolutely 0 point in arguing about it on here. They're not going to change anything now. If you really have an issue with it you can waste your time talking to the BBB or your congressman or whatever but it'll do you as little good likely.

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It's the way subscription based companies work. You pay before you play. Yes we get a free 30 days for buying the game but the system is still set up a certain way.


At any rate it doesn't matter why the do it. The fact is that they require you to verify that you have some form of payment, it was clearly stated that you need to verify you have some form of payment so there's absolutely 0 point in arguing about it on here. They're not going to change anything now. If you really have an issue with it you can waste your time talking to the BBB or your congressman or whatever but it'll do you as little good likely.


I wonder what a congressman would say if you complained about a video game to him. Id say "We have poverty, crime and two wars going on and you are wasting my time about a freakin video game?" then Id try and have you arrested. People need to grow up.

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I wonder what a congressman would say if you complained about a video game to him. Id say "We have poverty, crime and two wars going on and you are wasting my time about a freakin video game?" then Id try and have you arrested. People need to grow up.


actually, knowing congress..it might be more important ;)

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It's the way subscription based companies work. You pay before you play. Yes we get a free 30 days for buying the game but the system is still set up a certain way.


At any rate it doesn't matter why the do it. The fact is that they require you to verify that you have some form of payment, it was clearly stated that you need to verify you have some form of payment so there's absolutely 0 point in arguing about it on here. They're not going to change anything now. If you really have an issue with it you can waste your time talking to the BBB or your congressman or whatever but it'll do you as little good likely.


and as I stated, just my opinion on the matter. I didn't say it would change or but we can still express our opinions just as much as you. Everyone else does it, so it's ok..such a lame excuse :cool:

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I dont see the point of everyone saying: "Thats how it works...Welcome to the club...Thats how P2P mmos works...etc"


The point is that WE feel scammed because we pay for something and need to pay again to actually USE the thing we payed for in the first place... How does that NOT sound wrong to you? And, dont come with stupid argues like: "That how the world works... bla, bla, bla..."


Why should this work like this? It doesn't need to be this way!


EDIT: And these "Just put in your info and then cancel..." Its not valid in any way... Why should i need to "Cheat" the system to fix this...? Yes, WHY should i need to "cheat" the system to do this?


But... If nobody complains about this and stand up for this... Well, its ofc going to continue. Ex: If you had a restaurant and served food to people that had a bad taste to it, and nobody told anything about this "Bad taste" to you... Well, then ofc you are just going to continue doing this and customers would still have this "Bad taste" of your food... And the problem just goes on.


We need to start complaining and stand up for this to make a change :)


Ps: I reply if i think you are worth the reply...


If you still are an ignorant bastard... Than you should check up the following words on google pictures: "Go to sleep" Im warning you about it tho...

Edited by frostcreep
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Please stop with the analogies people, and you don't need to pay to use your 30days, you just need to have a valid payment set up, you don't get charged until after your 30days are up.


I can't speak for everyone else but it has been that way in every sub-based mmo I've ever played.

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Please stop with the analogies people, and you don't need to pay to use your 30days, you just need to have a valid payment set up, you don't get charged until after your 30days are up.


I can't speak for everyone else but it has been that way in every sub-based mmo I've ever played.



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I dont see the point of everyone saying: "Thats how it works...Welcome to the club...Thats how P2P mmos works...etc"


The point is that WE feel scammed because we pay for something and need to pay again to actually USE the thing we payed for in the first place... How does that NOT sound wrong to you? And, dont come with stupid argues like: "That how the world works... bla, bla, bla..."





All you have to do is choose a subscription. All it takes is a Credit/Debit card or a Paypal account. Anyone who is "of age" to play this game either has or has the ability to get a Debit card.


And if they've chosen not to have a debit card for some reason, Paypal is available to anyone with a Bank account.


Now if you don't have a bank account... well, you're living in the stone age and need to go dig all your money jars up out of the backyard and start earning money on that money.



Regardless, you don't have to pay ANYTHING during the Free month. They just require you to show them that you can pay, to avoid throw-away accounts.

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Please stop with the analogies people, and you don't need to pay to use your 30days, you just need to have a valid payment set up, you don't get charged until after your 30days are up.


I can't speak for everyone else but it has been that way in every sub-based mmo I've ever played.


As far as i know, when i bought WoW it said on the game box: "30-days of game time included!" And i never had to put in any CC numbers... (This was maybe half-year ago, But please, dont come with the "But it didnt have it on launch, and bla bla bla..." Because i dont care about launches being "this way"...


Why do they have to work this way?


Its not like "YOU MUST DO THIS IN THIS WAY!" Bioware didnt have any need to include this on launch... Instead they should have learned from the other launches of mmo`s that did this...)

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World Of Warcraft, Age of Connan, DC Universe online (when it was P2P), Champions Online,

Rift, Aion, i could carry on but i think i made my point!




I have played EQ, EQ2, EQOA, WoW, LoTR, DCU, Rift, FFXlV (had to buy tokens of some kind using a CC) and now SWTOR.

I have had to input in a CC number, or a gamecard number to login to any of them with a full account (non trial).

The only time I didnt have to is when I tried the free trial of Rift before buying the game.

As soon as I went from trial account to full account, I had to put them in.


The free 30 days is not a trial account on any MMO that I have ever played.

To access those free 30 days, you still needed to have a CC or gamecard number.

A trial account is completly different then the free 30 days.

Edited by kasanth
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All you have to do is choose a subscription. All it takes is a Credit/Debit card or a Paypal account. Anyone who is "of age" to play this game either has or has the ability to get a Debit card.


And if they've chosen not to have a debit card for some reason, Paypal is available to anyone with a Bank account.


Now if you don't have a bank account... well, you're living in the stone age and need to go dig all your money jars up out of the backyard and start earning money on that money.



Regardless, you don't have to pay ANYTHING during the Free month. They just require you to show them that you can pay, to avoid throw-away accounts.


Why should i need to show them that i can pay up every month?


If the world worked this way... Things would have looked very different...


Ex: People could never take loans, Because the banks would not be certain if you would be able to keep your work so long so you could pay back to the bank... Right?


This seems stupid and is just a non-valid point of argue

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Anyone who says that every mmo has done this since the dawn of time is ignorant.


If I put in a viable sub, somehow making me an acceptable candidate to play their game, then cancel it the day before it gets dinged, then what good was it.


If I am going along playing on a month to month, then cancel, I'm still entitled to play thru the time I've paid for.


So how is the first 30 days that is included with the purchase of the game any different?


Just answer that, stop putting in lame excuses to defend a corporate habit that is an outrage.

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They do it so they can go public with the figures that have subbed, trying to create a fake image of how "successfull" this game is.. "Hey guys, we've got 1m subbers!" tricking peoples into thinking this game is actually alive and will do well!


Fact is though after the first 30 days, this game will sink to the bottom. Nice try BioWare, nice try!


There may only be one......

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FYI, WOW has a free 14 day trial, EVE has a free trial no CC needed. When you BUY the game you would think they would not restrict your access to the game (30 game days free when you BUY the game)


Hassle for a subscription when there is 7 days of gametime left but not on the 2nd day...


Neither had a free trial at the start, and wow if you buy the game with the 30days of free play you still need to set up the sub before you can log in. This is Standard MMO procedure. the 15 day trials and buddy accounts are restricted in what items can be transferred and how high they can go. even after you 15 day trial if you buy the game you have to sub for you included 30 days unrestricted free play time. nice try though.

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